Nail injury treatment. Nail plate injury Causes of nail plate injury

Nail bruising is a common problem encountered in traumatology practice. This is an unpleasant and very painful injury that occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the nail plate. In some cases, after damage, the nail comes off, but if the necessary rules of first aid are followed, this may not happen.

“ICD 10” is the name of the international classification of injuries and diseases adopted in 2016.

Contusion of the nail plate belongs to the block “Superficial injury of the wrist and (S60)”, which includes external injuries to tissues and segments of the hand and wrist.

A nail bruise is classified under a separate subsection, “S60.1 – Bruise of the finger(s) of the hand with damage to the nail plate.”


Most often, a bruised fingernail is considered a domestic injury that occurs due to an unfortunate combination of circumstances or due to a person’s negligence.

The most common causes of nail injury include:

  • hitting your fingers on a hard object or dropping a heavy object on your finger (90% of all cases of injury);
  • pinched fingers;
  • vulnerability to injury during an active lifestyle.

It is believed that fractures and bruises in the area of ​​the phalanges of the fingers most often occur in children, therefore, when walking with a child or playing, it is recommended not to leave the baby unattended. A small child lives in a world of large objects, and his coordination of movements is just beginning to develop - this makes him more susceptible to damage and bruises to his nails.


Damage to the finger and nail is a painful injury, often accompanied by rejection of the nail plate.

Signs of bruised fingernails:

  • swelling in the area of ​​the injured finger;
  • the appearance of pain syndrome (pain of a pulsating nature until the victim loses consciousness);
  • decreased functional ability of the injury site (finger phalanges);
  • heaviness and discomfort of the entire hand or nail plate area;
  • blood flow and redness of the tissues of the damaged area of ​​​​the finger;
  • formation of a hematoma under the nail (black or bluish nail in the area of ​​the bruise);
  • the resulting injury is characterized by partial or complete removal of the injured nail plate;
  • the appearance of severe headache;
  • increase in body or tissue temperature in the area of ​​this damage up to 38 degrees;
  • nausea, signs of general malaise.

A serious injury is accompanied by a small dark bruise and very strong pain.

It is worth noting that the appearance of cyanosis in the area of ​​injury occurs some time after the injury (a period of 8 to 12 hours).

Symptoms of a nail bruise include signs of the inflammatory process that occurs after injury (therapeutic methods have a wide range of ways to reduce the hematoma, but are used only after diagnosis is completed).

First aid

Providing first aid for a bruised fingernail is an important stage of treatment, allowing you to preserve the nail plate and speed up recovery. It is not difficult to help yourself or provide assistance to the victim; to do this, you just need to follow the instructions.

What to do if you are injured

What to do if you have a bruised fingernail? If, due to severe pain, you can get confused and miss the time when you need to do important actions for the affected organ.

Rules for first aid for a bruised finger:

  1. The first stage of first aid is cooling the affected area of ​​the limb. Cooling helps reduce the formation of hematomas and reduce pain. This procedure is recommended to be carried out using ice wrapped in a handkerchief or gauze. The anesthesia method is used for 5 minutes, after which the compress must be removed, repeated every 15 minutes, if other methods have not been attempted (the total time of applying ice can reach 2 hours). In addition to ice, any other cold item will do (bags of food from the refrigerator and freezer).
  2. If the bruise is accompanied by the appearance of wounds and bleeding, the next stage of first aid is to disinfect the injury site with iodine solution, soak a cotton swab with the liquid, and treat the surface under and above the nail. If the nail turns blue and characteristic signs of swelling appear, it is possible to reduce the symptoms.
  3. After carrying out pre-medical treatment methods, it is necessary to contact a medical facility in order to avoid more serious consequences than hematomas and swelling.

What should you not do if you have a bruised nail? It happens that in order to preserve the nail plate, some patients press down the nail and bandage it tightly. This method is contraindicated and ineffective, since excess compression further impedes blood flow after injury. If you do not interfere with the healing process, swelling and hematomas will begin to resolve much faster.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis and treatment of any disease or injury is an important step on the path to recovery. Treatment of a bruised fingernail begins only after determining the cause and extent of the damage; in addition, a consultation with a traumatologist and an x-ray are necessary to identify the concomitant.

It is to identify the true cause of the appearance of pathological signs that it is necessary to go through several diagnostic stages:

  1. Finding out the cause and circumstances in which the nail plate was bruised.
  2. Palpation.
  3. Taking an x-ray (the damaged area of ​​the body is removed using x-rays to identify internal damage to bone tissue).

These procedures allow you to determine the extent of damage to the fingers and apply the necessary measures to treat the bruised nail.

Diagnosis is carried out:

  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon.

These specialists also write out directions for x-rays.

How to treat a bruised nail

Treatment of a bruised nail is divided into several stages to prevent and reduce the risk of complications.

  1. To reduce the risk of suppuration under the nail plate, bandages with antibiotic ointments are used (the bandage should be regularly replaced with a new one).
  2. With a severe bruise of the nail, you can observe the appearance of pronounced edema, to reduce the manifestations of which, use salt baths three times a day.
  3. To reduce the severity and size of bruises in case of contusions, heparin ointment is used, and for disinfection in case of large hematomas, Levomekol ointment is used.
  4. It is also recommended to apply 0.25% novocaine (in a ratio of 1:3) for quick recovery. The compress has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. In order to quickly cure a severe bruised nail, it is recommended to use castor oil emulsion. This drug has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.
  6. If there is a slow rejection of the nail, there is a danger of damage and accidental “removal” of the nail due to negligence. To secure the position of the nail plate, it is recommended to apply a bandage or secure the nail with an adhesive plaster, so it will take longer to tear off, but will be less painful.

Unfortunately, despite the various symptoms, the problem of identifying nail fungus and how to distinguish its bruises often arises (a doctor can help you recognize it, or you can diagnose it yourself). The main difference between nail fungus and bruise is that in the case of a fungal disease there is no pain syndrome and the color change of the plate occurs much more slowly.

How to treat a bruise at home

Among the methods for relieving swelling and inflammation, there are various methods developed at home.

A dangerous method is to pierce the nail yourself; breaking the pierced plate can lead to serious consequences, since such an operation should only be performed by an experienced specialist in a sterile hospital environment.

One of the good methods of treatment is the method using plantain and celandine.

To use you need:

  • take plantain and celandine leaves in a 1:1 ratio;
  • pour 50 ml of hot water into the dry mixture;
  • leave for 3 hours;
  • put a thick mixture of herbs in cheesecloth to form a bag;
  • apply to the bruised finger.

Herbs are a natural source of health that can increase the body's healing rate. Unfortunately, the effect of using traditional methods does not appear on the first day and most often has a cumulative effect. In addition, before using any method of traditional medicine, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid consequences and violation of the treatment method, since the use of such means as a compress with vinegar or ammonia can harm the open wound caused by the removal of the nail plate.

“How long does it take to grow and should I wait for a nail to grow back?” — it is important to know that the nail will grow, even after the nail plate completely falls off (growing tissue grows slowly, a temporary change in shape is possible).

If there is a detachment of the nail, you should wait until it comes off completely (the nail comes off at different speeds depending on the degree of injury); it is advisable not to disturb the detached plate.

Complications and consequences

A bruised fingernail has unpleasant consequences if treatment and care are delayed or disrupted.

Complications after a bruised nail:

  • severe swelling of the fingers and adjacent tissues;
  • formation of pus (when bacteria enter or fungus develops);
  • gangrene (finger amputation).

To reduce complications and consequences after injury, it is necessary to take care of the condition of the injured limb as quickly as possible and apply the most effective methods of therapy.


Damage to the nail plate can occur as a result of everyday activities due to an unfortunate combination of circumstances. However, by using effective methods and timely contacting a doctor for diagnosis, complications can be avoided and the nail plate can be saved from falling off.

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Injuring the nail plate is quite simple, because the hands are most often exposed to various factors when participating in a person’s daily life.

It is especially unpleasant if a girl damages her nail plate - this seriously spoils the appearance and aesthetics of her hands.

In order to avoid complications and quickly restore the nail, you need to know certain measures that will help with this.

Most often, damage to the nail plate occurs due to accidents and unforeseen situations. The reasons are the following:

  • fingers getting pinched by the door;
  • if a heavy object fell on your hand and pressed the nail plate;
  • improperly performed manicure;
  • long-term wearing of shoes that cause discomfort in the form of compression (if the toenail is damaged).

Whatever the reason, you need to take the necessary measures as soon as possible to restore the normal condition of the nail.

Important: no matter what causes damage to the nail plate, photos of the consequences of which are very picturesque, it is necessary to restore, treat and strengthen the nail structure, since any wound surface is an opportunity for the development of infection.

Types of damage and their manifestations

When damage to the nail plate on the hands has occurred, it is necessary to determine the type of injury in order to carry out further competent treatment. Damage is divided into several types, which are described below.


If a nail is injured when some heavy object falls on the hand, this will lead to a bruise. It appears as follows:

  • often a hematoma forms under the nail bed on the injured finger;
  • blueness of the finger is observed;
  • if the injury is serious, the nail turns black;
  • a pronounced pain syndrome is felt, especially immediately after injury. The severity of the pain determines how severe the injury was;
  • in some cases, swelling of the entire finger or phalanx is observed;
  • the skin on the damaged area is hot and turns red;
  • if the bruise is severe, it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
Reference: It is worth understanding that the nail changes color to blue or black because blood clots accumulate underneath it due to the inability of blood to circulate freely at the site of damage.

After some time, the nail plate begins to fall off. This is due to the fact that the injury disrupts the normal supply of nutrients to the nail and it becomes “lifeless”.

After the nail peels off and falls off, a new one grows. There is no need to worry if the new structure has an uneven shape or has waves - this is considered a normal process.

Over time, the new nail will acquire an aesthetic appearance.


Often this type of injury occurs if a finger is pinned in a doorway. The symptoms are similar to a bruise.

The damaged area of ​​the nail becomes blue or black, and after some time peeling is observed.

As for the appearance of swelling and the presence of pain, what signs are not as obvious as in the case of a bruise.

Breaking and cutting When a nail breaks, it is difficult to get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

There is no need to worry if the break occurred on the free part of it, but if the stock itself is damaged, then the injury is considered serious. She accompanied by pain and in some cases bleeding is observed.

In rare cases, but still, hematoma formation occurs. Reference:

It is worth remembering that if the nail plate is damaged in this way, it will not be possible to restore the nail itself for quite a long time. Therefore, girls who love a beautiful, neat manicure are recommended to shorten the length of all nails on their hands.

Manicure is considered a very traumatic event, despite the fact that it makes nails beautiful. Cutting manicures are especially dangerous.

If you do it yourself or go to an inexperienced technician, there is a risk of damaging the nail structure.

  • Damage can be detected by the following signs:
  • if after a hardware manicure there is unevenness in the surface of the plate, it is especially noticeable in the area located near the cuticle;
  • if the master used sharp metal instruments during the procedure, then damage can be detected by small bruises located along or across the nail;
  • if the damage was not detected in time, then there is a possibility that it will manifest itself in the form of an inflammatory process;
  • advanced cases are characterized by the formation of purulent fluid at the site of injury;

First aid

It is wrong to file a nail; the appearance can be detected by the delaminated plate.

  • Like any injury, this situation requires first aid, and it must be provided as quickly as possible. It consists of the following:
  • if bleeding is observed from the wound area, then it is necessary to direct efforts to stop this process;
  • in order to stop the bleeding, you need to open a tap with cold water and place your finger under the stream for 10 minutes;
  • if possible, it is recommended to use ice, first wrapping it in cloth;
  • using an ice compress prevents swelling and relieves severe pain;
  • if pain is present even after applying ice, then this activity must be repeated every 15 minutes for 2 hours. But it is better to focus on stopping the pain syndrome;
  • after the bleeding stops, they resort to disinfection measures. For this they use iodine, but you should not do this if the wound is open. Using iodine, treat the area around the wound surface;
  • This remedy is suitable even if swelling appears on the finger. To eliminate it, a mesh is made using iodine;

You can disinfect and disinfect the damaged area using Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.


Even if the new nail structure begins to grow, it will not be able to acquire a normal, healthy state and will always be curved, so you need to know if the nail plate is damaged, what to do and what measures to resort to for treatment.

A very important step that will prevent the plate from being rejected is to remove the blood clot underneath it.

But, if this is not possible, then you can remove the hematoma at home. The procedure is as follows:

  • it is necessary to prepare a needle, a patch and any product with an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Chlorhexidine will do;
  • initially place the needle on the fire, thereby carrying out disinfection;
  • after this, they carefully pierce the place where the blood has accumulated and apply slight pressure to help it come to the surface as quickly as possible;
  • after this, the plate is treated with a disinfectant and a patch is applied;
  • it is recommended to put a small amount of ointment Levomekol, Erythromycin or the like under the patch;
  • if the nail does not have a hematoma, then all treatment will consist of regularly applying a bandage with a wound healing agent. Good drugs that promote rapid recovery are Solcoseryl, Panthenol, Bepanten, Levomekol.

It is necessary to change the bandage to a new one several times a day, or if the old one has become unusable, for example, it gets wet or comes off.

After improvements are noticeable and the nail begins to take on a healthy appearance and the wound surface heals, you can begin measures aimed at strengthening the nail plate.
There are several ways you need to know in order to restore a damaged nail plate.

  • to provide adequate nutrition to the nail and enable it to recover faster, use gelatin baths. To prepare them you will need 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin, which is diluted with a small amount of water. After the product swells, it is sent to a water bath and waited until completely dissolved.

You should not allow the composition to begin to boil during the preparation process - this will lead to a complete loss of all the beneficial properties of the bath. Upon reaching a comfortable temperature for the procedure, dip the nails in the composition. The duration of the event is 25-30 minutes. They must be carried out regularly, at least three times per week;

  • a product that will fill the nail structures with calcium and magnesium - Bishofite. Despite the fact that this drug is used to treat joints and the spine, its composition restores the nail in a short time. For the procedure, the gel is used in its pure form; it is used to make baths or compresses at night;
  • It is worth remembering that you cannot use creams and oils before the procedure, and it is also necessary to degrease the surface of the nail bed. This can be done using alcohol or kitchen detergent. It is recommended to do this for the reason that the oily film on the nail is an obstacle to the penetration into the structure of calcium and magnesium, which is part of the drug;
Important: When using Bischofite gel to restore the structure of the nail, you need to make sure that there are no microtraumas, cracks or open wound surfaces in the areas immersed in the bath with the drug. This should be done to avoid severe pain during the procedure.
  • Also A good option is to use compresses at night with Solcoseryl. The product is applied to the nails and cotton gloves are worn. If desired, you can first use polyethylene gloves, over which you can put cotton ones for fixation.

The duration of the above procedures depends on the results, which will be individual in each case. It is better to resort to such measures as often as possible and not stop them until the nail is completely restored.

Despite the fact that injury to the nail plate is a very unpleasant situation, you should not panic or get upset.

It is better to direct your attention and effort to preventing complications in the form of inflammation or the formation of purulent fluid.

Therapeutic measures will eliminate wounds and injuries in a short time, and strengthening procedures will help make your nails better.

Injuring the nail plate is quite simple, because the hands are most often exposed to various factors when participating in a person’s daily life.

It is especially unpleasant if a girl damages her nail plate - this seriously spoils the appearance and aesthetics of her hands.

In order to avoid complications and quickly restore the nail, you need to know certain measures that will help with this.

Most often, damage to the nail plate occurs due to accidents and unforeseen situations. The reasons are the following:

  • fingers getting pinched by the door;
  • if a heavy object fell on your hand and pressed the nail plate;
  • improperly performed manicure;
  • long-term wearing of shoes that cause discomfort in the form of compression (if the toenail is damaged).

Whatever the reason, you need to take the necessary measures as soon as possible to restore the normal condition of the nail.

Important: no matter what causes damage to the nail plate, photos of the consequences of which are very picturesque, it is necessary to restore, treat and strengthen the nail structure, since any wound surface is an opportunity for the development of infection.

When damage to the nail plate on the hands has occurred, it is necessary to determine the type of injury in order to carry out further competent treatment. Damage is divided into several types, which are described below.

If a nail is injured when some heavy object falls on the hand, this will lead to a bruise. It appears as follows:

  • often a hematoma forms under the nail bed on the injured finger;
  • blueness of the finger is observed;
  • if the injury is serious, the nail turns black;
  • a pronounced pain syndrome is felt, especially immediately after injury. The severity of the pain determines how severe the injury was;
  • in some cases, swelling of the entire finger or phalanx is observed;
  • the skin on the damaged area is hot and turns red;
  • if the bruise is severe, it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Reference: It is worth understanding that the nail changes color to blue or black because blood clots accumulate underneath it due to the inability of blood to circulate freely at the site of damage.

After some time, the nail plate begins to fall off. This is due to the fact that the injury disrupts the normal supply of nutrients to the nail and it becomes “lifeless”.

After the nail peels off and falls off, a new one grows. There is no need to worry if the new structure has an uneven shape or has waves - this is considered a normal process.


Often this type of injury occurs if a finger is pinned in a doorway. The symptoms are similar to a bruise.

The damaged area of ​​the nail becomes blue or black, and after some time peeling is observed.

Breaking and cutting When a nail breaks, it is difficult to get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

There is no need to worry if the break occurred on the free part of it, but if the stock itself is damaged, then the injury is considered serious. She accompanied by pain and in some cases bleeding is observed.

In rare cases, but still, hematoma formation occurs. Reference:

Manicure is considered a very traumatic event, despite the fact that it makes nails beautiful. Cutting manicures are especially dangerous.

If you do it yourself or go to an inexperienced technician, there is a risk of damaging the nail structure.

  • Damage can be detected by the following signs:
  • if after a hardware manicure there is unevenness in the surface of the plate, it is especially noticeable in the area located near the cuticle;
  • if the master used sharp metal instruments during the procedure, then damage can be detected by small bruises located along or across the nail;
  • if the damage was not detected in time, then there is a possibility that it will manifest itself in the form of an inflammatory process;
  • advanced cases are characterized by the formation of purulent fluid at the site of injury;

Like any injury, this situation requires first aid, and it must be provided as quickly as possible. It consists of the following:

  • Like any injury, this situation requires first aid, and it must be provided as quickly as possible. It consists of the following:
  • if bleeding is observed from the wound area, then it is necessary to direct efforts to stop this process;
  • in order to stop the bleeding, you need to open a tap with cold water and place your finger under the stream for 10 minutes;
  • if possible, it is recommended to use ice, first wrapping it in cloth;
  • using an ice compress prevents swelling and relieves severe pain;
  • if pain is present even after applying ice, then this activity must be repeated every 15 minutes for 2 hours. But it is better to focus on stopping the pain syndrome;
  • after the bleeding stops, they resort to disinfection measures. For this they use iodine, but you should not do this if the wound is open. Using iodine, treat the area around the wound surface;
  • This remedy is suitable even if swelling appears on the finger. To eliminate it, a mesh is made using iodine;


Even if the new nail structure begins to grow, it will not be able to acquire a normal, healthy state and will always be curved, so you need to know if the nail plate is damaged, what to do and what measures to resort to for treatment.

A very important step that will prevent the plate from being rejected is to remove the blood clot underneath it.

But, if this is not possible, then you can remove the hematoma at home. The procedure is as follows:

  • it is necessary to prepare a needle, a patch and any product with an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Chlorhexidine will do;
  • initially place the needle on the fire, thereby carrying out disinfection;
  • after this, they carefully pierce the place where the blood has accumulated and apply slight pressure to help it come to the surface as quickly as possible;
  • after this, the plate is treated with a disinfectant and a patch is applied;
  • it is recommended to put a small amount of ointment Levomekol, Erythromycin or the like under the patch;
  • if the nail does not have a hematoma, then all treatment will consist of regularly applying a bandage with a wound healing agent. Good drugs that promote rapid recovery are Solcoseryl, Panthenol, Bepanten, Levomekol.

It is necessary to change the bandage to a new one several times a day, or if the old one has become unusable, for example, it gets wet or comes off.

After improvements are noticeable and the nail begins to take on a healthy appearance and the wound surface heals, you can begin measures aimed at strengthening the nail plate.
There are several ways you need to know in order to restore a damaged nail plate.

  • to provide adequate nutrition to the nail and enable it to recover faster, use gelatin baths. To prepare them you will need 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin, which is diluted with a small amount of water. After the product swells, it is sent to a water bath and waited until completely dissolved.

You should not allow the composition to begin to boil during the preparation process - this will lead to a complete loss of all the beneficial properties of the bath. Upon reaching a comfortable temperature for the procedure, dip the nails in the composition. The duration of the event is 25-30 minutes. They must be carried out regularly, at least three times per week;

  • a product that will fill the nail structures with calcium and magnesium - Bishofite. Despite the fact that this drug is used to treat joints and the spine, its composition restores the nail in a short time. For the procedure, the gel is used in its pure form; it is used to make baths or compresses at night;
  • It is worth remembering that you cannot use creams and oils before the procedure, and it is also necessary to degrease the surface of the nail bed. This can be done using alcohol or kitchen detergent. It is recommended to do this for the reason that the oily film on the nail is an obstacle to the penetration into the structure of calcium and magnesium, which is part of the drug;

Important: When using Bischofite gel to restore the structure of the nail, you need to make sure that there are no microtraumas, cracks or open wound surfaces in the areas immersed in the bath with the drug. This should be done to avoid severe pain during the procedure.

  • Also A good option is to use compresses at night with Solcoseryl. The product is applied to the nails and cotton gloves are worn. If desired, you can first use polyethylene gloves, over which you can put cotton ones for fixation.

The duration of the above procedures depends on the results, which will be individual in each case. It is better to resort to such measures as often as possible and not stop them until the nail is completely restored.

Despite the fact that injury to the nail plate is a very unpleasant situation, you should not panic or get upset.

It is better to direct your attention and effort to preventing complications in the form of inflammation or the formation of purulent fluid.

Therapeutic measures will eliminate wounds and injuries in a short time, and strengthening procedures will help make your nails better.

Bruised toenail or on the hand, this is a fairly common injury. There are a great many options for obtaining it, so it is almost impossible to prevent injury. A bruised nail can be caused by an impact, if something heavy falls on your foot, or if your finger gets stuck in a door frame when closing it.

It is important to know how you can help with this injury, thereby preventing the development of complications. After all, as you know, the duration of the entire course of therapy depends on the quality of first aid.

Immediately after a bruise, a bruise forms under the nail plate, which gives a purplish-red or even bluish color. Until the bruise on the skin resolves, the manifestation of pain of varying intensity will be characteristic. The finger will become red and swollen.

These injuries are often accompanied by a fracture of the phalanx of the finger. Therefore, the first thing to do when providing assistance is to make sure the integrity of the bone.

Bruised nails on the upper extremities are characterized by severe irritation of the nerve endings, which in turn is manifested by the presence of intense, pronounced pain that must be eliminated immediately.

First aid for a bruised nail:

  • Take a horizontal position, and lift the limb on which the nail was injured upward. In this position, the possibility of additional blood flowing to the bruise is eliminated.
  • Apply cold to the injury site and monitor its temperature for 5 minutes. If it decreases significantly, the cooling object will have to be replaced.
  • Disinfection of the bruised nail plate with iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and in case of their absence, at least vodka.
  • In case of severe pain, it is recommended to give the victim an anesthetic medicine. In this case, a good and correct solution would be to take paracetamol.

If the nail is severely bruised, when not only it, but also the skin of the finger has darkened, there is a high probability that the injured nail will be torn off in the near future. To prevent such a situation, it is recommended to carefully treat the darkened areas of the finger with iodine, fix it with an adhesive plaster and quickly go to the first aid station.

When providing first aid, medical workers, by mechanically damaging the integrity of the nail plate, will create conditions for blood to flow out of the hematoma, thereby significantly reducing its area. Carrying out this manipulation on your own is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that there is a high risk of blood infection and subsequent rejection of the nail plate from the bed.

In medical practice, there are many methods and methods used to treat a bruised nail. Treatment of this injury must be mandatory. It is absolutely impossible to neglect medical attention in the face of a bruised finger, which at first glance seems harmless.

This damage to the integrity of the nail plate and the skin on the finger can provoke the development of various diseases, among which one of the most common is panaritium, the advanced stage of which can even lead to amputation of the finger. But this is the worst outcome of a bruised nail left without proper help.

The likelihood of suppuration, the development of the process of nail rejection and the restoration of the nail plate with a violation of its integrity are very real consequences after its injury. Therefore, treatment in this case is mandatory and begins with resting the finger. This will allow the hematoma to resolve faster.

As for drug therapy, it is worth noting the following drugs among medical prescriptions:

  • Analgesic effect. In this case, any antispasmodic medicine can help eliminate the pain syndrome: analgin, spasmalgon, sedalgin. It is also recommended to make compresses using demixide.
  • Homeopathic medicines. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate swelling and increase blood flow activity in the affected area of ​​the finger. The following ointments are considered the most effective: “Bodyaga”, “Arnica”, “Zhivokost”.
  • Heparin ointment is an integral medicinal product used for local treatment of the source of inflammation in case of a bruised nail. In addition to the fact that it helps to quickly eliminate bruises under the nail plate, it also stimulates the recovery process after injury to the nail.

The therapeutic course with medication is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the bruise and the health status of each patient. In the case of self-treatment of a bruised nail, there is a possibility of developing complications or slowing down the recovery period for a healthy nail. Complex therapy prescribed by a doctor will speed up the healing process, making it fast and effective.

Alternative therapy methods, which should be used in conjunction with the use of medications, can also help to quickly restore an injured nail.

We provide a list of the most effective ones:

  • Bodyagi mask. Mix 10-20 grams of dry powder with water until a thick concentration is formed. This mask is applied to the bruised nail and left for 15-20 minutes. Removes the mass after it has completely dried using a decoction of medicinal chamomile. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to repeat this manipulation two to three times a day.
  • Ointment. Grate 35 grams of 72% laundry soap. Add 30 ml of ammonia and camphor laurel oil to it. Add lamp oil in an amount of 50 ml and turpentine in a volume of 250 ml. After mixing everything thoroughly, the ointment is ready for use. A bruise on the nail is treated every 4 hours during the first week after injury.
  • Lotions. To prepare the solution, mix 250 ml of apple cider vinegar, dry wine and 10 grams of sea salt. After all ingredients are completely dissolved, the solution is ready for use. Wet a gauze pad in it every two hours and apply it to the bruised nail plate.
  • Special baths. Dissolve 15 grams of baking soda and 20 grams of sea salt in 250 ml of hot water. If the injured person is not allergic to iodine, it is recommended to drop iodine five times into the resulting soda-salt solution. It is recommended to take such baths at least in the morning and evening, and after them treat the nail with iodine or peroxide. In general, in order to increase the effectiveness of any medicine that is locally prescribed, it is recommended to pre-steam damaged fingers in such baths.

When treating a bruised nail, you should carefully follow all medical recommendations and prescriptions. Also an important point in the treatment of this disease is the presence of a complete, balanced diet, which is saturated with all nutrients, nutrients, macrovitamins and microelements. Only with such an integrated approach will it be possible to quickly and painlessly restore a beautiful nail after a bruise.

A large percentage of all household injuries are injuries to the big toe nail. with impacts, falling heavy objects, wearing tight shoes. But some people easily forget about it, just grimacing for a few moments, while for others the treatment is delayed and becomes a nightmare.

Any blow is accompanied by severe pain and complicates a person’s ability to move. This can take you out of the usual rut of life for a long time.

It's important to know how help in time if a big toe nail injury occurs. Treatment can be shortened if first aid is provided in time.

They will help you confirm that your big toe nail is injured. characteristic symptoms:

It is important to know how to help in time if a big toe nail injury occurs.

1. Hematoma(hemorrhage) under the nail plate(blue or black discoloration).

2. Nail falling off in more severe cases, with significant circulatory impairment at the site of the lesion. It grows back over time, but there is a high risk of deformation.

3. Pain, the severity of which depends on the severity of the injury.

4. Finger dysfunction as a result of swelling that blocks joint movement

5. Large accumulation of blood and swelling, which can cause fainting.

6. Headaches due to severe injuries.

Examine your finger carefully to make sure there is no fracture or other injury that requires immediate medical attention. It is important to remember that an injury to the big toe nail, the treatment of which is very simple, if left to chance, can cause serious consequences, including amputation of the toe.

If first aid is provided correctly and quickly enough, then the consequences for the victim will be insignificant. Help methods are quite simple and involve several steps.:

· applying cold(cold water, snow, ice) to the affected area;

· neutralization of infection;

· applying a tight bandage;

· take a painkiller.

If the injury is severe, you should immediately contact a traumatologist to avoid worsening the condition of the finger.

The action of cold will help reduce pain from injury and help resolve hematomas and blood accumulations. Apply cold for 5-6 minutes every 15-20 minutes for two hours until the pain subsides.

An open wound may occur at the site of injury, so it is important to disinfect the area using iodine (5%), brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide (3%). Iodine mesh will help avoid inflammatory processes in the affected area.

Tight rewinding will help save the nail from rejection (it can grow back). It is advisable to strengthen everything on top with adhesive tape.

Having done everything correctly, there is a possibility that the hematoma will not grow and the injured big toe nail will grow back without needing long-term treatment.

If the injury is severe, you should immediately contact a traumatologist to avoid worsening the condition of the finger.

After the first stages of help, it is advisable to consult a doctor to continue treatment. The first thing he should do is break through the bubble of blood that has accumulated under the nail. If this is not done, the swelling will raise the nail plate and tear it off completely.

The surgeon will use a special instrument to pierce the site of swelling, and the blood will flow out. There will be no pain, since there are no nerve endings in this area.

You can do the procedure yourself. It is necessary to heat a regular one over a fire, but a disinfected needle and pierce it in the area of ​​swelling. But there is a risk of infection and other complications. It is advisable that this is done by a doctor under sterile conditions.

The next stage of treatment will be adjusting the bandage and complete rest for the injured finger. It is necessary not to step on your foot for some time to allow faster healing.

The surgeon will use a special instrument to pierce the site of swelling, and the blood will flow out.

For more severe symptoms, the patient is prescribed painkillers. It happens that an injury requires additional medical procedures, such as anti-inflammatory ones.

Timely recovery procedures will help quickly cope with the injury. Treatment of the big toe nail with adequate methods and means will ensure healing within a month or even faster.

In addition, to speed up treatment, it is necessary to replenish the body with useful elements. For example, you can find out which foods contain vitamin B5 by following the link.

It is unlikely that you will meet a person who has never experienced a thumbnail injury in his life. There are many simple ways to get injured by bruised nails: tripping over a threshold, being pinched by a door, having your foot stepped on in a vehicle.

If you hit your toenail, you will feel severe pain after a while. The finger swells, the nail turns blue, walking becomes very painful, and you have to forget about wearing your favorite shoes until the finger is completely healed. In severe cases, the nail becomes deformed and falls off over time.

Very often, a bruised nail leads to a fracture of the big toe. There are usually no common symptoms. Only in exceptional cases can you feel dizziness or headache.


Take off your shoes and socks. Then immerse the injured finger in a basin with cold water or ice. This will stop the bleeding, and the hematoma that will soon appear under the nail will be significantly smaller.

After the procedure, disinfect the nail. Use iodine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to treat the nail plate and the skin around it. Severe pain is caused by the accumulation of blood under the nail plate, which will lift the nail. To avoid rejection, release the blood before it clots. Take a regular needle, prick it on fire and pierce the nail.

When pierced, you will not feel pain, since the plate is devoid of nerve endings. The blood will gradually flow out and the pain will subside. The nail needs to be cooled every 30 minutes for two hours.

Regardless of the bruise of the toenail, it is worth contacting a specialist in this matter in any case. Ideally, you need to go to a traumatologist or surgeon. To be sure that you do not have a fracture, and listen to the doctor’s recommendations. If you can’t go to the doctor, buy an ointment that contains an antibiotic. Every day, apply a lotion to the bruised area, apply ointment if you do not want to get an infection. If your temperature has risen sharply, your finger is very swollen and red, then quickly run to the doctor if you don’t want to be left without a finger and see the sad consequences.

You will need to bandage your finger, and bandage it 2 times a day. You should not remove a sore nail. You just need to cut off the edges that extend away from the nail bed. If the nail is about to fall off, do not hesitate, rather remove it, very carefully.

Try to do salt baths 2 times a day; salt will relieve swelling, as it draws fluid onto itself, helps to steam the finger and draws out pus that may accumulate.

The nail that you have cured will take a very long time to grow, 2-3 months. If the nail is completely removed, then about a year. To ensure that your nail grows properly, wear comfortable, roomy shoes, take care of your nails, and take vitamins. And then you will forever forget about the consequences of an unpleasant injury, which brought terrible pain and trouble.

Since nail injuries are quite common, many do not consider them a serious problem. Minor inflammation, splitting of the nail and even a hematoma do not cause much concern. Indeed, most injuries resolve without any complications, but there are some that require emergency care. MedAboutMe will tell you what dangerous symptoms are and what to do in case of nail injuries.

Most often, nail injuries are the result of impacts, pinching, cuts and other things. But serious damage can also result from prolonged minor exposure. For example, often uncomfortable, pressing shoes lead to injury comparable to a serious bruise - the nail turns black, hurts, the finger swells and causes considerable discomfort. If you don't change your shoes, the nail will begin to deform, grow into the skin, or peel off.

The main types of nail injuries are as follows:

  • Injury.

The damaged nail begins to turn blue, and with severe injury it turns black. The finger acquires this color due to a hematoma formed under the plate - an accumulation of blood. If the hematoma is not eliminated, the nail will move away from the skin over its entire area. With extensive damage, you can completely lose the nail (onycholysis).

  • Dehiscence of the nail plate.

Such injuries can be caused by impact, as well as frequent exposure to water, household chemicals, and other things. If your nails are constantly peeling, you need the help of a doctor. Perhaps their condition is a symptom of a disease or vitamin deficiency.

  • Chips and breaks.

They are only dangerous if they touch the nail in the nail bed area. In this case, the injured area may become very painful, swollen, and a bacterial or fungal infection may enter the wound. The most severe and difficult to heal chips are longitudinal splits of the nail plate.

Nail injury can also occur during cosmetic procedures - manicure and pedicure. Most often, damage occurs as a result of careless cutting of the cuticle, which can cause the nail itself to grow incorrectly. Incorrect cutting of the tips of the toenails often provokes their subsequent ingrowth. The use of toxic varnishes and other products negatively affects the condition of the plate; it becomes thin and brittle.

But the most dangerous injuries during manicure and pedicure are not due to aesthetic flaws, but to possible infection. Even a small wound can become an entry point for diseases transmitted hematogenously (through the blood). Among the most dangerous:

Hepatitis B and C. Viral hepatitis C, which is highly contagious, is especially dangerous. For infection, a particle of blood that is not visible to the naked eye is often sufficient. Therefore, any wound, even a microscopic one, represents a potential threat.

  • Herpes.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Bacterial infections.

Infection with viruses and fungi does not appear in the early stages. But a bacterial infection is always very pronounced in terms of symptoms - the wound begins to fester, hurt, the tissues swell, and hyperemia is observed. Most often, bacteria lead to local purulent tissue damage, but if the abscess does not subside within 2-4 days, and the patient’s condition worsens (for example, the temperature rises), emergency medical care is required. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream, cause organ damage or provoke a generalized infection - sepsis.

Frequent nail injuries should be a reason to consult a doctor, since their weakness and fragility may not indicate errors in care, but the presence of serious illnesses. According to statistics, 50% of all nail diseases are associated with fungal infections (the most common fungi are Trichophyton interdigitale and Trichophyton rubrum). The following symptoms are typical for infections:

  • Changing nail color.
  • Deformation, thickening or thinning of the nail plate.
  • Peeling and crumbling of the nail.
  • Broken for no apparent reason.

In addition to fungi, bad, injury-prone or damaged nails can be a sign of the following diseases:

  • Psoriasis. According to dermatologists, in 20% of cases the disease begins with damage to the nails. The plate becomes ribbed, as if after an injury.
  • Iron deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiencies. Lack of nutrients affects the condition of the nails, they become thin and brittle.
  • Diabetes. In diabetes, blood vessels, especially small ones, become very brittle and often become clogged. Therefore, hematomas form under the nails, the same as with serious bruises. Most often, damage appears on the legs, in which case this indicates the onset of a dangerous complication - “diabetic foot”. Patients have poor wound healing, so minor damage after a manicure or pedicure may not go away for a long time.

In the case of a bruise without open wounds, the main task of first aid is to reduce possible hematoma and relieve pain. To do this, the injured area is cooled, this can be done like this:

  • Place your hand (foot) under cold water.
  • Apply a cold compress.
  • Apply ice (it is better to wrap it in a cloth first).
  • You need to cool the bruised area for 4-5 minutes, but no more than 10 minutes. If the pain does not subside, the cold can be applied again, but only after a break of 5-10 minutes.

If, after a bruise or other injury, the nail plate begins to come off, you need to apply a compressive bandage and go to the emergency room. You should not use a simple adhesive plaster for these purposes, since it will then be difficult to remove it from your finger. A bandage or a piece of clean cloth is better - you can use an adhesive plaster to secure an already applied bandage.

It is sometimes recommended to remove a large hematoma under the nail plate using a hot needle or paper clip, which burns the nail, and then squeezes out the accumulated blood through the hole. This procedure is possible only if it is impossible to get medical help in the next few days, and the hematoma is large enough (for example, if injured during a hike or vacation). Under normal conditions, doctors do not recommend such self-medication, since using a hot needle can further injure the nail bed and cause the wound to become infected. If, nevertheless, this method is resorted to, after squeezing out the blood, the wound is treated with an antiseptic and covered with a plaster.

A serious nail injury cannot be treated on your own. Be sure to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • A hematoma after a bruise occupies more than half of the nail plate.
  • The nail has moved away from the nail bed or has been completely torn off.
  • The injury resulted in a large wound, such as a badly cut finger.

After the injury, there is severe pain that does not go away, the finger swells and turns blue. In this case, there is a high probability that the blow resulted in a broken finger.

If your nails turn black for no apparent reason, become brittle, crumble and peel, you should definitely consult a therapist. Even if such injuries are not dangerous in themselves, they can be a symptom of other diseases.

Iodine. An open nail wound must be treated with an antiseptic. The most suitable type for such injuries is iodine. The solution is also used for split nails and helps strengthen the nail plate.

Riciniol. An emulsion based on castor oil is used for various nail injuries. Riciniol acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent, so it can replace iodine during primary treatment. It is also appropriate to use riciniol in the following days, since it promotes tissue regeneration.

Heparin ointment. Remedy for hemorrhages under the nail plate. Use only if there are no open wounds. Promotes the resorption of hematoma, as it stops blood clotting. The ointment is rubbed in twice a day, starting 2-3 days after the injury. Not recommended for treating children.

Badyaga. A popular ingredient of animal origin (made from dried freshwater sponges) that is often present in many ointments for bruises. Relieves inflammation, reduces pain, promotes hematoma resorption. It is used if there are no open wounds.

Diclofenac. One of the most important non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). For nail injuries, it is used topically, primarily to relieve pain. On the first day after injury, it helps to remove swelling of soft tissues and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

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Many of us have experienced incredible pain when a nail plate is damaged or a finger is bruised. After a bruised nail, you can forget about a beautiful manicure for a while; a blue bruise appears under the nail plate. A bruised nail is a very painful and serious injury. Treatment in such situations is necessary, since over time problems with the appearance of the hand and your health may begin. No one is immune from sudden damage to the nail plate; getting a bruise is not difficult in the daily bustle. Most often, people are inattentive when transporting heavy objects, closing doors, windows, kitchen cabinets, and during repairs using construction tools. Next, we will look at caring for damaged fingers of children and adults, as well as treatment of the nail plate during the rehabilitation period.

No one can protect themselves 100% from injury, especially in such vulnerable areas as fingers or toes. Therefore, everyone should have at least an idea of ​​how to treat the nail plate. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that you really have a bruised nail. The following observations contribute to this factor:

The appearance of a bruise after a strong and sudden mechanical impact on the finger. The nail plate can turn from blue to black. This effect is achieved due to a hematoma on the skin, and the plate does not change its color.

After 48 hours, the nail begins to turn yellow, due to the fact that cell death is occurring. The finger swells, the skin takes on a reddish tint, and the painful sensations will appear constantly. The pain will go away after the bruising disappears.

Damage to the finger can lead to a fracture of the phalanx. If you are injured, make sure you do not have any bone damage. With such damage, soft tissue swelling and very severe pain when moving occur.

A person who does not have a medical education can easily determine the type of injury, since a bruised nail plate has the same symptoms.

Providing first aid for a nail plate injury.

When a nail is bruised, a large number of nerve endings are irritated, and unbearable pain occurs; therefore, first aid is necessary to alleviate the pain shock.

First aid measures:

Apply something cold to the damaged surface. This could be ice, snow, or a metal object.

The injured part of the finger must be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

Seek help from a medical facility.

If a serious hematoma occurs, the skin around the nail and the nail itself turn black in a matter of seconds. In this case, the nail plate is often torn away from the finger. To avoid such a situation, you need to go to the emergency room, first treat the damaged area with iodine and wrap it with an adhesive plaster. In the trauma room, they will make a hole in your nail plate to let the blood drain out. It is prohibited to carry out such a procedure yourself! You can accelerate the rejection of the nail plate and also get blood poisoning!

In order to avoid rotting of the limbs and accumulation of pus under the nail plate, it is necessary to treat the injury. Also, if treatment procedures are ignored, the plate may be rejected and a new uneven nail plate may appear, which can cause an unsightly appearance of the hand and a lot of inconvenience. The injured limb must be kept at rest during the rehabilitation period. This will allow for the rapid renewal of damaged tissue and the disappearance of the hematoma.

The use of medications during the treatment period of the nail plate is necessary. In case of bruised fingernails, doctors usually prescribe remedies such as:

  1. Medicines that can relieve severe pain: compresses with dimexide and water, aspirin and analgin tablets.
  2. Homeopathic medicines. For example, Arnica ointment, which activates blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling.
  3. Heparin ointment is used in cases of intense pain, to reduce it, and also eliminates hematomas and activates regeneration processes.

The attending physician determines the length of time for taking medications. If you are treating the damaged nail layer yourself, then take the selected drug throughout the entire treatment, until the nail layer is restored. More effective treatment is obtained with the combined use of medications.

Traditional methods are used when medications cannot be used for compelling reasons. Traditional treatment methods:

Pour boiled water over the mixture of dry yarrow and plantain leaves and leave for 2 hours. Wrap the resulting pulp of leaves in gauze and apply to the damaged area. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Coat the nail with a creamy mixture of water and bodyaga powder. After the composition has completely dried, rinse with chamomile infusion.

Pour 10g of salt and 10g of soda with a glass of warm boiled water and stir. Carry out healing baths in the morning and evening. After the procedures, be sure to treat the nail with iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

The resulting injury must be treated according to the recommendation of a doctor, which will preserve the smoothness and correct shape of the nail plate. Some people have a fear of getting their nails pierced. In medical institutions, such procedures are performed by a specialist in this field, so you should not be afraid of anything. It’s worse to get a negative consequence and an unsatisfactory result from self-medication.

Some people think that due to cell division at the free edge. However, it is not. The growth zone is located in the nail matrix - part of it emerges from under the posterior cushion and is called the lunula, or socket. The size of the hole is different for all people. Some may even doubt whether he has it. With regular removal of the roller and trimming the cuticle, the holes have a beautiful shape, but when neglected, they overgrow and become almost invisible.

The condition of the hole directly depends on the matrix cells located deep under the nail. This is why medications taken orally are more helpful in treating nails. The nail is supplied with oxygen and nutrients through the blood vessels that permeate the matrix tissue. What is visible from the outside is already formed, keratinized tissue. You can correct its cosmetic defects, but it is impossible to cure a damaged nail by external influence.

How does a nail grow?

Nails are appendages of the skin. All nutrition in them occurs through the smallest blood vessels. Under a microscope you can see their structure. These vessels branch into numerous capillaries, penetrate the entire nail bed, but do not go beyond a certain border.

There are two nails in the photo, under the letter A is healthy, under B is sick. The latter shows broken capillaries and scattered sparse fibers. It is loose and heterogeneous.

The nail matrix is ​​a thin layer of cells that give birth to onychoblasts. This is the name given to cells containing keratin. These form keratin fibers, which make up the visible part of the nail.

The matrix layer begins under the lunula and continues under the entire nail bed, so the nail grows in two directions: from the cuticle to the free edge and from the bottom of the nail bed to the surface. Onychoblasts constantly formed by the matrix are, in turn, pushed out by new cells. In old age, due to vasoconstriction, the fibers have too much keratin, and such nails are called senile nails.

Structure of nails

The nail is protected on all sides by rollers. The posterior layer is called proximal. It is connected to the nail by a thin film called eponychium. This skin brings the young nail to the surface, after which it is no longer needed. It also has another name - pterygium. When the film is not removed from the nail plate, it pulls the skin of the roller and can grow to the middle of the nail. This often leads to the appearance of tears when the hand moves sharply forward. It is removed during a manicure.

Under the nail is the nail plateau, or bed. It is rich in blood capillaries, so in case of any injury it is not easy to stop the bleeding. The nail matrix tissue continues here, which has a much smaller layer than under the cuticle. This determines the different growth rates of parts of the nail: on the surface of the nail, cells move towards the free edge three times slower than those that are in direct contact with the bed.

Nail matrix injuries

When the matrix is ​​damaged, its thin tissue loses some of the cells that synthesize keratin. A nail will never form at this location again. It will no longer be possible to restore it, and instead of a hard nail plate, the skin will grow. This change is often observed in athletes. Some sports are traumatic for nails. These are football, volleyball and gymnastics. If the ball hits hard, the nail plate may be broken and the nail matrix may be damaged. An unsuccessful landing during a fall causes the same thing. In such cases, it is important to consult a doctor immediately to ensure proper wound healing.

Injury to the nail matrix may be due to external influences. In ordinary life there are not many situations when you can damage it. Basically this is the removal of the cuticle during manicure or pedicure. It is better to clean the eponychium less thoroughly than to develop a crooked nail for life. But this can happen. In addition to improper manicure, household injuries can occur: a finger being hit with a hammer, pinched in a door, a cut with a knife. Many people injure the matrix in childhood. Constantly monitoring your child will help avoid unnecessary harm.

It is very difficult for a healthy person to become infected with nail fungus. Exposure to spores suppresses the immune system. But with age, the body’s defenses change, blood vessels are damaged, and the nutrition of the nails changes. But even in this case, the matrix is ​​not damaged immediately. If the fungus on the skin of the interdigital spaces is left untreated for a long time under conditions of constant humidity and the presence of microtraumas (calluses, cracks, abrasions), the lesion affects the nail bed, and then the matrix.

In the photo, the nail matrix is ​​already infected with a fungal infection. The appearance of the entire nail plate has changed. Long-term treatment will be required to correct this situation.

It should be remembered that the predisposition to fungal infections does not go away when the nails are cured. This is the result of changes in general metabolism, its acidification. You will have to change your lifestyle, follow a diet and restore the normal acid-base balance.

Nail matrix: treatment

When nail plates are eaten away by fungus, there is no talk of folk remedies, lotions or ointments. Long-term drug treatment is required. A remedy that kills fungus was discovered only at the end of the twentieth century. And until relatively recently, medications acted aggressively on the liver. But currently, the active substance accumulates in the skin and its appendages, is eliminated from the body quickly and does not cause harm to the gland. Therefore, treating damage to the nail matrix should not be a concern.

When taking tablets, you should maintain personal hygiene to avoid re-infection. The course of treatment is long: the nail is completely replaced after four to five months. This is the time frame you need to focus on. The diseased nail is constantly cut off, and the new one begins to grow healthy from the matrix. First, a hole appears, then healthy pink tissue begins to spread over the entire nail.

Ingrown toenail and consequences of its removal

On the feet, nails can grow into the side cushion, causing pain and discomfort when walking. Some turn to a surgeon for help. He advises to solve the problem radically and removes part of the nail along with the matrix. The cut out area cannot form onychoblasts. Subsequently, the nail grows narrower. This is what happens if the nail matrix is ​​removed.

But the tragedy is that such an operation does not help radically. Very often relapses occur, and the person goes to the surgeon again. After the second operation, the nail grows even narrower. A person is embarrassed to walk in open shoes. And the nail continues to grow in. The circle closes.

This will not happen if you consult another doctor - a podiatrist. He treats all foot problems, including treating and correcting abnormally growing nails. If it’s difficult to make an appointment with him, go to the pedicure room. In such cases, a medical pedicure is necessary: ​​removal of the ingrown tip, application of a staple or tamponade. In some cases, it is possible to restore the nail on the day of treatment using composite materials.

Nail prosthetics

If the nail matrix is ​​damaged, it cannot be corrected. It affects the formation of the entire nail plate, and it can grow incorrectly, making the overall appearance of all fingers unattractive. In such cases, nail prosthetics helps - performing shape correction using composite materials. The same applies after a blow or pinching.

The photo shows a finger that has lost part of the nail plate due to a blow with a hammer. It can be covered with hard polymer materials that will prevent further injury.

This procedure is similar to nail extensions. Only in this case, they often increase not only the length, but also the width of the nail plate. Any pedicurist can handle this. It will model the nail, give it a natural look or cover it. You can achieve a complete resemblance to healthy nails.


Those parts of the body that are hidden from public view require more care. This is the matrix of the nail. As long as it is covered by a fold of skin, everything is fine. And if something goes wrong, the sooner you come to his aid, the better. Take care of it, and your nails will always be beautiful and healthy.

Nail plate. It is a tissue derivative arising from three zones of the nail bed. Fully grows in length in 70-160 days.

Nail bed. Consists of three parts: the dorsum, the germinative matrix (also known as the ventral floor), and the sterile matrix (also known as the ventral nail bed). The proximal end of the nail plate originates between the dorsum and the U-shaped germinal matrix of the nail bed.

Nail fold (eponychial fold). The proximal part of the nail plate is located under the nail fold. The skin on the back of the nail fold is the nail fold (it is located on top of the back covering of the nail bed). The thin plate extending from the nail fold to the back of the nail plate is called the eponychium. The lunula is a curved, opaque stripe on the nail distal to the eponychium at the junction of the germinal and sterile matrix.

Hyponychia. This is an accumulation of keratin between the distal part of the nail plate and the nail bed. Thanks to its strong fusion, it is resistant to infection.

Blood supply. Dorsal branch of the terminal trifurcation of the digital artery.


  • Support of the soft tissues of the fingertip (hyponychium)
  • Used as a tool (scratching, plucking, scraping, grasping and lifting, etc.).

Damage to the nail bed

  • Typically caused by a forceful blow that compresses and damages the (soft) nail bed between the (hard) nail phalanx and the nail plate.
  • It is necessary to take radiographs in frontal and lateral projections.

Subungual hematoma

The nail bed is well supplied with blood. A closed nail injury causes bleeding under the nail plate with the formation of a tense hematoma, with characteristic throbbing pain.

Treatment of subungual hematoma

Closed lesions (usually a hematoma, less than 25% of the visible nail bed) can be evacuated by perforating the nail plate with a hot needle or paper clip. If a nail bed rupture is suspected, an inspection is necessary.

Nail bed rupture

It may be simple, stellate (resulting from a blast-type injury), or crushed (causing fragmentation of the nail bed). The nail plate may move out from under the nail fold.

Failure to undergo revision in the acute period after injury for these injuries leads to the development of late complications, such as deformation of the nail plate or its detachment from the nail bed.

Treatment of nail bed tears

  • Ring block using local anesthetics
  • Peel off the nail plate (save for use as a splint)
  • Tip: Use a small mucous elevator or anatomical blunt scissors to guide them between the nail plate and the nail bed, then use a thin vascular clamp to peel off the nail plate.
  • Wash the sterile matrix.
  • Carefully restore the sterile matrix (absorbable suture 6/0-7/0) using a magnifying glass.
  • The sterile matrix defect can be replaced with a split-thickness skin graft or a split-thickness nail bed graft (from an adjacent injured toe or the first toe).
  • If the nail bed is pulled out from under the nail fold, it should be realigned and stitched (if possible) or held in place using a splint.
  • Use the nail plate to splint the nail fold.
  • In young children, the replanted nail plate may take root and begin to grow.
  • If the nail plate is lost or too damaged, you can use a silicone sheet or foil from a package of suture material to splint the nail fold.

Tears of the nail bed with fracture of the nail phalanx

In almost 50% of cases, damage to the nail bed is combined with a fracture of the nail phalanx. The presence of a tear in the nail bed makes the fracture open.

Treatment of nail bed tears with fracture of the nail phalanx

The following are guidelines for treating nail bed tears. Additionally:

  • Intraoperative administration of antibiotics intravenously and oral administration in the postoperative period.
  • Copious irrigation until the fracture is repositioned.
  • Non-displaced fractures can be treated conservatively after irrigating and restoring the nail bed. They are splinted with soft tissue.
  • In case of displaced fractures, thin (0.8-1 mm) pins are used for fixation, except in cases with many small fragments, then it is better to splint the bone fragments with soft tissues without fixation with pins.
  • Tip: pass a 2-3 mm Kirschner wire below the hyponychium to achieve its precise placement in the nail phalanx.
  • Check the position of the needle on the X-ray in the lateral projection - it’s easy to miss and not hit the nail phalanx!
  • Seymour's fracture is epiphysiolysis of the nail phalanx with displacement of its distal part to the rear in combination with a rupture of the nail bed. The nail also moves out from under the eponychial fold (see Chapter 5).

Impaired nail growth after injury

Within 21 days after the injury, the nail stops growing in length, and its thickening appears proximal to the injury site. This causes the nail to bulge as it continues to grow. After this, nail growth accelerates compared to normal for 50 days, and then slows down for 30 days, and only after that does growth become normal. Reconstruction of the nail complex

Reconstruction of the nail complex is difficult and often imperfect even in the most experienced hands. Below are possible reconstruction options. Problems often overlap, and the choice of treatment should be approached individually.

Detachment of the nail plate from the nail bed

  • Scarring of the underlying part of the nail bed due to lack of fusion with the nail plate.
  • Keratin accumulates under the nail and can be mistaken for a fungal infection.
  • Treatment:
    • Excise scars.
    • Suture if possible.
    • Replace the defect with a split nail bed graft, usually taken from the first toe.

Splitting nail

  • The cause is scarring in the dorsal covering/germenative matrix/sterile matrix complex.
  • Treatment:
    • Excise scars and restore sterile matrix.
    • Excise part of the germinal matrix and replace with a full-thickness complex germinal matrix graft from the 2nd toe with an acceptable but not perfect result.
    • Removal of the germinal matrix in severe cases.

Nail spicule (spike)

  • Typically a remnant of the germinal matrix complex after distal amputation.
  • Treatment:
    • Raise the eponychium flap
    • Excise the spicule and the remainder of the germinal matrix.

Hook nail (deformation in the fork of a parrot's beak)

  • Occurs as a result of suture of the fingertip with tension during distal amputation or loss of bone support for the nail bed.
  • Treatment:
    • Excise scars on the fingertip
    • Raise the nail bed
    • Replace a bone defect with a bone graft (may resolve)
    • Replace the soft tissue defect with a local repositioned flap
    • Microsurgical transplantation of part of the toe (difficult decision)


  • Congenital or post-traumatic.
  • Treatment:
    • Excise skin or nail-like scars and replace with full-thickness skin graft
    • Microsurgical nail bed transplantation.

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