What is a lunar day? How to use the lunar calendar Message on the topic of the lunar calendar

A calendar is a number system for large periods of time, based on the periodicity of the visible movements of celestial bodies. Calendars already existed 6,000 years ago. The word “calendar” itself comes from Ancient Rome. This was the name of the debt books where moneylenders entered monthly interest. This happened on the first day of the month, which used to be called “Kalends”.

Different peoples at different times created and used three types of calendars: solar, lunar and solar-lunar. The most common is the solar calendar, which is based on the movement of the Sun, which allows the day and year to be coordinated. Currently, residents of most countries use this type of calendar.

One of the first creators of calendars were the inhabitants of Ancient Sumer (located in Iraq). They used a lunar calendar based on observing the movement of the Moon. With its help, you can coordinate the day and lunar month. The ancient Sumerian year had 354 days, and it consisted of 12 months of 29 and 30 days. Later, when the Babylonian priest-astronomers determined that the year consists of 365.6 days, the previous calendar was reworked and it became lunisolar.

Even in those days, when the first Persian states were just beginning to form, the ancient farmers already had their own calendar and knew: there is a day in the year when the shortest day is replaced by the longest night. This day of the longest night and shortest day is called the winter solstice and, according to the modern calendar, falls on December 22. Many centuries ago on this day, ancient farmers celebrated the birth of the Sun God - Mithra. The festive event included many obligatory rituals, with the help of which people helped Mithra to be born and defeat the villainess Winter, ensuring the arrival of Spring and the beginning of agricultural work. All this was a very serious matter for our ancestors, because their very lives depended on the timely arrival of spring.

Later, the god Mithra came from Persia to the Romans and became one of the gods they revered. In the Roman Empire, the months had different lengths (sometimes the length of the month could be changed for a bribe), but the New Year invariably fell on January 1, the date of the change of consuls. When the Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity and it turned out that the new, one God Jesus Christ was born on December 25, this further strengthened the traditions of celebrating the winter solstice and became a convenient time for New Year's festivities.

In 46 BC, Julius Caesar, who was not only a commander, but also a high priest, using the calculations of the scientist Sosigenes, moved to simple forms of the Egyptian solar year and introduced a calendar called the Julian. This reform was necessary, since the existing calendar was very different from the natural one, and by the time of the reform this lag from the natural change of seasons was already 90 days. This calendar was based on the annual movement of the Sun through the 12 zodiac constellations. According to the imperial reform, the year began on January 1. The first month of the year was named after the god Janus, who represents the beginning of everything. The average length of the year in the interval of four years was 365.25 days, which is 11 minutes 14 seconds longer than the tropical year, and this temporary inaccuracy began to creep in again.

In Ancient Greece, the beginning of summer fell on the longest day of the year - June 22. And the Greeks calculated chronology from the famous Olympic Games, which were held in honor of the legendary Hercules.

The second significant reform of the calendar was carried out by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. This calendar was called the Gregorian (new style) and it replaced the Julian calendar (old style). The need for changes was determined by the fact that the Julian calendar lagged behind the natural one. The vernal equinox, very important for determining the dates of religious holidays, shifted and became earlier every year. The introduced Gregorian calendar became more accurate. The date of the vernal equinox was fixed at March 21, leap years falling in the last years of centuries were removed from the calendar: 1600, 1700, 1800, etc. - therefore, there are fewer leap years introduced to eliminate the discrepancy between the calendar and the counting of tropical years.

The Gregorian calendar was immediately adopted by many European countries, and at the beginning of the 20th century it established itself in China, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, and Egypt.

In Rus', the chronology invented by the Romans was used, and the Julian calendar with Roman names of months and a seven-day week was in effect. Before the decree of Peter I (1700), Russians kept their calendar “from the creation of the world,” which, according to Christian teaching, occurred 5506 BC, and the beginning of the New Year was celebrated in September, after the harvest, and in March. on the day of the spring solstice. The royal decree brought our calendar into line with the European one and ordered us to celebrate the New Year in winter - on January 1.

Until October 1917, Russia lived according to the Julian calendar, “lagging” behind European countries by 13 days. When the Bolsheviks came to power, they reformed the calendar. On February 1, 1918, a decree was issued declaring this day the 14th. This year turned out to be the shortest, consisting of 352 days, since according to the calendar reform, January 31 of the previous year immediately followed... February 14.

There was a danger of continuing to reform the Russian calendar in the spirit of revolutionary ideology. Thus, in the 1930s it was proposed to introduce “five-day weeks” instead of weeks. And in 1939, the “Union of Militant Atheists” took the initiative to assign other names to the generally accepted names of the months. It was proposed to call them this way (we list them from January to December, respectively): Lenin, Marx, Revolution, Sverdlov, May (agreed to leave), Soviet Constitution, Harvest, Peace, Comintern, Engels, Great Revolution, Stalin. However, sensible heads were found, and the reform was rejected.

Proposals with amendments to the current chronology system continue to appear. The last attempt to reform the calendar was made in 1954. A project was proposed for consideration by the UN, approved by many countries, including the Soviet Union. The essence of the proposed changes was that all the first days of the quarters would begin on Sunday, with the first month of the quarter containing 31 days, and the remaining two months - 30 each. This option for changing the calendar was considered and preliminarily approved by the UN Council as convenient for “service maintenance” "and was recommended for approval by the UN General Assembly, but was rejected under pressure from the United States and other countries. There is no information about new projects to change the calendar yet.

A number of Muslim countries still use a lunar calendar, in which the beginning of calendar months corresponds to the moments of new moons. The lunar month (synodic) is 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 2.9 seconds. 12 such months make up a lunar year of 354 days, which is 11 days shorter than the tropical year. In a number of countries in Southeast Asia, Iran, and Israel, there are varieties of the lunisolar calendar, in which the change in the phases of the Moon is consistent with the beginning of the astronomical year. In such calendars, a period of 19 solar years equal to 235 lunar months (the so-called Metonic cycle) plays an important role. The lunisolar calendar is used by Jews who profess Judaism to calculate the dates of religious holidays.

> Lunar calendar

Belongs to the category of the most ancient calendars of mankind. Guided by the information of the lunar calendar, you can understand when it is better to make deals, when to undergo treatment or cut your hair, and when it is better not to do all this. Humanity largely depends on the moon, and we have the power to use all its power to our advantage.

Lunar calendar by year

Years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Years: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Compilation lunar calendar is based on the use of information about the movements of a given celestial body. It is precisely that celestial body that is located in close proximity to our planet, or, more precisely, in its orbit. The movement of the Moon around our planet has a complex trajectory, which is not so easy to calculate. It is precisely such movements that underlie lunar rhythms, on the basis of which various lunar calendars are created.

It is known that it is the Moon that influences the earth's ebb and flow in the world's oceans. Man consists largely of liquid, therefore, the moon also has a significant influence on his existence. Do not forget that the Moon also has a tremendous influence on plants, constantly changing the direction of movement of liquids and plant juices. Psychologists have long proven the fact that the Moon has a significant impact on a person’s mental health; such an effect is based on very subtle processes.

Change of lunar phases

Like any celestial body of ours, the Moon casts its light on our planet, but not completely, but only some part. This indicates that we see the surface of the Moon, not only for the reason that it is illuminated by our luminary - the Sun. At the moment of one orbit of the Moon around our planet, the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun change significantly. This is the reason why the moon is only partially sanctified and not completely. This phenomenon is considered to be the reason for the change of certain phases of the lunar calendar.

The location of the Moon is such that its side facing the Earth is practically not illuminated by the sun, precisely for this reason, it is practically invisible to the naked human eye. Over time, the Moon begins to shift slightly to the side, due to which the Sun begins to illuminate its surface; at the moment we can observe our satellite from its side. Every day the “sickle” of the moon increases in size; such a Moon is also called a waxing Moon.

When the Moon will be located strictly between the Sun and the Earth, its surface will be completely illuminated, for this reason we will see our satellite completely, like a coin. As soon as the Moon begins to decline, it will already be referred to as the old Moon. It is worth noting that if a person finds himself on the Moon and looks at the Earth, then our planet will also go through the entire sequence of phase changes. Our satellite and our planet are constantly in opposite phases.

Our satellite shines very brightly in the sky, second only to the Sun. Naturally, our ancient ancestors began to pay attention to it, namely to its movement. It is believed that the first lunar calendar was developed in Mesopotamia, back in the 3rd century BC, by the famous Sumerians. The change of lunar phases is clearly visible in our sky, so scientists from different countries compared these with the rhythm of their own life activity. But at the moment when the life of our ancestors moved from a nomadic image to a sedentary one, the lunar calendar lost its relevance, since it did not meet the innovative requirements of the inhabitants of that distant time.

Since ancient people began to carry out agricultural work, the lunar calendar became not so popular, since the harvest depended on the Sun, and not on the Moon. Therefore, the solar calendar has become in great demand. On the territory of Rus' there was also a solar-lunar calendar. The Muslim calendar is considered the strangest lunar calendar, since it is designed based on changes exclusively in the lunar phases. But the lunar calendar today is in enormous demand, since the life of not only humans, but also nature, significantly depends on our satellite.

Lunar cycles

Duration of one lunar cycle is equal to 29.5 days, and this cycle lasts from the beginning of the first new moon to the beginning of the next. During this entire period, our satellite goes through 4 phases, the so-called quarters. The beginning of the lunar day is considered to be the rising of the Moon, which lasts until its subsequent rising. Moonrise does not have to happen at night; it can happen during the day.

Moon calendar - this is a type of calendar, which is based on the period of changing phases of the Moon, that is, the synodic month. Professional astrologers, using the lunar calendar, pay attention to the Zodiac sign in which the Moon is located, the lunar day (the period from sunrise to the next rise of the Moon in the sky) and many other nuances of the location of the Earth’s satellite and other planets of the solar system in relation to it.

How can a person without astrological knowledge and skills use the lunar calendar?

We have collected all the necessary data and prepared for you a calendar with the most complete list of specific astrological recommendations! In a convenient form, the usual and ordinary calendar combines dates, the state of the Moon at that moment and favorable and unfavorable actions for each lunar day. Try it now or read the short instructions below:


In the general view of the calendar you will find phase of the moon and number of lunar days, corresponding to a specific date. But, if you want more information about any of the days, just click on it.

Included in the description of the day general characteristics of lunar days – their mood, element, energy, lucky colors and talismans; indicated Zodiac sign, in which the Moon resides, its phase and, of course, the duration of a given lunar day. Then, there are tips by category: “+” – what the Moon favors on this day; “-” – something that is better to transfer to another:


If you are interested in a specific category and do not want to read tips on others, just click on the calendar of the relevant topic in the list on the left.


To schedule, for example, a haircut for the next month, or check yourself in the past, scroll through the calendar using the arrows.


Just like on the general calendar, on all calendars from the list you can click on the bottom to get recommendations for it.


That's all!
P.S. Now you can always call up help in the calendar by clicking on the question mark in the top menu.

We have restrictions on inserting tables on our website. 1/3 of site visitors use smartphones and tablets to visit the site, on which tables are simply not readable due to the small screen.

You can, of course, take a screenshot of the table, cut the table from the screenshot and paste it as a photo. You'll get something like this:

But it is better to present the basic information in the lunar calendar in the form of ordinary sentences and paragraphs, without tables.

Lunar calendar from Lyra

Don’t focus too much on the option of submitting a lunar calendar from Lyra. She is a candidate of mathematical sciences. And they, mathematicians, need to substantiate any predictions using source materials. Without justification, the lunar calendar is an empty phrase and it is not clear whether it is worth believing. Therefore, without any further ado, she takes the bull by the horns and describes the suitable days for various agricultural works, and to justify them she attaches a table on the basis of which she made the forecast. It’s just that mathematicians have such a style, they can’t stand “water” in the text.

But 99% of the lunar calendars I have seen on women’s sites are given without any justification, but in very colorful terms. This is quite normal and I have never read that any of the women using such lunar calendars asked the compilers to provide justification for the calculations.

Therefore, you may well give your lunar calendar without any tabular justification. Usually the entire month is divided into periods of 1 to 3 days, within which the astrological situation does not change much (one sign of the Zodiac with a constant Moon phase). For each such period, one or several paragraphs are allocated, which describe which operations during this period are recommended and which are not. Often, for each period, the signs of the Zodiac and the phase of the Moon are indicated, so that they do not think that the calendar was taken from the air.

It turns out something like this:

24 (from 6:37 Moscow time), 25 , 26 (until 19:13 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Cancer.

Any activities with violets are possible: planting seeds, transplanting adult violets, starters, planting and separating children, rooting cuttings, forming a rosette, rejuvenating violets, pest control.

Violets growing in daylight conditions require additional lighting, a window sill and a temperature of at least 20 degrees after the activities.

26 (after 19:13 Moscow time) 27 , 28 , 29 (until 2:42 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Leo.

Refrain from any activities to care for the violet, including watering.

In emergency cases, pest control is possible.

29 (after 2:42 Moscow time), 30 , 31 (until 11:21 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Virgo.

Experienced violet growers and those who are very keen on events with violets these days can indulge themselves and the violets.

Choosing the right format

Which version of the lunar calendar is better - I admit, I don’t know.

As a computer geek, Lyra's style is closer to me. She has all the essential information very tightly packed and clearly visible. At the same time, if you wish, you can easily check where she got her forecast from. It’s not like I check Lira’s next table every time. But regularly one of the experts who compiles the lunar calendar is not lazy and checks the table with Lyra’s constructions in search of possible errors. There is no doubt that if there was anything wrong with her calculations, it would have been publicly pointed out long ago. But since Lyra has been publishing a lunar calendar with supporting tables for years and so far no one has pointed out errors in her calculations, this means that the violet community accepts her calendar and construction method as correct. So I believe in the Lirin calendar.

But on women's sites, it is quite possible that people will be happy to present the lunar calendar in an unsubstantiated style, but with long and beautifully written texts. According to my observations, for many violets, no evidence is needed at all, as long as there are some numbers in the lunar calendar that you can rely on and a nice text describing what can and cannot be done on the days indicated by the numbers. And their belief in the “correctness” of care according to the lunar calendar is of no concern to them.

So do as you see fit. As a violet girl, you know better which form of presenting the lunar calendar will be more convenient for our community.

The lunar calendar is the oldest. In some sources, the creation of the lunar calendar is attributed to the ancient Sumerians (IV-III millennium BC) - the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia, located on a wide plain along which the mighty Tigris and Euphrates rivers carry their full waters.

There is evidence that it was born among the Siberian Yakuts and the inhabitants of Nicobar Island off the coast of Malaysia approximately 500,000 years ago.

In ancient China, the lunar calendar, as a traditional number order, has been used since 2 thousand years BC. The final design of the Chinese lunar calendar system dates back to the Han era (2nd century BC - 2nd century AD), which then became established and was used until the 20th century.

In China, as in other agrarian civilizations of the ancient world, the formation of the lunar calendar was closely related to the economic needs of the agricultural population. The Chinese character for “time” (shi), which is found already in the most ancient texts, graphically expresses the idea of ​​​​the growth of seeds in the ground under the Sun.

The movement of the Moon across the firmament was also given great importance in India. It was in this country that the basic descriptions of the characteristics of lunar days, phases and positions of the Moon were given.

The change of phases of the Moon was the most easily observed celestial phenomenon. Therefore, many peoples at an early stage of development used observation of its movement, its influence on the growth of plants, the ebb and flow of tides, and changes in humans.

In a word, it is impossible to claim that the creation of the calendar belongs to any one nation. The fact is that many peoples and even eras have invested their knowledge in what today we call the lunar calendar.

To this day, in many countries the lunar calendar is actively used; many modern holidays are counted according to the lunar calendar and therefore have a different date every year.

Only quite recently was the lunar calendar almost completely ousted from everyday use and the generally accepted social calendar began to be based exclusively on solar cycles.

The modern Gregorian calendar, which is completely solar and used by most countries as the main one, was introduced only 500 years ago. And even it contains rudimentary traces of ancient lunar calendars in the form, for example, of 7 days of the week and even the terminology “month” itself.

On the physical plane, the Moon is a huge material object located in close proximity to the Earth. The movement of the Moon around the Earth has a complex orbit; more precisely, both bodies - the Earth and the Moon - move around a certain common point of the center of mass. This movement gives rise to lunar rhythms, the main one of which is the lunar month, which lasts about 28 days, and its duration is always slightly different.

This physical influence of the Moon leads to regular ebbs and flows of liquid media, both in the seas and oceans, and in human physical systems, which, as is known, mainly consists of liquids.

Also, this physical influence of the lunar cycles has a great influence on the plant kingdom, causing a constant change in the direction of movement of plant juices.

The great influence of lunar cycles on the human psyche is known, which is associated with more subtle processes.

Recently, interest in ancient knowledge, including the lunar calendar, has been increasing. For modern Europe, this knowledge was adapted by Poppe, Paungger and others back in the last 20th century. This knowledge was brought and adapted to modern Russia by Pavel Globa, Gennady Malakhov, Tamara Zyurnyaeva and many others.

At present, all descriptions and characteristics of lunar days are quite consistent with each other and have been verified more than once by modern people. The moon, despite its smallness, also continues to have a strong influence on our natural rhythms in the body, on our subconscious and psyche, on plant growth and many natural phenomena.

Main sources used:

1) Pavel Globa"Lunar astrology";

2) Pavel Globa"Avestan lunar calendar";

3) "Lunar rules for all occasions";

4) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"Everything at the right time";

5) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"With the moon day after day";

6) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"Lunar health calendar";

7) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"Everything is allowed";

8) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"On your own";

9) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"Moon Rhythms";

10) Tamara Zyurnyaeva"30 lunar days";

11) Tamara Zyurnyaeva"Lunar sowing calendar";

12) Tamara Zyurnyaeva"Moon calendar";

13) Gennady Petrovich Malakhov"Lunar health calendar";

14) "Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners";

15) Anastasia Semenova, Olga Shuvalova"Lunar calendar in everyday life";

16) Grahas- astro program on Vedic astrology;

17) Gaurabda- program for calculating the days of Ekadashi;

Live in harmony :)

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