Airy spikelet hairstyle. Spikelets for medium hair are modest and incredibly beautiful. How to make combined hairstyles step by step: two braids, a side French braid

A spikelet or fishtail is an ideal hairstyle for women of all ages. It is relevant both at a festive celebration and in everyday life, suitable for long, medium length and short hair. But how to weave a spikelet? Everything is much simpler than it might seem. Just a few training sessions and you can learn how to braid a spikelet for yourself in different ways.

Often when braiding a braid, strands of hair protrude from the braid and “cocks” are formed. How to weave a spikelet so that the braid is beautiful and neat? To make the process of creating a hairstyle easier, use the following secrets of experienced hairdressers:

  • Thin strands make a neat, graceful braid.
  • Large strands are used to create voluminous braids.
  • To create a fashionable, careless, slightly loose braid, take large strands and try to cross them less often.
  • To avoid the appearance of “roosters”, comb and tighten each individual strand.
  • To simplify the braiding process and prevent your hair from falling apart, lightly spray it with water, styling products (mousse, foam, gel) or moisturize your hands.
  • The hairstyle will not turn out perfect right away, so before you braid your own hair, try creating the hairstyle on another person or on a mannequin.
  • To prevent the braid from twisting to one side, use strands of the same thickness.
  • Spikelet hairstyle – good option for rainy, windy weather, country trips with overnight stays, trips to the beach or pool, long events.
  • The French-style spikelet will become fuller, more voluminous and more beautiful if you pull some of its links with your fingers.
  • Small “roosters” can be easily removed using a fine-toothed comb.
  • For a “circular spikelet” hairstyle, buy a small comb and comb your hair at the roots with it, so your hairstyle will look more elegant.
  • Use accessories: various hairpins, rhinestones, headbands, hairpins will make even the most ordinary, classic spikelet original.
  • This hairstyle looks beautiful on colored, armored, highlighted hair.

How to learn to weave a spikelet - step-by-step instructions and diagrams

The spikelet hairstyle is again at the peak of popularity; it is loved by Russian and Hollywood celebrities, who use it not only for everyday life, but also for social events. Among them were: Diane Kruger, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Yana Rudkovskaya, Nicole Kidman, Natalia Vodianova, Rihanna and many other beauties. Knowing a simple weaving technique, it is possible to create a variety of hairstyles and experiment with its variations and types. It is important to watch the video and try it right away so that your hands remember the movements.

On its side

The spikelet on its side looks original and unusual. It looks beautiful on the head of both a little girl and an adult woman. Weaving is carried out according to the principle of a braid in the French style, but each strand added to the side is twisted in the form of a rope. The scheme for creating a hairstyle on the side is as follows:

  1. First, comb your hair away from your face.
  2. From any side of the head (left or right to choose from), select a strand of medium thickness and divide it into three equal parts.
  3. Make several links (two or three) of a classic braid.
  4. Next, we weave a strand into our braid from the side you have chosen. From this moment the side braid begins.
  5. Then we take a strand from the opposite side and add it again to the hair bun.
  6. We continue to alternately weave the strands into the hairstyle on both sides of the head, and to make it look beautiful, we pull the hair tighter each time.
  7. Having reached the base of the neck, we continue to weave a regular braid. We fix the tip with an elastic band, bring it out or hide it.
  8. You can decorate the finished hairstyle and make it more voluminous. To do this, slightly pull out the curls from each link. Insert pins with beads or flowers on the sides or between the links.

Around your head

A spikelet around the head is one of the most non-standard, luxurious hairstyles. It is best suited for thick hair. If your hair is thin, it is appropriate to lightly backcomb the roots. The hairstyle requires learning and a little practice, so practice on other hair, be patient and start working according to the following scheme:

  1. Comb well and moisturize your curls.
  2. Make an even parting in the middle of your head to divide your hair into two even halves.
  3. On the right side, behind the temple, separate three identical strands as for a regular spikelet.
  4. Start braiding the braid in a spiral, adding new strands with each step. All hair must be used in the work.
  5. Finish the weaving near the left ear. Hide the end of the braid under your curls, and so that it does not come out, secure it with a bobby pin.
  6. In a similar way, we begin weaving in a semicircle from the left temple.
  7. We hide the tip of the hair from the left braid under the links of the right one, and fix it with the help of bobby pins.
  8. If desired, decorate your hair with hairpins.

Inverted spikelet

On the contrary, the spikelet looks more expressive and impressive than the classic version. To work, we need an elastic band, a comb, a moisturizer and a fixative (varnish, mousse). The step-by-step technology for creating an inside-out spikelet is as follows:

  • Having combed your hair well, separate a part of the hair on the top of your head, which you divide into three strands (central, left, right).
  • Place the left strand under the central one.
  • Then we place the right strand under the central and left ones.
  • After this, we take the central strand, attach part of the free hair to it, move it under the right one, bending it around so that it is again in the center of the braid.
  • We also do the same with the left strand, grabbing some of the loose hair. This time the left strand will be in the center of the braid.
  • We continue to weave the inverted spikelet until we run out of hair.
  • We secure the result with a rubber band.

Hairstyle 2 spikelets

Knowing how to make one braid, you can easily learn how to braid your hair into two spikelets, the main thing is to be able to make a perfectly even parting. There are many variations of this hairstyle: you can braid the braids using the classic method or with an inverted spikelet, connect the spikelets with one elastic band, from the neck combine both spikelets into one, braid the braid to the back of the head, and then leave a ponytail. All methods look original and stylish. Scheme for creating a hairstyle in classic style is described step by step below:

  1. Comb clean hair thoroughly.
  2. Part your hair down the middle.
  3. Start weaving first on one side of the parting and then on the other.
  4. To do this, grab a strand of hair in the area of ​​the bangs on the left side of the parting, divide it into three even parts.
  5. Start weaving a regular braid, constantly adding new curls to the main strands, both from above and from below. Remember: do not make the braid too tight, braid the braid straight, parallel to the parting.
  6. Having finished weaving the left spikelet, proceed to the design on the right side. The technology follows a similar principle.
  7. You will need to arrange the finished two spikelets beautifully. You can pin your braids in the form of a spiral or a ring.

Video tutorials on weaving spikelets from hair

Mastering the weaving technique is not particularly difficult; even a child can cope with this task. A few attempts - and you will learn how to create real masterpieces on your head. Don’t worry if you don’t succeed right away, use the tips in the video tutorial. A theoretical description with pictures and photos cannot always describe in detail how a hairstyle is made, so for a visual description of all the subtleties of this skill, we present to your attention video instructions on weaving French and also classic spikelets.

French style

Classic spikelet for yourself

If you like braided hairstyles, then you need to master the braided look. Finding out how to weave it will not be difficult. The spikelet can be considered one of the most simple varieties classic Russian braid.

Weaving beautiful braids at all times was considered a real girlish art. The advantage of this hairstyle is that all attention is transferred from the hair to the graceful position of the head and the beauty of the face. The hair is tidy and does not get into the face, but at the same time all its beauty is emphasized. How to learn to weave a spikelet?

Weaving a “fishtail” (this is another name for the classic spikelet) only seems like a difficult task. In fact, its implementation simply requires a little more time, because the strands are taken thinner than for a Russian or French braid.

Some features of spikelet weaving

The spikelet is a universal hairstyle. It's perfect with jeans and flats everyday option, with a classic suit - a strict hairstyle for a business woman, and with a romantic, frivolous dress - an option for a date.

A spikelet placed around the head, decorated with elegant pins and bobby pins, is an excellent alternative to long hair styling in the salon before festive event in a restaurant. When finished with a messy bun, it becomes a comfortable beach hairstyle.

Let's move on to weaving. Follow the technique exactly (this will help you step by step instructions to each braid), and success in the science of how to weave a spikelet is inevitable.

Classic spikelet

First, try to learn the simplest type of weaving a spikelet - the fishtail type. After this, you can easily master the spikelet outward, to the side, around the head, braid it with three strands, or style it with two spikelets at once.

  1. Divide all your hair equally into two parts, so you get two working strands.
  2. From the right side, take a thin strand and transfer it to the left half. Hold the left main strand with your hand.
  3. Continue repeating the first two steps. Firmly hold the strands that are trying to slip out.
  4. Braid like this until the very end, continuing to take more and more thin strands from the sides.
  5. Secure the end of the braid with a hair tie.
  6. When you complete all the steps to the end, you will see that the weaving pattern resembles a ripe ear.

Spit braid Fish tail for yourself - video:

You can get creative and not complete the classic fishtail, but make a ponytail from the back of your head or braid it in a regular braid.

Spikelet inside out

For this braiding, you will need a fishtail comb (with a pointed tail), a hair brush and two thin elastic bands that are invisible in the hair.

  • You can braid this braid in two ways: gather your hair in a ponytail and start braiding from there, or start braiding from the very frontal area and use all the hair on your head.
  • It is very easy to weave a spikelet from a ponytail even for beginners, because the hair will not fall apart in your hands and you will be able to keep the most unruly strands under control.

In order for the spikelet to turn out to be the wrong side, and not the usual one, the styling scheme requires that all strands be placed below the main working one, and not on top, as for a regular braid.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Divide all the hair equally into two parts, this way you will get two main working strands.
  2. From the right side, take a thin strand and move it to the left half. Hold the left main strand with your hand.
  3. Then take one thin strand from the left main strand and transfer it to the right main strand. Hold the right working strand.
  4. Continue repeating the first two steps. Hold the strands firmly.
  5. Braid like this until the very end, continuing to take more and more strands from the sides.
  6. Secure the result with a rubber band.

Reverse fishtail to yourself - video with master class:

If you do everything correctly, the braid will turn out voluminous and convex.

Zigzag spikelet

Another original type of spikelet, on the basis of which you can create a hairstyle for both an adult woman and a little girl.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Divide all your hair in half. Start weaving from the right side.
  2. Divide the right working strand in half again and begin weaving to the left.
  3. Select thin strands from these two working halves and cross each other (using the classic spikelet technology).
  4. Use all new side strands, but only on the right side. We are not using the left half of the head for weaving yet.
  5. We perform 5-6 links of the braid like this, then turn the braid over to the right.
  6. We continue to weave the spikelet, only now we use the strands exclusively on the left side.
  7. If you look closely at your work, you will see a fragment of a zigzag. Continue weaving.
  8. Such zigzag bends need to be woven all the way to the back of the head until all the loose hair is gone.
  9. Secure the end of your hair with a bobby pin under your hair to hide the end of the braid.

How to braid a fishtail braid with a zigzag - video:

You can use this geometric weave as in ordinary life, and on holidays, even at your own wedding. This hairstyle, if you learn how to do it correctly, can help you out in any case when you don’t know how to style it.

Spikelet around the head

A hairstyle with a spikelet braided around the head looks very elegant and beautiful. This great option for thick hair. If your hair is thin and sparse, this is not a reason to refuse this hairstyle. Just backcomb them lightly at the roots before starting to braid.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Make an even parting in the middle to divide your hair into two parts.
  2. Start weaving from the right half of the head. Separate three strands as you would for a regular braid.
  3. Start braiding the braid in a semicircle, weaving in more and more strands. All hair must be included in the braiding.
  4. Finish this braid near your left ear, and use bobby pins to hide the end of the braid under your hair so that it is invisible.
  5. Using the same technology, braid the braid in a semicircle from the left temple. Again, divide the working strand into three and braid it towards the resulting braid.
  6. We hide the tail of the left braid under the hair of the right braid near the right ear using bobby pins.

Fishtail braid on one side, around the head - video:

Only the description of this braid looks a little complicated, but in reality everything is very simple, and once you get the hang of it, you will stop noticing how you are doing this braid.

Hairstyle with two spikelets

One variation on the theme is a hairstyle with two spikelets. You will need a comb and two discreet hair ties.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Again, divide the hair into two halves using a straight parting.
  2. Take a section of hair from the left side of the parting and divide it into 3 parts.
  3. Weave traditional braid from the hair on the left side of the head, gradually adding new strands of hair from below.
  4. Braid the braid straight, parallel to the parting.
  5. When you reach the neck, secure the braid with a thin elastic band.
  6. Using the same principle, weave the second braid on the right side of your head.

If you wish, you can connect these two braids with one elastic band and leave a ponytail from the neck, you can connect both braids and let the braid down from the neck, or leave the braids separate. Both options will look original.

Spikelet on one side

Braiding a spikelet on its side is no more difficult than its classic version, and it immediately looks much more original. Our diagram will help you.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Comb all your hair away from your face.
  2. Select a not too thin strand from the right (or left, as you prefer) side of the head and divide it into three more parts.
  3. Weave two or three sections of a regular braid.
  4. In the next step, you must add a strand “from the side” from which you started weaving. This is where the spikelet begins on its side.
  5. Therefore, you take the next strand from the opposite side of the head.
  6. Continue to alternately braid hair from both sides of your head, pulling it tighter.
  7. When you reach the neck line, you will have nothing to braid from the side because the free hair is already gone. From now on, continue braiding as usual.
  8. Secure the resulting beauty with an elastic band.

To make the spikelet on one side more intricate and voluminous, place all the strands in the weave from below, not from above.

Three-strand spikelet

We won’t talk for long about how practical and versatile this braiding option is; you will see for yourself when you get a three-strand braid.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Comb your hair away from your face.
  2. Divide all hair into three sections from the forehead.
  3. Start braiding a traditional braid by crossing the side strands over the center strand.
  4. Each time, add new strands from the sides to the crossed strands.
  5. Thus, by the end of the braid, you will find that all the hair is braided into it. That's how it should be.

Classic spikelet for yourself - video with master class:

In this case, you again have room for imagination: you can start the ponytail from the back of your head, securing the braid with an elastic band at the base of the neck, or you can braid it to the end. Or braid everything from the bottom up!

So, we have looked at the main ways of weaving a spikelet. The most important thing to remember is: if you don’t succeed in weaving the first time, this is not a reason to be upset, you need to try again.

Braiding is a matter of practice and skill!

A woman with luxurious hair may not be a dazzling beauty...

A woman's hair is one of her strongest allies in the fight for attractiveness. A woman with luxurious hair may not be a dazzling beauty, but, nevertheless, she is guaranteed male attention! That's why we are so concerned about hair care and styling.

How to weave a spikelet

Hair styling, like makeup, is a very responsible and daily “event” - it takes from ten minutes to an hour, depending on the type of hair and its characteristics. For some, it’s enough just to comb their hair and it will settle into an obedient wave, while others spend half an hour or more trying to straighten the “springs” or calm down the raging “dandelion”!

However, for all hair types without exception, relatively quick styling is suitable - braiding! Today, braids are at the peak of fashion and there are so many types of them that even the owner of far from long hair can find something suitable for herself, especially since hairpins, elastic bands, barrettes and bobby pins will always come to the rescue.

What benefits does braiding give us? By braiding your hair, you can count on the fact that your hairstyle will last the whole day and will not be spoiled even by a hat. Therefore, a braid is considered the most preferred type of styling in autumn and winter, when we are forced to hide our hair under hats. In addition, it is during this period that the hair becomes dirty very quickly, and in a braid it is almost unnoticeable.

How to braid a spikelet step by step

The most popular weaving is considered French braid or, as it is popularly called, a spikelet. It is suitable even for those ladies whose hair reaches only 12 centimeters.

In addition, you can simplify braiding by using thin cords and ribbons that will hold short hair in a braid. If you learn how to weave a French spikelet, you can make a variety of hairstyles based on this beautiful weaving. You can weave one braid-spikelet, you can make two, you can make it regular, or you can make it voluminous; you can use this weaving to create a braid-rim around your head and other interesting styles.

The best way to learn how to braid a hair is on another person, and when all the braiding techniques are mastered, you can do your own hair.

  1. To braid a beautiful braid, you need to comb your hair and moisten it with some kind of fixative, for example, wax. This will prevent the strands from falling apart in your hands and will make your hairstyle more defined. You will also need a comb with a long tail, which is used to separate hair into strands.
  2. You can start weaving either from the crown or higher, closer to the crown - first we start weaving like a regular braid, taking three central strands. If you have bangs, comb them forward and pin them with a clip so that they don’t get in the way.
  3. Having completed one or two basic regular weavings, in each subsequent round of weaving we take turns adding a small additional strand, either to the left or to the right. The main thing is not to get confused with the sequence and put the strands exactly on top of each other, and everything will work out! The strands should be the same in thickness, because the beauty of the weave depends on this; hairs should not be allowed to fall out or tufts stick out.

Dexterity, which comes with time, helps with this, as well as a comb separator, which is very convenient for separating strands from the total mass of hair. In order for the additional strands to lie well and not get out, you need to tighten them each time.

Thus, you need to continue braiding as long as the length of your hair allows. At the very end, the braid is secured with a hairpin, an elastic band, or tucked and secured with hairpins, depending on your design. You can strengthen the weaving of the spikelet with invisible pins, fastening each round of weaving with them; you can do this using ordinary small hairpins and even decorative hairpins.

If you want your spikelet to be voluminous, then after you have pinned it at the very end, first relax the weave in each round. This is done like this: with one hand you hold the braid at the bottom, where it is fastened with an elastic band, and with the other, slowly, not all the way, pull out each strand so that they are the same size and lie symmetrically. After this, you can fasten the strands with bobby pins. Now you need to apply a little varnish if you want. Here, in fact, is all the wisdom, if you learn how to do this, you can easily weave magnificent braids around your head for any celebration or just for variety!

The spikelet hairstyle is back in fashion! Popular ten years ago, over time it was forgotten and gave way to more “free” images. Everyone knows that fashion trends are returning, old styles are changing a little, which immediately flow into the flow of modernity. If in the past the spikelet assumed exclusively ideal smoothness and neatness, now there are no strict rules and frameworks, so you can add slight negligence to the image.

Who will suit this stylish hairstyle?

The spikelet looks perfect on hair of any length. You can braid it for short, medium and long curls. Thanks to a variety of hairstyle modifications, it will fit perfectly into the image you created and add femininity and charm.

If we talk about the face shape with which this hairstyle looks good, then here too it turned out to be the most universal. You can choose any weave - smooth or airy - to add sweetness and attractiveness to your face. Please note that the original spikelet will always attract attention to your face.

How to braid a spikelet: variations

First, let's figure out how to make a sensational fishtail that is suitable for any occasion.

  • Comb your curls well, lightly moisten them with water or a special hair tonic - this will undoubtedly prevent the locks from becoming tangled and electrified.
  • Divide your hair into two absolutely equal parts. Carefully separate a strand from one of the outer edges and move it to the middle.
  • Then separate another strand from the second part of the curls and also move it towards the middle.
  • Continue braiding further, taking even strands from one side of the braid, then from the other and placing them directly in the middle. The thickness of the strands you take will depend appearance hairstyles Thinner curls look more attractive than thick ones. Of course, in this case you will have to weave longer, but it is really worth it!
  • When you have braided the braid to the end, secure it securely with a regular hair elastic - everything here is familiar and familiar.

You can leave your hairstyle as is, but it will definitely look better if you mess up the braid a little. Using both hands, gently pull out the strands, straightening the spikelet. Thanks to this technique, you will slightly increase the width of the braid, giving it carelessness and carefreeness.

French spikelet

The French spikelet that became a trend:

  • Prepare your curls, rinse them and dry them. In this case, they will be obedient and soft.
  • Take a section of hair directly from the top of your head - the more, the thicker the braid will be.
  • Divide it into three as equal parts as possible.
  • Next, weave a regular spikelet, not forgetting to add new strands from the sides. They should be a little smaller. Repeat the selected weave.
  • When the side strands can no longer be braided, either make a spikelet to the very end of the hair, or fix it so that a ponytail remains.

Spikelet for medium hair on the side

Comb your curls so that they hang over your right or left shoulder:

  • The hair must be gathered into a strong ponytail and divided into two parts of equal thickness. To learn how to correctly make a spikelet on its side, it is better to sit in front of a large mirror - you can correct the process and see the result of weaving.
  • If you started weaving on the right, a thin strand stands out from the right side of the curls (if on the left, then vice versa). A thin strand is crossed with the base, then added to the opposite part, holding it tightly with your hand.
  • Next, the spikelet is braided, each time adding curls to the opposite part of the hair. Weave them tightly, as the likelihood of this hairstyle falling apart is quite high.

Double spikelet

Another original modification of the hairstyle is the double spikelet, which has recently become popular and truly in demand in modern fashion.

  1. Select a strand of hair at the crown, divide it into three equal parts, as for a regular braid. Start weaving a reverse spikelet, placing the strands under the bottom, namely under each other.
  2. Now add additional hair to the outermost curls, separating them with a horizontal parting. Tiebacks are made to each outer strand, alternately from the right and from the left.
  3. Separate a small part from the main strand, pin it on top with a clip, and then make a subsequent pick-up and braid the braid underneath. The same is done on the other side.
  4. When a little bit of the spikelet is braided, gently pull the curls out by the edges. You can do this later, but it will be a little more difficult, and the braid itself will become unkempt and less attractive. Then continue with your usual weaving.
  5. When the loose strands are woven in, do the main braiding, separating and pinning small curls, but without tiebacks. When the braid is ready, secure it with a clip at the very bottom.
  6. Weaving the top spikelet. Take the topmost free strand, divide it into three parts and begin to carefully weave a regular braid, laying the strands on top of each other. As when weaving a spikelet, pick up the following free strands, dividing them into several parts. Braid until there are no loose strands left. Secure the ends of both braids with an elastic band.

Spikelet around the head

A simple spikelet around the head is made in several stages:

  • Comb your curls, dampen them and separate three small strands near your temple.
  • Then weave the braid, gradually picking up the curls around the head along the very contour.
  • The braid should end near the opposite temple. Secure the spikelet with a hairpin or elastic band.

Other types of hairstyles

Zigzag spikelet

This hairstyle is also fashionable, so girls try to skillfully weave it.

  • You should start weaving slightly below the left temple. After separating the necessary strands, the hairstyle is braided in the opposite direction.
  • Curls are woven into the braid only from the left side.
  • So it is necessary to perform 5-6 weaves, then turn the spikelet to the left side, continue weaving, adding strands exclusively from the right side. Weaving should be made the size of the first element.
  • The zigzag is woven to the back of the head and secured with an attractive hairpin.

Spikelet for short hair

This is done as follows:

  • The hair is parted across your crown from the top of one ear to the other.
  • Braid a half-spikelet, starting from the ear itself, weaving strands from the hairline at your temple. Since the strand is short, it will gradually end.
  • The tips stick out a little from the spikelet. You can smooth them with gel or pin them with small pins.

Spikelet for long hair

Can be done according to any of the above examples. You can do any hairstyle that has been described. Of course, the flight of fancy doesn’t end there and you can implement a variety of bold ideas.

  • Apply a little wax to the strands, especially the root part, which will make the hair pliable.
  • Comb your hair well and braid it on one side only.
  • Stop at the back of the head and secure the spikelet with a hairpin. Do the same on the other side.
  • The remaining strands can be combed, twisted and secured. Or wrap it in something like a neat knot - it all depends on the chosen style.

The braid has been at the peak of popularity for quite some time, which is why there are so many different styles with a French braid.

How to weave a spikelet with a bunch or bunches

Ideal styling for every day: start French braiding from the back of your head. At the hairline on the right and left sides, separate a thin strand. Then move the strand from the right to the left, from the left to the right. Again, separate a thin strand in each part and braid it up to the top of the head, gradually adding strands on the sides. After each cross, tighten the strands tightly, they will look neater. When you finish the spikelet on the top of your head, gather the strands into a ponytail, and then into messy bun. It is better to leave a couple of curls in front to frame the face.

How to weave a spikelet inside out

You can make a lot of hairstyles out of reverse braids - from two boxer braids to a voluminous braid in the Malvinka style.

Comb your hair, separate a small strand of hair from your forehead. Start weaving the spikelet inside out according to this pattern: pass the left strand under the middle one, the right one over the middle one, then the left one over the right one. And so on until the end. Secure the ends of your hair with an elastic band.

This is how you can make a wreath from a spikelet. Then you need to make one braid on each side of your head, wrap them from ear to ear, and then secure them under your hair with bobby pins so that they are not visible.

Using the same pattern, you can braid stylish and trendy ones now voluminous braids inside out with long tails. Just braid two spikes on each side of your head, but don't go all the way, stopping at the back of your head.

You can also make stylish buns from the remaining ponytails - this type of hairstyle for every day looks especially great on young girls.

Micro braids

If you have short hair, then this option is perfect for you. Braid a few mini-spikelets at one temple and curl the rest of your hair into light waves. This way you will definitely stand out! By the way, micro braids look great on long hair.

Here are some more options for hairstyles with spikelets.

Game of Thrones style braids

Reversed braid "Malvinka"

Triple braids "Malvinka"

Micro braids

How to weave a spikelet on short hair- 10 options

How to weave a spikelet on medium hair - 11 options

How to weave a spikelet on long hair - 15 options

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