How to make Santa Claus under the Christmas tree with your own hands. Master class with step-by-step photos. Do-it-yourself Santa Claus toy from scrap materials - the best master classes with step-by-step photos. How to sew a Santa Claus costume, video Crafts of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from plywood

New Year is a home and family holiday. Even if it’s not coming soon, you still want to devote time to creating something beautiful and unusual with your own hands. Everyone wants to please their family and friends with interesting things and special ideas. Santa Clauses created with their own hands look cute and mischievous: modern and ancient, preserved in home chests from the middle of the last century.

Grandfather Frost for the New Year

Without the main character of the New Year's holiday, it is impossible to imagine interiors, matinees, streets and shop windows. For any occasion, you can make Santa Claus with your own hands, and it is not always difficult or expensive. For crafts you will need:

  • improvised material that was collecting dust in the pantry;
  • old sweaters and socks found in the closet;
  • pieces of fabric.

Cotton Santa Claus

An old man with a white beard is the main symbol of the New Year. The pre-holiday interior looks beautiful, where an old wizard has settled under the Christmas tree. You don’t have to lie to your child about who exactly put the gift under the tree and why obedient children receive gifts.

Prepare in advance. Master Class:

You can use the salted dough to make faces using the papier-mâché technique. Wet small pieces of paper in glue and apply layer by layer. When there are about 4 layers, leave to dry. Now any of the face blanks can be decorated:

  • draw a mouth;
  • eyes, eyebrows;
  • cheeks.

Coat the workpiece with clear nail or hair polish.

The cotton wool needs to be prepared in advance: painted in different colors. To do this, use dyes for cotton fabric. Unwind the cotton wool and place it in a saucepan where the dye has been prepared in advance. Bring the contents to a boil and leave for a few minutes. Wring out and hang to dry. You can use white cotton wool and then paint the finished toy with paints.

Bend a long piece of wire in half to form a loop for your grandfather’s head. Make two loops on both sides - these will be the shoulders. Pass the second piece of wire, half the size of the first, through the loops of the shoulders and clamp tightly with pliers so that it does not jump out. Using pliers, bend the ends of the arms and legs to mark the toy's hands and feet. Twist the bottom ends in the middle to form a waist. Calculate the approximate growth of the future craft. If you want a toy about half a meter high, then the length of the wire for the “skeleton” needs 1 meter plus 7 cm for each foot, for a total of 1 m 14 cm.

Take a skein of gray cotton wool and twist it around your foot to create a felt boot. Wetting your fingers in the paste, screw it well to the wire. And do the same with the other leg. Using the same principle, wrap mittens on your hands. Wrap cotton wool, strips of newspaper or toilet paper around the body, arms and legs, soaking the paper with paste. When the body is ready, proceed to the wardrobe. Create pants from white cotton wool, wrap the sleeves with strips of red cotton wool and make a fur coat, soaking each layer of cotton wool with paste. Make the collar and cuffs for the fur coat from white cotton wool rolled into strips. Place your feet correctly and bend your arms to the desired position.

On the dried face blank, make a mustache and beard out of white cotton wool and place it on PVA glue. Glue the blank itself to the loop for the head. Put a hat on your head that matches your fur coat. Santa Claus made from cotton wool is ready.

Craft on a bottle

An option when you can use a plastic bottle instead of a wire frame. To create Frost from a plastic bottle you will need the following materials:

Make a frame for the head from foil. Insert a piece of wire into the resulting ball. Cover the ball of foil with the salt dough. Insert buttons or beads in place of the eyes and form the grandfather’s face. Make cheeks, lips, nose and ears from pieces of dough. Make sure you have a good-natured facial expression. Dry the head blank in the oven for about 30 minutes. Paint with watercolors and varnish. Select the size of a plastic bottle and attach the finished head to the body. Make several holes in the lid, insert the head wire into the hole and twist it. Screw the cap onto the bottle.

The container can be filled with pebbles and sand for weighting. Wrap the wire around the neck of the bottle and extend the handles to the sides. Wrap them in padding polyester, cover the body and mittens with cotton wool soaked in paste. A fur coat can be created from cotton wool or a cover can be sewn from a piece of velvet, put on and tied around the neck with braid. Model a hat on your head and secure with glue. Glue a skein of cotton wool in several layers along the chin and under the nose; this will be a beard and mustache.

Tabletop Santa Claus

Make a desktop Grandpa You can use it from a plastic bottle or shampoo bottle, which can be found in every home. To work you will need:

Mark the face and mustache on the bottle. Paint the rest of the part with red paint, adding PVA glue to the gouache or acrylic paint. Paint your face beige, beard and mustache white.

Take a white thread and make several turns on the tapering part of the bottle - this will be the wizard's grandfather's hat. Make a pompom from yarn and glue it to the lid. Make a belt from a button and thread. Draw eyes and mouth or glue buttons. Make arms and legs from strips of accordion-folded paper and attach to the bottle.

Instead of boots, you can use plastic containers from chocolate eggs and paint them with red paint. For company, the main character of the New Year can also make a snowman using the same technique.

Crafts using quilling technique

To create a Santa Claus craft, you don’t have to buy anything at all; you can use the materials you have on hand. For quilling style applique you will need:

  • colored double-sided paper;
  • glue;
  • stationery knife or scalpel;
  • toothpick.

Line and cut the paper into 5mm strips. Using a toothpick, twist the strips into a snail shape. Remove the “snail” from the paper, let it straighten out, fix the resulting circle with glue. When you have made a large number of elements, you can collect Frost. Draw or print the face of Grandfather the Wizard on a piece of paper.

  • Use ready-made white elements to cover the beard, mustache, eyebrows, and the white part of the hat.
  • Decorate the fur coat and hat with red elements.
  • Green or blue - mittens.

Quilling style wizard is ready.

Felt toy

Felt is a very popular material that needlewomen love. Lightweight, comfortable, the edges do not fray or curl. You can make a Christmas tree toy in the shape of a New Year's character from felt. Print out a simple image of Grandfather on a printer. Cut out the elements that can be used separately as a pattern:

  • hat;
  • beard;
  • face.

Transfer the pattern of each piece onto felt. Cut out two copies of each piece. Using a machine, sew each individual piece along the contour, filling it loosely with padding poly for a small volume.

Assemble the image of an old man from ready-made parts. You can fasten it with a needle and thread or hot glue from a gun.

Toy made of nylon tights

As a basis for making a doll, take old nylon tights, which can easily take the desired shape due to their elasticity. To make a cute and soft Santa Claus, you will need:

  • flesh-colored nylon tights;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • acrylic, watercolor paints;
  • spool of thread and needle;
  • red fabric.

First, form 4 lumps of cotton wool: 3 identical ones for the nose and cheeks, one larger for the head. Separate the foot from the tights, insert all the lumps there and sew up the hole. Form a nose between the cheeks, secure by stitching with light threads. Form the eyes and lips in the same way.

Use the remaining tights for the torso. Cut a piece of 20 cm, sew one edge and stuff it tightly with padding polyester. Sew the head and body together.

Start dressing. Cut out and sew a fur coat and a hat from red fabric. Make a beard and mustache from the remaining padding polyester or cotton wool. Paint Grandfather's face - and the craft is ready.

Wizard in decoupage style

They will look very interesting on the New Year's table glasses with the image of the fabulous Grandfather. Glasses decorated in decoupage style are used as candlesticks. For creativity you need:

  • a beautiful glass without decoration;
  • napkins for decoupage with the image of Santa Claus;
  • PVA glue and brush;
  • scissors.

You will only need the part with the picture from the napkins. Cut out the elements you want to see on the glass. Dilute the glue with water or prepare a paste.

Using a brush dipped in glue, smooth the napkin over the glass. Do not forget that the candlestick glass will stand upside down. Carefully smooth the napkin to avoid wrinkles. You can add decorative stars or snowflakes after the glass has completely dried.

Place a glass on the table, place a candle on top - and the romantic decor is ready for action.

Christmas pillow with Santa Claus

Small pillows with Morozko's image will help you decorate your interior for the New Year. The pillow itself can be in the form of a fairy-tale hero or a cover with appropriate decor. Both will decorate your room. To sew a pillowcase in a New Year's style, you will need:

  • piece of fabric:
  • red and white felt for finishing;
  • spool of thread and needle.

For the finished pillow, cut, cut and sew a pillowcase. Sew on buttons and eyelets or insert a zipper for easy opening.

Cut out and cut out from red and white felt the details of the face and clothes of New Year's Grandfather: eyes, nose, beard, mustache, hat and pom-pom.

Sew parts of the picture to the pillowcase one by one; you can use buttons instead of eyes. Make a pompom from yarn and attach it to the hat. You can stuff your mustache with padding polyester to give it volume.

Plastic utensil toy

The cups are glued together to form a ball shape: the white ones at the bottom are the hem, the two in the middle are the buttons.

The head can be made using thread, PVA glue and a balloon. Randomly wrap a thread dipped in glue around a balloon, let it dry, then burst it and carefully remove the balloon. Glue the resulting head to a base made of cups, make a beard from cotton pads, and glue on the eyes. Cut out and glue a hat from felt. The old wizard is ready.

Glass bead grandfather

For the New Year, you can make your own keychain from glass beads as a gift. For this you need white, red beads and fishing line.

According to the diagram, string the beads onto the fishing line starting from the hem of the fur coat. After finishing the craft, make a loop from the rest of the fishing line.

Attention, TODAY only!

Always in anticipation of a magical holiday, the whole family starts making New Year's decorations for the green beauty and home. And the most favorite craft is rightfully considered the main symbol of the New Year holiday - Santa Claus.

We suggest you make Santa Claus out of paper. With such a simple material you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. You just need to devote a little time to this activity and show all your limitless imagination.

Study our master classes on making Santa Claus with your own hands and you will be able to please your loved ones with unique New Year's gifts, made with soul and attention.

Modular origami Santa Claus - master class

We will need: sheets of A4 paper: blue - 14 pieces for 211 modules, white - 13 pieces for 207 modules, pink - 1 sheet for 17 modules.

We divide each sheet into 16 rectangles, from which we will make modules.

Step one. Fold the rectangular sheet in half lengthwise. Using another fold, we outline the middle line.

Step two. We bend the edges of the rectangle folded along the middle, as shown in the photo. Turn the piece over and fold the bottom edges up.

Step three. We fold the corners, bending them over the large triangle, and then bend these corners inward. We bend the resulting figure in half - so we have learned how to make a module. Now, in the same way, we make the required number of modules indicated above from the rest of the paper.

Step four. Let's start making crafts. We take 5 white modules and arrange them as in the photo (we place the top row module with the smaller side up). Next, we assemble a chain of 3 rows of white modules. Each row consists of 25 pieces.

Step five. We close the chain into a ring and turn it over. Next, we perform 3 rows with blue modules. From the seventh row we make a beard. To do this, insert 2 white modules with the smaller side facing out. We insert the remaining blue modules of row 7 as usual.

Step five. In the 8th row we fasten 3 white modules, as usual, with the long side, the remaining modules are blue. With each next row we add one white module on each side of the beard.

Step six. In the 11th row we insert one red module into the middle of the beard - this is the mouth. Row 12 consists of white modules. We put them on blue modules with the smaller side facing out, and on white modules (beard) with the long side, as usual. In the 13th row, opposite the red module, we put on the white one with the long side outward, and 2 pink modules each with the smaller side (see photo).

Step seven. In the 14th row we put on 6 pink modules with the smaller side, and we put on white modules as usual. Row 15 - we put on 17 white modules and 8 pink ones. In the 16th and 17th rows we put on all the white modules with the smaller side outward - this is the hat.

Step eight. The last 18th row consists of blue modules with the smaller side facing out. We assemble hands from 3 white modules and 5 blue ones. Glue the finished eyes and insert the nose (part of a children's mosaic). Santa Claus made from paper using modular origami technique is ready. We hope that after studying the master class, the Snow Maiden, made in the same technique, will appear next to your Santa Claus.

Santa Claus made of paper using origami technique - master class

We will need colored paper and a little patience. We offer you several schemes according to which you can easily make Santa Claus with your own skillful hands. You can hang it on the Christmas tree, decorate a greeting card with it, or give it to friends for the New Year.

DIY Santa Claus from colored paper - master class

We will need: red paper, pink paper for the face, white paper for the beard, cotton wool, markers, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Using a compass or a small plate, draw a semicircle on red paper. We cut it out, fold it into a cone and glue it together.
  2. We cut out an oval from pink paper, draw eyes and a nose on it with a felt-tip pen and glue the face of Santa Claus to the cone.
  3. Next, glue on the beard and hat from white paper. To do this, cut out white strips, cut fringe on them and twist it with scissors. We glue strips with twisted fringe to the cone at the bottom of the face in several rows, giving the beard fullness. We make a hat from the same strip. A beard, hat and fur coat for Santa Claus can be made from cotton wool, which is glued to the cone along its lower edge, on the face and the upper part of the cone. An elegant Santa Claus made from paper, made by yourself, is ready. Using a cone, using your imagination, you can make a Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus made of colored paper strips - master class

We will need: thick colored paper, white corrugated cardboard, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut out 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 15 cm and 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 10 cm from red paper. Glue them into rings. We assemble a ball from 6 large rings, fastening it with glue at the top and bottom. Using small rings, we assemble a smaller ball using the same pattern. The result is the body and head of Santa Claus.
  2. Cut out a small circle for the face from pink or orange paper. We cut out a mustache, beard and hat of any size from corrugated cardboard and decorate the face with them. Cut out and glue the eyes and nose. Glue the face to a small ball, which we then glue to the body. Cut out mittens and felt boots from cardboard and glue them to the craft. The New Year's symbol made from paper, created with your own hands, is ready.

A few more ideas for creating Santa Claus with your own hands

By using your imagination and using the patterns we have proposed, you can make Santa Claus even from a paper napkin.

A paper cone allows you to make many versions of Santa Claus with your own hands.

And this family of Santa Clauses is made from ordinary toilet paper rolls.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden using the popular modular origami technique.

We hope that our master classes helped you understand the technique of making Santa Claus from paper and encouraged you to be creative. Use a little imagination and create your own kind Grandfather or even several. They will decorate your holiday and create a magical mood!

Surely every person has made something at least once in his life. In this article, we invite the reader to study and perform at home...

From Masterweb

18.06.2018 02:00

Surely every person has made something at least once in his life. It could be some kind of craft for a school assignment or something done on one’s own initiative. Moreover, for some, such work was a burden, while for others, on the contrary, it was a joy. Many could even connect their lives with creativity. That is, make crafts not for yourself, but for sale.

However, only experienced needlewomen can come up with ideas for creativity on their own. Although even they sometimes need hints or peculiar hints that can push the thought process in the right direction. Beginners require step-by-step master classes.

New Year's Santa from a bottle

Crafts based on vessels containing alcoholic beverages for adults and bottles of lemonade for children look very unusual. It’s not at all difficult to do such a fun and interesting thing at home. You can start with an easy option, as in the photo above, but the one we describe below is much more original. For this you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • corrugated or wrapping paper is best red;
  • paper ribbons for decoration;
  • a sheet of white paper;
  • felt-tip pens or colored pencils;
  • ordinary cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • a bottle - both empty and unopened will do.

How to make Santa Claus with your own hands? The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to cut out a rectangle from corrugated or wrapping paper. Its size should be determined by the bottle. The height should be equal to the distance from the bottom to the base of the neck, and the width should be the circumference of the bottle + ten additional centimeters.
  2. We will also need three more rectangles - fifteen by ten centimeters. We fold two of them lengthwise and twist them, like candy. And the remaining one is in width. And we twist only one side.
  3. Now we put a large rectangle on the bottle and wrap it around the middle several times with decorative tape. You can even make the ends hang down. Then they should be twisted with scissors. To make your own handmade Santa Claus look as impressive as possible.
  4. At the base of the neck, the paper also needs to be carefully collected and secured. But hide the ends. Attach a strip of cotton wool on top. After all, Grandfather wears a warm sheepskin coat with fur.
  5. Next, cut out an oval from white paper and draw the face of New Year's Grandfather on it. Moreover, it is important not to forget about rosy cheeks.
  6. Then we glue cotton wool, imitating a beard, and use glue to attach Frost’s face to the bottle.
  7. We put on a hat and glue a cotton pompom to the tip.
  8. The last thing we attach are the hands - the previously made “candies”. If desired, they can also be decorated with cotton wool.

And so we managed to make Santa Claus with our own hands!

Postcard "New Year's Grandfather"

Most of all, kids love to make various crafts. And that's very cool. After all, such tasks are very useful for them. Because the process itself is incredibly fun and exciting, and it also has a beneficial effect on the child’s fine motor skills and, accordingly, on his intelligence. And finally, when kids do something together with their parents, they become closer, begin to understand and feel each other better. And this is especially important for maintaining warmth in relations between two generations.

So, to make an unusual postcard with the image of Santa Claus with your own hands, you will need a completely affordable set of tools and materials:

  • colored paper in red and any contrasting color;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • a simple pencil if necessary;
  • paints, gouache is best;
  • artistic brush;
  • plastic eyes - they can be purchased at any craft store;

How to make an original postcard:

  1. The first step is to fold a sheet of colored paper in a complementary color in half. Moreover, it is important that the fold goes along the long side.
  2. Now the fun begins. The kids will be indescribably delighted from the following manipulations. Dip the brush into white gouache and generously paint the child’s palm.
  3. Afterwards, the child must attach it to the front side of the card so that the fingers point down.
  4. Then we let the paint dry, and we thoroughly wash and dry our hands.
  5. Next, all that remains is to complete the image of Santa Claus. You can create a real masterpiece out of paper with your own hands! So, cut out a hat from red colored paper and glue it above the palm print, retreating about four centimeters.
  6. Finally, we attach the eyes and a small circle cut out of paper - the nose.
  7. And then we take the paints again. The kid dips his finger in white paint and places dots along the bottom edge of the hat, imitating fur, and along the top edge - a pompom.
  8. In the same way, you need to outline the pink cheeks and mouth.

And the “Santa Claus made from paper” postcard is brilliantly made with your own hands!

Mask "New Year's Grandfather"

Even children can handle one more basic idea. But the process itself will take a little time, but will bring a lot of pleasure. So, let's talk about the necessary materials and tools:

  • colored cardboard red and white;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • thin sewing elastic band.

In addition, one more important nuance should be noted. If the reader draws well, then he can independently sketch a sketch - a silhouette of the face of Grandfather Frost. Or you can print the template we offer. But in this case you will need a printer. After the part is cut out of cardboard, the printing device can even be used in black and white.

So, how to make a Santa Claus mask from cardboard with your own hands:

  1. First you should prepare the parts - cut them out from a printed or drawn template.
  2. Then transfer them to cardboard. It is important not to mix it up, because the hat should be placed on a sheet of red cardboard, the pompom and the main part of the face on white. You also definitely need to add additional fields at the gluing points.
  3. Now all that remains is a very simple job: cut out the cardboard parts and connect them in the correct order to each other. If the suggested template was used, then the pompom and mustache should be placed on top of other parts.
  4. Finally, you just need to measure the elastic band to the desired length. To do this you will need to try on a mask.
  5. And then attach it.

And the original DIY cardboard “Santa Claus” mask was made very successfully!

Fabric mask “New Year's Grandfather”

Using the principle described above, it is very easy to make a fabric mask. Its main advantage is that its texture is much softer. This means that wearing an interesting accessory will become more comfortable. In addition, the mask will fit much tighter. Then it can be used to create an original New Year's costume.

Christmas tree toy "Santa Claus"

What else can be done for the New Year is quite difficult to answer. After all, in this matter everything is limited only by the imagination and desire of the performers. In this paragraph, we propose to consider the option of a toy that can be hung on a holiday tree.

In order to do it, you will need:

  • packaging of colored paper;
  • one sheet of white paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • paper hole punch;
  • a pair of black beads or seed beads;
  • spool of sewing thread.

So, we make a Christmas tree toy “Santa Claus” with our own hands. How to do everything right? Follow the instructions - and you will succeed!

  1. First, you need to cut out an even circle from light-colored colored paper - Grandfather’s face.
  2. Then from red or blue - a semicircle of the same size. This will be a hat.
  3. Using a hole punch, we make many small balls - confetti - from a white sheet of paper.
  4. Then we put the parts together: we glue Frost’s head and hat.
  5. Attach a pompom and make a beard out of confetti along the edge.
  6. We complement the face with beaded eyes and a fastening rope.

The DIY Santa Claus craft is ready. All that remains is to decorate the holiday tree with it.

Paper figurine "Santa Claus"

This handicraft option will also appeal to little children. To perform it you will need:

  • red colored paper;
  • white album sheet;
  • simple pencil;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • markers or colored pencils.

How to do:

  1. Draw a circle on colored paper, divide it in half and cut out only one part.
  2. We twist and glue to form a cone.
  3. Draw a random blot on a landscape sheet.
  4. Closer to the edge we mark a hole in the shape of a semicircle.
  5. We cut out the “blot” completely and the hole, leaving one side untouched.
  6. Now we draw the face of Santa Claus on the prepared part.
  7. We attach the “blot” to the cone by smearing glue on the uncut part of the hole, which must first be bent inward.

As you can see, making Santa Claus with your own hands from paper is not at all difficult.

New Year's Grandfather using origami technique

The following idea will be a wonderful and rather unusual gift idea for the main holiday of the year. It is very simple to implement. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First let's talk about the material. Because it is he who makes the idea presented in the current paragraph original.

Let's not beat around the bush, but let's say right away that we are talking about a banknote. After all, kids can draw or glue together an interesting thing with their own hands. Most adults give money for the holidays. But they are designed in an unusual way. And we would like to offer one of the creative options:

  1. To complete the craft, you will need a banknote of any denomination.
  2. We fold it in half, and then follow the graphic instructions “How to make Santa Claus step by step with your own hands from scrap materials.” The photo is presented below.

Painting depicting New Year's Grandfather

In honor of the most “tangerine” holiday, we are used to dressing up and decorating our home. A great idea, developed specifically for such an occasion, would be a painting depicting Father Frost. It’s very simple to make, but you’ll have to rummage through the needlewoman’s makeup bag and find a lot of buttons there. Most of them should be red. Their size may be different. However, it will be more convenient to handle those that do not have legs.

What’s interesting is that, if you wish, you can easily develop a painting template - the composition of the Santa Claus craft - with your own hands. Or find the desired option on the Internet. Well, then it’s a matter of little things. We take glue in our hands and glue the buttons in the order corresponding to the picture.

Santa Claus made of plasticine

The next master class is also very simple. And, by the way, it is worth noting that children can make a New Year’s Grandfather from plasticine. But adults shouldn’t sit idly by either. They can create original and tasty crafts from mastic. It is very easy to make at home.

So, regardless of the chosen material, the performer must perform actions similar to those depicted in detail in the following photo.

Pillow "Frosty Grandfather"

If our reader thinks that almost anyone can make Santa Claus out of paper with their own hands, and therefore this idea is not original, another craft option will suit him. For this you need to prepare:

  • the material is red or blue, you can even take a regular waffle towel;
  • a piece of white fleece fabric;
  • derived color satin ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • chalk or a piece of soap - if necessary;
  • a ball of white knitting thread;
  • two small beads;
  • half a glass of brewed black tea;
  • blush or red colored pencil;
  • needle and thread.

How to do:

  1. We cut out two stars of the same size from a red cut.
  2. From white we cut out two parts: a beard, a mustache, one each: a face and a small circle - a nose.
  3. We need to soak our face and nose in tea leaves for fifteen minutes, and then dry without rinsing.
  4. Now we sew the beard and mustache.
  5. Then we fasten both parts together.
  6. Then we sew on the face and nose - we assemble the circle according to the cut, stuff it with the rest of the fabric and tighten it.
  7. Further instructions on the topic “How to make Santa Claus with your own hands” are quite simple. After all, the matter remains small. From scraps of red material we cut out a small semicircle - a mouth. We sew it and bead eyes.
  8. Then we attach the muzzle to the body and mask the joints with satin ribbon.
  9. We complete the original craft by adding pompoms made from knitting threads.

Santa Claus from a napkin

On the eve of New Year's Eve, complete confusion begins in every home, which brings incredible pleasure to the household. At this moment, the most delicious and unusual dishes and drinks are prepared, and the table is decorated. Moreover, the last point of New Year's affairs is especially important. After all, if the owners make their table too ordinary, the spirit of the holiday will disappear.

Therefore, we would like to offer the following option for New Year's table setting. Even children can be trusted with the process.

So, to make the next Santa Claus with your own hands from scrap materials, you will need:

  • packaging of red napkins;
  • nail scissors;
  • stencils “Face of Santa Claus”.

How to do:

  1. Fold the napkin into a triangle, bending the right and left edges in the opposite direction. This is necessary in order to get a beautiful cone-shaped triangle.
  2. Carefully cut a semicircular hole in the stencil.
  3. Then we put the head of New Year's Grandfather on a napkin.
  4. If desired, you can attach white confetti to the tip of the hat to simulate a pom pom.

We told you how to make Santa Claus from scrap materials with your own hands. Using a similar principle, you should make as many original napkins as are planned for the guests’ celebration.

New Year's Grandfather made from cotton pads

The following original idea is suitable for small children. After all, it will be very interesting for them to make Santa Claus from materials that are usually used for other purposes.

So, to perform the master class you will need to prepare:

  • colored paper of red and any contrasting, as well as light color, preferably pale pink;
  • two small buttons or beads;
  • red paint, gouache is best;
  • brush;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • compass;
  • a simple pencil - if necessary.

For creative and savvy readers, a photo of the finished result will be enough to understand how to make Santa Claus with your own hands from scrap materials. But just in case, we will describe in detail the necessary manipulations in order to make the process more specific. Let's get started:

  1. Take a sheet of colored paper in a contrasting shade and fold it in half. The fold should again go through the long side.
  2. We place the card in front of us so that the fold line is on the left hand.
  3. Now on sheets of red and the selected light color we draw circles of the same size. It is important to note that both of them will then have to fit on the prepared postcard.
  4. Now we divide the red circle in half and cut out all the details.
  5. Using glue, first attach the light circle to the card, and then half the red one.
  6. We almost made one like the one in the photo below, Santa Claus. It’s not that difficult to make with your own hands, is it? All that remains is to glue the cotton pads, simulating a beard and a pom-pom.
  7. Then add the eyes.
  8. Then cut a circle of a smaller diameter from a cotton pad, paint it with red paint and leave to dry completely.
  9. Finally, when the red circle was in its place, we can safely say that we managed to make Santa Claus with our own hands for the New Year.

New Year's Grandfather on the window

What else can be used to make the character studied in the article? For example, from plain white paper. Cut out the silhouette of Santa Claus from it and decorate the window with it. If you add homemade snowflakes, streamers, rain, multi-colored lights and other New Year’s paraphernalia to the picture, you will be able to achieve an original result. Which not only household members, but also passers-by will be able to admire.

So, let's start with what will help us make Santa Claus with our own hands. A pattern or, rather, even a template. Moreover, here too the range of ideas is limited only by one’s own imagination. You can choose the option we offer. It can be seen in the picture below.

Good afternoon everyone, today we will surprise you with new ideas for New Year’s crafts in the form of Santa Claus. There will be a lot of non-standard New Year's resolutions - Santa Claus will appear before us in a variety of images. We will see that New Year's Santa Claus is not only a paper craft, we will make him from wood, from fabric, from boxes. You'll definitely find a craft here that will inspire your creativity and make you want to make it yourself.

New Year's Santa Claus


Children in all countries know that the main supplier of candy during the New Year holidays is Santa Claus. We always expect a sweet treat from him. And that means doing a craft with Santa Claus only on New Year’s Eve, when it smells like chocolate or tangerines.

Here's an idea for a sweet New Year's craft with Santa Claus. Santa Claus's belly is a sheet folded in half and in the front half of the fold we will cut a hole - an inspection hole where our candy will protrude.

The shape and design of the tummy can be different - triangular (as in the photo above) or round (as in the photo below). The main thing is the general principle - bend the sheet in half and draw an oval for the hole in the front part.
The two edges of the bent part are fixed along the upper edge with a stapler or tape or glue. And then New Year's Santa Claus receives a face, hat, beard, arms and legs.

Your craft with Santa Claus can hide treats in another way. Here is another version of the craft with a pocket for sweets FLAT New Year's Santa Claus, made of cardboard.

Or here are options with a convex box, where you can pour a good handful of sweets into Santa Claus. These Santa Clauses are a great craft for kindergarten - they are very simple. We have a diagram of this craft and a master class on our website - here in this article

You can simply lean it against a flat craft with Santa Claus cut tea or biscuit box- cover it with a colored appliqué that imitates a brick pipe.

New Year's Santa Claus


Here is a beautiful and very simple craft for children at school or in kindergarten. We take a red plastic cup as a basis. We cut out a face, a brood and a hat from paper. Glue this to the top of the glass. You can use a stand behind Santa Claus's head, a prop - which is glued to the bottom of the glass and leans against the back of Grandfather's head.

If you have white disposable cups and foam balls, you can make a beautiful ANGEL craft. But if you don't have foam balls, you can make them a SUBSTITUTE - roll a larger ball out of plasticine. We tear the white napkin into pieces. We coat the plasticine ball with PVA glue and place a napkin on it, layer by layer... until all the plasticine is hidden and the ball turns white. Here you have the angel's head - simply and quickly enough. We wait for the napkin layer to dry and draw eyes on it or glue them from colored paper.

New Year's Santa Claus

in a pyramid box.

A triangular gift box can be designed in the shape of Santa Claus. Such a box opens at its lower part - at the bottom. Or the box can open like a tulip bud - the triangular walls fall apart and we see a gift.

New Year's Santa Claus


What remains of used toilet paper is a cardboard roll called a sleeve. You can make beautiful New Year's crafts from such bushings. Santa Clauses grow a cotton beard, they are covered in glitter, or wrapped in felt clothes. You can make friends for them, also from bushings.

The bushings can be painted or covered with colored paper. Decorate with rhinestones, buttons, wrap with elegant ribbons or ropes.

If the sleeve is shortened by half, cut it in half. Then a short piece of roll can become a New Year's pendant with Santa Claus to decorate the Christmas tree.

Children's crafts


with New Year's Santa Claus.

If you need a beautiful, bright craft for an exhibition in kindergarten, or a competition entry for school, then you can quickly and easily make New Year's wreath with Santa Claus made of a cardboard ring.
We take a large piece of cardboard - a pizza lid, for example - put a round plate on it, trace it with a pencil. Cut out the resulting circle. We put a small plate on this circle - trace it and cut it out - we get a circle with a hole in the center - that is, a CARDBOARD RING.
We cover it with colored paper (to hide the letters from the pizza) and decorate it with a New Year's applique - Santa Claus and flowers. You will find templates for this craft in the article.

Suitable for kindergarten simple craft from plates — New Year's Santa Claus with treats. The cookies and gingerbread on the plate may not be real, but cut out of cardboard or felt, or better yet, made from salt dough.

Here's another quick craft where New Year's Santa Claus is made from a cone. To make the craft tall and large-scale, we take four sheets of paper and glue them along the edges together (with tape or a glue stick). From such an enlarged sheet we fold a cul-cone - we straighten it and cut off its lower edge. From the front of the cone at the top we glue the silhouette of the face of Santa Claus, a pompom on the hat, and hands with cuffs. We draw buttons and snowflakes on the fur coat.

You can make a FLAT cardboard craft with Santa Claus and have it stand VERTICALLY at the exhibition. Let's make a selection for it, a cardboard pyramid with a slot. The diagram below shows the principle of gluing such a support from a strip of cardboard.

Here in the photo below we see a whole team of New Year's Santa Clauses on just such collection legs, made according to the diagram above.

New Year's Santa Claus


Very beautiful and strong crafts for the New Year are made from wood. New Year's Santa Claus made of wood is a durable and elegant craft that will serve you, your children and your grandchildren. If you have boards and know how to saw and sand, then this is your craft. Let your New Year's Santa Claus be wooden, warm and pleasant to the touch. A tree always retains the living force of nature.

You can also cut out silhouettes of fir trees, the silhouette of a snow-covered house and other elements of a winter landscape from wood.

You can cut out Santa Claus, who is holding a sign with a New Year's wish in his hands.

You decide for yourself what the shape of Santa Claus will be - elongated and tall, or plump and short.

With a wooden Santa Claus, you can make New Year's compositions by adding other wooden characters to it.

You can buy ready-made wooden figures of Santa Claus and decorate them into New Year's compositions. Just create a piece of New Year's decorations - from spruce branches, artificial snow.

For such compositions, you can make Christmas trees from cones cut from a carton of eggs.

You can fold Christmas trees out of paper as in the photo below. For this purpose, in the New Year section we also have a large article about DIY paper Christmas trees.

New Year's Santa Claus.

from bottles.

If you cover wine bottles with red spray paint, you will get an excellent preparation for a New Year's Santa Claus craft. Note: choose a color marked GLOSS, because matte will look dull and will require varnishing the craft.

If you are fond of crafts made from thermomosaics, then you can make a craft for a Christmas tree from mosaic bobbles.

Here is a beautiful panel in the form of Santa Claus. This elegant New Year's craft is made from a special decorative ribbon, which is gathered into wavy ruffle ties. But we can make a similar craft without ribbon - simply using the very idea of ​​​​a round design and fluffy decor. You can make an imitation of beard curls from ordinary office paper, yarn, or cotton wool. If you are making a craft that is not large, but small, about the size of a plate, then it is good to make a beard from round cotton pads.

New Year's Santa Claus

ON PACKAGES for gifts.

You can make your own gift wrappings from thick felt or flexible plastic.

Below, I have drawn a figurative diagram of this New Year's box with Santa Claus - so you see that everything is simple. There is a bottom (narrow rectangular) - there are rounded walls and sides, with areas for gluing them to the front and back sides of the box bag.

You can use this principle to create your own designs for boxes with Santa Claus. The scheme is the same, but the styles are different. The photo below has the SAME SCHEME... but here the front and back walls already have a ready-made silhouette of Santa Claus. The diagram in the picture below is cropped - you need to continue it down (mirroring from the top) and to the sides (extending the sides).

But first, you will learn how to make simple rectangular boxes with straight walls and simply decorate them with an applique of New Year's Santa Claus.

Here is another beautiful craft where New Year's Santa Claus is made from a lace paper napkin on which cakes are placed. The face of Santa Claus is cut out of white paper tinted beige. This applique can also decorate your New Year's gift box.

But here are examples and diagrams of SQUARE BOXES with Santa Claus - New Year's designs can be very different.

New Year's Santa Claus

from threads and wool.

Crocheted Santa Clauses look beautiful. Here you can fantasize as you please. Make them long, tall or round and thick. You yourself give the shape to a figurine made of red yarn - and then attach a face and beard to it and it becomes a typical Santa Claus.

You can felt New Year's Santa Claus from felt - combed wool. Felting is like modeling from plasticine, only with constant backcombing of your figures. we scratch with a needle until the lump thickens under our hands.

These are the beautiful ideas you can implement with New Year's Santa Claus this New Year. I wish you creative insights, happy coincidences, flexible working material and dexterous hands. May you succeed both with crafts and with life in this new year.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

On the eve of the New Year, all thoughts are busy with preparation: what to cook, what to give, what to wear, and of course, how to decorate the house. Today we will talk about the main symbol of the coming 2017 - Grandfather Frost.

Key characteristics of Santa Claus include:

  • warm earflaps
  • long beard
  • red fur coat
  • staff
  • gift bag

You can make Santa Claus yourself, together with your children, at the same time telling them where such a symbol came from and which children will receive gifts.

DIY Santa Claus from a bottle

A tabletop Santa Claus can even be made from a plastic liter bottle, which is found in every home. You will need:

  • liter empty bottle
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • red and white paint
  • buttons
  • threads
  1. Draw a face and mustache on the bottle with a marker. Paint all other parts red. Use acrylic paints or gouache, adding PVA glue to it for better application. Paint your face flesh color and make your beard white.
  2. Wrap white thread around the transition to the tapering part of the bottle - this is Santa Claus's hat.
  3. Make a pompom from threads and a disk and attach it to the lid.
  4. Make a belt for Santa Claus from threads and buttons.
  5. Eyes and mouth can be drawn on or small buttons can be used.
  6. To make the legs and arms, fold long strips of paper several times to form an accordion and glue them to the bottle.
  7. Cut out small palms or mittens and glue them instead of handles.
  8. You can use round bobbins as boots, covering them with red paper.

Using the same technique, you can make a Snow Maiden and a snowman to accompany Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: DIY toy

To make a bright and cheerful Santa Claus toy, use one of the patterns below. Depending on your preferences, you can make Santa Claus in the style of Tilda dolls or a more traditional version.

  1. You need to purchase small pieces of fabric or use existing scraps; you don't need much for the toy.
  2. Print and cut out the patterns, place them on the fabric and trace, you will need about 0.5 cm for an allowance.
  3. Cut out all the parts and sew them together by hand or on a machine, leaving a small hole. Make cuts at the folds to prevent the fabric from wrinkling.
  4. Turn the parts out and stuff them with padding polyester or cotton wool and sew them up until the end.
  5. Collect all the parts.
  6. Add decorative elements.

DIY Santa Claus costume: diagrams and patterns

To please the baby, the “real” Santa Claus can bring him New Year’s gifts. To make everything look like something out of a fairy tale, sew a suit for Santa Claus. This kind of work will not take you much time.

  1. The most time-consuming part of the work is sewing the fur coat. You can purchase a long piece of red fabric, it can be fleece, satin, corduroy, or velvet. As well as white fabric for decoration.
  2. The size of the fur coat depends on who it is being sewn for; below is a simple diagram. You can take measurements from “Santa Claus” himself.
  3. All parts are sewn together, finish in white. The Santa Claus hat is made using the same principle.
  4. Make a beard from a piece of padding polyester by cutting out several layers and placing them on top of each other.
  5. For a staff, use a mop handle wrapped in gold packing tape.
  6. Sew scraps into a gift bag.

DIY Santa Claus beard

The beard is a very important element that will add naturalness to the image, we offer you a few more ideas for creating a beard.

  • Option 1: cut out the base from white felt, sew ties along the edges and stick cotton balls over the entire surface.

  • Option 2: Cut out an oval-shaped piece of felt - this will be the basis for your future beard. Fluff felt or thick white yarn and sew it to the base, imitating a mustache and beard.

  • Option 3: You can use a respirator as a base for your beard, in which case the beard will hold securely. Cut out holes for the mouth and cover the remaining parts with padding polyester.

DIY Santa Claus staff

If you approach the issue of making a staff more seriously, you can try the following methods.

  • Option 1: Glue a Christmas tree decoration, which is usually used to decorate the top of a spruce, onto the top of the mop handle, cover the joint with tinsel, and wrap the base with ribbon or wrapping paper.
  • Option 2: Use a shovel handle, sand the base and cover it with white paint, wrap the staff with thin tinsel, decorate the top with a Christmas tree decoration attached to a glue gun, add glitter.
  • Option 3: An express way to create a staff is to use foil for decoration. Wrap the base (mop handle, gymnastics stick, etc.) in foil, then wrap it on top with tinsel.

DIY Santa Claus sleigh

As a gift for little and big sweet lovers, you can make Santa Claus's sleigh out of sweets, gummies and cookies. And immediately an ordinary and familiar gift will look magical and festive in a New Year’s way.

Christmas candy canes are suitable as runners; the rest of the sweets are placed on them and the entire structure is tied with a bow. To prevent the surprise from falling apart along the way, you can fasten all the parts with a glue gun or double-sided tape.

DIY Santa Claus mittens

Since Santa Claus lives in the North, he would be very uncomfortable without mittens, after all, he’s not even that old anymore, he needs to take care of himself. Mittens can be knitted from red yarn or sewn from the remnants of red fabric from a suit.

Santa Claus's mittens are even more like large mittens, so to sew them you can use the following pattern:

DIY Santa Claus from scrap materials

To build Santa Claus houses, you don’t have to go to the store; use materials that you already have on hand.

Using quilling technique

To perform you will need:

  • colored paper
  • cutter
  • toothpick
  1. Cut the paper into thin strips of 0.5 cm each and use a toothpick to twist it into a rope.
  2. Remove from the toothpick, let it straighten a little to make a circle and secure the end with PVA glue
  3. From such elements you can assemble a whole Santa Claus.

From toilet paper rolls or clothes cleaning rollers:

  1. the roller will be the base
  2. cover it with red paper or felt
  3. draw a face
  4. glue a beard from cotton wool
  5. you can make a hat from a napkin

Santa Claus using origami technique

Small gift cards in the shape of Santa Claus can be easily folded using an ordinary piece of colored paper measuring 10*10 cm. There are a lot of experimental schemes, they are easy to implement. Involve young children in the work, this activity is useful for the development of motor skills.

DIY Santa Claus made of colored felt

Felt is becoming an increasingly popular material among needlewomen because it is very easy to use, does not require edge processing, does not roll up, and attaches perfectly. You can make various versions of Santa Claus from felt:

  • Option 1. Santa Claus toy for the Christmas tree: you just need to cut out all the parts according to the pattern below and sew them together, add padding polyester inside for softness.

  • Option 2. Santa Claus on a Christmas wreath: more and more often in homes you can see decoration in the form of a Christmas wreath, more typical of Western culture. You can decorate the wreath with Christmas balls, branches or felt Santa Claus.

  • Option 3. Santa Claus basket: you will need thick felt, about 4-5 mm thick, cut out all the parts and sew. Place a gift in the basket and hide it under the Christmas tree.

DIY Santa Claus made from cotton wool

Toys were made from cotton wool decades ago; probably your grandmothers still know this technique and can teach you all its intricacies.

The creation process is painstaking and time-consuming and the toy turns out to be very fragile. To create such a masterpiece you will need:

  • paints
  • threads
  • wire

Making Santa Claus:

  • Use wire to form the frame of the future Santa Claus, all parts of the body except the head.
  • Wrap cotton wool around the frame and secure with threads.

  • The next layers of cotton wool are attached using paste or PVA; apply the cotton wool in thin layers so that it sticks securely.
  • Start making the head, first form a ball, then gradually sculpt the nose, brow ridges, lips, evaluate the proportions, the head should not be too large relative to the body.
  • Attach the head to the body using glue and thread.

  • Use wire to form a frame for a fur coat, which is attached to the waist.
  • Wrap the wire with white thread.
  • Cover the hem of the fur coat with cotton wool and form a hat, mittens, felt boots, and beard.

  • After complete drying, start painting.

DIY Santa Claus made from tights

Ordinary nylon tights are perfect as a base for a toy; they stretch perfectly and allow you to form the desired shape. To work you will need:

  • light tights or stockings
  • padding polyester or cotton wool
  • paints
  • thread with needle
  • red fabric for clothes
  1. To get started, form 3 balls of cotton wool, one large for the head and three smaller ones for the cheeks and nose. Cut off the sock part of the tights and place all three lumps there, sew up the hole.
  2. Now shape the nose and secure it with pins for ease of work and sew with light threads. Using the same principle, form the eyes and lips.
  3. For the body, you can use the remaining tights, cut a piece about 20 cm long, sew up one edge and stuff it tightly with cotton wool.
  4. Sew the parts together, now move on to the clothes. For the fur coat, use the attached pattern. Make the hat from leftover fabric.
  5. Don't forget to add a beard and mustache, make them from leftover cotton wool.
  6. Now the hardest part remains - paint the face and the toy is ready.

DIY Santa Claus on a glass

Decorated glasses will become an interesting table decoration. The trick is that the glass is no longer used as a vessel, but as a candlestick. The New Year's atmosphere of your evening is guaranteed!

You will need:

  • wineglass
  • decoupage napkins with Santa Claus
  • tassel
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  1. Remove the bottom two paper layers from the napkins; you only need a bright picture. Cut out the elements that you would like to transfer to the glass.
  2. Dilute the glue with water or cook the paste.
  3. Using a brush dipped in glue, carefully spread the napkins over the glass, keeping in mind that the glass will stand upside down. Smooth out all the wrinkles to ensure a flawless decor.
  4. After complete drying, you can add a few more decorative elements in the form of stars or snowflakes.
  5. Place a candle on the foot and place it on the table.

DIY Big Santa Claus

Santa Claus can become a real interior decoration if done with quality and love. Here is a master class on how to make a big Santa Claus.

You will need wire, scissors, glue, needle and thread, thick cardboard, foam rubber, synthetic fluff, cotton wool, wool, white and red felt.

  • The entire body and head is based on a cone. Its size depends on how big the toy you want to end up with. Cut out a cone and a circle from paper.

  • Draw a diameter on the circle and divide it into three parts, the points equidistant from the center will be the legs.
  • Wrap the circle on one side with bright felt or fabric, glue the edges on the inside, thread the wire through the holes and form loops in place of the feet.
  • Wind a thinner wire to the middle of the wire; its length should be greater than the height of the cone. To prevent the figure from losing its balance, the junction of the circle and the wire must be generously glued with a glue gun.

  • Cut out two rectangles from fabric about 4 cm wide and 10 cm longer than the length of Santa Claus's legs. Sew from the long side, turn it inside out and put it on the legs. Baste to the bottom of the circle.
  • Cut a cone out of white felt, sew and turn right side out. Fill it tightly with synthetic down and thread a thin wire through it, sew it to the circle with a hidden seam.
  • Cut out the soles from thick cardboard or plywood; they should be larger than the wire loops. Glue the soles using a glue gun. Glue foam shoes on top.

  • Cover the boots with red felt and pull them down at the bottom.
  • Draw eyes and mouth at the top of the cone
  • From red felt or fleece, cut out Santa Claus's fur coat, as well as handles. The handles must be sewn and filled with synthetic synthetic material.
  • Sew the fur coat directly to the cone with a hidden seam and decorate it with decor as you wish.

  • Cut a white collar from white fleece and sew on it.
  • Sew handles to the fur coat on both sides.
  • Next, from the existing wool, you need to comb a beard and mustache and carefully attach them to the face of Santa Claus.
  • Form a hat from the remnants of wool; its decor can repeat the decor on the fur coat.
  • Santa Claus is ready to delight you and your loved ones!

DIY champagne Santa Claus

A bottle of wine or champagne is a good gift for a holiday, there are many free days and guests ahead, this bottle will definitely not be superfluous. To make the gift still thematic, you can decorate it by dressing it up as Santa Claus.

Of course, the easiest option is to sew a tiny cap on a bottle and it will immediately look different, but you can also be even more creative, for example, sew a cover and decorate it as Santa Claus.

  1. You can also make an amazing decoration for a bottle from a red satin ribbon.
  2. To make it removable, you first need to prepare the base in the shape of a bottle, and then wrap it with ribbons
  3. At the end, add white felt or fur decor

Knit a Santa Claus costume onto a bottle with your own hands

A bottle costume can not only be sewn, but also knitted. Here are several ideas for you, symbolic simplified versions in red colors or humorous ones with Santa Claus hanging on the chimney.

Santa Claus - DIY pillow

Pillows with Santa Claus will help change the style of the interior and make it more New Year's. This can be a decor made on a regular cover, or the pillow itself can resemble Santa Claus.

In order to sew a New Year's cover you will need:

  • base fabric
  • felt or fleece for finishing
  • threads
  • needle
  1. Cut a cover from fabric for an existing pillow and sew it together, inserting a zipper for opening and closing
  2. Cut out all parts of Santa Claus's face from fleece: beard, eyes, mustache, nose, hat, pompom
  3. Sew all the parts to the base one by one, you can use buttons as eyes
  4. Make a pompom from threads and sew it to the hat
  5. Santa Claus' mustache can be made voluminous by stuffing it with padding polyester.

If you have a lot of patience, you can try to cross-stitch a pillow with Santa Claus.

DIY Santa Claus made from spoons

Using disposable spoons, you can create unusual things, including lamp shades, vases and coasters. It turns out that by using your imagination, you can even build Santa Claus.

You will need:

  • plastic spoons
  • cardboard
  • red paint
  • felt-tip pen
  1. Cut and glue a cone out of cardboard, it will be the basis for Santa Claus
  2. Now, with a pencil, mark the places where the mustache, beard and eyes will be located, paint over everything else with red paint
  3. Break off the base of the plastic spoons and glue them to the beard and along the edge of the cone
  4. Cut out handles from paper and glue on each side
  5. Draw the eyes and your Santa Claus is ready

If you only have one plastic spoon lying around the house, and you need to make Santa Claus, then you can go the other way:

Santa Claus made from plastic cups

Continuing the theme of creativity from disposable tableware, you can try to create Santa Claus from ordinary plastic cups.

You will need:

  • plastic cups red and white
  • threads
  • balloon
  • fleece for hat
  • buttons
  1. Glue the cups together to form a ball-like shape. White cups will symbolize the hem of the fur coat and buttons.
  2. Next, the head can be made from cups or made from PVA glue, thread and a balloon.
  3. Glue the head to the base, add eyes and a beard using cotton pads.
  4. Stick the cups into each other and glue them as handles.
  5. Glue together a Santa Claus hat from fleece or felt.
  6. From the remaining cups, glue a bag with gifts and tie it with a ribbon.

Santa Claus from a plastic plate

The simplest exercise for preschool children is to make Santa Claus from an ordinary plastic plate. It’s better for you to prepare all the necessary details in advance so that your baby can create in peace.

You will need:

  • plate
  • red triangle for hat
  • white rectangle for hat lapel
  • black circles for eyes
  • cotton balls for beard
  • nose pompom

Show your child how easy it is to glue all the pieces together and assemble Santa Claus.

Using the same pattern, you can easily assemble a snowman and a deer!

DIY chocolate maker with Santa Claus

Recently, giving just chocolate bars has become unfashionable; everything needs unusual packaging. The chocolate box is a postcard-box, inside of which there is a treasured sweet, and maybe a few lines with wishes are also written.

  1. From thick red cardboard, cut out the base for the future box and iron all the folds, glue a pocket for chocolate
  2. Glue ribbons to make your gift look more presentable
  3. On the front side, glue or draw a face, beard, mustache, hat, nose and eyes
  4. Place your favorite chocolate inside and write wishes for the New Year

Santa Claus made of paper, DIY diagram

One of the simplest options for creating Santa Claus, and perhaps the most technologically advanced, is to simply print it out and glue it according to the attached diagram. The most advanced ones can even print a three-dimensional figure on a 3D printer, and then simply paint it!

Do-it-yourself volumetric Santa Claus

You can fold a three-dimensional figure of Santa Claus using the modular origami technique, which has become very popular in the last ten years.

The product is assembled from identical modules, which allow you to create any shape.

For example, for Santa Claus we will need 493 identical modules (1 red for the nose, 275 white, 198 blue, 19 flesh). Each module is assembled from a rectangular piece of paper measuring 37 * 53 mm, or 1/32 of a sheet.

The technique for creating a module is as follows:

  1. Having folded the required number of modules of a certain color, you can proceed directly to assembly
  2. At the base there are 25 BM (white modules), placed on the short side in a circle
  3. In the second row, place 25 BM in the same way as in 1, but on the long side and put it on the 1st row.
  4. The third row repeats the previous one
  5. In the fourth row, place 25 CM (blue modules) on the long side
  6. Fifth row: 22cm on the long side and 3cm on the short side, turn the ring out
  7. In the sixth row there are 4 BM and 21SM, all with the long side out
  8. In the seventh row there are 5 BM and 20 SM, located as in the previous row
  9. In the eighth row there are 6 BM and 19 SM, located as in the previous row
  10. In the ninth row there are 7 BM and 18 CM, located as in the previous row
  11. In the tenth row there are 8 BM and 17 SM, located as in the previous row
  12. In the eleventh row there are 25 BMs, located as in the previous row
  13. In the twelfth row there are 25 BM, located as in the previous row
  14. In the thirteenth row there are 1KM and 24 BM, located as in the previous row
  15. In the fourteenth row there are 2 BMs with the long side outward above the CM of the 13th row, on both sides of them there are 2 TMs (body modules) with the short side, the remaining 19 BMs
  16. In the fifteenth row there are 7 TM and 18 BM with the long, short and long sides facing outwards, respectively.
  17. In the sixteenth row there are 8 TM and 17 BM with the long, short and long sides facing outwards, respectively.
  18. In the seventeenth row, reduce the number of elements of the row by putting 6 modules on 3 corners, a total of 22 BM with the short side outward
  19. In the eighteenth row, 20 cm outward with the short side
  20. In the nineteenth 18 CM short side out
  21. In the twentieth 9 BM short side forward
  22. Form handles from the remaining elements, glue on the eyes and nose

DIY Santa Claus doll

To make your child remember this holiday for a long time, sew a doll Santa Claus for him. Print out all the patterns and cut out the pieces.

  1. Lay out the fabric and trace all the details, leave 5 mm for an allowance. Cut along the outline and sew on a machine.
  2. Gather all the parts together, use a thick thread to decorate the doll’s clothes, the yarn will make an excellent beard.

Santa Claus on the Christmas tree with his own hands

On the New Year's tree, among other toys, there must be Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. They can be made from felt or cut out of colored paper to create an applique.

Another interesting idea is to make Santa Claus from beads; you only need fishing line and glass beads in white and red colors. String the beads according to the diagram, and at the end make a loop from the remnants of the fishing line.

Santa Claus made of balloons

A very convenient and compact option for later storage is Santa Claus made from balloons. You will need white and red balls for the fur coat and hat, pink for the face and black for the shoes.

  1. Inflate 31 red and 11 white balloons of the same size and arrange them in the shape of a cone, so that in the first row there are 6 white balloons, in the second and third 6 red, in the fourth 4 red 1 white, in the fifth 5 red, in the sixth 5 red, the seventh has 5 red, the eighth has 4 white.
  2. Blow up a large beige or pink balloon, this will be your head.
  3. Place a Santa Claus hat on top of your head and draw eyes with a marker.
  4. Make a beard from white felt or fleece.

Santa Claus made from salt dough

Another wonderful material for creativity is salt dough. It allows you to create amazing things that will last a long time.

  1. First, prepare the dough: mix 200 grams of salt and flour, 100 ml of water and half a teaspoon of PVA and knead the dough
  2. Form a cone-shaped base from the finished dough.
  3. Fashion sleeves and handles and glue to the cone
  4. Use two long strips of dough to form the lapel and hem of the fur coat.
  5. Make hats and noses from small balls of dough
  6. Add a beard and mustache, eyebrows
  7. Place in the oven to dry for 40 minutes.
  8. Then paint the finished product with acrylic paints and varnish

Santa Claus felted from wool

The felting technique allows you to create real masterpieces from ordinary wool. To felt Santa Claus, take flesh-colored and white wool, felting needles, red felt for a fur coat, wire, beads and glue.

  • Felt flesh-colored wool into a cone-shaped shape with a ball on top. The cone is the body, so add a small roundness on one side, this is the solid belly of Santa Claus.
  • Cut out a fur coat for Santa Claus from felt and sew it directly onto the base.

  • Sew a small cone-shaped hat from the remaining red fabric.
  • Felt flagella from white wool so that they are fluffy on one side, place them on a sponge and use a needle to drive them into the sponge. Glue the finished flagella to the fur coat using glue along the hem and collar.
  • From the remaining white wool we form a beard and mustache and pin them with a needle.
  • Glue on the eyes and nose
  • From the wire, measure the required length for the handles, wrap the wire with red felt and glue it to the ends of the mittens. Stick the open end of the wire into the body.

Making toys with your own hands is a very interesting activity, if you haven’t tried it yet, now is the time to start. Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out the first time, you can always try again. Santa Claus will bring New Year's mood and a feeling of the approaching holiday to your home! New creative ideas to you and a happy New Year!

Video: DIY Santa Claus step by step

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