Shichida technique for developing the right hemisphere of children. Lesson notes using the Makoto Shichida method. Imagination games

IN lately The technique of Japanese professor Makoto Shichida is gaining more and more popularity among mothers. And this is all despite the fact that in Russia there is not a single official website dedicated to this technique, not a single Shichida school, not a single book has been published. There is only one single (not very readable in terms of grammar) translation of M. Shichida’s book “Kids - geniuses." You can download it from this link.

Who is M. Shichida?

Makoto Shichida (Makoto Shichida, 1929-2009) is a well-known professor in Japan, Doctor of Science, member of the International Academy of Education, advisor to the Japanese Association for Mathematics. In 1997, Shichida was awarded the highest Honorary Prize of the World Science Council, and in 1998, the World Peace Prize.

M. Shichida studied the brain for about forty years. He based his methodology on the right hemisphere development of the child’s brain, starting from 3 months and ending at 6 years, with his main emphasis on the age of up to 3 years.

Right hemisphere of the brain. What is it responsible for and how to develop it?

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, intuition, imagination, emotional intelligence, orientation in space. It is the right hemisphere that is responsible for processing non-verbal information.

Why exactly does the professor recommend right-hemisphere development? The fact is that until the age of 3, in a child’s brain, the right hemisphere predominates over the left. This is why Shichida recommends for children early age develop photographic memory and intuition, motivating this by the fact that every child is born a genius, and, having high rates of the above qualities, it will not be difficult for him (the child) in the future to master languages ​​and other necessary knowledge. In addition, the author of the technique pays great attention to the emotional component: no coercion, only mutual understanding and trust. Hugs and a positive attitude towards classes are integral parts of the agreed upon methodology.

The peculiarities of the method include the fast pace of classes - within 40 minutes - one hour it is necessary to move from one type of activity to another, to teach the child to instantly switch to another type of activity. In practice with my a one-year-old child this turned out to be an impossible task. Firstly, he does not have the perseverance that allows him to engage in various activities for a long time (which, in principle, is understandable for children of his age). Secondly, I was not sure that my son would be interested in all the material I had prepared. Moreover, more often he himself chose the tactics of exploring new aids - both visually and tactilely: the baby strove to explore the gravitational abilities of the cards (he simply threw them), studied them by taste (by the way, up to a certain age, understanding the world through taste buds is the norm). Therefore, during the day I suggested that he do certain exercises. For example, silhouette pictures were (and remain relevant) very popular. .

Shichida classes. Activities and games

Setting up for the lesson.

The attunement represents relaxation. According to the method, it happens like this: you need to turn on music with alpha waves. Jeffrey Thompson has this (only some compositions). On my own behalf, I will say that music, despite its apparent calmness, activates the brain. Be careful. You should not listen to it constantly, but only during class and in quiet frequencies.

Hugs are encouraged during the attunement stage (Shichida recommends 8 seconds). The Attunement block includes breathing exercises and the Energy Ball.

Exercise “Ball of Energy”

This video shows well how to do it:

Breathing exercises can be performed in the following variations:

- blow out soap bubbles;

- blow on an object suspended from a thread ( autumn leaves, feathers, images printed on paper);

- “Football” - blow a piece of cotton wool into the indicated place (into a box or mark on a sheet of paper);

- inflate balloons;

- bubble through a straw in a glass of water;

- blow on ribbons tied to a thread;

- play the pipe, harmonica, etc.

Memories. To implement this exercise, you need to remember the events of, say, yesterday with all the details and details. The stories of memories, a week ago, and bright events(holidays and unusual occasions) and even more.

Fantasizing. Performed for development. Game options:

write a funny story;

Imagine yourself, for example, as a tree. Sway, imitating the wind blowing, tell a story about it;

draw a picture and come up with a story;

an adult draws lines and shapes on a piece of paper various forms. The child completes the drawings to create an object drawing.

Read more about developing imagination

Development of photographic memory.

Memory grid.

To perform this exercise, you need to lay out several cards with pictures in front of the child, ask them to remember, and then restore the row from memory. The game can be varied. For example, add and remove cards from the set they see, ask the child to say what has changed.

Absurd stories.

This game not only develops memory, but also develops imagination and thinking (analysis of absurdities). For this game you need to have two stacks of cards with animate characters (people, animals, birds, etc.) and inanimate objects from various categories (furniture, fruit, household appliances, etc.). The two decks must be shuffled and a row of cards laid out in front of the child. The child’s task is to come up with an absurd story from these pictures, one that cannot exist in reality. For example, a giraffe ate strawberries with a shovel, etc. Then the child is asked to put the pictures in their places from memory, remembering the story that has already been compiled.

Similar pictures.

For this exercise, you need to prepare two similar pictures in advance. For example, two identical bunnies. One has a blue drum, and the other has a red one. We show the child one of the pictures for a few seconds and ask him to remember. Then we show both cards to the child and ask him to show the one he just saw.

Flash cards

Before the show, eye exercises are required! As a rule, they are performed like this: a bright object (a circle, a star, etc.) is shown to the child and asked to follow it with his eyes. An adult smoothly describes circles, eights and other figures with this object. After that, cards are shown at a fast pace and their names are spoken. Shichida schools use images on A5 size sheets. The card requirements are as follows: white background, realistic image (ideally a photograph), no captions. Nothing should distract from the image itself. One set of cards is shown only once. Shichida schools can return to it only after three months. This method of teaching is similar to the method

You can read about the selection of cards for classes, and you can also download the cards

Mandalas are circular images with geometric and other shapes of various colors. Please note that the mandalas for implementing the Shichida technique are paired - color and black and white versions. The adult shows the child a colored version for memorization. The child colors a black and white drawing from memory.

Development of intuition and telepathy according to Shichida.

Shichida schools also practice games with cards: 5 cards are laid out in a row in front of the child, face down (or vice versa, up). The student has a set of the same pictures in his hands. The child is asked to sort his pictures into different ones, guessing where each one is. Then the pictures are turned over to the front side and matches are identified.

To develop telepathic abilities, they also use the following game: an adult thinks of a color, and the child shows a card of the color that he thinks the adult thought of.

When a child successfully completes the above tasks, he is offered games blindfolded. For example, guessing what is on the table without touching the object with your hands. Or guess what is in front or behind him (the child), catch an adult blindfolded. This idea is very reminiscent of our childhood favorite “Blind Man’s Bluff”, isn’t it?


For more durable operation, you can purchase wooden or magnetic

But this is far from the only game that teaches design. The options may be the following (based on the age of the child):

The following games can be included in the intellectual block:

Sequencing events based on pictures (egg-chicken-hen, seed-sprout-flower, etc.);

"The fourth wheel." An “extra” picture is added to a group of pictures that match the classification. For example, apple, orange, cucumber, plum. The extra one is a cucumber, because... it is not a fruit;

Logical series. It is necessary to set the pictures in a certain sequence. For example: red circle, blue triangle, red circle, blue triangle. What will be the next figure? The child continues the given row. The task becomes more difficult over time;

- Nonsense. Find errors in the picture. For example, animals have foreign tails, a bicycle has a round handlebar, a bird lives in an aquarium, etc.;

Cutting pictures of two or more parts. The number of elements gradually increases, their shapes change - the picture is cut not along straight lines, but diagonally, one part is divided into several, so that all the details are different.

Please note - NOT PUZZLES! Namely, cut-out pictures. Why? It would seem that the principle is the same. But this is at first glance. Often, children who assemble puzzles of 20-30 elements cannot cope with a cut picture of 4-5 parts.

The fact is that puzzles do not carry such logical problem, like cut-out pictures, carrying a hint in the form of a particularly distinctive shape of each part. If the parts are selected incorrectly, they simply will not connect due to special recesses and protrusions. The logic works differently - the part has a protrusion on the left, which means you need to look for a part of the corresponding color with a recess on the right. In cut pictures, all sides are even, which greatly complicates the task. Puzzles, of course, also have their place. As a calming game (especially important for children with hyperactivity syndrome).

— Correlate the shadow or contour with the image;

— Quickly find an object in the picture;

— Find differences, etc.

Development fine motor skills.

The following games may be included:

- sorting through cereals;

— stringing objects on a rope (there is an excellent guide “Rope” in Fix Price);

- lacing;

- laying out small objects - buttons, balls;

- games with food materials (candied fruits, fish cookies, pasta). This option is optimal for the little ones.

Many others safe ways on the development of fine motor skills in babies who put everything in their mouths are described.

Development of sense organs.

Listening to sounds and matching them with pictures. For example, a child is offered cards on the topic “Pets.” An adult plays the voice of one of the animals on an electronic device (it’s more convenient to do this using mobile phone, having recorded the audio tracks in advance). The child shows a suitable picture.

"Tactile bags." Objects are placed in a bag. The child’s task is to recognize the object by touch;

— Tactile lotto. Let's compare several materials. For example, velvet, silk, burlap, fur, pumice, wood. We describe our sensations – smooth, rough, soft, etc.

- Fragrances. We introduce the child to the world of scents. This can also be done in everyday life, not necessarily within the scope of classes. For example, when cooking, invite your child to smell vanilla (cinnamon, orange or other scent). Attention! Introduce your child to fragrances without fanaticism! A large number of odors can cause dizziness, and aromatic oils can have a calming or stimulating effect. The ideal option is one scent + association. What does it smell like New Year? Of course, pine needles and tangerines. What about Sunday baking? In general, use your imagination.

Color perception. Ideal for its development:

- selection of palettes for images;

— selection of “patches” for patterns;

- matching objects by color

- selection of half of the picture with a certain color scheme(mandalas cut in half are suitable), etc.


Mathematics according to Shichida is similar to the method of G. Doman. In both versions, cards with different numbers of red dots are used to develop mathematical abilities. Unlike Doman, in Shichida schools the cards are shown quickly (0.5 seconds each) while the number is pronounced. In addition, instead of dots, other images are shown (3 butterflies, 2 bunnies, etc.). If we are talking about examples, then only the correct answer is shown to the child.

Classes may also include logorhythmic exercises, encyclopedic knowledge, teaching foreign languages, reading poetry and fairy tales, and other tasks.

Shichida Method - a sect for children? Questionable aspects of the methodology.

Is it worth starting to practice using this method? early development? This question is probably of interest to many mothers, because, despite the numerous positive reviews on the Internet, sometimes there are sharply negative ones. Some even attribute the technique to a sect. But is this true?

Indeed, many points should be treated with skepticism. For example, to the development of extrasensory skills. The author of the technique promises quite high level telepathic and intuitive abilities, but the experience of many mothers proves the opposite - for children this is just a kind of “guessing game”, which in the future does not in any way affect the appearance of phenomenal intuition. However, for most children, such games bring a lot of positive emotions, especially in cases where the answer is correct.

The second point is the “Ball of Energy” exercise, in which you should present the child with a certain ball, clasp it with your hands, and then transfer all the positive energy to yourself. On the one hand, in fact, there is no developmental benefit from this exercise, on the other hand, this is a setting for the activity that is recognizable to the baby. After all, no one at school is perplexed by the fact that at the beginning of the lesson the bell rings and the children stand up and greet the teacher. I think it's a similar principle here. After all, Japan has its own special philosophy of raising children that is different from ours. This exercise is strange for us; for the Japanese, our “Magpie-Crow” or “Ladushki” may become incomprehensible.

Mandalas are also widely used in the technique. Many see this as having some kind of religious character. In fact, these are just schematic drawings for developing photographic memory. You can draw them yourself. The cool thing about their unusual shapes is that they are not just a flower or a cloud, but geometric shapes woven into patterns or ornate lines. There is no need to think about the content here, because... there are no distracting details.

Show flash cards. The technique involves daily quick display of up to 100 thematic pictures (and according to some sources, up to 200) with pronunciation of what is depicted on them. The same cards cannot be shown again for at least three months. Firstly, I am confused by the dynamism of the whole process. It seems to me that this is an incredible strain on the eyes of a young child. Even an adult sometimes becomes uncomfortable from seeing flashing frames, but here small child. Secondly, I feel sorry for the mothers who constantly prepare such a huge number of cards. Yes, you can display pictures on a tablet or computer. But, again, vision may suffer and computer addiction may appear. We remember that the child is not yet three years old.

In the methodology speech development very little attention is paid. But that’s why it’s a technique, to implement something and exclude something.

Another point that confuses me is taking away benefits from a child and moving on to a new activity in order to quickly switch. In my opinion, a child should be allowed to express his cognitive desires and take away materials only when he himself loses interest in them.

Otherwise, Shichida's method deserves respect. There is a whole Japanese culture embedded in it, and this is worth taking into account. You need to listen to your child, take into account his feelings and aspirations, analyze what is suitable for him and what is not. So, I omit the above points in our lessons with Andryusha, while adding something of my own. If Andrey cannot complete a task, I do it myself - I show an example of how it should be done until he learns to complete the task himself. If it’s not interesting, I put the game aside and offer it weeks later. Yes, we don’t have a system - I offer tasks randomly, some of them are within the child’s access zone, and he can take something and play at any time. Maybe with age a system will develop.

How do you work with your children? What do you think about this technique? Let's discuss the technique in the comments!

Let me remind you that the website contains where you can download books for classes.

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Probably every parent wants their child to be able to read quickly, easily learn foreign languages, remember information received long ago and remember large amounts of new information. But does this seem like something supernatural? Not at all. Thanks to the activities and games included in the Makoto Shichida method, stimulating development of photographic memory, as well as many other games aimed at developing right hemisphere, all this is becoming reality.

Development and brain training- This is a continuous process that requires the constant participation of parents. That's why Makoto Shichida technique involves daily games and activities with the child at home. As a result of these games, innate unique superpowers the right hemisphere not only opens, but also develops.

What kind of games are these that allow you to achieve such phenomenal results?

Makoto Shichida games

Makoto Shichida developed special classes to develop the right hemisphere. His classes also include games to develop the left hemisphere. Thus, the harmonious development of the brain occurs, which allows it to reveal its full potential.

In this article, I will tell you about three games developed by Makoto Shichida.

The first two games are ESP (Extra Sensory Perceptron) games. These are games for developing intuition, as well as telepathic and extrasensory abilities of children. Many adults are skeptical about this technique precisely because of the great attention Shichida pays to ESP games.

Most people tend to deny what they cannot explain. But almost all mothers notice that their young children can easily sense when their mother is upset. Children then become anxious and capricious. How are these feelings transmitted, how can children learn about them?

The fact is that our brain consists not only of two hemispheres, it also has a small organ located in the center of the brain, between the hemispheres - the pineal gland. He
regulates the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the sleep-wake biorhythms. Sometimes the pineal gland is called the “third eye”, since its structure contains the rudiments of the lens, as well as receptors for color perception. For tens of centuries, the pineal gland has been considered in connection with the soul. The 17th century French philosopher Rene Descartes, being convinced of the unique location of the pineal gland, called it “the seat of the soul.” To this day, the functional purpose of the pineal gland for humans has not been sufficiently studied. Also interesting is the fact that in children this organ has larger sizes than in adults.

By using ESP games in the development of young children, Makoto Shichida's method also helps stimulate the pineal gland, and not just the right and left hemispheres.

So, let's move on to the games:

1. A game to develop intuition.

Cut out three leaves from green colored paper. Under one of them, discreetly place a picture with a bug. Tell your child that there is a bug hidden under one of the leaves. Point your finger between his eyes and tell him that he has a third little eye hidden here that can see where the bug is. Let the child point to the piece of paper without hesitation. To prevent your child from losing interest in this game, replace the leaves with a bug with clouds and the sun, and then with flowers and a butterfly. Show your imagination, and each time there will be more and more hits, since such exercises develop innate intuition.

2. Game for the development of telepathy.

Place 3 in front of baby bright flower cut from colored paper - blue, green and yellow. And in the envelope there is a separate flower, the color of which the child does not see, for example, blue. You need to look at the envelope and imagine the color of the flower. Tell your baby that you have one of these colors in your head, let the baby look with his third eye and see what color mom has in her head. At the same time, clearly imagine the image and color of the flower in the envelope. When performing a task, at first you can touch your forehead to the child’s forehead, but over time this will no longer be necessary, because The baby will read your thoughts from a distance.

The third game is not an ESP game and does not cause such heated debate. On the contrary, it is described in many books on improving memory. This is very effective method for the development of the right hemisphere in general and photographic memory in particular.

3. Game to remember a chain of words(Linking Memory) or as it is often called is an absurd story.

For this game, you place cards with pictures in a row and come up with an implausible, absurd story with them (so that logic does not come into play). They usually start with three cards. If you took cards with a picture of a fox, a table and the sky, then the story could be like this: one day the fox ate the table and fell into the sky. Then you need to mix the cards and ask the child to put them in order. That is, the first card should be with the image of a fox, then the table, and then the sky.

Gradually increase the number of cards. When a child can memorize fifty cards, he will be able to see the sequence at a glance as a single image, without words. In Makoto Shichida's schools, children learn hundreds of flashcards without any stories just by looking at them. And this, you see, is an excellent brain workout.

Nature has endowed every child with extraordinary abilities and our task is to give a chance to reveal these abilities in order to help the child become a successful and happy person in the future.

If you decide to help your baby unlock his natural potential, then we invite you to our School of Right Hemisphere Development course, where you will find many games to develop instant, figurative and photographic memory, innate linguistic and mathematical abilities, telepathy and intuition. As well as preparing, conducting and discussing three full comprehensive classes.

Don’t waste your energy and time searching for scattered information on the Internet - come to us and you will conduct 3 ready-made, full-fledged classes for the development of your baby’s brain, but most importantly, learn how to properly structure and conduct such classes yourself! Good luck to you and your baby!

Nadezhda Ryzhkovets

Makoto Shichida devoted more than forty years to brain research and came to amazing results: the right and left hemispheres of the brain have different capabilities. The right hemisphere is like an archive of information: it remembers everything that a person has ever seen or felt even out of the corner of his eye, and reproduces it in pictures - visual images. The left hemisphere, on the contrary, has short-term memory and constantly erases unnecessary information, but it is capable of processing information at enormous speed. To enter information into the right hemisphere, flickering and rapid demonstration of new material is necessary. The left hemisphere requires slow, repeated repetition.

The most important age for development using this method is from 6 months to 3 years, when this hemisphere is dominant. But it is useful for teenagers and even adults. How younger child, the better the technique will work. The success of classes depends on their systematicity and consistency.

Shichida suggests developing the right hemisphere through cycles of short, varied tasks.

How a lesson is structured at Makoto Shichida's school

An early development school using this method involves regular lessons. They should take about 30–40 minutes in duration, 1–2 times a week. The group consists of four to six children.

Each lesson includes preparatory stage, aimed at activating the right hemisphere. These techniques are well known to those who practice yoga. They help remove the dominance of the left hemisphere.

The preparatory stage consists of working with:

    contemplation - children should relax, calm down, closing their eyes;

    breathing - children should adjust their breathing to deep and slow;

    suggestion and positive attitude.

Activities quickly replace each other and last no more than five minutes. One of the parents must be present at the classes.

During one lesson, students take part in more than ten different games, namely: greetings, various games, singing and dancing, riddles, learning the alphabet, numbers, etc. Mothers help the children.

On other days you need to look at the cards. It's not that hard considering it only takes 3 minutes a day. The material for classes must be made new each time so that the child does not get bored. All classes should be carried out exclusively in a relaxed, positive state. Of course, most activities will be interesting to children after one year or even closer to two years. But you can start looking at cards and doing activities to develop fine motor skills after six months, and after nine months you can start playing the simplest games to develop intuition.

Lesson outline

There are many schools in Japan that practice the Shichida method. There are no such centers in Russia. Therefore, parents have to independently work with their child using this method. Let's look at what such classes look like.

    Relaxation to music with alpha waves. We turn on the music (it plays throughout the entire lesson), sit down more comfortably, and put the baby on your lap facing you.

    Breathing exercise: The child needs to blow on a paper bee or butterfly. It is better to update these toys periodically so that the baby does not lose interest. And over time, you can simply blow on imaginary things: let the child imagine a dandelion or snowflakes and blow on them.

    Exercise “Ball of Energy”. We take a ball of energy in our palms, roll it like a ball of snow, and as if pour it onto the top of our head. Then we take the ball of energy again, roll it between our palms and drink this energy. It sounds very strange, but this is exactly what they do in Shichida schools. It's better to see how this is done in a video posted on YouTube.

    "Suggestion". Smiling, we quietly say three phrases to the child: “You are special,” “You are loved,” “You can do anything,” or something similar. You don't have to say it exactly like that. The main thing is to convey to the child how much you love him

    Imagination training(Image Training). With the little ones you can simply play a role-playing mini-game: show how the gnome walks, how he eats, how he sleeps. With older children you can dream: imagine that you got on a train and went to grandma. What kind of pie did grandma bake - with carrots? Delicious, I guess! And so on.

    Extrasensory perception training(ExtraSensoryPerception):

    Telepathy exercise(by this time the child is still sitting on your lap or very close). The mother needs to imagine a figure of any color and mentally send it to her child, and then ask the baby what he saw. For example: “I’m sending you a circle, what color is it?” Praise your child in any case. Over time, you can telepathize a variety of objects.

    Intuition Exercise. Let's start with the simplest thing: ask the baby to guess in which hand the bunny is sitting? Which leaf is the bug hiding under? Then we complicate the task: we offer three Kinder Surprise eggs and ask which one contains the bear, and similar tasks. We increase the number of eggs or pictures over time. To begin with, the choice can be made by the parent. There can be as many of these exercises as the child wishes.

    Gymnastics for the eyes. For the little ones, we take a bell, move it and ring it up and down, left and right. For older children, you can download videos of gymnastics on the Internet.

    Flash cards- these are pictures of the most different topics(e.g. flowers, transport, wild animals). Shichida advises starting with a hundred pieces. We show each card for no more than one second. The optimal option is half a second, which, of course, is not easy, because you must have time to name the card. Fast display is important because it is at high speed that the right hemisphere of the brain is activated. And you need to name the card to connect the left hemisphere: this is how the brain hemispheres are synchronized. It must be remembered that the purpose of using flash cards is not to obtain encyclopedic knowledge. The same sets of cards can be shown no earlier than six months later and no more than three times. In Shichida schools, the cards are paper, but at home it would be difficult for one family to produce so many cards. Therefore, today many parents make flash cards in the form of computer presentations.

    It is worth mentioning mathematics according to Shichida. It is made by analogy with Glenn Doman's manual, but there are some important differences. For example, Shichida advises showing the card for no more than half a second, and in examples showing only the answer card. So, the teacher says: “Two plus two equals (quickly shows a card with four dots) four.” Shichida also believes that you can show anything as dots: butterflies, elephants, etc. In general, do everything to maintain the child’s interest.

    Games to develop photographic memory.

    Similar pictures(Photo Memory). This game requires pictures that are slightly different from each other. For example, on one there is a drawing of a gnome in a blue cap, and on the other - in a red one. For a split second we show the child one of the pictures (preferably on an A4 sheet), and then we show both and ask which one he has already seen.

    Place it correctly(Space Memory). You need to show any pictures ( small size), placed on a “grid”: for starters, these could be three pictures placed on a strip divided into three equal parts. We show it for no more than one second, and then ask the child to put those pictures in their places. We ask the little ones to show the bear his house, etc.

    Find new picture (Flash Memory). We very quickly show and name several pictures (start with three). And then we lay out these pictures in front of the child + another one that the baby has not yet seen. The task is to point to this picture or name it. Who's hiding? We also show the pictures very quickly, then lay out all but one of them in front of the child, and he tries to remember which picture is missing.

    Mandala- this is a picture usually in the form of any geometric figure. A mandala can be simple - a blue triangle with a yellow circle inside, or it can be very complex, for example, a circle with drawn different figures. In this case, the child looks at the mandala for 1–5 seconds, and then marks with pencils how it was painted on the same, but colorless mandala.

    An absurd story, or Memory in a chain(Linking Memory). You need to recreate a funny story in pictures. Mom uses a set of cards (three to begin with) to create a story, for example: a crow jumped into a river that smelled like a rose. Accordingly, the child has pictures in front of him: a crow, a river and a rose. First, the mother tells the story 1-2 times, and then shuffles the cards, and the child tries to remember the plot. At Shichida schools, over time, children begin to remember the location of hundreds of pictures just by looking at them once. And they do this without any history.

    Classes for color perception, ear for music, development of tactile sensations, games for smell recognition, poetry and creative activities. All this can be done immediately after the main block. On the Internet you can find a lot of examples of how you can develop hearing, smell, color perception and touch.

    The suggestion described above ends the lesson. At the end, you can sing your favorite song with your child. Shichida advises doing this for 30–40 minutes a day, and letting the child play the rest of the time. The professor believed that the most important thing in these lessons was the activities described in paragraphs one through six inclusive. And training the imagination is of particular importance for the development of the right hemisphere. And when the latter is developed, you can easily develop photographic memory, unique mathematical, and even extrasensory abilities. Also, a very important condition for success is a trusting and close relationship between the baby and the parents, because it is very important to relax before the lesson.

Exercises aimed at harmonizing relationships with your child

Elements of Makoto Shichida's technique preschool education Absolutely anything can be entered. But it is important to remember that without love nothing will work out. Shichida himself admits that “love is the most main element in the upbringing and development of children." Makoto Shichida offers simple exercises for parents and children that will help the former to correctly express their love, and the latter to feel it fully.

Tight 8 Second Hug

Ask your child to help you, for example, wash the dishes. After your child completes this task, hug him tightly and praise him: “Thank you for helping! You really helped me! I love you very much!” And hold in your arms for 8 seconds. Once you do this, your love will reach the child's heart. You will see that there will be no trace left of the former whims. True, the 8-second hug exercise is one of many for developing a harmonious relationship between parent and child.

Listen carefully to what your child is telling you

Listen to your conversation with your child, who dominates it? Makoto Shichida emphasizes: the conversation should not be one-sided. Otherwise, the child may feel unwanted and become withdrawn. Know how to not only listen, but also hear. It is important for children to be understood. Here you can use the “echo method”, when an adult tries to put himself in the child’s place, tries to feel his experiences.

Let's take a simple conversation to illustrate:

Mom, Katya is bad.
- Yes, Katya is bad. What did she do to you?
- She hit me.
- She hit you. Why did she hit you?

Thus, the parent repeats the words after the child as an echo. There should be no edifying words or moralizing in the conversation.

“5 Minutes” Tuning Method

The attunement method called “5 minutes” is a real lifesaver for parents who want to correct their child’s behavior and get rid of some negative aspects: reluctance to go to school. kindergarten, thumb sucking, laziness, etc.

Five minutes is the time after the child has fallen asleep, but his subconscious mind is working. We need to take advantage of this time.

For example, a child does not want to go to kindergarten. Then the mother begins to whisper the following words to the preschool child who has just fallen asleep: “... (child’s name), you are now a big girl, you are already two whole years old. So you won't cry anymore when you go to kindergarten. You are obedient and cheerful, you listen to your mother, and your mother loves you very much. Now sleep soundly." Makoto Shichida noted his success after this exercise.

The development of the right hemisphere is aimed not only at academic success. The main thing is that children develop a calm, receptive mind to everything new and in later life they will be able to learn everything quickly and easily.

Based on materials from open sources

Practicing according to the Shichida method is easy and pleasant. After all, it is based on a great love for children and a deep belief in their genius.

The classes are based on simple games, so you can practice yourself at home. Unfortunately, books on this technique are not yet available in Russian. Therefore, we will tell you what exercises and games Professor Shichida developed.

Choose what you and your children will like, combine it with other methods if desired and get an excellent result!


For classes, it is necessary that the child is calm and relaxed. Choose a suitable time during the day when he is full and happy, or help him get in the mood.

  • Music. Special music in alpha rhythm gives very good results. It activates the work of the right hemisphere and greatly enhances the effect of exercise.
  • Breathing exercises help to calm down, concentrate, and saturate the blood with oxygen. With small children, do what interests them: blow on feathers, a pipe, into water through a straw, blow out candles, blow soap bubbles. For older children, there is the “8 seconds” exercise: you need to inhale for 8 seconds, then hold your breath for 8 seconds and exhale for the same amount of time. You need to do 3 repetitions.
  • "Ball of Energy" is an esoteric practice aimed at receiving positive energy from the outside. Not everyone accepts and does it, but kids usually like it. You need to place your palms opposite each other (on your own or together with your mother) and imagine how a small glowing ball of energy begins to form between them. Gradually it becomes large, heavy and you can, as it were, “put it on” yourself, find yourself inside it. Or vice versa, swallow a small ball.
  • Positive affirmations. Make eye contact with the child, you can pick him up and say something like: “You are special. You can do anything. I love you very much." This attitude helps the baby to believe in himself and in your love and improves his mental functions.

Block 1 – Tasks for the development of imagination

It is necessary to develop imagination so that the child fully reveals his potential, does not think in patterns and his consciousness is not limited by rigid boundaries. All the brilliant scientists and the most successful people planets had extraordinary imaginations that allowed them to go beyond the ordinary and create something that became valuable to the whole world and changed the lives of millions.

Even if you don’t have such Napoleonic plans for your children, a developed imagination will allow them to achieve success in any chosen field and find a way out of any difficult life situation.

  • Invite your child to imagine that he has become very small, or very light, or hard as a rock. Let him imagine himself as some kind of animal or object. Help him with questions that will help him feel this: “What color are you? What kind of fur do you have? What can you do now?
  • Remember some events have an interesting day(birthday, trip to grandma, to the zoo). Tell the little one yourself in detail, and let the older child tell himself how he remembers these events.
  • Show him the picture. Then let him close his eyes, imagine it and describe it in as much detail as possible.
  • Prepare this picture: a circle on an orange background blue with a diameter of 2 cm. You need to look at it for 30 seconds at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. If you now close your eyes, the picture may appear differently before your mind’s eye - different colors or shapes.

Block 2 – Demonstration of cards

Quickly display a large number of cards with different images allows you to load a large amount of information into memory using the right hemisphere. Cards required large number– starting from 100 pieces per day, and it is not recommended to show each card more than 3 times.

Cards are shown very quickly, in half a second. This is how the right hemisphere is activated and photographic memory develops. Simultaneous picture naming also stimulates the left hemisphere.

This block does not take much time, but it does require quite a lot of preparation and printing of the material, but you can buy ready-made cards. They do not have to be signed with front side. It should be shown at arm's length from the child's eyes and slightly above them. It is recommended to start at 3 months, but they will go well from a year on.

Block 3 – Games with cards

These games captivate children and promote memory development.

  • Show one card, then hide it. Take a second card similar to the first. Now show these two cards and ask which one came first.
  • Show three cards. Then remove it, add another one, show it again - you need to find the extra one.
  • Show three cards. Then remove one, show the remaining two and ask which one is missing.
  • Show your child a colored mandala. Then remove it and give it the same, but not colored, and ask them to paint it in the same colors.

Block 4 – Development of superpowers (ESP brain functions)

The right hemisphere of the brain, which is so actively developed by Shichida’s technique, is responsible for our 6th sense - clairvoyance, telepathy, psychometry. Of course, many are skeptical about such tasks. But Shichida himself claims that even without performing this block of exercises, the development of the right hemisphere with the help of other tasks simultaneously trains the ESP functions of the brain.

Tasks for the development of psychometry (tactile sensitivity):

  • Place one or more cards face down in front of the child. Invite him to touch them and feel what is depicted there. An option is to find paired cards.
  • Handing over balls different colors so that he doesn't see them. For example, make holes in the box for hands, put balls there and, sticking your hands in, touch them and try to determine the color by touch.
  • Draw a letter, number or geometric figure, fold it, give it to the child and ask him to feel what is depicted there.

Telepathy exercises:

  • Take several identical cups and hide something under one of them. Ask your child where the thing is hidden, while mentally sending him the correct answer.
  • From a series of cards, guess one, and let the child try to guess.

Development of clairvoyance:

  • Blindfold your child and place an object in front of him. Let him try to see, feel, describe it.
  • Take two identical sets of cards. Place your cards face down. Let the child try to arrange his set in the same order.
  • Put several identical objects in a box and ask how many there are.
  • Guess who is ringing on the phone or at the door.
  • Predict something in the future: what the weather will be like, what card you will pull out of the deck.

Block 5 – Mathematics according to Shichida’s method

Here, too, everything is subordinated to figurative thinking and visual perception. The child is shown cards with dots (flowers, mushrooms, etc.) and at the same time the number of dots depicted is called. The display also lasts 0.5 seconds.

Children very quickly learn to identify numbers at first sight. You can show two cards and ask: “Where are five?”

You can also practice with examples: say “One plus two equals...” and show a card with three dots.

Block 6 – Reading

Shichida's method does not aim to teach reading as early as possible - letters are taught after 3 years. She doesn’t get hung up on whether she needs to learn letters or entire words—both are needed.

Therefore, the classes go like this:

  • We show the picture and name what is depicted on it. We show a card with this word and also call it. This promotes literacy.
  • We study letters, one per lesson. The approach is as creative as possible - we tell tales about letters, sing them, and sculpt them from plasticine.
  • We read a lot of different books. Children who are read to a lot can master reading without special lessons. Reading also forces the child to imagine everything that happens in the book, which means it develops the imagination and the right hemisphere as a whole. In this sense, audiobooks are also good.

Block 7 – Exercises for sensory development

It is best to end your classes with sensory exercises:

  • Tactile games– studying various textures by touch, identifying objects by touch, sensory boxes
  • Color perception. For cards of different colors we select objects of the same color (pencils, beads, buttons)
  • Music classes– sing, tap a rhythm, play musical instruments, listen to different music
  • Games for learning tastes and smells. Close your eyes and taste or smell various products and spices. We guess them by taste and smell.
  • Drawing, applications, modeling.

As you can see, there are a lot of exercises using the Shichida method, but it is very flexible. You can practice a little every day, choosing exercises from different blocks. Or you can prepare and conduct one large complex lesson once a week. As an option, take the tasks you both liked most from this methodology and combine them with other “developmental” ones.

Professor Makato Shichida developed over 40 years ago unique method of early development and education of children, which is on at the moment has not lost its effectiveness and relevance among parents and teachers.

This author's method aimed at development in babies congenital genius and creative talent. It has been successfully tested in Japan, USA, Australia and other countries. Makato Shichida has organized 400 specialized operating centers for early childhood development and is the author of more than 100 books, many of which have been translated into English language. Makato Shichida is sure that the brain of a child aged six months to three years is capable of accumulating an unlimited amount of information.

Little explorers excellent at this time remember details, strive to know new information and capable of creative thinking. The scientist is confident that if parents actively stimulate all five sensory organs of the baby in the process of development and learning, they will be able to provide him with an excellent basis for further organic development.

Briefly about the author of the technique

Makato Shichida was a member of the International Academy of Education. Also Shichida conducted in-depth studies of brain function and received a doctorate in education. Professor Makato Shichida was awarded the Honorary Prize of the World Science Council and the World Peace Prize.

Shichida is about 40 years old researched the problem of early child development, changing traditional views parents and teachers. The professor argued that babies already from birth have special abilities that can be actively developed using a special technique. Shichida, in his invaluable scientific works, proved that in the first years of life happens to the baby intensive development of the right hemisphere brain After three years, the left hemisphere of the brain becomes dominant. With the help of the right hemisphere, the child is able to remember information, and the left hemisphere helps to quickly analyze it. Makato Shichida compared the right hemisphere to an archive, where information can be stored forever, while the left hemisphere, on the contrary, is distinguished by the fact that it systematically gets rid of unnecessary information. Important task of parents and teachers is the desire to develop and synchronize the activity of the two hemispheres. This will allow the baby to remember significant amounts of information in the future, quickly recall information received long ago and exhibit high intellectual abilities.

Many people work using Makato Shichida’s method. preschool institutions Japan, Canada, China and other countries. Teachers, with the help of special trainings and exercises developed by the author of the methodology, develop the physical, intellectual and aesthetic abilities of children. The professor is sure that there is no point in accelerating the development of the left hemisphere in children under three years of age. It is simply necessary to create conditions for the active development of children, using the capabilities of their sensory system.

The basic principles of Makato Shichida's technique are the following statements:

  • all newborns are born geniuses;
  • For the correct and organic development of the baby, the relationship between the baby and the parents is important;
  • the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain contributes to the rapid intellectual development of the child;
  • in the process of development of the baby, the participation of his sensory system is necessary;
  • Systematicity and consistency of actions is an important factor for a child’s successful learning.

Makato Shichida took an important step For development generations children of the 21st century.

With the help of his developments and techniques, modern children will be able to remember huge amounts of information, read quickly, master foreign languages ​​fluently, achieve excellent sports results and even have telepathic abilities.

Structure of the lesson according to the Makato Shichida method

It is known that the cerebral hemispheres functionally complement each other. The left hemisphere perceives information slowly and requires frequent repetition for its development. The right hemisphere, on the contrary, is able to absorb information actively and quickly. Due to these features of brain activity Makato Shichida suggested for children in classes use new information gradually with multiple repetitions. This method of teaching children will help activate the left hemisphere. If during classes you provide information in the form of actively changing pictures, you can achieve more intensive work of the right hemisphere. Professor Shichida's research has confirmed in practice the fact that slow and fast display of pictures in class promotes intellectual development kids. At the same time, it is necessary to select new images for children with a cognitive focus. They should contain a variety of figures, words, numbers, letters, etc.

According to Makato Shichida’s methodology, classes are conducted jointly with children and their parents in groups of a maximum of six people. It is important to maintain a close relationship between parents and the baby during the lesson. This will allow the baby to feel more secure and confident in their own abilities. Also presence of parents in class will promote revitalization baby's mental activity and its rapid development.

Lesson duration is about 30-40 minutes. Structure this lesson is dynamic and meaningful. The main attention of the teacher and parents is aimed at the development of intellectual, physical and creativity child.

Children at Shichida Development Centers meditate at the beginning of class to special music with alpha waves. Then they perform breathing exercises and tasks to develop the imagination. Further planned working with flash cards and games aimed at developing photographic memory.

In the classroom, kids also listen to audio fairy tales and stories with parents, sounding at an accelerated tempo. During the lesson, children are asked to master the basics of speed reading. Interesting story It sounds at first at a normal pace, and then the reading speed gradually increases. This exercise for the development of the right hemisphere of the brain is reinforced by the actions of parents who leaf through a colorful book with large letters in front of the baby. Mini-blocks are used to learn the basics of a foreign language. The story must be read first native language, and then in foreign.

Classes using the Makato Shichida method can be supplemented performing creative tasks th using paints, plasticine, soft clay and other improvised means. It is also recommended that parents and children put together puzzles, logical chains, tangrams, and puzzles.

Thus, the structure of the lesson according to the Makato Shichida method is aimed at developing the child’s innate abilities and skills.

At the same time, an important role in the learning process is played by the child’s parents, who help the child actively explore the world.

Games for the development of the right hemisphere and flash cards Makato Shichida

Parents can easily master main principles Makato Shichida and use it for daily activities with your baby. We offer you an example of one classes on given innovative methodology.

Before starting the lesson, you need to pay attention to the condition of your baby. If he is capricious or something bothers him, then it is recommended to conduct a lesson with the baby a little later. It is best to work with your child in the first half of the day. Before the lesson starts choose a calm melody, which will sound quietly throughout the lesson, and also prepare the necessary didactic material.

  1. After the main block, it is recommended to carry out various exercises for the development of the baby’s sensory system. Makato Shichida recommends organizing classes on color perception, developing an ear for music, tactile sensations, creativity, and smell recognition games.
  2. It is recommended to end the lesson with the above suggestion exercises. This will improve your baby's self-esteem and give him self-confidence.

During the lesson, kids are involved in more than 15 different games. The mother should always help the child during classes.

Children's education is characterized by the following features:

  • each activity lasts no more than five minutes;
  • cards must be turned over quickly;
  • the lesson must have musical accompaniment;
  • during the lesson the child should learn many new words;
  • The classes include elements of physical activity.

Professor Makato Shichida believes an important condition for the successful use of copyright - trust relationship and close relationship between parents and baby.

Love is the main element for the harmonious development and upbringing of children

Makato Shichida is confident, that only the love of parents will help the baby develop his huge potential, which laid down by nature.

The professor invites parents to learn three ways to communicate with their baby that will help convey their love to the baby’s heart.

First way It's called "Tight 8 Second Hugs." Ask your child to help you around the house. After the child completes your task, you should hug the child tightly and say the following words: “Sasha, thank you for your help. You really helped me a lot! I love you very much! You are so kind, cheerful and good.” It is important that you not only hug your child, but also hold him in your arms for eight seconds. After such an event, your baby will really feel that you love him very much and the problem with bad behavior and disobedience will disappear.

Second way Proving your respect and love for your baby lies in the ability to listen carefully to what your child tells you. Most often, mothers communicate with the child in a one-way direction, and do not always care about listening to the baby. Professor Makato Shichida is confident that you can reach a child’s heart only through communication with him. If parents constantly scold their child and do not listen to him carefully, then the child will grow up withdrawn and unfriendly.

Third way It's called "5 minutes". This method is effective for setting a child up for a positive attitude towards others and getting rid of bad habits. After the baby has fallen asleep for five minutes, you can influence his subconscious. To do this, you need to pronounce your wishes in the baby’s ear. For example, one mother complained that her baby took a long time to fall asleep in the evening, throwing loud tantrums. Professor Makato Shichida advised her to say the following text to the child: “Michael, you fell asleep. You see that sleeping is great. You can sleep soundly. Mom loves you, you are a very obedient and cheerful child. You will always fall asleep quickly in the evening, and in the morning you will wake up cheerful and happy.” After a week of using the 5 Minute Method, Michael began to fall asleep calmly in the evening.

The author of the technique recommends making an audio recording of your message and leaving it by the child’s pillow after he falls asleep. You can use the “5 minutes” method to get rid of the problem of disobedience, thumb sucking, reluctance to go to kindergarten, etc.

After parents master the above methods of demonstrating love for their baby, we can safely say that your child will grow up to be a harmoniously developed personality with high self-esteem.

Important rules for parents from Professor Makato Shichida

World famous professor Makato Shichida recommends to all parents for real believe into the baby's exceptional abilities, which nature endowed him with after birth. The scientist is also convinced that if you systematically work with a child, you can achieve incredibly high results. Also parents should remember that their child is an individual and his abilities, as well as his level of development, should not be compared with other children.

In the process of development of the baby, his parents need not only to pay great attention to the intellectual abilities of the baby, but also vaccinate to him social skills, introduce the rules of discipline.

Makato Shichida outlines six rules for parents, the implementation of which is important for the correct and organic development of the little man:

  1. In the process of development, do not pay attention to the shortcomings and weaknesses child.
  2. Don't strive for perfection.
  3. Do not think that the child’s current behavior is constant and unchangeable for him.
  4. Don't try to constantly compare children.
  5. Accept your child for who he is.
  6. Do not achieve your child’s success only in the educational direction.

It should be remembered that love language and communication is the main key to opening your baby's heart.

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