Turban: how to tie a fashionable headdress. How to wear turbans in the new season Fashionable turban

Turban - original and stylish accessory, starting to gain popularity again after quite long period oblivion. Similar headdresses were at the peak of popularity at the beginning of the 20th century.. During this period, the bright and expressive Art Nouveau style was held in high esteem in society.

Its characteristic features are considered to be sensual oriental curves, smooth and at the same time quite biting lines, as well as plant motifs.

It is for this reason that a headdress such as a turban fit perfectly into the fashion trends of those years.

In the East, completely different models of turban (turban) were previously worn:

Features of the turban hat model

A turban is usually called a piece of material wrapped around the head in a special way. For greater comfort, a hat was even created, resembling a turban in shape.

This headdress is easy to put on and take off. Hats of this kind can be made from a variety of fabrics.

Distinctive featureturban (turban) considered pronounced oriental style, giving it a kind of uniqueness. Another characteristic of this headdress is the variety of options: you can wrap your head with a scarf or scarf in the form of a turban, or you can use a ready-made hat or a bandage of the appropriate shape.

Reference! This accessory appeared back in the 13th century. In those days, Muslim men used a turban, wrapping it around a kuloh or skullcap. This type of headdress was very common on the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, India and many Asian countries. IN modern world The turban is deservedly popular among European women.

Beautiful combinations with clothes

The combination of such a headdress with long dress on the floor will add a touch of noble romanticism to any image. Such the outfit will be an excellent choice for attending a special event or for dinner at a restaurant.

On a hot summer day a product of this kind can be worn together with a light sundress or short dress. Pair with sandals or sandals to create an airy and slightly flirty everyday look.

This type of headdress in combination with formal dress to the knees will provide a strict, but at the same time noble and feminine image. Great option for business meetings or dinner in a restaurant.

Many people wear a turban hat in winter; in the photo you can see excellent looks on what to wear with this style of hat.

Secrets of the popularity of the turban

Many representatives of the fair sex loved the turban hat for several of its inherent advantages:

  1. Practicality. A turban hat can not only adequately complement any look, but will also reliably hide unsuccessful styling or its absence from prying eyes.
  2. Versatility. Such a headdress would be equally appropriate in combination with outerwear and evening wear.
  3. Variety of options. There are many summer, winter and demi-season models to suit every taste.

Fashion trends

From season to season, depending on the changing decisions of designers fashion accessories change and the turban hat is no exception.

Characteristic features of the next season will be:

Predominance of European style(simple lines, minimal decor and the use of soft, noble fabrics).

Strictness of forms(concise, small-volume hats with a minimum number of lines).

Use of natural materials for manufacturing (cotton and knitted fabrics, as well as knitted products, will be in highest esteem).

Advice! As for colors, it is recommended to give preference to solid-colored products with a rich shade. Colors like black and white are classics that will never go out of style. Vivid images can be diluted with a headdress gray. The constant favorites of recent seasons are also the emerald shade and the color of burgundy (Marsala).

Today, a turban (turban) is as popular an accessory as glasses, a belt or a handbag. Famous designers often complement the looks of models at their shows with turbans. Using such an item does not imply the need to create any unique image or special clothing.

Thanks to the versatility of the turban, any representative of the fair sex can wear such a headdress, but it will look most harmonious on women with a high forehead and an oval face shape.

Finally, a trend has reached Russia that has been featured in winter-autumn fashion collections for a year now - a fashionable turban or turban! In this material you will find information on how and with what to wear a turban in winter and in the off-season. So…

The turban, or turban, is a fashionable and unusual accessory that has returned to the wardrobe after a long period of oblivion. The peak of popularity of this headdress occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century - an era when the style called “art nouveau” dominated in society. In those days, the question “what to wear with a turban?” was irrelevant - the art nouveau style was dominated by plant motifs, smooth but sharp lines, oriental sensual curves, and such an accessory as a turban fit perfectly into the fashion of that time.

What to wear with a turban in 2017?

2017 is approaching, and today there are many different styles and fashion trends. How to figure out what to wear a turban with and what look it will go with? Depends on your clothing preferences!
To create the image of a noble lady, full of romanticism, it is enough to combine a turban with flowing floor-length dresses - you will look elegant and will decorate any social event.

If you prefer a laconic style, but at the same time want to look feminine, then you should combine a turban with pencil dresses and straight-cut knee-length dresses.

What to wear with a turban in winter?

IN cold weather The turban goes well with formal raincoats, coats and fur coats! The turban also looks great paired with long gloves, boots or high-heeled boots.

For strict and domineering business women who prefer formal style and business suits, a turban will also suit perfectly. Paired with a shirt and a fitted jacket, this headpiece will add charm and elegance.

What to wear with a turban in summer?

The turban will fit perfectly into an ethnic look; just combine it with a flowing tunic, bloomers, fabrics with ornamental motifs and massive jewelry in the boho style.

A beach combination - a turban with a swimsuit - is playful, stylish and at the same time comfortable. It's nice to protect your head from straight sun rays a simple but elegant accessory!

We can safely say that the answer to the question “what to wear with a turban?” absolutely clear, because this universal accessory will complement the look for any event, be it a shopping trip with girlfriends, gatherings in a cafe, romantic date or official meeting. The main thing is not to forget about the right color combinations, correctly selected jewelry and makeup.

Have you already chosen a turban? Share your impressions
us in the comments!

A turban is one of the most spectacular and unusual headdresses, which will be appreciated by representatives of the fair sex who prefer to create extraordinary bows. Depending on the features of a particular model, they can be worn in warm or cool periods.

Why do they wear a turban?

A headdress such as a turban has a very rich history.

It was used by the population of India, North Africa, and Asia. The purpose of this item of clothing among such peoples is to emphasize belonging to a certain profession, to indicate the area of ​​​​residence, religious direction. Indian warriors used it to carry weapons and things. A significant amount of fabric was used for production, in some cases up to 20 m of material was required.

IN modern fashion The turban has the following purpose:

  • decorative function, fashionistas who want to stand out from the crowd and emphasize their originality can use it as a replacement for the original hairstyle. This role is perfectly fulfilled by a kind of bandage twisted into a tourniquet;
  • as protection from the sun's rays, this role is played by a light bandage that complements the beach wardrobe;
  • as a warm headdress, knitted models perform this function;
  • as a replacement for a headband or hoop, providing fixation for long or medium strands.

Turban headdress

Some famous couturiers use a turban on their heads when creating their collections. It is characterized by the following distinctive features:

  • this thing can act as a decorative headband, replacing a hoop, or in the form of a full-fledged headdress, which is especially typical for the winter and autumn seasons;
  • As for the material used for manufacturing, it can be extremely light, for example, a scarf, or made of dense materials, for example, knitted from wool;
  • the turban can be plain and laconic or contain all kinds of prints, decorated with brooches, chains and other decorative elements.

Turban hat

Extremely in an original way a hat can be designed, which consists of parts that imitate wrapping around the head in several layers. Among her distinctive features The following can be noted:

  • knitwear or wool can be used for production;
  • as for color range, then it can be white, beige, gray, bright colored, black turban;
  • the product can be plain or decorated with various prints, for example, stripes;
  • the item covers the entire head, including the crown, unlike a model such as a bandage.

Knitted turban

For the cool season, a knitted turban on your head will be a real find. It can be formatted in the following ways:

  • can be made in the form of a bandage or a hat that completely covers the head;
  • a spectacular brooch can be placed in front, performing a decorative and fixing function;
  • the knitting can be made in the form of a simple flat panel or contain braids, strands and other patterns.

Turban headband

For warmer weather, a turban headband is intended. Among the distinctive characteristics of this thing are the following:

  • it can be made of light fabric such as silk or chiffon, or more dense;
  • the ends of a long piece of fabric can go down to the shoulders or be tucked in;
  • The turban may contain an original weave in the front part, which is achieved using different methods of laying the material.

Shawl turban

One of the most common variations of models is a women's turban made from a scarf. It can be stacked in different ways, leaving some strands of hair visible or completely hiding them. The scarf can be wrapped around the head like a bandage, leaving the top of the head exposed, or it can completely cover the head.

Beach turban

With the onset of the summer season, head turbans for girls designed for the beach become very popular. They have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • the product performs both a decorative function, acting as a stylish addition to a beach look, and a practical one, the turban serves as protection from the sun’s rays;
  • Mostly natural “breathable” fabrics, such as light cotton, are used for production;
  • Another option would be the lightest airy chiffon;
  • Summer beach items are characterized by bright colors and all kinds of prints.

Transformable turban

For representatives of the fair sex of all ages, a stole turban, which can act as a transformer, is extremely relevant. It can be worn as a scarf, but if desired, it can be placed on your head at any time using different methods:

  • in the form of a bandage or headdress that completely covers the head;
  • with the ends of the fabric completely tucked in or hanging down to the shoulders.

Turban headband

Girls who want to create spectacular styles and hairstyles on their heads can use a hair turban made in the form of a headband. It is characterized by the following distinctive features:

  • made of lightweight fabric because the headband is smaller in volume;
  • the strands remain open for viewing; these can be curls of any length;
  • the material can be effectively twisted in the form of strands.

How to tie a turban?

Many fashionistas who strive to create original looks are wondering: how to tie a turban from a scarf? Among the most popular and common methods are the following:

  1. The Turkish version, which consists of putting the scarf on like a hood, crossing its ends at the back, bringing them forward and intertwining them again. Then the ends are again placed at the back and tied, lowering them to the shoulders or hiding them.
  2. Another popular option for tying a turban on your head is known as African. It is distinguished by its significant volume, which is achieved by repeatedly wrapping a piece of fabric around a bun of hair located high on the head. The technique of weaving the fabric is similar to Turkish, but the crossing of the ends begins at the front.
  3. The romantic way is that the fabric is carefully twisted on the head using standard technology and effectively decorated with a beautiful brooch. It is allowed to twist the material into a rope that wraps around the head. If the first two tying methods are more suitable for creating casual looks, then the romantic option can be used in combination with evening dresses.

What to wear with a turban?

Such a thing as a women's turban on the head can be used to create numerous images. Among the most effective combination variations are the following:

  1. Casual look - made up of wardrobe items that match the casual style - these are jeans, shirts, T-shirts, denim or leather jackets.
  2. Evening look - created using spectacular dresses that can have different lengths.
  3. Beach look - made using light tops, T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, short skirts.
  4. A boho style look - it can be created with the help of skirts or dresses with a midi length or maximally extended to the floor. Such products can be complemented with fringe, embroidery with colored threads, appliques, and can be made in patchwork style.

What to wear with a turban?

What to wear with a turban in summer?

In hot weather, a summer turban will be an excellent solution, which can be combined with many lightweight wardrobe items. Among them are the following:

  • light chiffon, cotton, linen dresses or sundresses, which can have a mini, midi length or be maximally extended to the floor;
  • short shorts or knee-length breeches made of denim or some other type of material;
  • the top part can be fitted or loose T-shirts, T-shirts, tops, airy tunics;
  • Almost any sandals and sandals can be used as shoes; the choice of model will depend on the features of the image.

What to wear with a turban in autumn and spring?

For the autumn-spring period, a knitted turban hat will be an effective addition to a demi-season outfit. It can be successfully combined with the following wardrobe items:

  • jeans of various styles or trousers corresponding to casual style;
  • skirts made in boho or sports style knitted dresses or skirts;
  • short jackets made from natural fabrics, this could be a denim model or a leather biker jacket;
  • An oversized coat, which is made in a casual style, is suitable;
  • for warmer weather, long knitted cardigans are suitable;
  • shoes can be low-top, wedge, platform, thick heel, or tractor-soled.

What to wear with a turban in winter?

IN winter time year, a girl in a turban looks very stylish and extraordinary. Therefore, such a headdress will be appreciated by fashionistas who prefer to attract everyone's attention and create original looks. Among the successful combination variations are the following:

  • An image that includes a fur coat from natural fur, having a mini or maxi length, and elegant boots or ankle boots with narrow heels;
  • a short sheepskin coat or short fur coat can serve as outerwear. In this case, they can be combined with high boots or boots;
  • You can choose either an elegant or oversized coat, made in a casual style. Depending on the choice of a particular model, it is supplemented elegant shoes or insulated sneakers or sneakers;
  • Another extraordinary solution would be a down jacket, which can have different lengths. It looks natural with a knitted hat, jeans and boots with tractor soles.

Turban and turban - differences

The headdress is often known to fashionistas as a turban. In modern fashion, these two concepts are identified, but historically they have certain differences, which are as follows:

  • the turban is made from large quantity fabric, which can vary from 6 to 20 m. The turban is much lighter and does not require as much material. In addition, it is characterized by such a distinctive detail as drapery;
  • the turban must have a knot, which is tied either in the front or behind, its panel at the bottom is uneven, unlike a turban;
  • The turban was originally intended only for males, while the turban was also worn by women.

In order to tie a turban, you will need a long scarf, stole or scarf.

Turban: oriental motifs 2012

How to combine elegance and functionality to create a memorable image? You can, of course, limit yourself to a straw hat - this is a win-win option in most cases, but you want something new and unusual!

Anastasia Sarycheva

If desired, you can use a nice piece of fabric. If you want a turban to serve as an escape from the heat, choose lightweight fabrics. And in the fall, tie a warm scarf or scarf. But it is advisable not to overload the front part of the turban, otherwise it will not stay on your head.

Methods for tying a turban

1. One of traditional ways.

Fold the scarf lengthwise and place it behind your neck. Raise the ends of the same length up to the forehead. Cross them in the center twice. Place the ends of the scarf down behind your head and cross again. Now bring the ends back to your forehead and tie a knot. Tuck the corners of the scarf under the drapery so that they are not visible.
2. If you have long hair, you can use them in creating a turban.
First, part your hair down the middle. Drape the stole over your shoulders. Wrap one half of the scarf around the left strand, and the other around the right. You should get two bundles. Raise them to your forehead, throw them over each other and cross them at the top of your head. Then bring the ends up towards your forehead again. The number of crossings depends only on the length of the hair. Tie the ends only at the back or at the crown. Be sure to hide the corners. Then adjust the structure so that it lies flat.

You can use hair to create a turban

For information on how else you can tie a scarf, see the story:

3. Two-color turban - very original version.
Made from two scarves of the same texture, but different colors. First, tie the scarves with a small knot. Then place the middle of the scarf behind your head and cross the ends at your forehead. Wrap your head from forehead to crown and back. Since there are two scarves, there will be a lot of fabric. When only small ends remain, tie them with a double knot.

A turban can be made from two scarves
4. One more interesting way- with twisting.
on the back of the neck, and bring the ends to the forehead. Twist both ends into bundles and cross them over each other. Tie the corners of the scarf at the back and hide it.
5. Option with harnesses and a pin.

Stars who are fans of turban: Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn, Barbra Streisand, Elizabeth Taylor, Greta Garbo, Joan Collins

Cover your head with a scarf and secure the ends tightly at the back with a pin. Then twist each end to form strands or braids. Wrap the braids around your head and hide the ends under the folds. You can do it this way: make a loop from one strand near your forehead. Pass the second harness through this loop. Then wrap the ends around your head.

The turban was appreciated not only by the stars of the last century, but also by the younger generation: Ashley Olsen, Christina Hendricks, Tyra Banks, Salma Hayek, Beyoncé, Ulyana Sergeenko 6. Option with a loop.
Cover your head with a scarf, bring the ends forward and cross them. Now make a loop from one end. Pull the other end through it. Pull the two interlocking loops tightly and tuck the ends into the drapery.

Add sunglasses to your look for a stylish look.

By the way, when draping a scarf, you don’t have to leave your hair loose every time. You can lift them up or completely remove them under the turban. The image will look original and bold if you add it to it.
7. can be obtained from a completely square scarf.
Fold it diagonally. Place a straight line at the back, and let the triangle hang over the forehead and eyes. Now make a knot from the ends of the scarf at the front. Remove the triangle from your eyes and drape it into a knot.

The original headdress is often dominant stylish wardrobe. An elegant and feminine turban hat, which has been popular among fashionistas for several seasons now, will perfectly cope with this role.


Turban is a traditional headdress for men in many eastern countries.

This thing is a narrow and long piece of fabric that wraps around the head more than once. As a rule, it is worn on top of a skullcap, although Indians and Pakistanis wear the headdress directly on their bare heads.

Each nationality is characterized by a certain color scheme, size and material of the turban, and the options for tying it also differ. Even within the same country, this headdress is not the same - it denotes a person’s social affiliation. Thus, Muslims traditionally wear a white turban, but anyone who has visited Mecca at least once or belongs to the family of the great prophet has the right to wear a green or black headdress.

Researchers of oriental life and culture have found that there are at least a thousand options for wearing a turban. It is interesting that in the Middle Ages it was customary to hide a tulip in its folds - a flower, according to legend, that brings good luck.

The turban perfectly protects desert inhabitants from the rays of the scorching sun, and in battle it protects the head from injury and, moreover, simply adds height to a man.

Of course, over many centuries, some types of oriental costume have lost their former relevance. So, today the turban perfectly complements the strict business suit - Arab political leaders wear it during trips abroad, as well as meetings within their country.

This headdress is often mistakenly identified with a turban. However, the turban, unlike it, has a lower edge that is not straight. And besides, it is much smaller in size.

Gradually the turban became part and women's wardrobe. Made from expensive material and precious stones, this thing perfectly emphasizes the beauty of oriental beauties.

From the East, this accessory came into European fashion. Throughout the 20th century, it appeared and disappeared from the stylish wardrobe. For example, post-war women began to wear turbans, wanting to dilute their lives with an element of luxury.

Recent years this accessory is back in fashion and is not going to give up its leadership position. And for the convenience of fashionistas, a hat was invented that outwardly copies the shape of a turban - there is no need to waste time tying it. This headdress can be worn in all seasons; it is very popular even in warm weather.

One of the varieties of the accessory is a headband similar to a turban - a more primitive option that protects the ears from gusts of wind.

Speaking about the features of this headdress, which distinguishes it favorably from other options, we note the unique oriental style (after all, most modern hats are somewhat similar to each other). In addition, the turban has varieties: you can put a ready-made hat or headband on your head, or you can wrap it effectively long scarf or a scarf.

E This accessory is also beneficial because it is appropriate with many types of outerwear. It is practical - it will hide a bad hairstyle or lack of styling. The turban is suitable for women of different ages: will decorate both a young girl and a respectable lady of elegant age.


A modern women's turban is made of fabric or yarn. As for fabric options, the favorites are models made from natural raw materials - cotton and knitwear. Soft and light cotton models are ideal for summer and early autumn, while knitted ones are denser and warmer.

Any woman can make a turban from a cotton or knitted scarf. It's easier to do it from light material textures. You need to cover your head with a scarf, placing its ends at the back. The ends are tied into a knot, twisted separately and fixed in front above the forehead. All that remains is to issue beautiful knot, you can decorate it with a brooch or beads.

A bright scarf is also suitable for making a turban, but not square, but rectangular in shape. As an original option, you can combine two scarves of different colors.

Knitted turban-shaped hats are distinguished by a variety of yarns. Wool products are the most in demand. The option made from fluffy mohair looks stylish and romantic. Acrylic additives are often included in woolen items; there are also completely synthetic options (polyester), which look, in principle, no less neat and beautiful. In addition, things with the addition of synthetics are easy to care for and more durable.

In addition, the yarn can have an original color scheme - melange, gradient or sectional. Also, such hats are often decorated with a brooch or pebble in place of the knot. The knot itself, made with original knitting, can act as a decorative element.

Regarding the pattern knitted hats in the form of a turban, the following popular techniques are: conventional stockinet, pearl pattern (or “rice”), English, French, relief elastic, 3D elastic 2x2. Such hats are knitted with embossed braids and voluminous braiding. The elements of the openwork pattern look elegant.

By the way, if you knit a turban yourself from fine yarn, you also need to make an additional base from larger threads so that the hat holds its shape (make it in garter stitch).

Fashion trends

Like any stylish accessory, the turban hat changes with each new season. These innovations relate to style, color, material and decorative elements. This season, the trend is strict forms - the turban is more miniature, characterized by a minimal number of lines. Scarves fade into the background, giving way to hats and headbands.

European style suppresses the oriental one: supple fabrics that are soft to the touch, minimal decor.

Rich shades are in fashion (for example, purple or fuchsia), choose yours suitable option should be based on your own color type. However, the eternal classics - black and white - are still in trend and will suit many fashionistas. Gray is also ideal for an updated, softer look. The favorite is a fashionable wine shade (which suits almost everyone), it is beautiful on its own, as well as in combination with other tones. This is not the first year that emerald has been popular. The knitted turban will also be decorated with various shades of pink, beige and peach. Base sand color able to adapt to any woman's wardrobe.

Decor plays an important role in a modern headdress; it is especially relevant for an evening look. A classic decoration is a massive brooch, smooth or with a scattering of stones. A fashionable turban today is also decorated over the entire surface with sequins or beads. The mesh veil on the headdress will add mystery and piquancy to the lady - excellent evening option. However, it should be borne in mind that when choosing a turban with decoration, you do not need to wear other flashy decorations, since this is already a self-sufficient detail that attracts attention.

Who does it suit?

In principle, a turban hat suits almost all women; the main thing is to choose the right style, focusing on the shape of your face.

Important Tips:

  1. Ladies with a face oval shape and high foreheads are the luckiest of all - they can choose any model they want. You just have to avoid too much high options which can visually lengthen the face.
  2. If your face is long and narrow, the long style is not suitable. Your goal is to visually equalize the proportions, so purchase a low turban that reaches the eyebrows, with many horizontal lines.
  3. Chubby young ladies, on the contrary, need to stretch out the oval - an elongated model without an abundance of folds is suitable.
  4. Draw attention away from square face soft draping fabric is capable, try a voluminous style without multiple decorations.
  5. Triangular face will brighten up almost any style of turban. You can experiment with decor: a large brooch will add fragility to your features, and a mesh veil will add mystery.

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