Cleansing the body of dead and diseased cells. Old cells shorten life Will help get rid of dead cells

Women of all times are concerned with the main question: how to prolong youth while maintaining attractiveness and seductiveness for the stronger half?

Silky skin alone, without visible signs of aging, can make its owner look at least ten years younger. Don't envy ladies whose appearance differ significantly from true age. Maybe you should learn how to take care of yourself?

Body care

The secrets of Cleopatra’s breathtaking appearance lay in an abundance of body care recipes. Everyone knows one of her rejuvenating remedies - baths of whole milk and honey. This procedure softened and nourished the skin, and removed the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. Gentle exfoliation is important for youthful skin. Let's find out what it is.

What is body peeling? This is a procedure for applying various cosmetics to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new ones. Along with this expensive rejuvenation method, there is an excellent alternative - body peeling at home. This method is more economical and less harmful to the skin. Body peeling is the number one remedy against aging skin of the body and face.

Create your own formula for youth

  • Before you begin anti-aging procedures, you need to remember the main rule: use only natural products as cosmetics.
  • Peeling is necessary for normal and oily skin once a week, for dry skin – once every two to three weeks.
  • To achieve the best effect, you should pre-steam the skin. To do this, you can take a warm shower or bath.
  • Apply the exfoliator to a damp body using massaging movements, paying special attention to the most delicate and vulnerable areas.
  • Carry out the cleansing process in a good mood, tune yourself to the positive, for example, by turning on your favorite music.

Preparing home peeling

So, how to prepare body peeling at home? You can make a cleansing mixture from many products. The following products are suitable for the base: sour cream, kefir, yogurt, honey, vegetable or fruit puree, all kinds of base oils.

The filler for the base can be any abrasive particles: ground coffee, fruit seeds, oatmeal, semolina and other cereals. In a word, everything that will facilitate the easy removal of keratinized particles of the skin of the entire body.

How to make a peeling mask correctly, how long can the product be stored? First of all, you need to avoid those components that cause allergic reactions in you specifically.

Secondly, you can only use freshly prepared mixture. There is no need to store it. The frequency of peeling is once a week.

To help the skin cleanse and tone, you need to choose the right ingredients. It all depends on the skin type and its characteristics.

Peeling for dry skin

If you have dry skin, then cleansing should be gentle and gentle. The components included in the peeling must saturate the cells with moisture and nutrients.

  • The main ingredient is crushed oatmeal in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Grind the flakes in a blender, add 1 tablespoon of grape seed oil, mix and set aside. Next, you need to melt 1 teaspoon of honey in a water bath, add the same amount of milk and the previously prepared cereal. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply peeling to the body in a circular motion, massage for 5 minutes, take a warm shower. You can soften the skin with cream. Although even without cream, the skin becomes velvety and very pleasant to the touch.
  • Another good recipe oatmeal based. You need to take 2 tablespoons oatmeal, chop and mix with 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of brown sugar.

Peeling for oily skin

If you are the owner oily skin, then it is necessary to do body peeling based on components that help get rid of problematic rashes.

  • The recipe is as follows: mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons ground coffee. Apply the mixture to the body with massaging movements, wait 10 minutes, rinse with warm running water. Frequency: twice a week.
  • Another recipe for oily skin: a glass of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of chopped ginger, 80 ml of grape seed oil and 10 drops of orange oil. Mix everything and apply to the body. After this method of cleaning, the skin will acquire a pleasant aroma and will be significantly transformed: you will notice the smoothness, elasticity and firmness of the dermis.

Peeling for normal skin

With normal skin type, all that remains is to enjoy the maintenance procedures. The following mixtures are perfect for you:

  • Take 4 tablespoons of chopped dark chocolate, 2 tablespoons of grated lemon zest, a teaspoon each of olive, mint, sea buckthorn oils and grape seed extract. Mix everything, apply to the body and let it absorb for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm running water.

You need to mash three large strawberries into a puree, add 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 2 tablespoons of almond oil. Apply this aromatic mixture with massage movements onto a damp body, rinse after 5 minutes.

This is not the entire list of possible home peelings. It is necessary to mention the cleansing of mature and especially sensitive skin.

For those with mature skin, the following mask is suitable. Recipe: 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon olive oil, the same amount of honey and 2-3 tablespoons coffee grounds. Why is such a composition valuable? It perfectly cleanses pores, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and the oil and honey present in it saturate the epidermis with useful substances.

For those with sensitive skin, we recommend using a recipe that contains the following ingredients: 1 cup of oatmeal and the same amount of lavender flowers. To this mixture you need to add eight drops of lavender and mandarin essential oils, as well as 4 drops of chamomile oil. For a viscous consistency, add a little warm water.

Traditional medicinal cosmetics contain many secret ingredients that can prolong our youth and preserve our beauty.

Of course, exfoliation alone will not rejuvenate the body. Other factors are also important here: healthy image life, proper nutrition, physical activity in the fresh air, lack of stress and bad habits. Only in combination can one achieve a positive result and share the great heritage of female beauty with famous representatives of world cultures.

Sugar scrubs differ from salt scrubs in that they not only remove dead cells from the skin, but also help even out its texture, giving it glossy smoothness, radiance and a healthy appearance. Read our material for the sweetest sugar peeling recipes and features of their use.


Sugar peeling is suitable for cleansing the skin of the face and body. Such procedures can be performed either in courses or in individual sessions.

Effect of sugar peeling:

Removal of dead skin cells;

Clearing blackheads and various kinds rashes;

Cleansing from waste and toxins;

Moisturizing the skin and restoring its water balance;

Normalization of blood and lymph circulation;

Increasing turgor and elasticity of tissues;

Returning the skin to a healthy and radiant appearance.

Sugar scrub can be easily and quickly prepared at home. Both white beet and brown cane sugar are suitable for this. It is important that its grains are small so that you do not injure the skin. Therefore, if necessary, grind the sugar in a coffee grinder. The prepared scrub should be used immediately, otherwise the sugar may dissolve in other components and you will not get the desired effect.

We bring to your attention several homemade sugar scrub recipes.

Sugar scrub for dry and normal skin

To prepare this scrub, mix 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar with 1-1.5 tablespoons of olive (castor, apricot or pumpkin) oil in a cup. After washing, gently massage your face with the mixture, then rinse and apply your daily moisturizer.

Sugar peeling for dry skin

Mix 1 teaspoon of sugar with 2 tablespoons of butter that has melted almost until liquid, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of heavy milk cream or sour cream and 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise or egg yolk.

READ ALSO - Gentle body scrubs

Sugar scrub for oily or combination skin

Mix 1 teaspoon of sugar with 2 teaspoons of low-fat sour cream, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of natural yogurt, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of kefir (yogurt) or with egg white.

Nourishing mask-scrub made of sugar and honey for mature skin

Thoroughly rub 1 teaspoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of lukewarm oatmeal, cooked in milk. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and immediately apply the resulting mixture to your face. Gently massage with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes, then leave on your face for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply cream.

Sugar body scrub

To prepare a sugar body scrub, mix enough sugar with olive oil. It is also recommended to add essential oils to the mixture. For example, essential oil grapefruit and orange are effective against cellulite, lemon balm oil is effective against stretch marks. It is recommended to apply the scrub using hard massage gloves and intense rubbing movements.

Cosmetic companies offer us a wide selection of sugar body scrubs. You can purchase such products from brands such as Fresh Juice, Freeman, Organic Shop, Garnier and others.

Salon treatments

Many beauty salons offer the procedure - glycolic peeling. This is one of the types of chemical superficial peeling using glycolic acid, which refers to fruit acids and is extracted from plant materials. Its maximum concentration is found in sugar cane, so we can conditionally classify glycolic peeling as a sugar peeling.

This procedure helps exfoliate horn cells, smooth out skin texture, and also normalizes pigmentation and keratinization. Glycolic peeling has an anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect on the skin and provides an excellent rejuvenating effect.

The cost of the procedure is from 500 UAH depending on the beauty salon.

Peeling helps make the skin more youthful, radiant, and elastic.

Each salon offers several types of such procedures to choose from. You need to decide: which one to choose?

One type of procedure is an enzyme procedure, which is especially popular. What it is, what indications and contraindications there are for enzyme (enzymatic) facial peeling, we will explain further.

This procedure is gentle, performed using enzymes and is suitable for any skin. During the procedure, secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands, protein contaminants, and dead epidermal cells are removed from the surface of the face.

Enzymes stimulate flow chemical reactions, as a result, complex substances are broken down into elements that are easily absorbed by the body. They dissolve dead skin particles and are an alternative to abrasive exfoliants and highly concentrated acids used in chemical peeling.

This anti-aging procedure is recommended for women with oily or combination skin twice a week. At sensitive skin can be used no more than once every 10 days. With more frequent use skin look dull and drier due to the removal of the protective layer. You can perform peeling in a salon or at home.

The effect from the salon will be higher, since more active agents are used for it. Having decided to carry out this procedure at home, necessary medications You can buy it at a cosmetic store or salon.

Mechanism of action

The stratum corneum of the epidermis contains proteolytic enzymes that affect the rate of chemical reactions. They take an active part in the renewal of the epidermis by breaking down proteins. The ongoing aging processes are accompanied by loss of moisture and a slowdown in the renewal process of epidermal cells. The top layer thickens, impurities accumulate on the surface, and the skin becomes dull and uneven.

Enzymes in enzyme peeling destroy chemical bonds, which makes it easier to exfoliate dead epithelium. This manipulation affects only the stratum corneum, without penetrating deeper. Removing the top layer helps to enhance skin cell renewal.

The manipulation is not dangerous, does not cause mechanical damage, and does not leave redness.

The most popular ingredients are:

  • blueberry;
  • pumpkin;
  • pomegranate;
  • pineapple;
  • papaya.

Types of enzymes

Enzymes for the procedure can be of bacterial, animal or plant origin.

The most popular are:

  • papain (isolated from papaya: leaves, fruits, peel, has antimicrobial properties, gets rid of dead cells, eliminates inflammatory processes, regulates the functions of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of comedones and acne);
  • pepsin (obtained from the gastric mucosa of farm animals: sheep, calves, pigs);
  • travaza (produced by bacteria, has a whitening, exfoliating, loosening effect);
  • subtilisin (produced by bacteria, the effect is stronger than papain);
  • lysozyme (obtained from egg white, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, activates the immune system);
  • sorbaine (obtained from papaya and lemon, gets rid of dead cells, enhances metabolic processes in skin cells);
  • bromelain (obtained from papaya, wild lemon, pineapple, eliminates inflammation, relieves pimples, acne);
  • trypsin (obtained from the pancreas of livestock, eliminates inflammatory processes, relieves edema).

Pros and cons

The manipulation is gentle and gentle, there are almost no contraindications to its implementation.

Main advantages:

  • removal of dead cells;
  • stimulation of new cell growth;
  • increased tone;
  • improvement of skin texture,
  • prevention of wrinkle formation;
  • elimination of facial wrinkles;
  • smoothing age wrinkles;
  • softening dry skin;
  • onset of rapid effect;
  • reduction of redness;
  • removing toxins from the skin surface;
  • cleansing and narrowing pores;
  • prevention of acne;
  • removal of unwanted pigmentation;
  • Can be used throughout the year;
  • use for hands and body;
  • use during pregnancy;
  • does not injure the skin.

Disadvantages include:

  • it is impossible to eliminate scars or deep wrinkles;
  • complications may occur;
  • Frequent use is unacceptable.

Indications and contraindications

The grounds for this are:

  • any skin type;
  • pigmentation;
  • acne and consequences;
  • shallow superficial wrinkles;
  • unevenness;
  • comedones;
  • dull skin;
  • decreased turgor;
  • pollution;
  • the appearance of phytoaging;
  • preparation for other procedures.

There are few contraindications:

  • acute skin diseases;
  • intolerance to components;
  • diseases associated with decreased immunity (including diabetes);
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • after sunbathing;
  • active form of herpes;
  • existing damage.

Preparing for the session

Before visiting a beauty salon, the skin needs preparation:

  • do not use products containing acids and retinol;
  • a day before the procedure, refrain from depilation;
  • 4 days before the laser resurfacing or dermabrasion procedure, peeling should be avoided.

Stages of the procedure in the salon

If the manipulation is performed for the first time, a test is required to determine sensitivity. The prepared composition is applied to the inside of the forearm and left for 10 minutes. If there are no changes, you can proceed with the manipulation.

Enzyme peeling can be in a tube (ready-made) or in powder (prepared before use, diluted cannot be stored).

Using cleansers, remove makeup, using lotion to tone the skin. The enzyme composition is applied sequentially to the face, including the neck, décolleté and left for 10 to 30 minutes (depending on the result desired).

Cover the face with film or a towel soaked in warm water. Sometimes a massage is done on top of the composition. After the set time has passed, the composition is washed off. To do this, use warm water or alkaline neutralizers for peelings containing acids. A toner is applied to the skin.

A mask is then applied based on the problem that needs to be solved. It is possible to use active serums. At the next stage, a cream is applied according to your skin type (preferably with UV protection).

Post-procedure care

No special care is required; it is better to use boiled water for washing. It is recommended to protect yourself from direct sun rays. It is necessary to use moisturizers and sunscreens (SPF 15 or more) throughout the course of skin care.

During this period, you should not touch your face with your hands; it is better to avoid using foundation, refrain from using large amounts of cosmetics.


The skin becomes hydrated and radiant. The color is evened out and brightened age spots. Rejuvenation is noticeable on aging skin: its tone increases, it becomes elastic and toned (here).

This procedure can be carried out as a preparation for more serious laser skin resurfacing, microcrystalline dermabrasion (you will find out how to do it). Goes well with darsonvalization of the face (how to do it, go here).

Quantity and average prices

The course requires 5 – 8 sessions (depending on the condition of the skin).

To obtain the desired effect, professional enzymatic peelings (with acids in their composition) are carried out once every 7–10 days in a course of 8–10 procedures. A repeat course can be taken after 6 months.

The cost of peeling in a salon ranges from 500 to 3,500 rubles.

The price is affected by:

  • square problem area, its location;
  • brand of composition used;
  • beauty salon category.

One session is not enough; at least four are needed. On average, the cost of the course costs 7 – 9 thousand rubles.

Only specialized cells of the immune system are able to recognize and utilize damaged cells. When a damaged or foreign cell is detected, the immune cell, depending on its specialization, either captures it (phagocytosis), or destroys it, or releases an information agent called a mediator, informing the immune system about the presence of a damaged or foreign cell.

The lymphatic system contains a dense network of lymphatic vessels that drains tissue well and many lymph nodes. Having passed through the intercellular space, the immune cell enters the lymph node through the nearest lymphatic capillary, regardless of whether it has detected anything or not. Information agents and high-molecular remains of destroyed cells also end up there, where they are detected by the chemoreceptors of the lymph nodes. The nervous system collects all these signals from all lymph nodes, thus receiving information about the state of the tissue, and reacts accordingly: increases the concentration of certain types of immune cells in the blood, changes the pressure in the capillaries in this area, changes the intensity of venous outflow of blood and lymph outflow , changes the microvibration background in this area. When cells are destroyed, high molecular weight proteins enter the intercellular space. This protein is a good building material for other cells, which can accelerate their division and tissue growth. With a large number of destroyed cells and the formation of a large amount of building protein, oncotic pressure increases and there is a risk of uncontrolled tissue proliferation. To maintain oncotic pressure, the body, using the above actions, develops and maintains edema in the area where the accumulation of building protein has occurred. The body assesses the degree of danger depending on the dynamics of detected damaged cells, and if it is large, it triggers an inflammatory process in this area: it increases the influx of immune cells by increasing pressure in the capillaries, increases lymph and venous outflow by increasing vascular tone and background muscle activity , enhances and maintains swelling in order to stabilize oncotic pressure.

In the lymph nodes, the remains of damaged cells are “digested” into normalized protein. If the nearest lymph node is full, then due to the presence of bypass vessels, the lymph flows to the next lymph node. Having passed through the chain of lymph nodes, the lymph enters the thoracic duct, from where it is dosed into the blood. Every day in an adult body, due to this process, 50-100 g of secondary protein are formed. Excess protein is decomposed by the liver, which also performs the final detoxification of the lymph contents. Thus, many organs are involved in the process of recycling damaged cells. Their functions and capabilities in their entirety determine the body’s immunity.

The resources of the immune system are estimated as the maximum number of damaged cells that it can utilize per unit of time. There are a number of factors that determine the resource of the immune system.

1. The total number of healthy immune cells in the circulatory and lymphatic system (vessels and nodes).

2. Average age of immune cells.

3. Concentration of immune cells in the blood.

4. The probability of immune cells detecting a damaged cell.

5. The speed of “digestion” by the lymph node of the remains of damaged cells.

6. Liver resources for processing the contents of the lymphatic influx.

7. Intensity of lymphatic drainage.

The overall concentration of immune cells and the ratio by type of specialization is maintained in accordance with the level, location and nature of the damaged cells detected. In changing these ratios, the cellular production of the bone marrow, including the ancestral universal stem cells, plays a decisive role. Cells originate and mature in the bone marrow quite slowly, which makes this process inert and cyclical. After maturation, the cells must break off and move into the venous bloodstream. This is a mechanical transition that requires microvibration energy. With its deficiency, the cell becomes overripe, which leads to an increase in the average age of the cells, a reduction in the period of their functional activity and, as a consequence, to an overconsumption of bone marrow resources. Regular physical activity in at a young age provides the body with microvibration in sufficient quantities. However, with age, the saturation of tissues with their own microvibrations noticeably decreases, and middle age immune cells increases.

Most immune cells multiply in the lymph nodes, which are their main depot, from where they enter the blood. The body maintains the concentration of immune cells in the blood in accordance with the dynamics of detection of damaged cells. From the bloodstream, immune cells enter the tissue through gaps in the capillaries. This is also a mechanical transition that requires microvibration energy. The intensity of the flow of immune cells into the tissue depends on their concentration in the blood, pressure in the capillaries and the saturation of the tissue with microvibration. After the immune cell has escaped into the intercellular space, it moves towards the lymphatic capillary and along the way comes into contact with tissue cells. As a result of these contacts, detection occurs. The probability of detection depends on the path length and frequency of contacts, which increase with increasing tissue saturation with microvibration.

The performance of lymph nodes depends on microtemperature fluctuations and their saturation with microvibration, which increases the frequency of contacts of the reacting components. The need for temperature fluctuations is due to the fact that individual protein transformations occur within a very narrow temperature range.

Excess protein and other components of lymph are converted by the liver into other normalized biocomponents. If the liver cannot cope with the flow of lymph, then it causes a systemic restriction of lymph flow into the blood. For some time, lymphatic drainage from tissues is maintained, and the remains of damaged cells, along with high-molecular metabolic products

accumulate in the lymph nodes, leading to their enlargement. If liver function deficiency persists for a long time, then the body limits lymphatic drainage and increases the discharge of waste through reserve channels: skin, bronchial mucosa, nasopharynx and intestines. This is possible due to the presence of a multidirectional structure of the lymphatic network of vessels.

The discharge of part of the lymph flow through reserve channels is accompanied by increased sweating, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis, bronchitis, and specific discharge may appear on the skin. Chronic liver failure can lead to the development of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and asthma. To solve the problem of chronic deficiency of lymphatic drainage, in which even reserve channels do not save, the body rebuilds the lymphatic network. There are cases where the body created a lymphatic channel from the area of ​​the lymphatic network of the kidneys directly into the bladder.

Utilization of blood cells occurs in the spleen. When there are insufficient spleen resources for a given intensity of damage to red blood cells or immune system cells, the spleen increases in size. A high percentage of damaged immune cells reduces the efficiency of the recycling process, which can lead to an increase in the concentration of immune cells in the blood.

So, in the process of recycling damaged cells, the following are involved to one degree or another:

Bone marrow is the primary supplier of cells of the immune system and a regulator of the species representation of immune cells;

Cells of the immune system - lymphocytes and others, ensuring the detection, destruction and phagocytosis of damaged cells;

Lymphatic vessels and capillaries that transport lymph;

Lymph nodes, which ensure the decomposition of cell debris and high-molecular metabolic products into normalized protein and determine the biochemical composition of lymph, “informing” the nervous system about it;

The liver, which ensures the final transformation and detoxification of lymph contents;

Spleen performing recycling

damaged red blood cells and the cells of the immune system themselves;

The kidneys provide resources to the muscle fibers of blood vessels and skeletal muscles involved in the transport of lymph and the stimulation of microvibration.

The productivity of all stages of recycling is directly dependent on the saturation of tissues with microvibration. The main limiting link is the kidneys and liver. Therefore, regular phonation of these organs increases utilization resources and, accordingly, the body’s immunity.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Factors of cell damage

All cells have the so-called ideal microclimate - conditions under which the probability of their death is minimal, and their lifetime is maximum. This microclimate determines temperature, pressure, frequency of electromagnetic and ionizing waves, etc. All cells of the body are located in a liquid extracellular matrix. The chemical composition of the extracellular matrix in which a certain cell or several cells are located, microecology, must also be ideal. Changes in microclimate and microecology lead to cell vulnerability. The greater this change, the more cells are damaged. When the microecology changes excessively, all cells die, as, for example, with burns, frostbite, or exposure to chemical agents.

Any effect on the body that disrupts the normal microclimate and microecology of cells is called a damaging factor. The number of dead cells is directly proportional to the strength and duration of exposure to the damaging factor.

Factors of accumulation of dead cells

Cells are constantly being created and killed, so any tissue has a certain normal number of dead cells. The body strives to utilize their excess. The fewer dead cells, the better the condition of the tissue. Maintaining the required number of normal cells by creating new ones is not always feasible; in addition, this only makes it possible to maintain the functioning of the tissue, but does not strengthen the immune defense, which requires the disposal of excess dead cells. Therefore, important functions of the body are the protection of normal cells from death and the fastest possible disposal of damaged ones.

Many organs and systems are involved in one way or another in the removal of dead cells: bone marrow, spinal cord, lymphatic system, cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys. Disruption of the functioning of at least one of the listed organs or systems leads to an imbalance between cell death and the removal of dead cells. As a result, an accumulation of dead cells occurs. What is important is the average rate of damage and the average rate of cell removal. Therefore, short-term and one-time injuries do not cause such harm as regularly affecting damage factors.

Why doesn’t the body increase the rate of removal of dead cells? The answer is simple: the body is constantly trying to dispose of dead cells, but it does not always have enough resources for this. Lack of resources is a universal problem for the body. During its growth, the need for cell removal is small, and therefore the body accumulates resources, and soon after the end of the growth period it begins to slowly waste them. During the growth period, periodic exposure to moderately unfavorable conditions strengthens the body. In old age, the body no longer has the resources to protect itself, and even periodically exposed to unfavorable conditions cause damage to health if these resources are not replenished. Continuous exposure to even moderate damaging factors leads to depletion of the resources of both young and old organisms and causes the accumulation of dead cells, rapid aging, and an increase in the likelihood of developing diseases. Therefore, all regularly affecting damaging factors should be eliminated, and periodically affecting factors should be minimized.

Body resources

The body's resources are the ability to utilize the maximum proportion of dead cells, create an ideal microclimate and microecology in all organs and tissues during exposure to unfavorable conditions: cold, hyperthermia, bruises, changes in pH balance, intoxication with poisons, carcinogens, etc.

The body's resources are a set of defense systems, or, in other words, systems for reducing the rate of damage to normal cells and accelerating the elimination of dead ones.

Since all actions in the body are carried out by cells, the primary resources are cellular resources. Having used its resource, the cell replenishes its supply from the extracellular matrix. The resources of the body as a whole ultimately depend on the intensity of cells’ replenishment of expended resources.

The extracellular matrix, from which cells restore their resources, replenishes its composition through the blood. Then the blood is supplied with resources in the kidneys, liver, and lungs. The bone marrow produces specialized blood cells. The process of supplying cells with resources is highly dynamic, and the apparent constancy of, for example, blood characteristics is supported by many systems that acutely perceive any changes.

All resources of the body can be divided into accumulated and recreated.

Accumulated resources:

  • resting cells with unspent resources;

  • capacity and content of the extracellular matrix from which cells replenish their resources - 1/5 of body weight, 12-15 liters for a person over 18;

  • blood capacity and contents – 5-6 liters;
  • capacity and contents of lymph – 2 liters;

  • specialized resource storage units.
  • The most efficient and always ready-to-use spare resource is passive cells. The body never uses all its cells at the same time. When some cells are working, others are replenishing resources, and others are resting. At a certain point in time, functioning and passive cells change. The reserve is used only in cases of extreme necessity, it is enough for a short time (no more than a minute), but this is often enough to carry out a difficult task (lift a large mass, cover a hundred meters at maximum speed, secrete large number substances, etc.).

    The most important and voluminous accumulated resource is the extracellular matrix. Its volume is 12-15 liters. Its contents can be almost completely used, in contrast to the contents of blood, the change in the norm of which cannot exceed 16%. In addition, by exchanging with blood, the extracellular matrix can transfer resources from one part of the body to another. The transport of resources is quite slow, but makes it possible to carry out continuous work of moderate intensity for hours. The main purpose of sleep and rest is to replenish the extracellular matrix with resources.

    The contents of blood, which is approximately half as much as the extracellular matrix, is also an accumulated resource, but only a tenth of it can be used, so the buffering properties of blood during prolonged physical work 20 times lower than the extracellular matrix. It follows that the dynamic volume of blood resources is only 500 ml, and even then only when its supply of resources is maximum. Blood mainly functions as a transport of resources and a temporary buffer for a matter of minutes.

    Having spent the available 10% of blood resources, the body launches mechanisms for economical consumption of resources, thereby preventing the destruction of blood cells. It is for this reason that blood tests show normal values, while the pathological process in the tissues is obvious.

    The contents of lymph, the volume of which is 2 liters, resembles the contents of blood serum, but differs significantly in the increased content of protein, released during the disposal of dead cells, and protein obtained from the intestines. Therefore, lymph serves as an accumulated protein resource and plays an important role when there is a lack of protein in food. In addition, the entire lymphatic system serves as one of the most important producers of immune system cells that detect dead cells and remove them.

    To ensure a stable supply of resources to the body, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and in the event of the manifestation of certain diseases, immediately

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