What should a child at the age of twelve months be able to do? One-year-old child - library - Dr. Komarovsky

At the age of 1 year, a child may already have twelve teeth. These are eight incisors (four each on top and bottom) and four molars. If your child at this age does not yet have twelve teeth, it’s not scary. They may erupt within the next three months. And this will also be the norm. Your task is to ensure that the child receives calcium and phosphorus salts and vitamin D in sufficient quantities.

One day you wanted to kiss your baby's heel and saw that he had a flat foot. And from this fact they became excited. And in vain: there is no reason to worry. Your child does not have flat feet. And this shape of the foot (without an arch) is explained by the presence of a so-called fat pad under the skin. Over time, as the child walks more actively, the fatty tissue will disappear and the arch will appear.

You can assess the psychophysical development of your child by comparing him with the “average” baby who, at the age of 1 year, can:

Freely stand on your feet;
- walk without adult help;
- with the help of adults (when he is held by the hand) to run;
- imitating an adult, repeat some simple actions and have fun with it;
- without outside help drink from a cup;
- pronounce individual simple words;
- understand what adults demand from him;
- call family members by name, sometimes, however, greatly distorting these names;
- ask to go to the potty.

At one year of age, the child's height should be approximately 72 centimeters.

At one year old, the child, as you have already noticed, is very active. The danger of injury is hidden in his mobility and new capabilities. Taking into account what your child has learned to do, critically examine the situation in your apartment (house); and do not leave the child even for a minute without your vigilant control.

What can a 1 year old child do?

Although your baby has just learned to walk, he can also do other things while moving around. He will be able to walk and push, walk and pull, walk and carry toys, etc. If an older brother or sister is nearby, the child will willingly imitate them and do gymnastics. He will bend over. He will rest his head on the floor, and from this position he will look at those around him with interest, while waiting for their approval.

The little one has learned to throw objects and now trains at every opportunity. Sometimes he does it just for fun, and sometimes he wants to know where the ball will roll. An engrossed yearling will carefully watch the ball bounce off the wall or roll through the bedroom door and roll under the bed.

Closer to 1 year, the child can transfer a spoon with food from one hand to another and confidently hold a cup. In addition, he learns to scoop up water in the bathroom using various objects, tugs on a shoelace until it comes undone, tears leaves from a plant, removes beads over his head, scratches with a pencil and, holding the handle, opens the doors of the nightstand.

The child is interested not only in what is directly in front or behind, but also in what is out of reach. Overwhelmed by curiosity, many kids climb into places where they themselves are unable to get down. Since it is easier for a baby to climb up than to go down, heights can cause unexpected fear in him - this suggests that the baby has developed a feeling of heights, which in turn gives rise to a feeling of danger.

Before his first birthday, the little man enjoys new sounds and new sights. An exciting event for him would be, for example, going to the store. The baby will be happy to shake the box of pasta, feel the bananas and smell the grapes. The baby loves to conduct “tactile” experiments - touching slippery jelly, sticky, wet icing, hard and cold ice cubes.

It is impossible to keep a child from touching food during feeding. One year old child spreads the porridge on the table, splashes the juice and dips his fingers in the milk. Even the most careful and picky parents are unable to prevent this. Some children love to try new things. You will be surprised to see how eager your baby is to try cheese or take a bite of cauliflower.

A 1-year-old child is eager to learn new sounds, as well as new objects. He knocks with a spoon on a glass, plate, bowl and high chair. The baby also experiments with his voice - sometimes he screams, sometimes he mutters indistinctly for a long time, imitating conversation and singing. It happens that, upon waking up in the morning, the baby has fun like this for about twenty minutes until someone pays attention to him.

Most “scientific discoveries and experiments” occur when a child engages with toys and other objects. He loves to knock and mix things with a spoon, turn over boxes, jars and other containers, pouring out the contents, and pull the toy by the string. Ultimately, all the baby’s actions are aimed at learning to use objects for their intended purpose.

Lessons for a 1 year old child

Tie colorful ribbons to two of your son or daughter’s favorite toys, for example, a car and a teddy bear. Place the toys at some distance from the child so that he can reach them only by pulling the ribbon. Ask to give you the bear first and then the car. Soon the baby will learn to reach the right toy. Try playing by hiding first one and then both toys, so that only the ribbons are visible to the baby.

Whether your child walks on his own or holds your hand, he will love to feel under your feet. different surface. Let the little one walk barefoot on the carpet and on the smooth floor, on the sand and on the grass. When you return from the store and put the groceries in the refrigerator, leave a few purchases so that your child can put them away himself. Talk to your favorite child about how cold they are and let them touch them. Let your child help you put food in the refrigerator.

A cup and a tablespoon will help your baby learn to pour liquid. Show him how to place a spoon in a bowl of water and fill the cup. This endless game can be played without fear of getting dirty. For added interest, add ice cubes to the water.

If you use flour instead of a pencil, you will get magical drawings. Spread the flour in a thin layer on a clean, smooth surface. Drag your finger over the flour to show how you can draw circles, zigzags and straight lines. Bend a piece of cardboard to make a small mound. Show your child how to put the car on top and then let it slide down.

Physical development of a 1 year old child

Place a well-sanded board on the floor that is at least 15 cm wide and 120 cm long. Let the baby be on one side of the daughter, and on the other you put a toy. With your help, the child must reach the toy and take it. And if the board is on a slope, the game will become even more interesting.

Place adhesive paper on the floor, sticky side up. Attach it to the floor along the edges so that it does not slip. Let the baby walk across the paper. Place several light toys on it: the baby will happily pick them off. This exercise gives good workout muscles of the baby's arms and legs. Try to finish the game before your little one gets tired of it.

When going for a swim, give your child a sieve and a few small toys. He will scoop up toys with a sieve and remove them from the water. This game helps develop coordination of movements. If your one-year-old can already walk, place a row of blocks in front of him. And offer to step over them. This will help your baby learn to maintain balance.

How much sleep should a one year old baby sleep?

First crises

In the first year of life, tiny creatures face a lot of crises - transitions. This includes identifying oneself as a being separate from the mother, and recognizing oneself, searching for one’s own “I”. What can I say, every new movement mastered is already a kind of leap! Moreover, for some children, even these “mini-crises” cause a “failure” in behavior. So, for example, a child who has just learned to crawl or walk for some time becomes more capricious than usual and sleeps worse...

Psychologists say that the only time when a person is allowed to tantrum is about one year of age. Firstly, the baby does not yet know the words to explain what he wants. Secondly, hysterics are his usual way of behavior.

After all, just recently, as soon as the baby cried, began to shake his arms and legs, and the mother immediately came to find out what had happened. She calmed, consoled, and did what she wanted. Now the child is older, but the method of attracting mother’s attention is the same.

What to do with hysterics? First of all, don't expect it to go away on its own. Swearing, screaming, spanking, trying to reason with someone is useless. He still won’t hear or understand. Just pick it up, hold it close, rock it, calm it down.

If the hysteria happened on the street, take it home. In this situation, it is important to remember that the baby will not be able to calm down on his own. His muscle tone is still too high for this, he will only strain more and scream.

First year crisis

The main problem of any crisis, and especially the first year, is that parents do not have time to adapt to the rapid development of their beloved child. Just yesterday the child lay calmly in the crib and was content with rattles, but today he became interested in the buttons of the tape recorder, medicines and a hammer.

And it’s a disaster on the street - he’s always so neat, now he climbs into a puddle, buries himself in the sand, rolls on rotten leaves... At the table, the little one tries clumsily, but independently, to use a spoon, smears himself in porridge and cries desperately when his mother wants to take the feeding into her own hands.

The first reaction of adults is to stop this disgrace. But such “whims” and “bad behavior”, the desire to grab everything and demonstrate incompetent independence are not signs of bad character and spoiled behavior that need to be fought. These are natural manifestations of the growing up stage. Behind each of them there is something very clear, explainable and important for the baby.

It’s easy to suppress them - we adults are much stronger. But then we must be prepared for the fact that in ten years we will get a weakling and a mumbler, who will hold on to his mother’s skirt until the end of his days (or ours), unable and unwilling to live independently, to show character and willpower.

Signs of the crisis of the first year are:

- “difficult to educate” - stubbornness, persistence, disobedience, demand for increased attention;
- a sharp increase in new forms of behavior, attempts at independent actions and a decisive refusal to perform the necessary procedures;
- increased sensitivity to comments - the response is resentment, dissatisfaction, aggression;
- increased moodiness;
- contradictory behavior: the baby may ask for help and immediately refuse it.

So a year has flown by,
How the stork flew to you.
Happy birthday, baby!
There's a path ahead
Life, adventures,
Bright entertainment.
Let's wish the sea,
The main thing is health.
Also only joy
And more sweets.
Listen to mom and dad
Eat well.
Jump, run, smile
And have a little fun!

Today your baby is one year old,
We sincerely congratulate you.
Let your child grow
Sorrow, not knowing bitterness.

Let him always smile
After all, happiness is created by laughter.
May you never get sick
Let him achieve the best in life!

A year ago, a treasure appeared in your house, a noisy, small, but dear and much loved bundle. I want to wish that your baby is always surrounded by only love. And so that small achievements in life, like the first steps, bring only cheerful laughter and a storm of joy. Also, of course, health, for rapid growth and endless energy, for everyday knowledge, so great and interesting world.

It's a beautiful day
First birth.
A year flew by quickly -
It's like a moment.

How your little one has grown,
He walks on the floor by himself.
Laughter, fun and courage
Let them not leave.

Let him grow healthy
Kind, energetic.
May happiness be in his destiny
It will be limitless!

The first year is the most important:
You can crawl nicely
You've been trying to stomp for a long time,
Talking is funny.

Let parents cherish
They love and regret greatly.
Make them happy every hour
Happy first year to all of you!

I congratulate you today
This little sun!
A year ago with mom and dad
The light in the window came on.

May miracles surround you
Your little life
Let no one offend.
Sleep, play, have fun!

The first paths in life
Let them be full of victories!
Your tiny feet
Let them leave their mark everywhere!

A year has passed since a miracle happened -
You have great joy.
A child was born into your friendly family,
He came down to you from heaven like a bright angel!

And suddenly the house became more comfortable, brighter,
Everyone’s heart felt more pleasant, warmer,
Happiness lay quietly in the crib!
And while time kept flying by...

In the year of your new life, you have accomplished a lot:
We learned to sit and walk, began to sing...
We wish you the same growth and development.
And, of course, meet with us more often!

The year flew by unnoticed -
It's your first birthday!
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
Time to spend with you.

Wish you more happiness
Listen to your elders, don’t get sick,
Laugh loudly and have fun
It's joyful to look at the world.

May your angel protect you
Protects with his wing.
Let the world be filled with miracles,
Light, magic, goodness.

Happy birthday,
Happy first year, baby!
We wish the little one happiness.
Be healthy, strong guy!

Mom and dad have a lot of patience,
Raise an angel.
And good luck to the baby...
And get to know the world sooner.

Our sun, our little bunny,
Our flower is golden!
You grow up quickly, child,
Be under a happy star!

So much joy and laughter
How many colors are ahead!
To a world of happiness and success
Take your first steps.

Happy first birthday!
May the angel protect you.
The moments fly by quickly,
Grow in peace and love!

First tooth, first step, first year.
Oh, how time goes by quickly.
We know we can't keep up with him.
Let your childhood be bright, we want it
Make you laugh and play,
And for all your days I wish
Magic, like in a joyful fairy tale,
Amulet of parental affection,
Don’t be whimsical and crybaby,
... to appreciate and love mom and dad.
Develop, grow and mature,
Smile, laugh and sing.

The baby is already a year and a month old! Hot days are coming for relatives. Not only is it necessary to answer all the questions posed in infant language, but it is also necessary to keep the child from dangerous experiences. Mom and the whole family will need a good resource of love and patience.

Physical parameters

First, let's talk about the most important thing - physical health. The World Health Association has developed height and weight scales for infants of all races and both sexes. We provide data for our region.

For boys:

  • height: from 73.5 to 78.4 cm;
  • weight: from 8.7 to 11 kg;
  • head circumference: from 44.9 to 47.6 cm;
  • must have 8 front teeth.

For girls:

  • height: from 70.5 to 76.8 cm;
  • weight: from 8 to 10.2 kg;
  • head circumference: from 43.7 to 46.4 cm;
  • the child must have 8 front teeth.

A slight deviation from the norm is not a cause for alarm, but discuss more serious deviations up or down with your pediatrician, especially if the baby previously developed normally. It is better to identify serious diseases at an early stage.

Baby's sleep schedule

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It is interesting that already at such a young age children begin to be divided into owls, larks and pigeons.

  • Larks go to bed at 20-22 hours, but already at 4-5 they begin “working” activities, asking for the breast.
  • Owls can stay awake until 11 pm, but they first wake up at 6-7 am.
  • Pigeons do not have a specific regime, which confuses parents.

Most children divide their night's sleep into two parts. During the day, such babies also sleep in two stages - at least an hour each. In total, at this age, the baby should sleep 10-13 hours a day.

It is during this period that parents can identify which daily type the child belongs to. Thus, an “owl” raised early in the morning will constantly try to take a nap and catch up on the morning hours of sleep.

Baby skills and abilities

Normally, a 13-month-old child not only knows how to recognize, but also demonstrates the whole gamut of human moods, feelings and actions (we recommend reading:). He will show not only love, but also independence, fear, anger, stubbornness, disobedience, and sadness. In all these manifestations, he needs the unconditional love of mom and dad, but it’s worth setting boundaries and instilling the word “no.” While the baby is very attached to his mother, he needs to be gently encouraged to communicate with other people.

  • Accept your child's feelings. He has a right to them.
  • If you wean, try to reward it with affection and fun. Do not wean him during illness or important changes in his life (moving, for example). During weaning, try to keep him busy with something new and exciting.

At 1 year and 1 month, children show greater activity and desire for independence. They are easier to occupy and direct. They already know how to walk on their own or with the help of adults, or crawl with amazing agility. Exploration of the home territory goes into overdrive high level: shelves, doors and windows are opened, everything is tasted and stuffed into the nose or ear. Some already know how to place a chair and climb quite high.

One-year-old children walk clumsily, but with great enthusiasm. They strive to walk like all the adults around them. Moreover, walking upright allows you to expand your horizons.

The baby is very proud of his new walking skill, so he uses it at any convenient time. Mommy needs to be careful because the baby becomes very curious and may be in danger

What should your child be able to do?

  1. He sits at the table and tries to eat without adult intervention. These attempts should not be stopped, even if the child smears everything around him.
  2. A year and a month old baby fulfills simple requests: “give me a ball”, “bring a teddy bear”, he knows the names of objects and toys.
  3. In addition to humming and cooing, he already forms phrases with repeated words (mom, baba, dad, bibi), imitates the voices of animals (woof, mu, meow, co-co-co). Understands important words: “na” and “give”, “yes” and “no”. Distinguishes sounds, talks to himself in infant language. Listens to his voice, changing volume and intonation.
  4. The child understands that he can influence objects - push, pull, grab, throw, hide. He does this with pleasure - this is his way of mastering his surroundings.
  5. There is already little communication with the family - the child is drawn to peers and older children, and looks at other kids while walking. Look for company - early socialization is a great benefit. Children of friends, relatives, neighbors, a sandbox company or a development circle provide invaluable experience in early friendship and the ability to behave in conflict.
  6. If your baby does not walk for a year and a month, but crawls and stands up energetically, use soft pedagogical force. Let him grab onto your fingers with both handles and move. Encourage walking interesting things: “let’s go to that toy, to that beautiful flower.” It is better to show objects at eye level so that the baby understands that in order to see a lot, you need to walk a lot. Sit on the sofa 3-4 m from the baby and stretch out your hands to him, call him. If he crawls, don’t scold him, get down on all fours, and then stand up, setting an example. Show great joy when your baby decides to come over, hug and rock him.

Children at this age are already beginning to speak more consciously, so it is much easier to understand them than before. You need to encourage these conversational skills and practice more with your baby.

Developmental and auxiliary activities

Developmental activities and games are designed to facilitate and accelerate the maturation of the baby. Early development For a person, the same thing has always happened: he climbs as high as he can, without thinking about the return descent (we recommend reading:). Keep an eye on your child, do not leave him even for a short time: children are very reactive if they are interested in something (we recommend reading:). Take your baby down from a height, teach him to descend on his own, but without taking risks, from a low height, accompany the actions with the word “no.”

Take your child “out in public” - to shopping centers, to various playgrounds, to parks, observing safety measures (for example, during epidemics). New impressions will awaken his investigative instincts and teach him not to be afraid of new things.

Toys, suitable for ages 1 year and 1 month:

  • books illustrated with bright and clear pictures, baby encyclopedias, fairy tales, talking books etc. (we recommend reading: ).d.;
  • large toys that can be thrown and pushed (car, teddy bear, baby doll), gurneys with rattles and flashing lights, various knockers and sounds.

Effective classes for a child of 1 year and 1 full month can be very diverse. Buy a cube with slots of different geometric shapes: let the child push a star, square, triangle, etc. into the corresponding holes (see also:). d. A piggy bank into which the baby will put buttons and coins is also good (be careful not to swallow it). Show how to get a strum by shaking a piggy bank. Sound games are something worth doing every day.

Hide the toy in front of your baby in a simple way(covering it with a box, cloth or putting your hands behind your back). Let the baby search. Tie a bright ribbon to the toy in front of his eyes and hide it so that he can see the tip of the ribbon. If he finds it, rejoice and be amazed.

It is also useful to develop a sense of color. We lay out sheets of colored paper on the floor, placing objects and toys of the same color on them, and pronounce the names of the colors. Then we put the toys away, play with them with the child and ask him to sort them by color on a piece of paper. At 13 months he can handle this quite well.

The sense of color is very important for a child’s development - it helps to better understand the world around him and express feelings using artistic tools

What can you feed your baby?

It's time to enrich your diet. Yes, your joy still has almost no teeth, but it is already able to appreciate new taste and learn new dishes. At this age, a child develops a culinary taste. Make healthy, simple and tasty food, grind it so that there are no problems with swallowing and digestion. For example, a sandwich with butter and cheese - cut off the crusts, cut into small cubes and sprinkle with grated cheese. Let him eat on his own. By the way, there are many video recipes for kids on the Internet.

Balanced menu for 3 days:

Day oneDay twoDay three
  • Steamed omelette
  • Milk porridge
  • Slice of bread and butter
  • Herbal tea
  • Vegetable puree
  • Slice of bread with butter and cheese
  • Tea whitened with milk
  • Semolina soufflé with carrots
  • Milk
  • Slice of bread and butter
  • Mashed borscht
  • Chicken breast soufflé
  • Mashed potatoes with milk
  • Compote
  • Broccoli or cauliflower soup
  • Zucchini puree
  • Vegetarian cabbage soup
  • Potato casserole with meat
  • Unsweetened cookies
  • Compote
Afternoon snack
  • Kefir
  • Unsweetened cookies
  • pureed apple
  • Kefir
  • Milk crackers
  • Fruits
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Kefir
  • Fruits
  • Buckwheat porridge
  • Milk
  • Slice of bread
  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • Milk
  • Slice of bread
  • Vegetable puree
  • Tea whitened with milk
  • Slice of bread

Your child

Nutrition and baby care

Sleep and safety

Educational games

Developing coordination and vision

Game 1. “Making beads”

The game is aimed at developing coordination of movements of both hands, as well as improving hand-eye coordination.

You will need

10 large beads (wheels from a pyramid or any other parts with a through hole), thick fishing line or wire, opaque bag.

Game plan

1. Place the beads in a bag and sit next to the child, putting the bag behind you. 2. Show your child the fishing line, take out one of the beads and slowly string it onto the fishing line. 3. Take the second bead out of the bag and invite the child to do the same. 4. When all the beads are on the fishing line, tie the ends with a knot and put it around the child’s neck. Express your admiration for the resulting decoration.

Note to parents

1. If your child enjoys the game, you can gradually reduce the size of the beads to develop manual dexterity. 2. Do not leave your baby unattended with ready-made beads so that he does not harm himself while trying to put them on or take them off. The game was prepared by Maria Baulina, a neuropsychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, specialist in child neuropsychology and problems of development of child psychological functions.

Development: watching the baby

The baby's first birthday is behind us. In just 12 months, the baby turned from a helpless bundle that was brought from the maternity hospital into a completely independent person with his own character and habits.

During this period, children grow and gain weight unevenly, approximately 100-300 g and 1.0-1.2 cm per month. By the age of one and a half years, boys weigh 9.8-12.2 kg with a height of 79.6-85.0 cm, the corresponding figures for girls are: 9.1-11.6 kg and 77.8-83.6 cm*. Proportions change baby body: arms and legs gradually become longer, the stomach becomes flatter. All children are different: tall and not very tall, plump and thin. The main indicator physical health What determines a child at this age is not the number of kilograms and centimeters gained, but stable development.

At the age of one year, most children move confidently around the house, holding onto support, and many begin to walk independently. By the age of one and a half years, babies will begin to run and even play “football”: rolling the ball, kicking it and throwing it forward or up.

The child continues to explore with interest the world around us, especially now that there are more opportunities for this. He can climb to previously inaccessible peaks with the help of a chair or armchair.

Games with objects become more difficult. Now the little experimenter needs to find out whether it is possible to divide the object into its component parts. If it is not possible to separate the toy into parts with his hands, he can throw it on the floor - this way it will definitely fall apart into pieces. Taking a pyramid of cubes apart and then trying to put it back together again is one of the favorite activities of a child at this age.

Children's vision and hearing develop: children distinguish small objects well and see better into the distance. Depth of perception increases - the ability to perceive objects “three-dimensionally” and estimate the distance to them. For the full development of all senses, children need a change of impressions.

By the age of one, many children had already skillfully imitated the speech of adults; now this skill continues to improve: children are more fluent in intonation, actively help themselves with gestures, pronounce almost all sounds separately, and some by syllables. Growing vocabulary child - that is, the number of words whose meaning he understands well. A child of this age is already able to fulfill complex requests consisting of several stages: “Go to dad, take a book from him, bring it to mom.” He knows all the family members by name and can find them in a photograph.

At one and a half years old, the baby actively uses several words to communicate and correctly answers simple questions, pointing to parts of the body, objects and people around. However, there is still no coherent and understandable speech for an adult: kids continue to “babble” in a special children's language, which only loving parents and loved ones can understand. But the baby knows how to express his emotions with facial expressions and gestures perfectly, so that everyone will understand what exactly is in at the moment your child wants.

*Based on data provided by experts World Organization Health (WHO) based on the results of the Multifocus Growth Reference Study (MGRS).

It involved children who were cared for in accordance with WHO health guidelines, such as: breast-feeding and maternal cessation of smoking. Today, the MGRS results are recognized international standards with which the development of children can and should be compared, regardless of their place of residence, type of feeding and belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

Behavior: we understand the baby

One-year-old children actively strive for independence: they decide for themselves where to go and what toy to take. At the same time, kids try to show independence, acting contrary to the wishes and requests of adults. The word “no” during this period can cause a negative reaction in the baby, even hysteria. Mom and dad will have to be patient and allow the baby to “assert himself” and expand his personal boundaries.

New “unpleasant” features in the behavior of children at this age are often associated with the “first year crisis.” Having learned to walk and speak (albeit in his own special language), the child tries to understand his place in the world and no longer feels such an inextricable connection with his parents as before. Being independent is not so easy: the baby wants to get a toy from the shelf, but cannot reach it; he wants to say that he doesn’t like these pants, but he can’t find the words; he wants to run to the slide without his mother’s help, but they don’t listen to him and he falls. Is it any wonder that a child faced with such a discrepancy between his desires and capabilities begins to be capricious, may suddenly scream or behave aggressively.

While showing “character,” children at this age still remain “kids.” They still need to feel the care and protection of their parents in order to feel safe. Touches and hugs will help an older baby feel parental love and care. Always be ready to support your child: the baby can do “construction” or “cleaning up” in his toy box alone, but he needs to know that his mother is not far away and will immediately come to the rescue if he gets scared or falls.

In order to achieve what he wants from adults, a child gradually accumulates many methods in his arsenal, from smiling and hugging to whining, screaming and crying. The baby is constantly experimenting, trying to understand how best to attract attention to himself, and what types of behavior evoke a positive reaction from mom and dad. For example, a child quickly understands that when communicating with parents, crying “will not help matters,” and a grandmother or grandfather is more likely to fulfill a request if they cry loudly.

As children approach one and a half years of age, they are happy to copy the complex behavior of adults, including doing routine homework. Although the hum of a vacuum cleaner may cause anxiety in your baby (loud noises at this age begin to be associated with danger), he will soon forget about his fear as he helps his mother move the brush across the carpet. And washing dishes will become his cherished dream, because most children love to play with water.

At this age, most children are not immediately ready for active socialization. At first, they don't like being around unfamiliar adults or playing with other children. The baby actively defends its territory, not wanting to share the attention of its parents and its toys with strangers. Gradually, the baby learns to interact with the world around him, showing the characteristics of his character and behavior. The child will be interested in playing with older children who can be imitated. They will take on a leadership role and demonstrate by example how to better play in the company. Communication with peers follows a different scenario: at first, the kids can simply play nearby, then they begin to repeat certain actions one after another. Having got used to it, they can exchange toys, or take them away from each other, carefully observing the reaction of their peer.


Children at this age enjoy being at a common table in the company of mom and dad. Try to arrange “family” meals more often: by imitating adults, the child quickly learns to independently use cutlery and “adult” dishes. For the safety and comfort of the baby, be sure to sit him in a special chair.

By the age of one and a half years, the growth rate of children slows down, which can lead to a decrease in appetite and interest in new foods. Your baby’s taste preferences may also change, which he will quite convincingly communicate to you through gestures and facial expressions. Don't ignore his wishes. If some foods and dishes are not to his taste at all, try replacing them with others containing the same vitamins and useful substances. Children's eating habits can change. If a child refused to even try fish at one year old, then at one and a half years, fish cutlets can become his favorite delicacy.

By the age of one and a half years, the baby usually gets used to the “adult” diet, which includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. It is advisable to feed the baby at the same time so that the intervals between meals are approximately the same.

In the second year of life, children can eat almost any adult food, however, it must be chopped. Homemade food can be combined with baby food industrial production. If possible, continue breastfeeding. Mother's milk helps the baby's digestive system.

Active children should not be limited in their drinking. Boiled water or weak tea is perfect to quench your thirst. Herbal teas, such as fennel or chamomile, are soothing and help normalize digestion.

To prevent allergies, limit the amount of natural spices in your baby's food and avoid artificial additives. It is too early to include cocoa or other chocolate-based drinks in a child’s diet. Buns, cookies, pies made from yeast dough, waffles and ice cream are also not the best treats for children under 18 months. The ideal dessert for a little one with a sweet tooth is a fruit salad dressed with yogurt, or a semolina-based mousse with fruits and berries.

Soups and main courses for one-year-old children are best steamed or boiled.

Child care

At this age, children need more physical activity than before. Give your baby the opportunity to crawl, walk, run and jump until he gets tired.

You will have to bathe your baby more often, because he is actively exploring the world: he happily stands in a puddle, tastes the earth and tries to pet any animal that gets in his way. Pay attention to the condition of your skin after swimming. If necessary, use moisturizers or anti-heat rash products.

While your child is learning to walk and run, be prepared for bruises and abrasions: stock up on band-aids with funny “childish” pictures, disinfectants and bruise gel. Don't worry, very soon your baby will learn to stand on his own two feet!

Turn hair care into fun game. Brush the doll with your baby. Having understood how to handle a comb, the child will willingly comb the hair of both the doll and dad and mom. If the mother is the main children's stylist, click the scissors next to the doll's hair to prove that it doesn't hurt at all. A trip to the hairdresser for a boy can become part of a special “male” ritual, because dad also has to cut his hair.

When going for a routine examination with a doctor, prepare in advance a list of questions on which you want to receive advice: sleep patterns, speech development, height and weight, behavioral characteristics, etc.

Education and communication: working with your baby

In the period from one to one and a half years, babies rapidly expand the boundaries of their world, improving their motor skills. Encourage your child to be physically active and explore. Provide him with a safe space to play and the opportunity to transform it himself. To store toys, you can use lightweight boxes on wheels, baskets and boxes that can be easily moved or turned over.

Your baby learns to think ahead about his actions in order to achieve what he wants: for example, use improvised objects to climb higher and reach interesting toy. Place a chair, a bench or a small ladder with two steps in his room so that he can move them to the chest of drawers, on which lies an interesting book or a teddy bear.

For vision development, a child needs color stimulation. Use colorful toys and picture books, colored details in the interior of the children's room and children's clothing bright colors. Regular walks outside also contribute to the development of color vision.

The baby will be happy to collect the cubes in the box, trying to give them the correct shape, and then pour everything out on the floor to start the process all over again.

The game of “matryoshka” will captivate the little explorer for a long time. Instead of a matryoshka doll, you can use cardboard boxes of different sizes. Place a prize in the smallest box - a piece of cookie or a seedless grape.

Soft colored pencils or crayons are a great gift for a future artist. The kid will be happy to study an interesting property of objects - the ability to leave colored marks on paper (or clothes and wallpaper).

Grandpa's old wallet, an unwanted set of keys and mom's purse can be a lifesaver for parents on a rainy day. An active baby will willingly try to behave “like an adult” and use these “treasures” for their intended purpose: insert the key into the keyhole, check how many compartments there are in the wallet, whether it fits in the purse, etc.

Sand is a great subject to study. If the weather doesn't allow you to play in the sandbox, it doesn't matter. Lay an oilcloth on the floor, prepare a plastic sieve and sand. Show your child that if you raise the sieve to different heights, you can better see how sand pours through the holes. Instead of sand, you can use ordinary semolina.

Introduce your baby to new words and concepts not only during play, but also during eating, dressing, bathing and other daily joint activities. When trying new dishes and products, describe the tastes and smells out loud. When going for a walk, ask your child which socks he prefers - blue or red, and whether he wants to take a spatula or another toy with him. If you go to a store, clearly pronounce the names of all the goods you buy and “consult” with your child when choosing apples or a type of milk. When going up the stairs with your baby, don’t forget to count the steps out loud, and every time you walk, discuss the weather and natural phenomena.

Don't be upset if activities with your child do not give immediate results. The most important thing is that you and your baby have fun and interesting. The child, like a sponge, absorbs all the information received and one day will surprise his mother by pronouncing the word “geese” in the right place while listening to his favorite rhyme.


Adequate sleep is essential for a child's physical and emotional health. The schedule and number of daytime naps may vary and depend on the baby’s activity, however, it is important to follow a daily routine. An approximate sleep schedule for babies from one year to one and a half years: night sleep - 10-11 hours, first daytime sleep - about 2-2.5 hours, second daytime sleep - 1.5 hours *. Children agree to sleep more easily during the day and calm down faster in the evening if they are put to bed at the same time every day, following a certain ritual. No matter how you wrap your baby up before bed, he will definitely take off the blanket at night. Dress your little fidget in warm pajamas.

Even if a baby who was tired during the day quickly calmed down and fell asleep in the evening, this does not mean that parents can relax until the morning. At this age, children often wake up at night and cannot fall back to sleep without the help of mom or dad. Whatever method you choose to put your baby to sleep, do not forget that it should be quite versatile. The baby will probably ask for a repeat the next time he can’t sleep. Having received a sip of water and a piece of cookies from his mother, he is unlikely to calm down until he refreshes himself, waking up again in the middle of the night.

A child feels safe if he knows what to expect. A tireless explorer of everything new during the day, in the evening he turns into an inveterate conservative, resisting any changes in the usual order of things. Therefore, although one-year-old children do not yet experience fear of the dark, they will not be able to sleep peacefully in a dark room if they are accustomed to the light of a night light. If your baby is used to falling asleep to quiet music, then the silence of the night will only disturb his sleep.


(*) The above norms are average; the duration and time of sleep depends on the baby’s temperament. The main criterion for the “norm” is always the baby’s good health, smiles and cheerfulness. If you still have any doubts, consult your pediatrician.


The house in which a child grows changes along with the baby. Fragile and dangerous objects are hidden in hard-to-reach places, doors and drawers in closets and chests of drawers can now only be opened by adults, and there are no sharp corners in the room where the baby lives and plays.

By the age of one year, children begin to move around the house independently. Place special grill doors to block the child's path to a dangerous place - stairs, doors to a closet or to a balcony. Check the handles and latches on the windows: they should be equipped with a safety mechanism so that the child cannot open the window on his own.

One-year-old children already know how to lift and throw fairly large and heavy objects, and by the age of one and a half years they are building ladders from any available materials in order to climb higher. Be sure to check the strength of toy boxes and boxes, as well as all large toys.

If you regularly travel by car with your baby, make sure that the size and type of child car seat matches your child's height and weight.

Your little one is 1 year and 2 months old, which means that you are now living next to a little naturalist. This is the very age when a little person especially wants to touch everything, throw it on the floor and, of course, taste it. Now the baby is only an eye and an eye!

Physiological parameters of a child at one year and 2 months: height and weight of the baby at the age of one year and two months

  • Height — the normal range is expanding, now the average is 74-82 cm.
  • Weight - 10-13 kg.
  • Head circumference - 46-48 cm, chest - 48-51 cm.

Teeth— there are more of them, some nimble children are already getting their first molars.

Attention: Don't panic if your numbers are slightly different, that's normal. All children are different, this is due to both health and genetics. But, if you are very worried, of course, you should consult with your doctors.

What a child can do at 1 year and 2 months: developmental features of the baby

  1. Walks confidently without assistance (in this sense, boys are lazier than girls; they often start walking later. This is not a deviation, but a feature of psycho-emotional development).
  2. Passive vocabulary increases , the child is already able to accurately fulfill small requests (for example, “bring the car” or “come to the crib”).
  3. Can pronounce short syllables to represent words (“mom”, “dad”, “bah”, “yum”, “ches” - a comb, and, of course, everyone’s favorite “kaka”, well, etc.).
  4. Can imitate the sounds that animals make (lamb “be-uh”, pussy - “meow”, etc.).
  5. Distinguishes voices loved ones and strangers.
  6. Able to do simple manipulations with objects , play with large toys (ride a toy horse, pushing off with your legs, press buttons, open and close doors and drawers, comb your hair).
  7. May point to objects and ask for help (point with your finger at a high-lying toy and say “give” or point at the refrigerator with the word “yum”).
  8. May ask to be rocked or rolled on shoulders.

At this age, children usually do not yet know how to:

  • ask to go to the potty;
  • wield a spoon.

These are complex skills, more complex, they come later.

A child's daily routine at 1 year and 2 months


Daytime sleep is maintained twice, the second one is slightly shorter than the first. It is very important to accustom your baby to a clear daily routine, while at the same time sensitively listening to his needs. If you see that your child sleeps restlessly during the day and often wakes up, you should consider gradually switching to one nap during the day, extending its duration. While the routine is being established, the child needs to be woken up if he does not wake up on time. It is not recommended to do this in the future, as the baby’s mood worsens. You should sleep with the window open, and in warm summers you can even put your baby to sleep on the summer veranda.


Feeding remains 4-5 times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, night feeding - on demand). Sometimes the baby asks for the breast in the morning, this is normal, but then the regime needs to be slightly adjusted. The break between feedings is 3-4 hours.
At this age, there are more teeth, the first molars may even appear, so you need to slowly add more solid foods (bread, meatballs, cookies, pieces of fruit) to your diet.

Sample menu for a baby aged 1 year and 2 months

Breakfast: It’s better to give porridge (you don’t have to wipe it anymore, just boil the cereal well), vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, meat and fish purees. Drinks: milk, herbal teas, fruit drinks.
Dinner: Be sure to have soup (vegetable or meat), a second course (with side dish) and sweets (compotes, mousses, jelly, soufflé).
Afternoon snack: preferably some kind of fermented milk dish with fruit and cookies. If you notice that your baby is reluctant to eat dinner, then the afternoon snack should be made lighter.
Dinner: built on the principle of breakfast. It should be light and easily digestible so that the child falls asleep peacefully.
If a child has been running around before bed and is hungry, a light snack (cottage cheese, banana, etc.) is acceptable.

Fresh air

You definitely need to walk with your baby at least 2 times a day for 1.5 hours. In the summer, if the weather permits, you can do both.


At this age, children love to swim and splash in the water, so there shouldn’t be any problems. To maintain hygiene, it is enough to wash 2-3 times a week and as needed. The water temperature should be comfortable. You can also introduce rubbing with a wet towel before the afternoon snack.


At this age, children are very mobile even without special exercises, so it is better to pay attention to fine motor skills and make sure that your little one doesn’t fall off the stairs in pursuit of sunbeams. The baby will enthusiastically pull out all the dishes from the kitchen cabinets, and also scatter daddy's socks, taking them from the bottom shelf. But there is no need to be angry with him for this, this way the muscles of the arms are very well strengthened. And, besides, it’s time to start teaching your child order by putting everything in its place.

What to do with a child aged 1 year and 2 months - games and activities for the baby


At this age, children begin to experience a greater need for self-expression and the word “no” becomes firmly established in their vocabulary. It is very important here not to overdo it with prohibitions and, at the same time, not to indulge whims. Try to respect your child's preferences; don't force him to eat if he doesn't want to. But you shouldn’t make any relaxations in your daily routine; this will make the little capricious person even more unhinged.

Speech development

You definitely need to talk a lot with the baby. For example:

  • describe your actions (“let’s collect toys, take the bunny and put it in a box”, “let’s get dressed, take out our panties and pull them on our legs”);
  • name body parts (washing your palms, games and songs about fingers, etc.);
  • describe what you see in the picture;
  • you can start learning rhymes , at the same time depicting what is happening there (“The bull is walking, swinging...”).

Interesting and educational. Try doing this:

  1. start studying shapes and their properties (a ball and a cube are enough to start with). Balls can be rolled and thrown into a basket. You can build towers from cubes. Over time, it will be possible to ask the baby to disassemble objects into balls and cubes;
  2. study the properties of objects. You can splash in the water and pour it, tear or crumple paper, open and close the lids of pots. This is an activity for hours, the main thing is to follow safety precautions, remember about cutting molars and the desire to taste everything;
  3. draw . Crayons, pencils and especially paints! This will give your little one endless pleasure and will begin to develop abstract thinking.

Communication. There are also some tricks here:

  • start learning politeness (phrases: “hello”, “ Good morning", "bye-bye", "please", etc.);
  • learn to share (toys, fruits, etc.).

Gross motor skills. You need to do this:

  • strengthen your walking skills , learn to walk in a straight line (you can line it with multi-colored ribbons);
  • walk up the steps by the hand , climb curbs and small hills, step over objects;
  • collect items (move the cubes from the floor to the chair). And all this - together!

Fine motor skills. A very important point because:

  • play pyramids and constructor (important: you should not demand to assemble the pyramids correctly, at this age it is enough to learn how to string rings onto the base);
  • sprinkle the cereals and pasta from the saucepan into the saucepan with your hands or a spoon (the main thing is to be nearby at this moment so that the child does not accidentally put the pasta in his mouth and choke);
  • play clothespins. Let your little one pull clothespins off pillows, fabrics, and stuffed animals.

A one year and two month old child is very inquisitive. Try to pay more attention to your baby, because at this age he needs it so much.

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