A very interesting New Year's scenario for the preparatory group. Scenario New Year's Eve. preparatory group

    Fairy tale "How Baba Yaga wanted to become a Snow Maiden" ( New Year's script fairy tales for elementary school: for children 5-8 years old) Presenter: Oh, you guys saw that the Scenario autumn holiday for the middle group. To the music, children enter the hall with leaflets in their hands. They get into place. Presenter: Passed, Video - Karaoke A wizard with a gray beard is walking through the forest through snowdrifts with a huge bag behind his back. We are all Video - Karaoke Goodbye, goodbye, dear Santa Claus! You fulfilled the promise, brought so much joy! We promise, we promise that as soon as

Scenario New Year's party. preparatory group

New Year's party for children of preparatory groups "Santa Claus's Birthday" Children enter the hall to the song "New Year" perform a dance, then stand around the Christmas tree.

Vedas: Here the tree has come, guys

To us for a holiday in kindergarten.

How many lights, how many toys

How beautiful is her dress!

Happy New Year

Let fun come to us

I wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests!

1 reb: Hello, dear Christmas tree

You are visiting us again

The lights will be on soon

On fluffy branches.

2 children: The Christmas tree will sparkle with lights

All covered in silver dust

To us from Santa Claus

This tree has arrived!

3 reb: Our Christmas tree is all in toys

And the balls hang on it

Our Christmas tree

Congratulations to all guys!

All together: Hold hands tightly

Let's say: "Herringbone, light up!" (the lanterns on the tree light up)

A round dance is performed: “For the New Year's holiday” by Eremeeva

4 reb: Hello, Christmas tree, how beautiful

You lit your fires!

How many happy children are you

Invited to the hall today!

5 children: Near the Christmas tree today

Hello New Year's Eve

Hello, Christmas tree - beauty!

6 children Snow fluffy silver

Lay a soft carpet.

And snowflakes like fluff

Curl merrily around

7 reb: Get in the circle soon

Hold hands tight

The one who wants to be cheerful

It turned out the New Year

Let today be with us

Singing a loud song!

song "Snow" music. I. Shut

(they sit down, the last is the Snowman, a child of his own group)

Vedas: Guys, look!

Here's a letter!

It's very strange:

Three snowflakes instead of stamps

And an envelope made of pure ice.

Oh what is it? Did the snowdrift stir? (a Snowman crawls out from under the Christmas tree with a mail bag over his shoulder,)

Hello Snowman, what are you doing there?

Snowman: Came to your kindergarten-

Brought a letter for the guys.

Sat down and rested a bit

And fell asleep under the tree.

Vedas: From whom is this letter?

Snowman: Santa Claus sent him.

Vedas: What's in it?

Snowman: Invitation! On Frost Birthday.

Vedas: Guys, Santa Claus invites us to his birthday party. Well, do we accept the invitation?

Children: Accept!

Snowman: The path to Santa Claus is long and difficult. On it you will meet many obstacles, but all of us together, together we can overcome them. Bon Voyage! And I went on delivering letters (leaves).

Vedas: And as a gift to Santa Claus, we will take our New Year's songs, dances, games. So, are you ready to hit the road?

Children: Ready!

(Kikimora enters the hall with a song)

Kikimora: I am forest Kikimora,

I am a business wizard!

I love to do dirty tricks

And the frog and the snake

I'll take it for lunch

You instead of rolls and sweets.

I'm glad to spoil the holiday

Better not do anything!

Kikimora: Oh! And who else is this? And the kids! And where are you going for the night looking?

Vedas: Firstly, hello, dear Kikimora, and secondly, we are going to Santa Claus for his birthday.

Kikimora: How about your birthday? You were invited, but they forgot me? Well, I'll arrange for you! I won't let you go to Santa Claus!

Vedas: What are you interested in doing?

Kikimora: Now you will see! (pulls out phone)

Hello! Hello! my dear friends, unclean forest ones!

Block all roads

Block all paths

And children should not be allowed to visit Frost! (runs away).

Vedas: Whatever obstacles Kikimora has prepared for us, we will cope with all. On the road, friends! And to make it more fun let's go with a song

They perform the song "White Song" (stand in front of the Christmas tree,

After the song sit down)

(Leshy walks towards)

Goblin: Where are you in a hurry?

Vedas. We are going to Santa Claus!

Goblin: You can't go there, you are not ordered to be allowed in, otherwise trouble will happen! I won't let you in, don't pass! (blocks the way). Yes, you have strength too - it’s not enough!

Vedas. Not enough? Yes, you look what kind of soldiers we have!

"Dance of the Soldiers"

Goblin: Here we have fun, but I'm an orphan - an orphan, I didn't go to kindergarten, I didn't teach the rules, everyone offends me, and you too! (Crying)

Vedas. Yes, we do not want to offend you, but we want to play with you!

(Leshy explains the rules of the game)

1. The game "Who will rather run around the Christmas tree in felt boots"

2. The game "Don't be late!" (4 chairs are placed, 4 children and Leshy come out. Everyone dances at the chairs to the music. The music ends, everyone sits on chairs. Leshy tries to take someone's chair. Whoever is late sits down with all the children. The next chair is removed. The game is played until one chair)

Leshy: Thank you! You warmed my heart. I won’t bother you, go further along that river over there (Indicates. And I went to sleep! (Leaves)

Vedas. We have to cross the river, and there is ice on it. Let's dance the Ice Palms dance.

Dance "Ice palms" (children sit down)

(A blizzard runs into the hall to the music of Vivaldi's Winter).

Blizzard: Who has come to my winter kingdom? Who's stopping me from walking in the woods? (Notices the kids) Oh, it's the kids!

Vedas. We are visiting Santa Claus.

Blizzard: Can you walk through a dark forest, through huge snowdrifts?

Vedas: Of course we can!

Vyuga: Let's see! (Starts circling around the room and conjuring)

Blizzard, play out

Blizzard, start!

I will notice all the roads

I'll hide the sun in the dark

And you will go astray

You can't get to Frost! (tree lights go out)

Vedas. Indeed, how dark it became! Only Christmas trees stand around!

Dance of Christmas Trees (music by Vikhareva)

Vedas. Oh, and how much snow has fallen! Will have to clean it up!

The game “Let's clear the roads from the snow: two teams of children stand in lines, on both sides of which there are hoops, on the other end there are empty buckets. In the first hoops are snowballs. On a signal, the children pass the snowballs to each other. The team that frees the hoop from the snowballs first wins.

Vedas. Well done! They quickly managed and freed the road from the snow. And you, Blizzard, do not be angry, but rather listen to our song.

The song "New Year's holiday" music. Lytvyn

Blizzard: I didn't like your song, and I'll freeze you now!

Vedas. We don't care about the cold

We are not afraid of the cold.

Come join the circle, let's play!

Snowball game

At the end of the game, the children throw snowballs at Blizzard and she runs away.

Santa Claus enters the music

Santa Claus: Hello my friends!

I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Vedas. We came, Santa Claus to congratulate you!

Happy birthday, Santa Claus!

You've grown another year!

Happy holiday to you

And eternal health!

Santa Claus: Thank you for your congratulations! A deep bow to all of you ... pranksters!

Vedas: Grandfather Frost, what other pranksters?

Santa Claus: Are there no pranksters among these guys?

Vedas: None!

Santa Claus: Yes? Well, let's ask them.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No)

And the ugly ones? (No)

And the mischievous ones? (No)

And the rascals? (No)

What about good kids? (No)

Santa Claus: You see, there are no good kids among them either.

Vedas: Oh, grandfather, you're joking again, and Blizzard put out the Christmas tree for us.

Santa Claus: What is it? What a mess!

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames,

You use the words:

Don't sweep the blizzard, don't get angry

Our Christmas tree, light up! (lights do not light up)

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up

Santa Claus: We pull the ears together down,

Santa Claus: They made the Christmas tree laugh, but it's of little use! Moms, dads, help, Say with us:

Together we stamp our feet, like this! (stomp)

And let's all clap our hands! (clapping)

Let's say together: Christmas tree - Christmas tree, burn,

Christmas tree - Christmas tree, shine!

Children repeat the words, the tree lights up.

Vedas: What are you, Santa Claus, well done, lit a Christmas tree for us! Now we will sing a song for you.

Song about Santa Claus (near the chairs)

Santa Claus: Where is my granddaughter Snegurochka?

Vedas. Yes, here she is! (The Snow Maiden comes out, a girl from her own group)

Snow Maiden: (with sadness)

The animals told me:

Summer at the forest edge

blueberries ripen,

Strawberries and cranberries.

I do not know these berries:

I'll melt in the summer.

Vedas: Do not be sad, Snow Maiden!

Our guys came up with such an interesting berry - Snezhenika!

You will probably like her. Listen to this song here.

The song "Snowman" in front of the Christmas tree

D.M.: Am I a magician or not?

They say that I am 100 years old.

I will please the Snow Maiden

I'll blind the miracle berry!

(To the music, he walks around the Christmas tree, pretends to sculpt a berry.

Comes out and gives Snezhenik Snegurochka.)

Snow Maiden: Thank you, Grandpa! (puts Snowflake on the window)

Snow Maiden: In a circle, guys, stand,

The music calls to the Christmas tree.

Hold hands tight

IN friendly holiday New Year!

Round dance "New Year's Waltz" Shalomonova

Santa Claus: And now, my friends,

I invite you to play.

The game "Santa Claus, show yourself!"

Santa Claus: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit down and rest.

Snow Maiden: Sit down, grandfather, and I will invite snowflake girlfriends here. Let them dance for you.

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Vedas: And now, Santa Claus, the guys will tell you poems, sit down, listen.

Santa Claus: Let's sit with our granddaughter, listen to poetry, have a rest!

free verses

Vedas. Santa Claus, do you make bridges?

Santa Claus: And how! I have bridges on all rivers - icy, strong!

Vedas. And if we build a bridge for you, can you cross it?

Santa Claus: Of course I can, but what kind of bridge?

Vedas. Yes, that's what! (2 boys stand in pairs and hold hands). You just need to walk through it blindfolded. Agree?

Santa Claus: Good bridge, strong. Okay, blindfolded, of course, scary, but oh well, it wasn’t! (The presenter blindfolds Santa Claus, and at this time the children run away to their places. Santa Claus walks carefully, hands to the sides. At the end of the game, he realizes that he was deceived.)

Santa Claus: Oh, mischievous people, oh, pranksters! They decided to joke with grandfather!

Vedas: Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Fall in love with us!

Guess - ka, Santa Claus,

"Playing the pipe"

Santa Claus: Drink milk!

Vedas. No, we play the pipe!

"They play the balalaika"

Santa Claus: You scratch your stomach!

Vedas. No, we play the balalaika.

"Playing the violin"

Santa Claus: Pull my beard!

Vedas. No! We play the violin

"Playing the piano"

Santa Claus: Sort the peas!

Vedas: No, we play the piano!

Santa Claus: Yes, some miracles happen on New Year's Eve. Are you waiting for miracles?

(asks the children)

Vedas: Of course, we are waiting!

The music “Suddenly Happiness ..” sounds, towards Santa Claus, preening and dancing, Kikimora goes.

Santa Claus (looking at her in surprise): Indeed, a miracle!

Kikimora (flirtatious) Still got it! Hello, Morozko ... How many years, how many winters ?.

Santa Claus: Hello, Kikimora Lesnaya ... We haven’t seen each other for a whole year ...

Vedas. Why, this is Kikimora harmful. She didn’t want to let us go to Santa Claus for his birthday!

Kikimora: Oh, let's shake the old days!

Santa Claus dance with me!

Santa Claus and Kikimora dance "Happiness suddenly ..."

At the end of the dance, Kikimora catches herself, grabs Snezhenika.

Kikimora: Oh, Santa Claus, you amused me, I’ll go home, business, business (hurriedly leaves behind the Christmas tree)

Santa Claus: Yes, and it's time for me ...

The guys made me laugh today

The gifts are well deserved!

Everyone took their seats.

Where is my magic Snowflake berry? Snow Maiden, bring her here! Without it, there is no way I could get gifts for my children.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, but this is again the tricks of Kikimora - it was she who hid the magical Snowflake!

Santa Claus: Oh, this Kikimora! Where she appears - something happens ...

Come on, my magic staff, knock and spin!

Kikimora, come here!

(Because of the Christmas tree, leaning, falling to his knees, reluctantly, Kikimora “tumbles” with his back to the guests and laments):

Kikimora: Oh, hold me, hold me!

Oh, save me, save me!

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble-ah!

Feet don't go there...

Santa Claus: Back and forth, Kikimora! Come on, give the magical Snowflake, otherwise the guys will be left without gifts!

Kikimora: And what is this Snezhenika?

Snow Maiden: (takes Snezhenika, shows everyone)

This berry is not so simple

There was some magic here.

Grandpa knowingly blinded her,

On New Year's Eve gave!

Kikimora: Ah, now I remembered what kind of Snezhenika you are talking about! Come on, Santa Claus, let's play like this - whoever takes Snezhenik forward - that one will get it.

The game "Musical chair"

(D. M and Kikimora go to the music around the chair, the music ends, Kikimora is playing dishonestly, the game is repeated. The presenter says that Kikimora is playing dishonestly. At the end of the game, Santa Claus is the first to take Snezhenika)

Kikimora: Well, okay, yours took!

Santa Claus: This is how, guys, it happens in the world.

In fairy tales, good always wins.

Well, Kikimora, I forgive you

In honor of the New Year - I give you a Snowflake.

Kikimora: Oh, thank you Santa Claus,

I will no longer be harmful, I will help in everything, I will become kind and good!

Vedas: D. M. did you play with the children?

Santa Claus: Played!

Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Santa Claus: Dancing!

Vedas. : Did you sing songs, make children laugh?

Santa Claus: Laugh!

Did you forget about gifts?

Santa Claus: Don't forget!

D. M: Somewhere here is my magic bag!

Here! No, there! After all, he was!

Where did I forget it? I have a magic cord that will help us.

Well my magic lace

Easily find the bag:

You fly twisted lace,

On the path through the forest,

Straighten up, lengthen up

Try to find my bag!

(Throws string at door, pulls out ladle)

D. M .: What are you, a lace prankster?

Decided to joke on a holiday?

Don't mess with grandpa anymore!

Well - fly into the forest again!

(Pulls out boots)

D.M.: Are you kidding again, mischievous?

I'm not used to this!

Do not bring a bag -

I'll tie you in a knot.

(Pulls out bag of gifts)

D.M.: Finally, here are the gifts!

Well, thanks dude!

Happy New Year

And we give gifts to everyone.

To the music of D. M., Ved., Kikimora give gifts.

Santa Claus: That's magic for you! Get gifts!

(Distributing gifts)

Kikimora: Well, it's time for us to say goodbye.

And I want to wish everyone:

Happiness, joy, good luck.

Never lose heart!

Santa Claus: Happy New Year

And I give you orders

To keep everyone healthy

Getting better every day!

To have in your life

And fun and laughter.

happy new year, happy new year

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

See you next year!

You wait for me, I will come!

Kikimora and Santa Claus: Happy New Year! (Then they leave)

New Year in the senior - preparatory group DOW. Scenario

Fabulous winter entertainment "New Year's guests"

New Year's party for preparatory children DOW groups

Salikhova Elena Nikolaevna, musical director of kindergarten No. 89 "Golden Grains", Sevastopol.
The script is intended for music directors and kindergarten teachers working with older children preschool age. It may also be of interest to educators. additional education and elementary school teachers.
Script content. The first part of the matinee is devoted to the performances of children at new year holiday. Children read poetry, lead round dances. In dances and songs they present their parents and guests carnival costumes and reveal the content and nature of their fabulous images. The second part is almost completely surprise for the kids. It is a small theatrical performance prepared by adults for children. This part is designed to help children feel the magical atmosphere of the New Year holiday.
Target: Create a magical atmosphere of the New Year holiday, bring joy to children and their parents. Active participation of children in the fairy-tale action.
Tasks: Strengthen familiar musical material, singing, dancing and playing skills of children in an unusual environment winter fairy tale.
To develop the acting abilities of children, the ability to artistically and emotionally present their fairy tale character.
To form the correct idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the positive and negative characters of the New Year's fairy tale.
Contribute to the free emotional manifestation of joyful feelings of children.
Attributes and decoration elements.
New Year's sultans, two for each child for a dance composition.
Chiffon scarves for the Snowflake dance.
A bucket wrapped in silver foil with cotton balls (two for each child).
Big " Magic Snowflake". A small artificial Christmas tree.
A flat image of a casket (the size should be such that two children could hide behind the casket), a crown in the style of a Russian kokoshnik, a small chiffon scarf, a fluffy short white skirt. A small bag of rods.
Needles from the Christmas tree according to the number of children. A large white blanket to hide the gifts laid out under the Christmas Tree. Gifts for giving to children at the end of the holiday.
Snow Maiden, Astrologer, Two Young Men from the Casket.
Snowflakes are girls.
Tin Soldiers - boys.
Santa Claus, Winter, Little Devil, Leader.

The course of the matinee.
Chiming clock. A boy and a girl enter.
Begin! Begin! New Year's winter ball!
We invite you! We invite you! All friends to the carnival!
Children run to the music, the presenter enters.
In the New Year's radiant light of festive lights
We welcome all the friends gathered today!
Under the soundtrack of the song " Christmas toys» children perform a fun dance composition with colorful plumes.

Ah, the carnival! Amazing ball!
How many friends did you gather for the holiday!

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing.
May miracles await us all!

The New Year is upon us.
Brings a snowy tale.

Behind the window is whiteness
Newness behind the window!

Who has not seen, look
Came to visit us ... All: winter!

Children sing the song "Winter in the City"
The presenter comes out with a big beautiful snowflake:
I walked around the Christmas tree and found a snowflake.
This snowflake is not simple, because it does not melt in the hands!

Magical music sounds.
The magic hour is coming.
Who will come to visit us?
The "Magic Casket" is brought to the fore.

I walked and walked and I saw the Casket.
Could this be the beginning of a fairy tale?
It doesn't seem to be easy.
And inside is not empty!
Sit quietly guys.
And I'll knock lightly. Maybe someone will respond.
Knocking. Two young men run out.
Well done:
If there is a job for us
We will do everything in two!
Hello, well done fellows.
Tell us who are you?
Well done:
We are two young brothers!
Came to you from the Casket!
Who knocked on the casket,
He became our master!

Presenter: If you, indeed, will now fulfill any of our desires, then make sure that the Snow Maiden comes to our holiday. The guys and I have been waiting for it for a very long time.
Well done:
Your desire is our order!
Let's get her now!
They leave for the Christmas tree. One of the fellows quickly puts on a little white skirt, a kokoshnik, picks up a handkerchief and, to the tune of "Sudarushka", goes out on his toes to the guests, waves the handkerchief, spins, then bows and says:
I am the Snow Maiden, meet!
Invite to your Christmas tree!
You made a funny joke.
They just forgot about the promise!
The Snow Maiden was not brought,
So we've all been let down.
Well done:
Your desire is our order!
Let's get her now!
They leave for the Christmas tree. Now another fellow quickly changes into the Snow Maiden, picks up a handkerchief and, to the tune of "Sudarushka", goes out on tiptoes to the guests, walks in one direction, then in the other direction with a falling step, spins, then bows.
Well done:
I am the Snow Maiden, meet!
Invite to your Christmas tree!
Presenter: I understood everything. You just don't know who the Snow Maiden is.
Well done: We don't know!

Presenter: Dont be upset! Stay tuned for our New Year's party. Together we will wait for the Snow Maiden, but for now we invite you to dance with our guys at the Christmas tree.
Our Christmas Tree is shining with golden lights!
We will stamp our heels and start a fun dance!
Round dance "Hello, Yolochka", music by S. Nasaulenko.

The Christmas tree is full of new toys.
And the balls on it shine.
Our Christmas Tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all guys!

Christmas tree in its golden pockets
Hid a lot of surprises, sweets.
And gave us thick branches,
Like a hostess welcomes guests!

I beg your pardon. But want to know.
Who will perform at the Christmas tree now.
To the music, a boy appears - Astrologer.

Astrologer sings a song:
I decided one day to become an Astrologer.
So that I can see the stars in the sky.
To see the North Star.
To study the Sun and the Moon.

Once I went out for a walk at night.
You can see Mars in the sky, you can't see Snickers!

Presenter: Dear Astrologer, can you tell us how we can find the Snow Maiden?
I'm afraid to make a mistake.
For now, I'm still learning.
But one thing I know for sure
I just close my eyes
Here I am in a fairy tale.

Thanks, Stargazer! You gave us a lot valuable advice. Guys, let's all close our eyes and find ourselves in a fairy tale. Maybe there we will meet our Snow Maiden!
Children close their eyes. Magical music sounds. With its end, the children open their eyes.
Tin Soldiers appear to the sonorous music of the "Hussar March".

We are a persistent, constant, persevering people.
A whole platoon came out of a tin spoon.

The rioters are running from us. We don't like bullies.
Leads us tin, experienced commander.

And to you we are without a clue, all together as always,
From the old wise fairy tale came without difficulty.

They sing to the melody of the March of the Wooden Soldiers, music by P. Tchaikovsky:
We are fearless in battle.
We are brave, courageous.
Walking together and easy.
We came today
To the Christmas tree,
To celebrate the holiday together! "Dance of the Tin Soldiers".
Dear Tin Soldiers!
You have walked a lot.
Have you met the Snow Maiden in your fairy tale?
Frozen around the road.
Snow covered the paths.
Maybe I got lost somewhere
And can't find you.
Voice of the Snow Maiden: Aw! Ay! I'm coming to you!
The Snow Maiden appears to the music.
Snow Maiden:
Hello my friends.
I'm glad to see you all.
The blizzard broke out like this
That I was a little late.

I had to make a new outfit for the holiday.
The winter snowfall decorated my fur coat.
I knitted the mittens and the hat myself.
And the patterns were embroidered by Mother Winter.
Children sing the song "What do we like in winter?", Snegurochka is the soloist.
Snow Maiden:
I didn't come to you alone.
My friend Snowflakes brought with her.
Dear friends, hurry up!
Whirl in your snowy dance!
Music sounds. One by one, the girls "fly out" - snowflakes!
Dance of the Snowflakes

We are gentle Snowflakes -
Snow ballerinas!
A flock of white we fly.
We are friends with the wind and play.

We are carved stars.
Light as a cloud.
Like fluffy flowers
Just not fragrant!

We fly like butterflies
And we sparkle in the sun!
We circle above the earth.
And we want to decorate everything.

We cover with white fluff
Field, forest and garden.
And decorate the trees
In lace dress.

We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff!
We covered the earth with a blanket
And saved from the cold!
The girls sing "Snowflake Song".
Thank you, snowflakes, for the snow song,
For tender beauty. Stay with us on New Year's Eve.
We have a fun winter!
Got a lot of snow!
Snow Maiden:
Here are the snowballs for you. Don't yawn!
Throw them to each other.

Snowball game. The song "If there was no winter" sounds. For the first verse, the children throw snowballs with each other. On the second verse, they play with their parents. When the music ends, the game ends.
Snow Maiden:
Snow in the world! Laughter in the world!
And winter is for everyone!
Presenter: What a wonderful holiday we have! How many guests came to our New Year's Tree!
And you forgot to invite me to your party!
I'm going to hurt you now!

Now your fun will not happen! The light goes out.
Christmas Tree don't sparkle!
Chufir! Mufir! Pufir! The lights on the Christmas tree go out."

Now I will be the main one at your holiday instead of Grandfather Splinter!
Presenter: You probably wanted to say instead of Santa Claus!
Imp: Frost! A thorn! Who cares?
Presenter: Who are you to be in charge here?
Imp: Did not recognize? No problem!
I am Vered the Devil! I heard that your kids love gifts. I made mine for them!
Presenter: Worried for nothing! Santa Claus will come to us soon and bring gifts to the children.
Imp: And I have special gifts! Here are some! Gets a rod.
A-ta-ta! A-ta-ta! He pretends to spank himself.
Not a gift, beauty!

Presenter: Those are roses!
Imp: That's right, roses! For naughty kids!
Presenter: All of our guys are obedient. We don't need any rods!
Imp: So I believed! Suitable for children. Are you obedient? I see, naughty! Are you obedient?
Presenter: Listen, don't bother our children! Suddenly Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost:
So so so! Who is it here at the tree naughty?
It prevents children from celebrating the New Year!
Imp: Hello Dedushka Moroz! I passed by here. Look, their lights on the Christmas tree went out!

Presenter: So it was you who extinguished them!
Imp: No, it's not me! Hiding behind the Christmas tree. And anyway, it's time for me to leave.
Father Frost: If you need it, then go! Don't come here again!
And then I will close you in a snowball, and you will sit in it! Threaten with a staff.

Imp: No need! I'd rather go myself! He quickly runs out the door. Grandfather Frost pretends to catch up with the Little Devil.

Father Frost: Scared! Wow how he ran!
Now we can say hello.
Hello my dear:
Both small and big!
The presenter and all the children greet Grandfather Frost.
I was with you a year ago.
new meeting I am glad!
And I won’t leave your Christmas tree without lights.
I'll fix it right now.

I turn around myself
I'll touch the Christmas tree with my magic staff
And I'll say the magic words:
"Wonderful miracle, come true!
Lights, Christmas tree, light up! Magic lights appear on the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus": Well, do you like Yolka?
All: Christmas tree is a beauty!
Father Frost:
May everyone have a happy and joyful New Year!
I invite all the guys to the Miracle - Yolka in a round dance!
Round dance "Glorious New Year", music by S. Nasaulenko.
Father Frost: For a cheerful song and a fervent dance, I praise you.
Only to receive gifts is not enough.
Presenter: Do you want, Grandfather Frost, our guys will read you the poems that they learned for the New Year holiday?
Father Frost: Of course I want! I enjoy listening to poetry.
Presenter: Then, sit down, please, at our New Year's Tree.
Children read New Year's poems. Santa Claus praises children.
Presenter: Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost, did you bring us games?
Father Frost:
Eh, you need to stretch your legs.
I invite you to play.
Who will race with me? By the way, I'm the champion of this game. He overtook the Hare himself!
Presenter: And you, Grandfather Frost, compete with our guys. Let's see who beats whom!
The game "Race"
Santa Claus and the child stand with their backs to each other and on command: "One, two, three! Run!" they begin to run around the Christmas tree, each in their own direction. The winner is the one who quickly sits on a chair in front of the Christmas tree.

For the first time, Santa Claus plays honestly, the child overtakes him and quickly sits on a high chair. Everyone is happy and the next child is invited for the competition.
In the second round of the game, Grandfather Frost returns halfway.
The presenter points out to Grandfather Frost that it’s not fair to play like that. And when the competition starts again, the child wins.
Before the start of the next round of the game, another teacher quietly puts a small Christmas tree near Santa Claus.
And, when, on command, the competition begins, Grandfather Frost quickly runs around a small Christmas tree and sits on a chair.
The presenter asks Grandfather Frost not to be naughty and play fair. To which He replies that he ran around the Christmas tree, as expected. Then, the presenter asks the children around which Christmas tree they had to run. Around small or big? The children answer that they need to run around the big Christmas tree.

Grandfather Frost asks for forgiveness and says that he simply did not understand the task. The presenter asks that Santa Claus now run correctly. Santa Claus replies that he will try very hard. Game continues.
Santa Claus runs honestly and the child wins. Then Grandfather Frost praises the children that they are agile and fast and promises to train a lot so that they will definitely win next year.
It is necessary to ensure that every child who will be called for this game plays fair with Grandfather Frost. Otherwise, children may be offended. Or, on the contrary, a child who comes out to play after a "dishonest" game begins to ignore the rules himself. That is, everything should look as if Grandfather Frost really did not understand something. And upset that it happened.
Father Frost: OK! Defeated Santa Claus! Can you solve my riddle?
Presenter: Guess, Santa Claus, a riddle. You'll see for yourself.
Father Frost:
Blizzards are walking on a white bed.
In the hats of the boyar pines and ate.

Bushes and houses doze under the snow.
So, the queen came to us ...
Children: Winter.
Father Frost:
And here is Zimushka - Winter
She comes to visit us!
To the music, waltzing, Queen Winter enters.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Hello guys!
I will be very happy to celebrate the New Year with you!
I heard that there is a New Year's ball here today.
Nobody has asked me to dance yet.
Father Frost:
I'm ready to invite you.
What are we going to dance?
Winter: Santa Claus, I will answer like this:
"It won't be a hopak!"
Santa Claus and Winter dance "Snow Waltz".
Presenter: Thank you, Zimushka and Grandfather Frost, for such a wonderful dance.
Winter: We are happy to dance for you.
Father Frost: We are happy to entertain you!
And now we invite everyone to a fun round dance!
We will celebrate the New Year together with great joy and happiness!
"Yolochny round dance", music by T. Popatenko.
The Snow Maiden runs after the Christmas tree.
Winter: Grandfather Frost, where is your granddaughter Snegurochka?
Father Frost: As where? Here she is. At the Christmas tree, with the guys.
Winter: No, Santa Claus!
Father Frost: How not? Snow Maiden, granddaughter, where are you? I'll go and look for the Christmas tree.
Winter: Go, Santa Claus, look.
While Grandfather Frost walks around the Christmas tree, Winter gathers all the children and takes them out of the hall.
Father Frost: I don't understand anything. Where have all the children gone? Addresses parents.
Have you seen the children? Oh! I recognized you all! How big you all have become!.. How you have matured!..
Do you remember how we danced round dances, how we played near the Christmas tree? And now you probably no longer believe in Santa Claus? And here I am ... Alive! .. Real! And the kids, probably, hid behind the door. Quietly stand and wait until I find them! I'll go and see!

Looks out the door. He speaks deliberately loudly.
It's strange, but there are no children! Who am I going to give gifts to?
Winter is coming in fast with the kids.
Winter: Here we are, Santa Claus!
Father Frost: See see! On purpose, it means that they hid from Santa Claus. Oh, you mischievous - pranksters! I'm leaving your party!
Winter: And we, Grandfather Frost, will not let you out!
The game "We won't let go" is being played.
Father Frost:
OK OK! I'm not angry.
I remain with you.
I also like to joke. Yes, and you, Zimushka, I have known for several years.
You love to play games too!
Winter: And since you know, Santa Claus, that I love, then let's play with the guys again.
Father Frost: Fine. What game will we play?
Winter: We will ask questions, and let the guys answer, but not only with words, but also with gestures.

The game "How are you?" Santa Claus and Winter ask questions in turn.
How are you guys doing? Children: Great! Extend the right hand forward with the thumb raised.
And show me how you chew? Children: Hrum, hrum, hrum, hrum!
How are you guys kidding? Children: La-la-la! La-la-la! At the same time, they raise their arms bent at the elbows with spread fingers and jumps turn around themselves.
Show how you threaten? Children: But - but - but! They shake with the index finger raised up.
Show me how you go Children: One, two! One, two! They walk in place.
And how do you drink water, children? Children throw back their heads, bring two hands to their mouths and make a retracting movement with their lips.
How are you kids crying? Children rub their eyes and whimper.
And how do you jump from happiness? Children run and jump in all directions.
How quiet are you? Children: Shh - s - s! Put index finger on lips
And "goodbye" show! Children: Goodbye! They wave their hand. At this time, Santa Claus and Winter join hands, wave to the children and pretend to leave.
presenter Zimushka, Santa Claus, how are you goodbye? We have been waiting for you for so long!
Winter: Other guys are waiting for us too!
Father Frost: That's right, Zimushka, we played, had fun, now it's time to leave.
presenter Are you going to leave us like this?
Winter: Grandfather Frost, but you and I really forgot to do something. Whispering in Frost's ear.
Father Frost: How did I forget that I did not give gifts? Go, Zimushka, to the Christmas tree, lend some needles. Zimushka leaves behind the Christmas tree, brings pre-prepared Christmas tree needles.

Winter: Here are the needles, Santa Claus!
Father Frost: Give me half, and let's go give the children gifts! Give the children one needle at a time.
presenter It's just needles!
Father Frost: E no! These needles are not simple, but magical! Take your needles and come closer to the Christmas tree.
Winter: What are we going to do now, Santa Claus?
Father Frost: Throw needles under the Christmas tree and repeat the magic words after me:
Wonderful miracle, come true!
Magic needle, turn into a gift!
Now run to your places, and I'll help you with my magic staff. Repeats the words again. The light turns off. At this time, Winter quickly removes the white veil that covered the gifts laid out under the Christmas Tree. The light turns on.

Winter: Santa Claus! We have succeeded!
The needles turned into bright gifts.
Delicious and sweet.
Father Frost: From Frost and Winter for happy kids!
To the soundtrack of a cheerful New Year's song, gifts are distributed to children.
The presenter and children thank for the gifts.
In conclusion, Santa Claus and Zimushka wish everyone a Happy New Year:


Adults: Host, Koschey, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. Children: Ivan Tsarevich, Pinocchio, Malvina, Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, Musketeer, Dolls, Robbers, Musketeers, Snowflakes, Stars.

Holiday progress:

Children enter the hall to the music.

It's good to have guests!

There is music and laughter everywhere.

We open the New Year's holiday,

We invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the Christmas tree!

1 child:

Glistening with golden rain

Our cozy bright room.

The tree invites us to the circle,

It's time for the holiday!

2 child:

Waiting near the Christmas tree

You are miracles today.

Do you hear? Come alive here

3 child:

Christmas tree in holiday dress

invited us to visit

Can't stand still

Next to her at this hour.

4 child:

We are gathered here today

They got up together in a round dance.

Brings a lot of joy

Every time we have a New Year!

(A song about the New Year is performed.)

Presenter: Guys, various miracles happen on New Year's Eve. Do you believe? Maybe you and I will also fall into a fairy tale ... Let's close our eyes, and then open our eyes and look carefully.

(The light goes out, the garland burns. A short pause. After it, dynamic music sounds. Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick, dances.)

Baba Yaga: Wow, wow, wow! (Looks around.) Wow, brooms! I knew it, I didn't get there! Is it a broom? Ugh! Here before - yes! .. Panicles were where you order - they fly there. Leshy made panicles for me from the slenderest little white birch, and now ?! Is it a birch? Eh, nonsense! It's beautiful, cozy and warm here. Fu-fu, smells like Russian spirit! Oh, and where did I go?

Presenter: Kindergarten!

Baba Yaga: (notices the children): Oh, to kindergarten ... Children - wow. Delicious! Juicy! Just right in my oven. Oh, and adults here? Pretty! Hello, hello!

(The song of Baba Yaga sounds.)

Baba Yaga: And where is my Koshcheyka? Have you seen my Koshcheyushka?

Host: No, we haven't seen your Koshchei.

Baba Yaga: Where did he go? Kitty!!! Koshcheyushka!! Now I will call him. (Calls on cell phone.) Oak, Oak! I am Birch! Reception…

Presenter: What, grandmother, did you hit when you landed? What happened to you?

Baba Yaga: Shut up! Chief on the line. (Continues in an ominous whisper.) Koshcheyushka, I didn’t find the Snow Maiden. Chief, I'm on some kind of holiday. There are a lot of children, they are all nasty. What? Yes, keep it up! That is, eat sit and wait! End of connection. (Puts the phone away.) That's it! Now my Koshcheyushka will arrive by himself. And here he is!

(Koshchei, riding a wooden horse, runs into the hall.)

Koschei (flexing his arms and legs): Oh, I stretched my bones. On the road, everything is numb! Ege-ge! So, kindergarten! (Notices Baba Yaga.) Yagusya! Long time no see! (They embrace.) You live well!

Baba Yaga: Hello, dear!

(Dancing rock and roll.)

Koschey: So, then we are in kindergarten... Did you hit the New Year?

Baba Yaga: Yes, yes, my dear! What will be the instructions?

Koschey: Birch, Birch, I am Oak! Listen to my order: disperse the children, catch the Snow Maiden girl and deliver to me!

Baba Yaga: Why do you need it, this ice? Better to catch Santa Claus. He has gifts, let's crack!

Koschey: Leave! Are you old, out of your mind? I need to get married, it's time already. How many princesses did not steal - Ivan Tsareviches came for all. All the eggs were broken and all the needles were broken, cursed. And Frost is old, perhaps he will not catch up. The Snow Maiden is nothing, beauty. Oh, and we will live with her!

Baba Yaga: Snowball-cute! It’s just that you won’t be able to disperse the children - the adults are here!

Koschey: And that's true! What to do? (Walks from side to side, thinks.)

(Two robber boys exit.)

First Rogue:

We are dashing robbers

We are all a friendly family!

We are young guys

He and you, and even me!

(Dance of the robbers.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, scared! And what, Koshcheyushka, maybe we can deceive everyone? Santa Claus's magic carpet broke, he stayed to fix it, and sent the Snow Maiden to the Christmas tree.

Koschey: We will meet her in the forest. I pretend to be Santa Claus. Only I need a Snow Maiden to be believed.

Baba Yaga: There are a lot of girls sitting here, choose!

Koschey: Lord, what terrible things! None of them fit the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: Look at yourself! The groom turned up - a bag of bones! You first look how they can dance!

(Pupae exit.)

We are elegant dolls

Beautiful and fine.

Happy New Year!

We amuse with our dance!

(Puppet dance.)

Koschey: Well, they are dancing, okay! You have amused my soul, Yaguska! Thank you! But I have a plan. And so that Santa Claus does not guess, we will leave him a note.

(They hang a note on the Christmas tree and leave.)

Host: Guys, what to do? Let's call Santa Claus soon, he will hear us and come.

(Koschei and Baba Yaga enter, dressed as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.)

Koschey: Hello, baby! I am Grandfather Sailor! Now I will be instead of Santa Claus. He is old and cannot walk. And next to me is the beautiful Snedurochka. Ugh, Snow Maiden!

Presenter: Something you do not look like Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! Well, come on in, since you've already arrived... But Santa Claus knows the song about the Christmas tree. Do you know?

Baba Yaga: We know, we know! About ... heifer! Oh, fie, about the Christmas tree!

Koschey and Baba Yaga sing:

A heifer was born in the forest

She lived in the forest!

A black bunny in panties ...

Host: What?!

Baba Yaga (thinking): In pantyhose!

Koschey and Baba Yaga (together):

Now she's pretty

Came here for the holiday...

Host: Who?!

Koschey: Heifer!

Host: How did she dress up?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I tied a bow on the ponytail and came!

Presenter: Well, you have a song! .. Better listen to how our guys sing.

(Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest.")

Host: You, in my opinion, are deceivers! Come on, admit it!

Koschey: What are you? We are the real ones!

Baba Yaga: Oh, we are gone!

Koschey: We must quickly carry our legs! Well, nothing, we will show you the holiday!

(They run away. Santa Claus enters.)

Santa Claus: I'm coming! I'm coming! I hurry, I hurry! Hello guys!

Happy New Year!

Good luck to everyone, I wish you well!

I went all over the country

And now in Yoshkar-Ola.

I found you, friends, with difficulty,

I almost passed by.

Presenter: Hello, Santa Claus! Finally you have come to us! We have been waiting for you! And the guys have prepared a song for you.

(The song is about Santa Claus.)

Father Frost:

Dear kids!

I brought toys, books!

There are gifts in the bag for everyone,

And from you - to read poetry!

(Children read poetry.)

Santa Claus: Well done! Also, I want to play with you!

To quiet music, Santa Claus walks around all the children, lightly touching them with his mittens, and blows on the children. Children freeze, turning into ice figures. Santa Claus claps his hands and joyfully exclaims: “I froze all the guys!” Fun music sounds. Children are dancing. Santa Claus looks at the children in amazement, then stops the dance: “Stop, stop! Now I will definitely freeze you!” The game is repeated again. Ends with dancing.

Santa Claus: Oh, and brave guys! No frost is terrible for you! I let everyone go.

(Children sit down.)

Santa Claus (sees a note on the Christmas tree and reads): “Grandfather, hello! I went to the forest, I won’t come to the holiday! You're old, tired of me. Getting married. Chao!

Santa Claus: Oh, my heart feels, something bad happened. My granddaughter could not write such a thing. Some mistakes in the note. Has there been any trouble? Guys, what happened here?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, Baba Yaga and Koschey want to find the Snow Maiden, catch and take her to their kingdom!

Santa Claus: Guys, I'm going to help out my granddaughter. Where to look for it? What fairy tale does Koschei live in and how to deal with him?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we have heroes from different fairy tales at the holiday, we will now ask them which fairy tale Koschei is from. They will definitely help us.

You heroes come out

Tell everyone about yourself!

(Children-heroes come out to the music.)


Of course I'm very strange

The little man is wooden.

On land and underwater

I am looking for a golden key.

I stick my nose everywhere.

Did you recognize Pinocchio?


I am a beautiful doll

You know me.

I teach Pinocchio

Write from A to Z!

But in our fairy tale there is no Koshchei!

Call me Cinderella

I came to congratulate you.

There is a ball in the palace today.

The prince has arranged a carnival!

And in my fairy tale there is no Koschey!

Little Red Riding Hood:

I'm wearing a red hat

Pies in a basket.

I walk to my grandmother

Along the forest path.

If I meet a wolf,

I won't cry.

I then hunters

I'll call out loud.

But I don't know anything about Koshchei...

Puss in Boots:

Boots and bow bright,

But ready for exploits!

I will tell you without reserve

The best of cats!

I am a cat in boots,

In a fairy tale, I do not know fear!

And I also did not meet Koshchei in my fairy tale.


People know all around

The Musketeer is your best friend!

My friend is a sword

Always lives with me.

Resourcefulness, courage

They solve everything!

There is no Koshchei in my Tale!


I am the favorite of all children

There is no more fun hero.

I'm not afraid of anyone

I'm marrying a princess!

And I am from the fairy tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful", my name is Ivan Tsarevich. And I had to meet with Koshchei. I know where Koshchei's death is. She is in the needle, the needle is in the egg, the egg is in the duck.

Host: Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich! You gave us a clue. Thank you, fairy tale characters!

From a variety of fairy tales you came to the holiday,

Fun, laughter and jokes brought with them!

Santa Claus: Thank you guys! I'll go look for the Snow Maiden, rescue her from the clutches of Koshchei, but don't grieve here. Where to look for it?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we heard that Baba Yaga Snegurochka wants to marry Koshchei. Come down to her. But she just won't say anything. He loves gifts of all kinds.

Santa Claus: Well, well, I understand everything, I will hasten to Baba Yaga. It won't be long before evil people spoil the holiday. So, on the road!

(Baba Yaga sits, sings.)

Santa Claus: Hello Grandma!

Baba Yaga: What kind of grandmother am I to you? I am only 300 years old, I am still a girl in the prime of my life, and I will also get married soon. I just need a decent outfit. I dress from the company "Lokhmotiy".

Santa Claus: You are our beauty! And we just prepared a present for you.

Baba Yaga: Oh dear! Come here quickly! (Santa Claus gives a bracelet.) I also want ... (Begging from children, parents.) Oh, I want those beads! Come on, darling, come on, dear ... (Takes beads from mom.) Oh, respected! Well, how am I? Thank you! Here's your needle. It contains the death of Koshchei. He left it for me to keep. What's the point of her? Here are your gifts - it's different!

(Baba Yaga leaves.)

Santa Claus: Well, guys, so I found the death of Koshchei. I’ll hasten to help the Snow Maiden now!

Presenter: Come back quickly, Santa Claus! We are waiting for you with the Snow Maiden! And so that Grandfather Frost finds the right path, our Stars and Snowflakes will shine and light the way for him!

(Dance of Stars and Snowflakes.)

(Koschei enters the hall and pulls the Snow Maiden. She resists.)

Koschei: Come here, my snowy beauty! Take my hand and heart! You will not regret.

Snow Maiden: Look how scary you are, why do you need a wife? And the guys are waiting for me for the holiday!

Koschey: Holiday! Heh! We have a holiday too! We have a wedding! You will wear silk, swim in gold and silver! From porcelain services you will eat! Here, everything will be yours! (Hands her a chest of "jewels".)

Snow Maiden: I don't want to!!!

(The Snow Maiden sings. Song of Fun from the cartoon " flying ship". On the chorus, everything is thrown out of the chest.)

Koschey: What are you? Come on?! She smashed all my china sets! Oh, my little gold ... All my ... goodness! I will put you under lock and key, I will tie you with chains. You will know how to beat porcelain sets! I will leave you without food ... without water!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa!

(Santa Claus enters to the music.)

Santa Claus: There you are, my granddaughter!

Koschey: What are you?! Come on?! I'm good with her! I offered her gold! And she? (Pulls her.)

Snow Maiden: We don't need your gold!

Koschey: I thought, Frost is old, he won’t go after the Snow Maiden. Well, yes, nothing, he still doesn’t have a needle, on which my life depends.

Santa Claus: Well, Koschey, will you give the Snow Maiden?

Koschey: No! She is mine, mine!

Santa Claus: Have you seen this? (Pulls out the needle.) Well, watch out! Your death has come!

Koschey (backing back): Stop, have mercy! Oh, don't break it, Frost, don't break it!

(Santa Claus breaks the needle, Koschey falls, crawls away.)

Santa Claus: That's it, no more Koshchei!

Snow Maiden:

See the magic is gone

And the Christmas miracle happened!

Once again, friendship triumphed over evil!

Father Frost:

I congratulate you, children,

I wish you happiness and joy!

So that you grow and get smarter

Have fun, sing songs!

Start the round dance

After all, that's what the New Year is for!

(Round dance "Naughty round dance", followed by the song "New Year")

Santa Claus: Thank you guys for fun party! And now it's time to say goodbye!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, have you forgotten anything? What about gifts for the kids?

Santa Claus: I remember I was carrying gifts. Where did you put them? No, I don't remember, I forgot. No left and no right. (Ask the guys.) Isn't there on the Christmas tree?

Children: No!

Santa Claus: And under the tree?

Children: No!

Santa Claus: Not on the window?

Children: No!

Santa Claus: Isn't there on the chair?

Children: No!

Santa Claus: Doesn't mom have one?

Moms: No!

Santa Claus: What about dad?

Dads: No!

(At this time, the Snow Maiden imperceptibly pulls out a bag of gifts from behind the door.)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost! Hooray! I found your bag.

(Santa Claus comes up, praises the Snow Maiden, tries to untie it - nothing happens.)

Santa Claus: This is how the knot ... U-gu-gu! I cannot untie.

Snow Maiden: And you say the magic words.

Santa Claus: Oh, right! I forgot about it. (Pronounces a spell.) Eniki, beniki, gingerbread, brooms! (Unties.)

(Music sounds. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts.)

Father Frost:

Here is the New Year's Eve

It's time for us to finish!

Lots of joy today

I wish you kids!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden (together): Goodbye!


- involve children and parents in the active preparation of the event and participation in different types activities;

- to promote the manifestation of emotional responsiveness and joy from meeting friends and participating in common round dances, games.

Equipment: costumes of holiday heroes, feather, paper ice floes, New Year's bag, surprise toys, sweets, "magic" phone.

Children run into the music room and dance around the Christmas tree (as shown by the presenter).


We are starting a children's ball,

Fun, noisy carnival!

We will dance and sing by the Christmas tree

We have fun today.

Look everyone, and we will begin

Our New Year's Eve!

1st child

How beautiful in our hall,

We invited guests here

All the people rejoice -

We are celebrating the New Year!

2nd child

Happy magical New Year!

With fluffy white snow!

May the New Year's holiday

Will be filled with laughter!

3rd child

Let the New Year's fairy tale come to visit

And many surprises, miracles will bring,

The mood will always be wonderful

And the magical holiday will last all year!

4th child

We wish the whole world

Be kind and cheerful

So that all the people of the planet

Hundreds of friends have arrived!

5th child

We will lead a round dance

Around a beautiful Christmas tree.

And together we will celebrate the New Year

Merry song ringing!

Children lead a round dance “In a spacious bright hall” (music and lyrics by A. Stern).


New Year is coming -

Time of joyful worries,

Good news time

Time for fabulous guests.

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden. Hello guys! I am glad to see you. We have everything ready, now Santa Claus will come, and we will start the holiday!

The phone rings.

Hello, who's talking? Santa Claus? Are you stuck in the past? Forgot the magic pen? You always took it with you! Okay, I'll look for the feather here on the Christmas tree.

The Snow Maiden approaches the Christmas tree.

Oh no, it's here! (Shows a feather to the children.)

Horrible! Grandfather Frost has forgotten the magic pen with which he travels through time. Grandpa writes where he would like to go and moves there. Now grandpa can't come back. This is a disaster, because without Santa Claus the New Year will not come!

The Snow Maiden sits down and covers her face with her hands.

Leading. Snow Maiden, don't cry, if we have a magic feather, we can find Grandfather Frost ourselves, the guys will help you. Guys, help the Snow Maiden?

Children. Yes.

Snow Maiden. Then I will write with a feather these words: "Send us to where Grandfather Frost has just been."

The light is turned off. Disturbing music sounds. Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. It is necessary, who came to visit us. The Snow Maiden herself and some other little ones. Maybe you are looking for Santa Claus, but he just came out of my fairy tale.

Snow Maiden. Hello Baba Yaga. How are you?

Baba Yaga. Things are going great. There is no only happiness in personal life. I'm bored alone in the forest, there is no one to have fun with.

Snow Maiden. We will cheer you up and perform a dance that you will definitely like.

Children perform the dance "Grandma Ezhka" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Baba Yaga. Of course, I will let you through to the other side of my forest, but you can only cross over on ice. If you are friendly guys, this task is up to you.

Game "Friendly guys"

Children in two teams must cross to the other end of the music hall, stepping only on paper ice. Whose team crosses faster, she won.

Baba Yaga. So I helped you, I'll fly to celebrate the New Year.

(Runs away.)

Leading. Santa Claus has already moved in time. But I know who can give us advice!

Snow Maiden, take paper and write with a magic pen.

The light is turned off. Oriental music sounds. The Sultan enters.

Sultan. Who has come to visit me? Hello guys, hello Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden. Hello Sultan! Have you met my Santa Claus?

Sultan. Was, was, but already gone. Santa Claus left me a mysterious bag in which something lies, but I just can’t figure out what it is. But you can’t open the bag, then the magic will disappear and the bag will be empty. Maybe there are gifts?

Leading. Dear Sultan, the guys and I will definitely help you find out what is in your mysterious bag, but I would really like to see the dance of your beautiful and charming beauties.

Girls perform the dance "Oriental Beauties" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children"),

And now let's guess what's in the bag that Santa Claus left.

Game "Guess what's in the bag"

The child guesses the object by touch. If he guessed right, he takes a toy or candy for himself.

Sultan. Thank you, but Santa Claus is on his way, and it's time for us to prepare for the New Year. Goodbye! (Exits.)

Leading. Santa Claus has moved back in time! What do we do?

The gnome appears.

Gnome. Hello guys! I know about your trouble. I have a magic phone that can be used to call the past and the future. I'll let you call, but first sing a song about me.

Children sing the song "Colorful Cap" (music by G. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovieva).

Well done guys, you sing well. Here is my magic phone.

Gives the phone to the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden. Ale! Santa Claus, where are you? What, at the North Pole? Then I will now write with a magic pen "North Pole", and the guys and I will be there. (Writes.)

Children perform the dance "Polar Bears" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost. Hello Hello!

Through the mountains, through the forests

I went for a long time to visit you

With winter gifts, with blizzards, snows,

With skis, sledges, with songs and dances!

So that here on New Year's Eve To stand under the tree in a round dance!

Children and Santa Claus dance around the Christmas tree.


Santa Claus, wait, you look at the Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree is sad, it does not burn with lights.

Snow Maiden

Our Christmas tree

It is impossible without lights today.

Father Frost. I remember that I left the lights on the Christmas tree, and it burned merrily and brightly.

Snow Maiden. It was the Queen of the Night who wanted to spoil the party and turned off the lights.

Father Frost. Help me, and the lights will again please everyone.

You come closer

Friendly, in unison, all say:

"Christmas tree, wake up

And light up the fire!

The lights on the tree are lit.

Snow Maiden. Children love to have fun, sing, dance, but especially play.

Father Frost

There are many games in the world.

Do you want to play, kids?

Children. Yes.

The game “What we did, we won’t say, but what we did, we’ll show”

1st child

Dear Santa Claus,

Look at us

Guess Santa Claus

What are we doing now?

(Children "play the violin".)

Father Frost. You brush your beard.

Children. No, we play the violin.

2nd child

Dear Santa Claus,

Look at us.

Guess Santa Claus

What are we doing now?

(“They play the flute.”)

Father Frost. You drink milk.

Children. No, we play the flute.

The children are playing the piano.

Father Frost. You sort out the grits.

Children. No, we play the piano.

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, the old one has completely become.

Father Frost

No no no!

After all, yesterday afternoon

I am one hundred years old!

And ready even now

I will dance with you.

Children and Santa Claus lead a round dance "Herringbone" (music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by M. Ivensen).

Snow Maiden

Tired grandfather, tired!

He danced so merrily!

Sit down, relax and listen to poetry.

Poems are pre-learned by parents with their children.

Father Frost. Thank you for the poems, for the fun, but I have to go, goodbye.

Snow Maiden

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

Did you bring gifts?

Father Frost

Of course they are here!

There is even a separate bag. (Searching.)

That is, it was. (Scratches head.)

Where did I forget it?

A "bag" appears in which the child sits.

Ah yes, here he is. Help me, clap together, stomp. Now, a little more, and I will untie the knot.

Children run into the hall to the music, dance a common dance and stand in a circle.

1 Presenter:

Our dear guests,
We hasten to congratulate everyone.
How nice that today
You all came here to us
And, without looking at the worries,
You found a free hour.

2 Presenter:

Happy New Year everyone!
I wish you happiness, friends!
We will celebrate the holiday with a round dance
Fun, joy is not melting!

round dance "New Year"(Muses. I.Yu. Ryabtseva, sl. Shozhin).


Came back to us today
Fir-tree and Winter holiday.
This New Year's holiday
We waited impatiently.


How beautiful in our hall,
And pretty and light.
As if they were in a winter forest -
Everything around is white-white.


Snow is flying from the ceiling-
Golden tinsel.
The tree shimmers with sparkles,
Rain on her from silver.

round dance "We believe in the calendar since childhood."


New Year is knocking on the door
With a song, a fairy tale, goodness.
Everyone now believes in a miracle
Every house is waiting for gifts.


Let the poems and songs sound
Let the childish laughter ring.
Yes, and adults with us
Having fun is not a sin.


Happy New Year, moms.
Happy New Year, dads.
Happy holiday
We are all very happy.


Snowdrifts on the branches
And under the tree it has piled up ...
Hiding somewhere nearby
Miracle Yudo, magic.

round dance "Wonder Tree" ( music Shainsky, sl. L. B. Vasilyeva).


New Year is a magical holiday
How much laughter, how much noise.
He dressed us all as a prankster
In New Year's costumes.


Wonderful day today
Will not melt without a trace.
We are this happy holiday
Let's never forget.


Let's sing and dance
Masks, laughter all around!
Take everyone by the hand
We invite you to the circle!

New Year's polka.

After the dance, the children sit on chairs.The lights go out, the Snow Maiden appears and sings a song.

Song Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:

Winter goes around the planet
And a fairy tale wanders around the world with her
On New Year's Eve he enters the house,
And we are waiting for it today.
She's on her way now
And soon there will be a knock on the door.
And so that the fairy tale could begin,
We need to light the Christmas tree, friends!
Come on, tree, smile!
Come on, tree, wake up!
Let's say cheerfully and loudly:
“Be even more beautiful, tree.
One, two, three - burn with the light of joy!

The tree is on fire.

Christmas tree: Hello, hello, hello you kids! I am glad to celebrate the holiday with you!

Snow Maiden: Christmas tree-beauty, perform a miracle: On holiday New Year's fairy tale Tell.

Christmas tree:

Miracles await you near the Christmas tree today.
Hear, voices of good fairy tales come to life here.
Open your eyes wider
And see my fairy tales.

Snegurochka and Yolka sit down.The guards come out to the song "Oh, early ...".

1 guard: Stop, one, two! Hey partner, don't be lazy

Get it together, pull it up -
We are entrusted with fate
Not anyone, but the king!
By the way, where is the king?

2 guard: I don't know, maybe I'm behind!

1 guard: What are you! Listen to my command! All around, march behind the king!

Guards bypass a real Christmas tree. They return with the king.

2 guard: Oh, Your Majesty, you scared us. And why don't you walk with us?

Tsar: That's enough, enough is enough! How far can you walk? Am I king or not? Listen to my command! All around, prepare for the New Year, march!

guards(turn around and leave): At, two, left, left.


Well, now it's different!
Please submit music
I want to dance!

Dance "At the edge of the forest."

Tsar: Well, you made me laugh. Bring, Vasilisa the Wise, here a saucer, but with a blue border.

Vasilisa: Here is the saucer, here is the apple, everything is as you ordered.

Tsar: Well, let's see what's going on in my kingdom-state, shall we? Are people gathering for a holiday or are they beating their thumbs?

Vasilisa: Roll, apple, on a silver platter and with a blue border, show us our whole kingdom. Wow! New Year's round dance girls drive! Aha! The princes are preparing holiday speeches! What is it?

Vasilisa: Nightingale the robber is playing around! With a whistle of its weight, the forest knocked down, and blocked the road to the palace.Guests won't get to us now. Apparently, there will be no holiday!

Tsar: Well, we'll see about that! Lyubava, come on, bring your hero, Alyoshka Popovich, here.

Lyubava drags Alyoshka by the hand and makes him bow.

Tsar: Go, Alyoshenka, to the Nightingale the Robber, and put things in order. (Alyosha leaves).


Happy journey Alyosha,
We just don't get bored
Become all the people
In a merry round dance.

Round dance: "When the New Year comes"(Music and lyrics by M. Eremeeva).

Christmas tree:

And without needing anyone's help,
The hero was walking along a wide road.
On the very one where with bells
The gypsies sang songs and danced.

Gypsies enter to the music.

1 gypsy: Hey, romale, look at the hero! ( Feeling) . Real!

1 gypsy (takes Alyosha by the hand): Dear, let's tell fortunes, tell the whole truth, what happened, what will happen, how it will end, how the heart will calm down.

Alesha Popovich: This is superfluous! ( Hiding hands behind back).

2 gypsies: Yes, you seem to be in a hurry! Why no horse? A hero without a heroic horse?

Alyosha Popovich scratches the back of his head in confusion.

2 gypsies: Do you want me to sell good and cheap?

The gypsy snaps his fingers, the horse is led out with a bandage.

1 gypsy: Look what a horse! Take it, you won't regret it. Pay, do not be stingy, but rather sit in the saddle.

The gypsies walk in a round dance around Alyosha Popovich, take his wallet from him and leave.

Alesha Popovich (following the gypsies): E - uh, a - and a wallet? Ah, okay! Well, heroic horse, why is your mouth tied?

Unties the horse's mouth.

Horse Julius: Oh ho ho! Hooray! Freedom!

Alesha Popovich: Are you a speaker?

Horse Julius: What surprises you? Yes, I can speak! By the way, my name is Julius, after the Roman emperor.

Alesha Popovich: Well, well, Julius, let's go!

Horse Julius (with surprise): Go?

Alyosha Popovich tries to mount the horse, which bends and lies on the floor.

Horse Julius: You are heavy, Alyosha, can you go next to me?

Alesha Popovich: Okay, let's go!

Horse Julius: And to make it more fun to go, we will invite cowboys.

Cowboy dance.

Snow Maiden: And in the forest the robber Nightingale sings songs.

The Nightingale the Robber appears and tries to sing the song “In the dark forest».

Alesha Popovich: Hello, Nightingale! What are you doing? Forest from your whistle lie down, block the road!

Nightingale the Robber: What am I? Yes, I'm nothing! This is me singing songs!

Horse Julius: Ha-ha-ha, don't make my horseshoes laugh! He sings! Well, well, the data is there, the voice is there and all that. But for the stage, this is not enough.

Nightingale the Robber: So what to do?

Horse Julius: Study, my friend, and study again. Do you want me to help?

Hey, girls - laughter,
Sing to us, but not ditties!
Help, explain to the Nightingale,
Can you make him a star?

Laughing girls come out.

1 laughing girl: To sing, you have to learn. And of course try hard.

2 laughing girls: And to become a star, need to find a sponsor.

3 laughing girls: Okay, Nightingale, try: We're going, you stay!

Nightingale the Robber: Well, take me!

Laughing girls(together): Where?

Nightingale the Robber: Get on stage with you!

Laughing girls (together): Let's go!

The song "Swept a snowstorm."

Alesha Popovich: Has drunk, Nightingale? And now let's go to sort out the blockages on the road.

Alyosha Popovich, Nightingale the Robber, Julius the Horse, laughter girlsleave.The king and servant Yashka comes out.

Tsar: Well, here, Yashka, and everything is ready for the holiday. Follow the princess - Nesmeyana, we won't start without her.

Yashka: Will be done!

The king leaves.Yashka bypasses. At this time, the Princess appears - Nesmeyana.

Yashka: Stop crying, Nesmeyana. The father-king is waiting, the holiday does not begin.

Princess - Nesmeyana: There's no way I can! Father ordered two lakes to the New cry, but I can not cope. Gotta rip some more(roars).

Yashka: U-u-u, my dear, so we won’t wait for you until the summer.

We'll have to call the princes for help.
Hey, Princes, come here quickly.
Time to wipe the tears, our dance begins.

Princes come out.

1 prince: Let the music sound round dance will spin.

2 prince: Don't be embarrassed, give a hand, in place we will go in circles.

Round dance "Happy New Year"(Music and lyrics with Elizarova).

Snow Maiden: And Nesmeyana went to the palace, to It was there that her father was waiting for her.


There is order in my state, I'm glad!
And all of you are worthy of praise and awards.
May this year be good for everyone
May good laughter not cease everywhere.

Dance "Ice Palms"


The ball is in full swing, jokes, laughter,
Smiles shine on everyone's faces.
But the main guest is waiting for the kids,
He always comes in the New Year,
Answer my question:
Who is this?

Children: Father Frost!


We need to call him
And call by name.
Who is the most welcome guest?

Children: Father Frost!

Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! Here I am!
Hello my friends!
Happiness without end
I wish you forever
So that you live - without worries,
To sing for a whole year.
Oh, I'll clap my hands
I stamp my foot: one - two - three.
There will be a good holiday here
Have fun from the heart!

Round dance "With a New Laughter"(Muses. V. Shainsky, sl. B. Vasilyeva).

Father Frost:

How do I come to the Christmas tree,
I'm starting games right away!
There are many games in the world
Children want to play?

Children: Yes.

Game with Santa Claus.

Father Frost:

I'm reading a poem now
And I'll show you.
And you guys repeat
Warm up your voices.
Shout who at the end is friendly,
That one will be more fun.
And the words are very simple.
And the movements are:
Hedgehogs came running, hedgehogs came running.
Sharpened, sharpened knives, knives.
Jumped, jumped bunnies, bunnies.
Let's go together, let's go together...
- Girls!!!
- Boys!!!

They walk by making movements.

Father Frost: For starters, it's good. But let's try again!

They play again.

Father Frost:

Both girls and boys -
You are all very good!
Sing a song about me
You are from the heart!

Song Russian Father Frost.

Children sit on chairs.

Father Frost:

Yes! We have a good score.
So, welcome the guest!

The ambassador runs.


Oh la la! Hello to you all
From abroad!
I have seen many countries
I'll tell you honestly, without embellishment,
You have the most beautiful Christmas tree!
You accept a present from me
Check out our models!



Piques interest
New Year's your process.
How are you celebrating the holiday
With a round dance or without?
Well guys smile
Take hold of your hands!
Left friend and right friend -
It turned out a miracle circle
Music calls us all
Invites to the round dance!

Dance "Snow and Blizzard"

Father Frost: Yes, what fun! And for this I nowI will give gifts to you.

Distribution of meals.

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