Position of the baby before birth: changing the position of the baby. How does a child behave before birth? Preparing for independent research

What is the best position for my baby to give birth?

Labor is almost always faster and easier if your baby is in a head-down position with the back of his head facing your belly. This position of the fetus is called “cephalic presentation, anterior view.” In most cases, the baby takes exactly this position by the end of pregnancy.

Being in the forward position, the baby is most comfortable in the curve of your womb. During labor, the baby tilts his head forward until his chin touches chest. In this position, childbirth proceeds easier and faster, because in this case:

  • During contractions, the crown of the baby puts gentle and even pressure on the cervix. This promotes the dilation of the cervix and the release of hormones necessary for the successful course of labor.
  • During this, the child passes through the pelvic bones at an angle at which the smallest circumference of his head is in front. To better visualize this, try wearing a shirt with a tight-fitting high collar, without hiding your chin, and everything will immediately become clear to you.
  • When the baby reaches the pelvic floor, he turns his head slightly so that the widest part of it is in the widest part of the pelvis. In this case, the back of his head may pass under your pubic bone. When born, the baby leaves the mother's body, sliding his face along the surface located between the vagina and the anus (perineum).

What is back position?

The posterior position is a position in which your baby's head is down and the back of his head is facing your spine. By now, approximately every tenth child is in this position.

In most cases, these babies are born during a normal, vaginal birth, but this placement creates additional difficulties for the mother, especially if the baby's chin is raised up instead of down. As a result:

  • you may experience lower back pain caused by the pressure of the baby's head on your spine,
  • your water may break early,
  • labor can be long and slow,
  • you may begin to feel pushing before your cervix is ​​fully dilated.

When the baby reaches the pelvic floor, he will have to turn almost 180 degrees in order to get into the position most comfortable for birth.

This process may take some time, and sometimes the baby prefers not to roll over at all! In the latter case, he is born face up, as if looking at you. In addition, in this case, to help him be born, you may need.

Why do some children take a back position?

If your baby is in a posterior position, it may be due to the type and shape of your pelvis. The female pelvis is sometimes not round, but rather narrow, with oval shape(the so-called anthropoid pelvis) or wide, heart-shaped (the so-called android pelvis or male-type pelvis).

If your pelvis is not round, but oval or heart-shaped, then there is a relatively high chance that the baby will take a back-to-back position in the widest part of your pelvis. The fact is that in this position it is easier for him to support his head.

The mother's lifestyle also plays a role. It appears that posterior fetal position is much more common among European women than among women in developing countries, who are accustomed to working in the fields all day and eating or preparing food while squatting. The reason is quite obvious.

When you watch TV while sitting comfortably in a chair, or work at the computer for hours, your pelvis tilts back. In this case, naturally, the heaviest part of the child’s body (the back of the head and spine) also tends to lean back. So, in the end, the child ends up in a back-to-back position.

If you work a lot or spend time standing, your baby will most likely take an anterior position in the pelvic cavity because your pelvis is always tilted forward.

How can I help my child get into a forward position?

You may have heard about so-called methods to give the fetus an optimal position. These are techniques that can help your baby achieve a forward position by changing your posture, especially when sitting. Remember: you want your pelvis to tilt forward, not backward. Therefore, when you sit, make sure that your knees are always lower than your hips.

Try the following:

  • Pay attention to the design of your favorite chair. It should not be such that your knees rise above your hips when you sit down. If this happens, try turning the chair 180 degrees, kneeling on the seat and leaning forward, leaning over the back.
  • Clean the floors. Our grandmothers liked to repeat that washing the kitchen floor is the best way to prepare for childbirth. And they were right! While you are on all fours, your baby turns the back of his head towards your stomach.
  • When driving a car, place a pillow on the seat so that your pelvis is elevated in relation to your legs.
  • While sitting in front of the TV, lean forward, leaning over the fitball.

When you go to bed, you don't have to worry about your baby's position. However, the optimal position for sleeping is later pregnancy - lying on your side, not on your back.

Will I actually be able to get my baby into the correct prenatal position?

Trying to bring a baby into the correct prenatal position is a long-known practice; there is nothing particularly new here. The first reports of “giving the fetus an optimal position” appeared in the 19th century. Today this method is known thanks to a description proposed by obstetrician Jean Sutton and published in the 1990s. Jean Sutton suggested that women in late pregnancy adopt an upright or forward-leaning position as often as possible.

One often hears the question: does this really help, or does it simply create additional difficulties for a pregnant woman?

So far, research on this method only confirms that in late pregnancy, staying in the knee-elbow position twice a day for 10 minutes really helps the baby take a forward position.

Unfortunately, this does not seem to affect the position of the baby during birth. As for getting into an upright or forward-leaning position, Sutton recommends doing this regularly.

If you practice the described technique during pregnancy, but despite this, the baby ends up in a posterior position when labor begins, this may be explained more by the shape of your pelvis than by your posture.

Can I get my baby into the correct position during labor?

If your baby is in a posterior position at the beginning of labor, you can still try the positions above (upright or forward-leaning) to help position your baby and relieve pain. Cases where the baby changes position during labor are quite common, and most babies find themselves in an anterior position during the pushing period, regardless of the position occupied at the beginning of labor.

Sometimes women begin to feel slight pain a few days before labor begins. Any pain is not very pleasant, but in this case it may be a sign that your baby is trying to turn into a forward position. At the same time, we can recommend:

  • try to get better rest at night,
  • stay upright and move more throughout the day,
  • lean forward during contractions
  • drink water regularly,
  • maintain your strength
  • try not to stress and maintain a good mood.

It may turn out that the most comfortable position for you during childbirth will be the knee-elbow position. In this case, the child seems to fall down in the direction from your spine, and this will not only reduce your pain, but can also help the child take the correct position.

When labor begins, try:

  • Stay upright as much as possible.
  • During contractions, lean forward, leaning over the barrier. For example, a fitball, your assistant or a bed can be used in this capacity.
  • Ask your assistant.
  • During contractions, make gentle rotational movements of your pelvis to help your baby turn as he moves through the pelvic cavity.
  • If you lean back while sitting in a chair or on a bed, do not stay in that position for too long.
  • If possible, try not to resort to it, as it increases the likelihood that the baby will be in a posterior position during birth. With epidural anesthesia, the likelihood that instrumental obstetric intervention may be required also increases.
  • If you feel signs of exhaustion during labor, lie down on your left side. The fact is that your pelvis will be able to expand to give the child the opportunity to turn around while you rest

A few weeks before birth, the fetus occupies a certain position in the uterine cavity, which it will not change until birth. This position of the baby is called presentation: it comes in two main types - cephalic (the fetus is positioned with its head towards the cervix) and pelvic (the fetus is positioned with its buttocks or legs towards the cervix).

During childbirth, the baby moves forward with its presenting part, so with the cephalic type, the baby’s head appears first from the vagina, and with the pelvic type, the buttocks or legs appear first. Oblique (at an acute angle to the longitudinal axis of the uterus) and transverse (at a right angle to the longitudinal axis of the uterus) presentation is very rare; in this case, delivery is carried out by surgery caesarean section.

Before the fetus gets into one of the positions in the uterine cavity, its movements are at their peak of activity, since there is enough space around it to make movements. This is also facilitated by a sufficient amount amniotic fluid. At this time, the baby's kicks are very strong and are well felt by the mother. Sometimes a child, with his movements, can touch bladder women, resulting in frequent urination and pain in the lower abdomen.

After accepting one of the presentations, the child’s activity decreases. This phenomenon is due to three reasons:

  1. The mother's abdomen drops, the pelvic bones fix the fetus's position, and it becomes uncomfortable for him to move the presenting part of the body.
  2. 2 weeks before birth, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases.
  3. With a cephalic presentation, the baby's legs end up at the fundus of the uterus, where there are few nerve receptors, which reduces sensitivity to the motor activity of the fetus.

These factors lead to the fact that there is very little space left for movement around the baby. But in fact, a week before the onset of labor, the child behaves quite actively, he stops making turns, and the number of movements of his limbs remains at the same level. Not all women can notice such small movements in amplitude.

Not all babies stop moving before birth; some babies have a strong character and are not yet ready to leave the womb, so their movements remain at the same level. Sometimes before birth the baby moves actively, the woman subtly feels this and does not notice the slowdown in fetal movements. This phenomenon is regarded as a variant of the norm and does not indicate any problems or pathologies.

Attention! There are no clear criteria for how a child should behave before birth; some children slightly reduce their activity, and some babies do not reduce the number of their movements.

If the child shows excessive activity, and the number of his movements increases sharply, the mother should consult a doctor. Sometimes the reason for this behavior may be a lack of certain substances. Most often, a sharp increase in fetal movements is associated with oxygen starvation or entanglement in the umbilical cord, which requires urgent medical intervention.

A sudden lack of movement in a child for several hours can also be a warning sign. The most common reason for this behavior is lack of oxygen. Therefore, if the expectant mother does not feel the baby’s movements for about 10-12 hours, she should urgently consult a doctor.

Before birth, the fetus may remain quite active or quiet down a little, both options are normal. But in order to understand whether the child is moving too much or too little, the expectant mother should record all his movements. This technique, which in medical terminology is called the “Count to 10” test, will help to promptly notice deviations in the physiology of the fetus, since the baby’s activity is his only way to tell about his well-being.

To track the dynamics of the baby's movements, the expectant mother is recommended to keep a special notebook in which a table of 24 columns should be drawn. In the header of each of them you need to write the time from 9 am to 21 pm with an interval of half an hour. The days of the week are marked horizontally. Any perceptible movement of the fetus is considered to be moving.

A pregnant woman should mark each movement of the fetus in this table; several movements of the child in a row should be recorded as one movement. If the baby is not active for several hours, the expectant mother is advised to eat food containing fast carbohydrates (candy, cookies) and lie down on her left side. This technique allows you to “wake up” the child.

Usually in one hour the child makes about two movements, but the mother should take into account the daily dynamics of his activity. This phenomenon is due to the fact that at certain times of the day the baby may sleep and not move. A normal indicator is considered to be at least 10 movements per day; on average, the fetus is active approximately 40-50 times a day.

If a woman feels three or fewer baby movements per day, she should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a high risk of oxygen deprivation of the fetus. When the number of fetal movements reaches 60 or more per day, the expectant mother is recommended to consult a specialist; such activity of the baby is abnormal. It may indicate a lack of any substances, most often oxygen.

Maintaining this table is not mandatory, but this technique helps the woman and her obstetrician-gynecologist assess the condition of the fetus, suspect a lack of oxygen or other pathology. Also using this method expectant mother may understand that in 1-2 weeks she will have to meet her child, since at this time many babies reduce their activity.


The approach of childbirth is characterized by numerous changes in the body of a pregnant woman , which indicate their close beginning.

Expectant mothers are increasingly listening to themselves and noticing new sensations and changes. Child before childbirth moves much less than during pregnancy . Its activity is reduced because there is little free space left in the mother’s belly. A pregnant woman's mood may change, her appetite may worsen, and contractions may begin.

The child, feeling ready to go out into the light, begins to move closer to the “exit”. It takes place with the presenting part in the small pelvis, taking a comfortable position for itself to wait for the onset of contractions . Often before childbirth, the stomach hurts and becomes hard. Women often ask if their belly goes down. Of course, the real sign imminent birth the child is exactly . In fact, when the belly drops before childbirth, it means that the uterine fundus has prolapsed. Sometimes on the eve of childbirth, women may experience bleeding . It can be used to judge the release of the mucus plug.

Belly before childbirth, as can be seen in the photo, and its lowering in all women occurs individually - in different terms and in different ways. Many primiparous women experience prolapse 2-4 weeks before labor begins. When a woman gives birth again, her stomach drops a few days before giving birth , as shown in the photo, or does not fall down right up to the birth itself.

Characteristic signs of abdominal drooping before childbirth:

- disappearance of heartburn and belching, which were so painful during pregnancy;

Easier breathing because the uterus is no longer putting pressure on the diaphragm;

The appearance of discomfort when walking and sitting;

Increased urge to go to the toilet on the eve of childbirth;

The presence of unpleasant pain in the perineum and pelvis.

Some pregnant women do not notice these sensations. The most in a simple way understand if you have drooping belly before childbirth (photo above), is to place your palm between your stomach and chest. If it fits there, abdominal prolapse has probably already occurred before childbirth, and you will soon go to the maternity hospital.


Pregnant women before childbirth are usually very afraid of the onset of contractions and the process of childbirth itself. It is very important to understand how contractions begin.

Cervix of a woman during pregnancy tightly closed. At the very beginning, when contractions begin before childbirth, the uterus is also ready to open - its throat is smoothed, expanding to 10-12 centimeters in diameter. During contractions, intrauterine pressure increases as the uterus begins to shrink in size. This leads to rupture of the amniotic sac , as a result of which amniotic fluid flows out.

How do you know if you're going into labor? At first you will feel some discomfort in the abdomen, hip joints and lower back. At first, contractions before childbirth will last only a few seconds, and you will not notice any particular painful sensations. The time interval between contractions will be about 10-12 minutes, sometimes 7-8 minutes. All these sensations will no longer make you question how to understand that the first contractions have begun.

Then the contractions will become stronger, more frequent and painful, and even with a shorter interval. This will be the next phase. Thus, contractions will reach a point where they last about 2 minutes, and the next one occurs 60 seconds later. If such moments occur, you should be prepared for the fact that labor will begin soon, in 30-40 minutes.

How to behave before childbirth? After all, the most painful and final stage of labor begins. Since during childbirth a pregnant woman has a high diaphragm, she can only breathe from the upper parts of her lungs. However, each inhalation should be accompanied by an infusion of air into the lungs, filling the free upper part of the chest. Exhale carefully and easily. In no case is it recommended to inhale air forcefully or exhale in jerks. To relieve labor pain, you can use self-massage without resorting to analgesics.

Apply pressure from the front on points along the thighs, and massage with slightly spaced vibrating thumbs. Lying on your side with your knees slightly bent is the most comfortable position for a light massage of the lower half of the abdomen while maintaining the correct inhalation-exhalation rhythm. Stroking is done with your fingertips - from the middle of the abdomen to the sides.

Once labor begins, some pregnant women vomiting may occur. It does not last long and no treatment is required. As soon as vomiting stops, rinse your mouth with water and drink 1-2 sips of water, but no more. so as not to cause new nausea .
The second stage of labor is characterized by the transfer of women in labor to the delivery room. You can control the pushing yourself under the supervision of a midwife and doctor. There will be an unpleasant feeling of strong bloating. The overall pain of pushing depends on what your posture is and whether you push correctly.

It is necessary to completely relax and breathe deeply - while inhaling without delay. The strongest attempts are considered to be those when the fetal head passes through the pelvis. When the fetal head appears, the midwife provides assistance to the woman in labor so that she does not tear the muscles of the perineum. Follow all professional instructions of the midwife absolutely precisely. Remember that the baby's head will be removed from the genital tract when there is no pushing. Therefore, it must be contained by relaxing and breathing only through the mouth without any delay in inhalation.


The removal of a plug before childbirth is very individual. However, this may not happen earlier than 3-4 weeks before birth. She often leaves 7 days before labor begins.

What does a mucus plug look like? It consists of a dense clot of mucus (photo link) , which closes the entrance to the uterus. No infection can penetrate there, so the baby is safe.

How the mucus plug comes off before childbirth ? You may feel clumps of mucus being released. The mucus plug before childbirth (photo) looks beige, pinkish or whitish-yellowish. Often discharge may contain blood or with streaks, since the cervix, expanding, causes the bursting of small capillaries. A small amount of blood on the eve of labor is quite normal. No need to panic. Remember that this is the mucus plug coming off. Just take a closer look.

The mucus plug does not look like ordinary discharge. It looks more dense. An option is possible when it comes out in large volume at once. From the fact how the plug comes out just before childbirth, for example, little by little, gradually, this may not be noticed, or it may be confused with discharge.

Most cases where the mucus plug comes off before childbirth occurs while using the toilet or taking a shower. However, if the characteristic plug came off before childbirth while you were dressed, you can definitely see this mucus on the sheet or underwear.

The removal of the plug sometimes occurs directly during childbirth.

If the plug comes away, and then the water or contractions come out, it means you need to go to the maternity hospital urgently. You should also go there if there is bleeding after the plug comes out. You should visit a doctor if the plug comes off too early, 14 days before the due date, especially if it is bright red.

The plug should not be accompanied by bleeding. It only comes in dark color.


Before giving birth, every pregnant woman's reproductive organ reaches its maximum size. The shape of the uterus (belly) before the upcoming birth may be different. If the fetus occupies the most unfavorable position and lies transversely, this means that the uterus before birth is stretched in width and not in length. In this situation, as a rule, a caesarean section is performed according to indications.

With a longitudinal presentation of the fetus, the shape of the abdomen takes on a regular oval shape. An irregularly shaped belly occurs when the child deviates to the side.

During an external examination, the midwife analyzes the muscle tone of the uterus . The wall of the uterus is normally soft in a pregnant woman. However, with increased tone it is hard. Hypertonicity of the uterus (increased tone) is one of the threats of termination of pregnancy. Increased tone can occur at any stage of pregnancy. The sensations will be pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. They can be minor, very strong or sipping. Signs of pain depend on the intensity and duration of uterine hypertonicity before childbirth, as well as on the pain threshold sensitivity of a pregnant woman . With short-term increased tone, the sensation of pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen is slight.

The cervix begins to dilate before labor. This is the first stage of childbirth. It opens due to tension during contractions, when the muscles of the uterus contract.

The maturity of the cervix depends on the production necessary hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, namely prostaglandins. They have a complex effect - on the immune system, on the sensation of pain, on the regulation of blood pressure, the secretion of gastric juice, blood clotting and contractile activity of the uterus.

Professionals should monitor when the cervix begins to dilate before labor. Mothers in labor are required to fulfill all their professional requirements.

In primiparous women, the internal os of the cervix first begins to open, taking on the shape of a funnel, and then the external os stretches. Harbingers of labor in multiparous women are the opening of the external os of the uterus by one finger. This occurs at the end of pregnancy , and it is easier for them to dilate the cervix. The internal and external pharynx begin to open almost simultaneously.

Repeated births, as a rule, are faster and easier for women than the first. In order to give birth to a child without ruptures and without tearing the cervix, you need to listen to and follow the advice of gynecologists who deliver the baby. The preservation of the perineum and birth canal of the woman in labor depends 80% on them. To avoid an episiotomy during childbirth, the gynecologist must lubricate the vaginal area and cervix with a special gel or oil, then straighten it and the folds. At the next stage, the doctor teaches the correct pushing. Don't neglect these tips.

Special differences in the precursors of labor in primiparous and multiparous women not available. A reliable determination of the onset of labor can only be achieved by monitoring the dynamics of cervical dilatation.

Harbingers of childbirth can be, for example, a change in mood. Often a woman exhibits the so-called “nesting” instinct. This is when a woman begins to clean everything, wash, sew, tidy up. In a word, prepare for the long-awaited meeting of the long-awaited baby.

Signs of the onset of labor are changes in the motor activity of the fetus itself. The child begins to either calm down or, on the contrary, become very active. The baby begins to choose a rhythm and also prepare for the right moment of his birth.

From the female womb, 1-3 days or several hours before the onset of labor, mucus is sometimes released that resembles egg white. It looks brown, very similar to menstrual spotting. The discharge may also be streaked with small amounts of blood.

Before giving birth, a woman in labor may experience a noticeable change in appetite towards a decrease.

A woman's bowel movement can be a harbinger of labor. A pregnant woman goes to the toilet often. The chair is much larger than usual. The urge to urinate will also become more frequent as pressure on the bladder increases.

On the eve of childbirth, a woman may lose some weight - approximately 1-2 kilograms.

The lowering of the abdomen occurs due to the child’s preparation for “exit” - he lies with the presenting part at the entrance of the small pelvis. The fundus of the uterus at this time deviates anteriorly due to a slight decrease in the tone of the woman’s abdominal muscles.

It becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe because pressure is relieved from the stomach and diaphragm due to the baby moving down.

As the baby moves down, the woman may begin to experience pain in the lower back. , in the lumbar region.

Sometimes, the onset of labor is characterized by the appearance of dull, incomprehensible pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. There are also so-called girdle pains - when both the lower back and the stomach hurt.

The most reliable sign of the onset of labor is the presence of constant contractions in a woman in labor. . At this time, the uterine muscles begin regular contractions with a steady rhythm.

Sometimes the amniotic sac may leak before birth . But it can also burst suddenly. In this case, all the water may leak out at once. If amniotic fluid has leaked, you must urgently go to the maternity hospital.


Pregnant women are recommended a special diet before giving birth to help the digestive system prepare for labor. Vegetable oil before childbirth has a beneficial effect on the stretching and contraction of the uterus. In addition to everything else, dishes with vegetable oil enrich the body with vitamin E and are a means of preventing hemorrhoids and possible ruptures.

Women must attend preparatory classes during pregnancy, where they will be taught how to breathe correctly , will introduce you to adaptive comfortable posture, as well as perform effective exercises (including the Kegel method for intimate muscles ) to reduce pain.

Pain, which sometimes causes unpleasant moments for a woman before childbirth, is a harbinger of labor. On the pain The following factors may influence the normal birth:

health status and age of the woman in labor;

physiological and psycho-emotional preparation for childbirth;

menstrual irregularities recorded before pregnancy;

size and position of the fetus;

premature birth;

woman's pain threshold level;

individual anatomical features of the pelvis, muscular, hormonal systems, etc.

False contractions are a typical first cause of pain before labor. This process is also often called training. At this time, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract, becoming toned for only one minute. Thus, the woman’s cervix prepares for childbirth. These sensations appear after 20 weeks , but they do not cause severe pain.

False contractions are intended to prepare a woman’s body for labor. They are usually not intense and are concentrated in the lower abdomen.

Painful symptoms before childbirth that need special attention to understand signs of the onset of labor:

constant contractions of the uterus;

frequency of pain recurrence with a break of 10-20 minutes;

reducing the gap between contractions to 2-3 minutes;

rapid relaxation of the uterus in between contractions;

the nature of the pain is widespread, pressing and encircling.

Nagging pain before childbirth signals the imminent birth of a baby. They start at 33-34 weeks. This process is caused by stretching of ligaments and muscles. In other words, preparation for labor. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen . This is due to false contractions and the preparatory period, when the uterus acquires tone and the cervix shortens and becomes smaller. Pain in the lower abdomen, therefore, is an adaptation period that helps prepare the muscles, ligaments and tissues for normal labor. You should not dramatize pain, since they are explained by simple physiological stretching of the uterus and displacement of nearby organs.

Cause of pelvic pain before childbirth is an increase in the tone of the spiral uterine ligaments. Such sensations are especially common in pregnant women who have a history of pelvic muscle distortion (a twisted pelvis). The ligaments that attach the uterus to the pelvis are stretched unevenly as a result of sacroiliac displacement, thereby causing nagging pain in the pelvic and lumbar region.

Chest pain accompany almost the entire period of pregnancy. This is normal occurrence. Over the course of nine months, the mammary glands undergo changes. The most noticeable breast growth is after 30 weeks, when glandular tissue grows rapidly. The capsules of the mammary glands stretch greatly, as do skin pregnant woman. Chest pain is associated with this.

Back pain before birth is associated with the child moving into a natural prenatal presentation - head down. The fetus puts pressure on the lower back, and the connective tissue of the sacroiliac zone is stretched. The lower back hurts mainly during contractions.

Hormonal dysfunctions in women provoke expansion and relaxation of the pelvic joints and intervertebral ligaments.

Due to a large belly, physiological displacement occurs forward of the body's center of gravity. It leads to compensatory tension in the back muscles. At this time, posture may be disrupted and curvature of the spine may appear.

Factors that cause pain in the perineum before childbirth:

increased weight puts stress on the lumbosacral region, which leads to pain in the perineum;

increased production of the hormone relaxin, which controls the elasticity of interosseous joints;

gradual expansion of the pelvic bones (pubic joints) in preparation for labor.

To prepare the birth canal for the passage of the fetus, doctors prescribe No-shpa before childbirth. However, it should not be taken without the prescription of a specialist. No-spa is contraindicated in case of hepatic, renal and isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Theoretically, it sometimes causes premature onset of labor, since it accelerates the dilatation of the cervix.

It is usually prescribed by specialists along with other drugs, more often with suppositories. This there may be Buscopan candles, Papaverine and candles Krasavka. Experts assure that before childbirth, No-shpa can help determine the authenticity of contractions. If you are not sure whether these contractions are real or false, then you can take two tablets of No-shpa . If the pain becomes more frequent and intensifies, it is recommended to go to the maternity hospital.

Buscopan suppositories will have a stimulating and relaxing effect on the muscles of the cervix. In this way, they contribute to its disclosure. Typically, they are prescribed to prepare the cervix and speed up the development of the first stage of the labor process.

Buscopan suppositories before childbirth are prescribed only if the expected benefit from them is higher than the potential harm to the child and mother. Of course, the best option would be if you don’t use them at all. But in recent weeks, at the end of the third trimester, gynecologists quite often prescribe use of special suppositories for pregnant women.

The main thing that a pregnant woman should know is that Buscopan suppositories cannot be used in the first trimester, or for constipation. The best way The solution to this problem will be a revision of the diet. Thus, Buscopan suppositories can be used no earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy in order to maximally prepare the muscles of the uterus in order to facilitate future childbirth.

In candles with belladonna contains belladonna extract. The drug is released in the form of rectal suppositories. It is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. An additional function of this drug is to have a relaxing effect on the cervix.

Belladonna suppositories have proven to be very effective in relieving cervical tension. However, they still fail to completely relieve pain when the cervix of the uterus opens. Belladonna suppositories are used before childbirth only if the pregnant woman does not have a risk of hemorrhoids and a predisposition to slow dilatation of the cervix.

Immediately before giving birth, a pregnant woman is given an enema
. The absence of feces will make it easier for the baby's head to move through the pelvis, because in this case there will be no seals as it moves along the birth canal. The ability of an enema to tone the vagina, stimulating contractions and improving the birth process, is its undoubted advantage.

An enema before childbirth is very simple. Prepare a solution from chamomile infusion, for example. The water temperature is recommended no more than 37 degrees. Fill the mug with the solution, release the air from it and secure it at a level of one meter from the place where you will be.

Apply soap, cream or Vaseline to the tip of the tube, release the air and carefully insert the tip. Gradually you should feel your intestines full. If you don't feel this way, try changing the direction of the tip. Make sure that air does not enter the intestines. If you feel discomfort, begin to breathe slowly and deeply, stroke your stomach and relax. After the solution is administered, go straight to the toilet.

Sanitation- one of the important components of preparing pregnant women for childbirth. Sanitation is the cleansing of pathogenic microorganisms in the birth canal. When a child is born, it comes into contact with the walls of the birth canal. He can swallow lubricant, secretions, etc. In the case of pathogenic microflora, the risk of various infections in the baby in the postpartum period increases (thrush in the mouth, conjunctivitis, etc.)

To cleanse the birth canal, you need to use antiseptics. This can be a decoction for washing from St. John's wort, sage or chamomile. Dissolved baking soda relieves burning and itching sensations.

In addition, doctors may prescribe antiseptics in the form of tablets or suppositories before childbirth. They will be aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms. The most common drugs are vinylin, miramistin, clotrimazole, terzhinan , chlorophyll solution.

It should be noted that antibiotics do not act on candida fungus. This means that antibacterial therapy involves acting only on the fungus itself. These antibiotics are antifungal antibiotics. For example, nystatin contained in terzhinan.

Particularly useful during pregnancy is the use of olive oil on an empty stomach, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving the pregnant woman of constipation. In the last months of pregnancy, constipation in women is a very common occurrence. Olive oil is also an excellent remedy against late toxicosis in the last months of pregnancy . To soften the cervix before childbirth, it would also be a good idea to use olive oil.


Answering the question of how amniotic fluid drains in pregnant women, we can say the following. Before birth, the fetus increases pressure on the mother's cervix. At some point, the membrane may burst, and then the amniotic fluid will flow out. However, even in this case the child is not dry, since mainly that part of the anterior waters that was between the head and cervix is ​​poured out. In addition, the waters are replenished and renewed every three hours. Sometimes your water breaks before contractions occur.

Understanding now how the waters break in pregnant women who are beginning to give birth, you need to know that they sometimes break immediately in a huge volume, which is approximately 200 ml, or a glass of liquid. This process feels like a cork has been pulled out, an exit has opened and at least a bucket of water is pouring out. It is impossible to confuse such a process with anything else. If this happens to you, you will have no doubt that the amniotic fluid has already broken.

Sometimes the water leaves in a peculiar way, leaking a small amount, little by little. This is simply explained by the fact that the amniotic sac is torn from the side or from above.

Light-colored, almost colorless waters are considered normal. They are sometimes a little cloudy and should not have an unpleasant or strong odor.

As soon as the pregnant woman's water breaks out, contractions may begin immediately. Sometimes this happens after a few hours.

The most favorable and successful option for women will be the release of amniotic fluid after the onset of contractions. This process occurs against the background of very strong contractions of the pregnant woman’s uterus.

It is not worth accelerating labor with medications if the amniotic sac is intact, therefore, infection is impossible. If the water is retained, then the contractions will not be very painful. In this case, the dilation of the cervix will be more effective.

Apply for urgent medical care necessary when the waste water is greenish in color. Such green signals that the fetus has either experienced or is experiencing at the moment serious lack of oxygen. This also happens when some of the contents of his intestines get in - meconium, original feces.

The temperature before childbirth can sometimes be elevated. This signals an ongoing pathological process. Elevated temperature should not be taken as a symptom of approaching labor. It, of course, can increase as a reaction to contractions and stress. But often she talks about an existing infectious disease in a pregnant woman.

An increase in temperature, which is associated with an obstetric infection, becomes of serious importance for the child. Premature leakage of water, undiagnosed for a long time, leads to inflammation of the membranes - chorioamnionitis. It can develop in full force by 3-4 days after damage to the amniotic sac. This happens if the pregnant woman did not consult doctors in a timely manner and therefore did not receive any protection from them. Monitor not only the temperature, but also the discharge of amniotic fluid.

If an infection gets inside the womb, the child will have difficulty resisting it. Bacteria may first infect the eyes, resulting in conjunctivitis and blepharitis. The lungs may be affected in utero (congenital pneumonia). Penetrating into the blood, bacteria cause blood poisoning (sepsis) and meningitis.

In the first days immediately after birth, it is very difficult to treat a child with intrauterine contamination and infections.

Fear, which often occurs in pregnant women before childbirth, is most common among first-time mothers. This is a completely natural phenomenon. To successfully overcome it, you must first of all think about the child and his safety.

Tune in to such behavior when you need to listen to the opinion of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Only in this case can childbirth be easy, quick and relatively painless. A little pain will only indicate a positive resolution. Always believe in your own strength.

Overcoming fear, as a natural reaction of the body, is necessary because during childbirth it is an absolutely useless thing. And even harmful. Setting yourself up for a favorable outcome of childbirth and your confidence in this will help you successfully overcome it.

Don’t listen too much to the stories of friends who have already given birth and now savor the smallest details of the process, sharing with you the details of their already forgotten sensations, and perhaps somewhat exaggerated. The best option You will benefit from taking preparatory courses for pregnant women. There you will have the opportunity to ask all the questions you are interested in, to which you will receive comprehensive and very useful answers from professional medical professionals.

Look for only positive information about childbirth. Listen to the stories of those who consider childbirth the most amazing and wonderful moment of life.

Pregnancy is a natural process for a woman. As they often say, pregnancy is not a disease. Don't neglect physical exercise. Continue to do gymnastics and visit the pool. Your activity for nine months will become the basis for absolute preparation for childbirth.


The long-awaited week before giving birth has arrived after so many days and months of waiting for the baby to appear. 36-37 weeks are already called the prenatal period. The baby may already be born at any moment. Now expectant mothers are beginning to experience fears that are associated not with pregnancy, but with the upcoming birth, and are increasingly thinking about the process of childbirth itself. But first you need to follow some recommendations from experts in order to the birth was successful and without complications . Pregnant women themselves can greatly contribute to this if they unconditionally comply with the requirements and advice that doctors give them.

Recommended approximately one month before expected birth, starting at 36 weeks of pregnancy , remove animal protein from your diet: fish, meat, butter, eggs and milk. Your diet at this time will include fermented milk products, water-based cereals, a variety of plant foods, fresh juices, baked vegetables, herbal teas and mineral water.

As your due date approaches, your diet becomes more limited. This is due to the fact that before childbirth you should not overload the intestines. It is also recommended to avoid fermented milk products last days before childbirth.

Experts recommend a complete sanitation of the birth canal, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy. This is done in order to cleanse the birth canal from pathogenic microflora and ensure its cleanliness directly during the upcoming birth. The risk of infection of the child increases if there is any infection in the birth canal. For example, herpes, common thrush and STDs . A child can become infected with all this while passing through the birth canal.

Pregnant women should weigh themselves regularly throughout the nine months. The optimal weight gain during this time is 9-13 kilograms. This calculation is done together with the weight of the child, uterus, amniotic fluid, breast, and placenta. The placenta, we note, at the end of pregnancy becomes much heavier and grows in size.

Urine given by a woman before each doctor's appointment is examined for the presence of sugar and protein. . The protein can signal so-called gestosis. This is late toxicosis, or toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy. The presence of sugar is known to indicate diabetes.

You can exercise and swim in the pool until you give birth. Don't give up on this under any circumstances.

The day before giving birth, a woman should get a good night's sleep. Sleep can be at least 8-10 hours. This is only a minimum amount of time, do not deny yourself sleep, because it calms the body. The main thing is to feel rested and recharged.

Before giving birth, doctors prescribe No-shpa to pregnant women , as well as candles with belladonna. They are necessary in preparing the cervix of those women who are at risk of slow dilatation.

Very often, a few hours before giving birth, a pregnant woman begins to feel sick, vomiting and diarrhea. Don’t panic, this is how the body begins to prepare for childbirth, naturally cleansing itself of everything unnecessary.

Childbirth immediately begins with regular labor contractions. At first they pass at intervals of 10-15 minutes. Then they become more frequent and become much stronger. There is a gradual opening and smoothing of the cervix. Then the mucus, slightly stained with blood, begins to come out, and a fetal sac forms.

Two weeks before the upcoming birth, it is recommended to think about what to take with you to the maternity hospital. ? Don’t take anything extra so you don’t have to return it home. Here is a sample list of necessary things.

1. Required documents.
2. Things required during childbirth.
3. Things that will be needed after childbirth.
4. Necessary things for a newborn baby.
5. Necessary things for discharge:

- things for mom;
- items for discharge for the child;
- required documents.

The optimal list of things to take with you to the maternity hospital:

Perhaps this is exactly what you need take some other things to the maternity hospital additionally. Consult your family doctor and specialists who monitored your health during pregnancy.

But you still have it in the wrong place! Many expectant mothers hear this phrase from a doctor. Most babies still take the correct position by the appointed date of birth, that is, they are positioned head down. But there are also those who don’t even think about doing this. What should mom do in this case?

With the normal position of the fetus in the uterus, the baby's head is located below, above the womb, and during childbirth, it is the first to pass through the mother's birth canal. But in 3-4% of all women the fetus is in the so-called breech presentation. In a breech presentation, the fetus's buttocks are facing the entrance to the mother's pelvis (in other words, the baby is sitting). Less often, the child lies across (transverse presentation) or obliquely.

Breech presentation

So, the most common position of a child in the womb is head down position. In this case, childbirth proceeds most easily, since the largest part of the fetus, the head, comes out first and makes way for other parts of the child’s body.

However, some babies occupy the wrong position in the mother's belly. Breech presentation The fetus, this is the name given to the position when the baby is positioned “butt first” in the mother’s womb, comes in three types: breech presentation, leg presentation, or buttocks with legs (mixed breech presentation).

In most cases, babies take the correct position in the womb 4 weeks before birth. But still, there are those who cannot or do not want to lie head first. And the closer the expected date of birth, the less likely it is that the child will be able to take the desired position on his own.

However there is special cases, which midwives talk about, when a mother talks to her baby, persuading her to turn over, and the baby changes position. Surprisingly, this is true. There are also special exercises to turn the baby into the desired position.

What are the reasons?

There can be many reasons for breech presentation. It often occurs due to polyhydramnios, a narrow maternal pelvis, pelvic deformation, due to a tumor of the uterus or its developmental anomalies.

Some experts believe that abnormal fetal position is associated with emotional stress. For example, the world for the baby has not yet been formed - the relationship between the parents is strained or there are still unresolved problems in his future family and with his incorrect presentation the baby protests, thus telling his mother: I don’t want to come into a world that is not ready to accept me. You may or may not believe these statements, but it doesn't hurt to think about it. Perhaps you really can make the world around you a better place to make your baby more comfortable.

Is it possible to consciously reverse?

Today there are a number of exercises on how to turn your baby into the correct position. This procedure is usually performed by a doctor in a hospital 2-3 weeks before the expected birth. With one hand through the uterus, the other helping from the outside, placing it on the mother's stomach, the doctor tries to turn the baby. In parallel with this procedure, doctors are preparing for an emergency caesarean section. If you try to turn the baby over, you may lose water prematurely or the placenta may abruptly begin, which means you need to start labor immediately.

Birth with breech presentation

Childbirth in cephalic presentation proceeds according to the usual program. The birth of a child from the “butt first” position can also develop according to a natural scenario, but will require great patience and skill from the doctor, expectant mother- composure, and from the baby - stamina and absolute health.

Labor with breech presentation is usually protracted. Weakness of labor or fatigue of the woman in labor may develop. Doctors very carefully monitor the fetal heartbeat, this is done after each contraction. In the second stage of labor, perineal incisions are often made to help the baby be born faster. In the third stage of labor, the woman is given bleeding prophylaxis.

This is why breech birth is considered an unusual situation and it is the doctor’s job to determine whether it will be risky. The doctor will make a decision in favor of the usual scenario if:

1. the baby is absolutely healthy and appears on time;
2. his expected weight is average (natural birth for small and large children may be unsafe);
3. the umbilical cord is not wrapped around the neck (otherwise, during pushing, the child will experience hypoxia - lack of oxygen);
4. the expectant mother is healthy;
5. there are no abnormalities in the structure of her uterus;
6. the size of the pelvis is normal;
7. the woman is no more than 30 years old and has not had any problems with the onset, gestation or course of pregnancy;
8. the birth process develops without failures;
9. a girl is expected (neonatologists believe that birth in the “butt first” position is fraught with serious stress on the genitals for boys);
10. In a previous birth, the mother gave birth to a very large baby.

A heart monitor will constantly monitor the baby’s heartbeat during such labor and the progress of the process itself. The expectant mother needs to know that if any problems occur during the course of events, the doctor will refer her for an emergency caesarean section - in the interests of the baby. If a woman is not in the mood to take risks and insists on surgery, the doctor in such a situation will always meet her halfway.

What is the risk of natural birth with breech presentation?

The biggest risk, of course, is the lack of oxygen during pushing. After the whole body is born, the head may become stuck in the pelvis and press on the umbilical cord. The placenta in such cases may begin to separate prematurely. Then the midwife needs to remove the baby as quickly as possible, since in these situations even an incision in the perineum does not help, you need to help the child with your hands.

Childbirth with transverse presentation of the fetus

Sometimes the baby gives a surprise to the mother and doctors: it is located diagonally or across the uterus. In the first case, there is a possibility that with the onset of labor or after the water has broken, the fetus will still take the proper position. The question is how it will be positioned - head or butt down.

If the child was forced to lie “on his side” by the entanglement of the umbilical cord, a septum in the mother’s uterus or a low-lying placenta, then the doctor will suggest not to risk it and will refer you for a cesarean section.

As for the transverse position of the fetus, in the old days obstetricians tried to turn such children around, because a caesarean section was a very, very risky business in those days.

With the development of surgery, the advent of new suture material and drugs that help avoid complications after surgery, doctors have the opportunity to preserve the health of mother and child. Therefore, today the transverse position of the fetus is not corrected, but the expectant mother undergoes a cesarean section. An exception to this rule may be a situation when the second baby of twins is located across the uterus, because after the birth of the first and the release of amniotic fluid, he will have a chance to roll over, using the free space.

How is fetal position determined?

The fetus is positioned head down (fetal cephalic position). Whether this is so will become clear in the 7th month of pregnancy, when the doctor palpates the expectant mother’s belly. Its conclusion should be confirmed by the results of examination through the vagina and ultrasound examination.

The baby is sitting. Breech presentation of the fetus can be recognized from the 32nd week of pregnancy during an examination: in the upper part of the uterus, the doctor feels the baby’s hard head, and in the lower part, the soft bottom.

The child lies transversely (transverse position of the fetus). Having felt the belly of the expectant mother, the doctor will “discover” the head and buttocks of the little trickster on the sides. This position of the fetus is determined from the middle of pregnancy, or more precisely, from the 20th week. By the way, you can try to correct the situation with the position of the fetus with the help of a special exercise, which should be done starting from the 31st week.

You need to lie down on a hard surface, turn first on your right side, then on your left side and lie in each of these positions for ten minutes. Do this exercise 3 times a day for 3-4 sets, before meals. If the fetal position has improved, the doctor will advise you to wear a bandage to consolidate the achieved result.

Every mother is interested in knowing what her baby is doing in the womb. When it is still small and freely floating in the uterine cavity, its position can change constantly. Of course, everyone’s activity is different, some babies sleep more, while others are constantly spinning. But towards the end of the term it becomes more and more difficult for him to turn over, and as a result he must be placed head down. It is this position that provides physiological correct birth, the easiest and simplest. Today we want to talk about how to independently determine in the stomach.

What methods does an obstetrician have?

Of course, the doctor can determine the location of the baby much more accurately. The easiest way to do this is based on ultrasound results. At any stage, the specialist performing the ultrasound will immediately see the baby’s posture. However, it is recommended to carry out this examination no more than three times during pregnancy, except in emergency situations.

When talking about how to independently determine the position of the baby in the abdomen, many women refer to the experience of gynecologists who palpate the abdomen for more than 28 weeks. But we must emphasize that the doctor knows exactly what he is trying to determine. Usually, after such an examination, the doctor can approximately say:

  • A child lies along or across.
  • What is located below, near the fundus of the uterus, the head or legs.

Finally, the last method of determining presentation is used when the cervix is ​​slightly opened. This may be the first stage of labor or the threat of termination of pregnancy for more than 22 weeks. In this case, the doctor can use his fingers to feel the parts of the fetal body that are closest to the exit from the uterus.

At what point does the issue of presentation become relevant?

Since it is not so easy to independently determine the position of the baby in the stomach, you should not pay special attention to this until 32 weeks. At this time, his position in the uterus is unstable, the baby turns and turns over. After the 32nd week, it takes a static position, in which it will pass through the birth canal. Now, until the birth, he will only move his arms and legs, as well as unbend and turn his head to the sides. Obeying the force of gravity, he turns head down. The back is turned to the left and looks outward, towards the front wall of the abdomen. The face is on the contrary, turned to the right and inward.

Preparing for independent research

And we move on to the most interesting thing: how to independently determine the position of the baby in the stomach. First of all, a woman should remember the moment when the child is most active. At this time, you should sit comfortably on the sofa and listen to your feelings. Usually the child will be unhappy that the mother is not moving and will begin to move with particular zeal. If, on the contrary, he is quiet, then you can provoke his activity by lightly patting his stomach with your palm.

Let's start observing

So how can you determine the position of the baby in the stomach yourself? Listen to your feelings. If the baby is positioned head up, which is typical for early date, then the tremors will be felt below. This often frightens young mothers a little: they believe that the baby is located very low and there is a threat of miscarriage. There's really nothing like it. But since it is quite difficult to independently determine the position of the baby in the stomach at 28 weeks of pregnancy, due to its frequent changes, it is better to consult a doctor. He will clear your doubts.

Atypical fetal position

Time passes, the 31st week has arrived, which means that very soon the baby should decide on his permanent location. Most often it is vertical, then the mother does not experience discomfort. Therefore, when talking about how to independently determine the position of the baby in the stomach at 31 weeks, you need to note the shape of the protruding “belly”.

If it has become unusually wide, then perhaps the baby has rolled over across the mother's stomach. In this case, severe pain is often observed. Sharp, painful sensations arise due to the movement of the legs, and strong pressure due to extension of the head. Even just stretching, the child puts a lot of pressure on internal organs. At the same time, his knees or feet can be easily felt.

Special exercises

At this stage, the baby should already have decided on his position, but he may still be able to roll over, since his size still allows this to happen. How can I get him to do this?

The answer is obvious: you need to shift the center of gravity, that is, turn the mother over. You don’t need to stand on your head for this; just place a thick mattress at an angle (for example, on the edge of a sofa) and lie on it with your head down so that your hips are higher than your head. It is recommended to lie like this several times a day for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, it is advised to talk to the child and stroke the belly clockwise.

Normal presentation

It is also difficult to confuse it with something else. Therefore, when talking about how to independently determine the position of the baby in the stomach at 35 weeks, we again suggest listening to your feelings. If you feel strong pressure in the lower abdomen, a frequent urge to urinate and defecate, then most likely the baby is lying correctly and the head is pressing on the intestines and bladder. At the same time, the liver experiences constant blows from its legs. In this case, there is no need to worry, the child is lying correctly.

We help you turn over

If the period is already long (34 weeks or more), and the baby has still not taken a normal position, then it is too late to simply lie upside down. Now it is recommended to take positions that are uncomfortable for your baby as often as possible. Go to sleep on your side or stomach.

The uterus and waters protect the baby well, and natural discomfort will force him to move. Speaking about how to independently determine the position of the baby in the stomach at 37 weeks, you should remember the fact that by this time you will undergo a mandatory ultrasound, which will show whether your efforts were effective. If the child is still in the wrong position, it can be recommended to rock the pelvis. To do this, actively rock your pelvis for 10 minutes. This should be done 2-3 times a day. At the same time, be sure to stroke the belly and gently push the child clockwise.

Do not forget that all recommendations should be given by your attending physician. You can feel your belly yourself, play with your baby and perform special exercises as directed, but do not try to diagnose yourself, much less take any measures to change the situation. In your position, the control of an experienced doctor is much more important than your curiosity.

However, communication between your baby and his mother is very useful, so spend as much time as possible playing games, so you will establish a good connection with your baby even before he is born.

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