Love triangle of Vlad Radimov. The love triangle of Vlad Radimov: revelations from the football player’s girlfriend Bulanova’s husband’s mistress gave an interview on air

Famous singer Tatyana Bulanova became the heroine of the “Tonight” program with Andrei Malakhov, where, in particular, they talked about the singer’s separation from her husband, football player Vladislav Radimov. The divorce, initiated by the artist herself, took place in December.

Tatyana Bulanova for the first time voiced her attitude towards the scandal that she created throughout the country ex-lover Radimova, fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva. In December, the woman decided to come out of the shadows and give an interview to one of the TV channels. She spoke frankly about her relationship with the then-married Radimov. Tatyana Bulanova, as it turned out, watched that broadcast too. She admitted that she was sincerely sorry for Yakovleva.

“It was funny for me to watch,” said Tatyana Bulanova. - I know Vlad very well, so I understood that somewhere she was telling the truth, and somewhere she was lying. In any case, our divorce did not happen because of her. She simply humiliated herself with this performance. I feel sorry for this man. She made up her own story. Girls, don't mess with married people! Wait until they are free."

As it turned out, Irina Yakovleva gave an interview to Channel One, and “Tonight” showed a recording where the woman again told how seven years ago she met Vladislav Radimov in one of the cafes in St. Petersburg, how she then warmly communicated with his mother and daughter from his first marriage. And she even showed her the keys to the apartment of the Radimovs’ parents, which they allegedly gave her themselves.

During this story, the camera showed the television audience several times close-up of Tatyana Bulanova’s face. Apparently, the singer really no longer feels any emotions about her mistress ex-husband. And he even finds the strength to react to this situation with humor and not take what is happening to heart.

But Tatyana Bulanova did not talk about the details of the divorce from Vladislav Radimov, joking that a separate program should be dedicated to this event. In addition, the singer does not rule out that her disagreement with Radimov may well turn out to be a temporary phenomenon.

“It might still come back. Don't know. Maybe we will still have a wedding,” said Tatyana Bulanova.

After Tatyana Bulanova announced her divorce from Vladislav Radimov, it turned out that his longtime mistress, fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva, came out of the shadows. She became a guest on Boris Korchevnikov’s “Live Broadcast” program.


Irina Yakovleva and Vladislav Radimov met with one of the elite restaurants in St. Petersburg. A spark ran between the man and woman. Moreover, Irina allegedly did not know that Vladislav was married. When her friends enlightened Yakovleva about the marital status of her lover, this circumstance did not stop the woman.

“We had a very romantic relationship. We met, walked on a ship along the Neva, when the bridges were raised,” Yakovleva said. Irina basked in her happiness, and it didn’t bother her that Vladislav did not want to leave his family for her.

Meanwhile, Radimov sought to find out as much as possible about his beloved, he even met her relatives. According to Yakovleva, with her mother he quickly found common language.

However, their relationship fizzled out. Therefore, Irina does not consider herself guilty of the divorce of Vladislav and Tatyana. She explained:

“We haven’t communicated this year, I didn’t call or write to him. I adhere to the rule that if a person has made a decision, I let him go. And now the marriage is collapsing, and you say that it’s my fault.”

The studio showed an excerpt from an old interview with Vladislav Radimov. In it, the coach stated that Tatyana Bulanova is the only love of his life. It was easy to read on Yakovleva’s face that she was unpleasant to hear these words. After all, just at that moment they had a passionate affair.

Let us remind you that on December 7 it became known that Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov divorced. “It’s a shame when families collapse, but it happens that breaking up is better than torturing each other. We have lost the harmony that we had... Our divorce is a consequence of our internal moments...” the singer explained in an interview.

When it became known last December about the divorce of Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov, fans were shocked. After all, the couple of singer and captain of the Zenit club was considered one of the exemplary ones for eleven years. But it turned out that the football player had a mistress for seven years - fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva, whom he met in a St. Petersburg restaurant. Radimov introduced Irina to his parents and even gave them spare keys to their apartment.


Tatyana Bulanova recalled this whole “ugly and vile” story in an interview with Andrei Malakhov in the “Tonight” program. “It was funny for me to watch what this girl talks about her relationship with Vlad,” Tatyana commented on the televised revelations of her now ex-husband’s mistress. “A lot of things simply couldn’t have happened, I know my husband.” "

But this is what Radimov gave to his mistress mobile phone luxury brand, which he once received from Tatyana, offended her. “This is my phone, my gift! When I asked Vlad where he had taken it, he laughed it off. Woman, return the expensive thing,” she addressed Vladislav’s mistress from the TV.

“The decision to divorce was not easy for me,” Tatiana sighs, “but I don’t know what will happen next. Maybe there will be a second wedding and Vlad and I will get married again.” It’s interesting that even after the divorce, she and Radimov still celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary. Bulanova assures that she was able to maintain good relations with all her ex-husbands.

The divorce of singer Tatyana Bulanova and football player Vladislav Radimov is no longer a secret: the show business star admitted that their marriage was officially dissolved. The couple divorced because of the athlete's infidelity. One of Vladislav’s passions came on the air of Boris Korchevnikov’s “Live Broadcast” program and talked about her relationship with him. St. Petersburg fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva was Radimov’s secret lover for six years. The woman claims that she was not the reason for the couple’s divorce. But, nevertheless, their romance became one of the “bells” that forced Bulanova to file for divorce.

The singer knew about her husband’s affair and spectacular blonde: last year Irina already talked about her relationship with a married athlete on television. But then Bulanova decided to forgive her flighty husband. Now her patience has run out, and she divorced the marriage. This forced Irina Yakovleva to come out of the shadows and tell the whole country about how she loved Vladislav.

According to Irina, they met in one of the St. Petersburg restaurants. At first she did not know that her new acquaintance was married. And when I found out, I couldn’t find the strength to part with him. Moreover, Vladislav behaved like a classic example of a man on the verge of divorce: he said that his wife did not understand him, and tried in every possible way to get to know Irina’s family. Yakovleva introduced him to her loved ones, and Vladislav completely charmed her mother. “She and her mother quickly found a common language,” says the athlete’s beloved.

– We had a very romantic relationship. We met, walked on a ship along the Neva, when the bridges were raised,” she says.

Although Vladislav did not propose marriage to Irina, his girlfriend was happy with what she had. She was sincerely happy next to Radimov and did not insist that he leave his family. Moreover, Vladislav assured: he wants a child with his beloved, but the divorce must wait. So they spent six years together. But then they broke up.

“At some point I realized that there was nothing to wait for. We must either enjoy each other, or no longer quarrel, not sort things out, and not ruin each other’s lives,” she says.

Now Irina insists that she was not the reason for Tatyana and Vladislav’s divorce.

“We haven’t communicated this year, I didn’t call or write to him. I adhere to the rule that if a person has made a decision, I let him go. And now the marriage is collapsing, and you say that it’s my fault,” she said in the “Live” program.

According to Irina, Bulanova is largely unfair to Radimov and simply seeks to denigrate him.

“I keep hearing about her taking him away from the police.” The most offensive thing is that she does not protect him, but puts him in an unpleasant light, she believes. Let us remind you that in March of this year, information appeared in the press that the singer took her husband, who was detained for drunk driving, from the police station.

Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov met during an interview that Tatyana conducted for one of the sports newspapers in St. Petersburg as part of the “Star speaks to star” campaign in 2004. Their wedding took place on October 18, 2005. On March 8, 2007, their son Nikita was born.

The girl may turn out to be a tool in the hands of those who want to spoil the reputation of the head coach of the youth Zenit

Last week, ex-Zenit player Vladislav Radimov found himself at the center of a scandal. This time not sports, but love. As stated by St. Petersburg resident Irina Yakovleva, Tatyana Bulanova’s husband has been cheating on the singer for 7 years. And it was with her - a 31-year-old blonde, fitness trainer. “MK” in St. Petersburg conducted its own investigation on this topic.

Love will come unexpectedly

The star couple Bulanov - Radimov has been brought together and divorced since the day of their wedding. Some say that they live only for the sake of the child, others say that this union cannot be stronger, and the imaginary divorce is a PR invention. Nevertheless, Irina was not afraid to come to one of the central TV channels and tell the story of her love with the head coach of the Zenit youth team.

According to the blonde, she met Vladislav Radimov in a restaurant, and passion immediately flared up between them. The feelings turned out to be not momentary. For many years now, Vladislav allegedly lives in two families and even took his common-law wife to his mother. And in hotels where lovers met, the room was booked in the name of Irina Radimova, and at social gatherings the girl often introduced herself by this surname.

As proof of her connection with Vladislav, the blonde presented an SMS with words of gratitude for the support that Radimov sent her after he was made the senior coach of the Zenit youth team. According to her, during a difficult period (in 2011, the football player was fired from his post as team manager), it was Irina, and not his legal wife, who helped the athlete not to give up.

Yakovleva frankly admitted: she dreams of taking Tatyana Bulanova’s place, but Vlad always answered her question about divorce: “It’s not time yet...” Moreover, Irina stated that she is a fan of the singer’s work, respects her, so she is ready to talk frankly with her rival. Only both spouses unanimously decided not to discuss this situation publicly. But the MK correspondent in St. Petersburg still managed to find out something.

"Maybe there was something"

Irina Yakovleva really worked as a fitness trainer in an elite center. And Vladislav Radimov is not her first victim. According to the blonde's colleagues, she always liked to take wealthy clients by storm. She had affairs with many. Moreover, it was extremely difficult for her lovers to get rid of the girl.

Cherished dream Irina - to become rich and famous. That is why she, they say, caught in her “nets” all the candidates suitable for making her dreams come true. And not only at work. Irina tried to visit expensive restaurants where VIP clients relax, although she clearly couldn’t afford them. One of the coach’s friends (let’s call her Claudia) claims that Vlad communicated with the girl, but not as closely as she tries to imagine to everyone.

Maybe they even had something,” said Claudia, “but I fully admit that all “love” was Ira’s wild fantasy. They talked for a long time. So Irka decided to take revenge on Vlad for the fact that he rejected her and was not going to divorce his wife.

None of the administrators of the hotel, which Irina presented as the couple’s refuge for seven years, confirmed the information about Radimov’s visit to their hotel with his companion. There are no entries in the guest book for the name “Irina Radimova.” Although the coach’s friend, a certain Christina, “confidentially” told the media that it was there that the lovers had been meeting all this time.

Blind revenge?

In the situation with Vlad’s “mistress,” everything is very confusing. At first glance, this looks like revenge from a football fan who has lost her head. But there are a couple more nuances, knowing which the show with exposure can be seen in a different light. It is quite possible that Yakovleva is just a tool in the wrong hands, and her appearance at this very moment with her statement is an attempt to spoil Radimov’s reputation. And not just a performance by an eccentric lady.

At the training camp that Vlad held with Zenit in Turkey, he seriously quarreled with two of his teammates at once. A “MK” source in St. Petersburg claims that obscene language was used on both sides during the conflict, and it almost came to a fight. One of Vlad’s opponents mentioned in a conversation that he would take revenge. It is likely that Radimov’s “mistress” could have been pushed on TV by offended comrades (and not even disinterestedly).

Tatyana, who usually cuts the truth in the face, also had an incident in Moscow. She refused to work for corporate party, because at the last moment the organizers greatly reduced the price. No matter how much the daughter of the hero of the day (a well-known industrialist in the country) persuaded Bulanova, the singer did not agree to reduce the fee. The party was ruined, and the women exchanged anything but pleasantries. Exactly a week later, Yakovleva appeared with her statement.

...Meanwhile, Vlad still swears that he loves his legal wife. Immediately after the program, he wrote on the Internet: “How many gossips have been made up, how many things have not been invented about us. They even thought of the fact that we gave birth to a child for the sake of PR, but they still won’t scam us!!! Yes, this is impossible as long as there is love in the world, and we love each other.” (Spelling and punctuation have been preserved.) Next to it was a photo of the happy spouses together.

According to Radimov’s lawyer, he is not yet planning to file a lawsuit for libel against Irina Yakovleva.

Expert opinion

Arina Davydenko, professor, doctor of psychological sciences: “It’s not about Radimov, but about Bulanova”

I can’t judge Irina’s case; I don’t know her personally. But from what you say, it seems that the girl just wants to take the place of the singer. This is the so-called “fan phenomenon” - that is, the theme of psychological substitution. She doesn't really need Vlad. She needs the life that the singer has. It’s not for nothing that Irina goes to Tatiana’s concerts and, apparently, has studied their life with Vlad from newspaper articles. She also wants to be a star. But it’s just not possible to achieve this. That's why the girl decided to become famous by declaring her love with a famous athlete.

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