How to get your child ready for first grade. How to dress a teenager for school in order to look stylish and not violate the regulations of the educational institution. How best to dress a child for school

If your school does not have a uniform, and you have not yet had time to buy clothes for your children, look at our photo galleries! We have chosen very beautiful and fashionable outfits for every day for students from first to high school.

Main rules school uniform

Even if the school has adopted a casual dress code, teachers and psychologists (and, for some time now, officials) insist on business attire. They say that a discreet and laconic outfit disciplines. A thirteen-year-old teenager I know explained this phenomenon this way: the suit constrains physically and evokes an insurmountable boredom, which adults mistake for good manners.

The most popular colors for school suits are blue, gray, black, brown, burgundy, and dark green. Prints include check, tartan, and pinstripe.

For reasons of comfort and hygiene, school uniform fabrics are usually blended, but it is desirable that the proportion of natural fibers such as cotton or wool be at least 50%.

Finally, experts have even developed special clothing lists that, for the year ahead, exhaust the daily needs of boys and girls in clothing for school. They look something like this.

Let's get a look, how to dress a schoolboy and schoolgirl comfortably, beautifully and fashionably, without violating these rules.

Firstly, diversify the palette school uniform, adding to it such fashionable shades of autumn-winter 2013-14 as turquoise, lavender, sunny yellow, crimson, emerald, scarlet.

Secondly, enrich classic set prints from stripes, plaid and checks with lovely and trendy patterns of pied-de-poule (aka “chicken foot”), polka dots (“polka dots”) and printed floral prints.

Third, complement formal suits with bright accessories and cute details - removable collars, bow collars, flounces, bright socks and tights for girls, and for boys it can be a silk muffler, colored and patterned knitwear under a jacket, layering, bright bags and shoes.

And now - the long-awaited examples!

Let's start with the collection Oscar de la Renta. Agree, his modest blue sundresses and dresses, set off by white collars and blouses, look impeccable - the strictest teacher will not find fault! And bright turquoise accents make the school uniform fashionable, elegant, and positive. In the photo you will see another option: laconic black and white sets for girls (the print sets the mood), as well as a traditional version of a jacket and trousers for a boy - what makes it interesting is the successful combination of shades.

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Happy parents of first-graders will be interested to see how elegantly the brand dresses children Dolce&Gabbana. The combination of black and gray in clothes for girls does not look boring at all thanks to the correctly selected proportions and the effect of alternating shades.

The next couple of outfits are from Armani Junior. A dress and cardigan with polka dots looks modest, respectable and fashionable, and an elegant suit with sneakers will illustrate how the boy’s parents maintain a balance of interests (and understand fashion):

And here are a few more discreet images. How can anyone not like the thick and bright color of the jacket? Baby Dior, which goes well with both trousers and jeans; simple gray dress from Chloe; artistic image from John Galliano(take a closer look at this dress - you can’t imagine a simpler design and color, it’s all about the unexpected pattern):

From left to right: Dior, Chloe, John Galliano

Now get ready to cheer up because the following photo galleries will inspire you to a creative approach to choosing a school uniform for a child.

For example, here are the models again Oscar de la Renta: everything is within the framework of school traditions - and it is immediately clear that there is nothing provocative or irritating in bright colors and the combination of several rich shades at once:

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But very careful experiments with bright colors from Fendi- small but refreshing details:

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Teenage girls in schools are usually asked only one thing: not to dress vulgarly or provocatively. What is ease combined with good taste, shows Ralph Lauren. Your grown daughters would love these short skirts, jeans jackets, knitted sweater dresses, bright jackets, high socks, ties and scarves:

You may wonder whether it makes sense to look at photos of clothes that few people can buy for their children. In fact, once you imagine your child dressed like in the photo above, you can easily find similar (and maybe even more interesting) clothes in the collections of popular brands.

For example, look at the gallery Monnalisa- all the same fashionable ideas.

How to dress a child for the first grade, what things first-graders really need, and what is pointless to buy - we have prepared a list of things for school for a first-grader.

The exciting period of choosing a school and enrolling in first grade is over. Now is the time to buy everything your first grader needs. , let's try to figure it out together.

School uniform

The first thing that comes to parents' minds when they realize that their child has been accepted into elementary school is the need. If you have not yet delved into all the details of school life, we inform you: school uniforms in Ukraine have been abolished by presidential decree. But some schools reserved the right to determine the dress code for students or kept the school uniform.

In addition, many parents are sure that clothes for school should be formal, and that jeans and T-shirts are best left for walks in the yard.

There are 3 important points that should be considered when choosing and purchasing school clothes for a first grader:

  1. School clothes color. Schools that decide to keep school uniforms independently choose the color of the uniform for students and ask parents to adhere to it.

    Manufacturers now offer uniforms in a variety of colors: with green, blue or burgundy jackets, all-black, with checks and stripes.

    Before going to the store, check with your class teacher what color uniform is accepted at school.

  2. ​Elements of school uniform

    Traditionally girls school uniform this is a jacket and a skirt. If desired, the set can be supplemented with a special sundress, vest and trousers.

    School uniform set for boys consists of a jacket and trousers, sometimes a vest is included in this set. Pay attention to trousers with elastic bands for boys, which are much more comfortable than trousers with a belt.

    If your school does not need to adhere to these rules, then do not torture children with jackets and ties. Buy clothes that are easy and quick to put on and take off. This will greatly help your child when changing clothes before a physical education lesson.

    Also pay attention to the trousers. Let them be with an elastic band, there is nothing terrible in that. It is much more unpleasant for a first-grader to hastily unfasten his belt and the tight buttons on his pants in order to have time to go to the toilet during recess.

  3. Fabric composition

    Manufacturers try to use natural fabrics for sewing school uniforms. However, do not forget to pay attention to the composition when purchasing.

School uniform for children from the TAGO brand

You need to buy a school uniform together with your child: it is important to try on the set of clothes well and make sure that the child likes it, that he is comfortable and comfortable.

When buying a school uniform, remember a white dress shirt or, tie and belt for a boy. Also, take care in advance of a white blouse, tights and knee socks for the girl - they will definitely be needed for various special events.

We continue to select a wardrobe for weekdays and for this purpose, let's turn to the experience of mothers, for example, our Omsa says:

“I wouldn’t take a lot of shirts. Most of the school year falls during the cold seasons, so you need to have 3-4 socks under a jacket or vest - depending on what shape you have, but you can limit yourself to one or two shirts.

In spring and autumn, when it was still warm, we wore polo shirts, long and short sleeves, depending on the temperature. It’s more convenient to move in such knitted shirts, and who said that our first-graders will walk decorously along the corridor, and it’s also easier to change clothes for physical education; the child doesn’t have to suffer and button 6-7 buttons on a shirt.”

So, if your school does not have a strict dress code, we advise you to create a wardrobe for a first-grader like this:

  • 1 holiday White shirt(for boys) or blouse (for girls);
  • 1-2 light shirts (for boys) or blouses (for girls);
  • 2 polo shirts with long sleeve;
  • 2-3 short sleeve polo shirts (for spring);
  • 2-3 golf courses (for the winter).

In winter, both boys and girls may need warm pants and a knitted vest or cardigan; even in autumn and winter, light knitted leggings for boys, which are convenient to wear under uniform trousers, will come in handy.

If your future first-grader has grown out of everything over the summer, buy several pairs of panties, T-shirts, T-shirts and socks, and for girls, replenish your stock of socks and tights.

Important nuance: Please be aware of each school's individual rules. It is better to find out all these points in advance and carefully consider your child’s wardrobe.

School shoes

First graders need a special one, which should be:

  • natural
  • comfortable
  • easy to put on and take off
  • better without laces.

It is better for boys to buy dark-colored shoes; girls can wear light and bright shoes if permitted by school rules.

These same boots or shoes can serve as replacement shoes in winter, when children need to change their shoes at school. Also don't forget about sports shoes for physical education lessons.

School uniforms of the peoples of the world (PHOTO)

School bag or backpack

You need to choose a backpack with your child; the little student must like it and be comfortable for him.

Sometimes, in order to choose the right backpack, you will need to try on several options so that the child can compare and understand which backpack fits better on his shoulders.

When choosing a backpack for a first-grader, pay attention to 3 points:

  1. Check what materials the backpack is made of. Opt for a school bag or backpack made of durable waterproof nylon fabric, then if the backpack gets wet, your school notebooks and textbooks will not be damaged.
  2. Decide on the size, weight and shape - do not buy a large backpack, it will be uncomfortable for the child, the top of the briefcase should not be higher than the child’s shoulders, and the bottom should not be below the hip line.

    The briefcase should have a rigid, preferably orthopedic, back wall that fits the child’s back well, and a durable bottom.

    Manufacturers usually indicate this on the backpack label, but it is advisable to choose a backpack that is not heavy.

  3. A small schoolchild's briefcase should be spacious.

    In addition to textbooks and notebooks (and if a first-grader has five lessons, then this is already a serious amount), a pencil case, a lunch box with a snack and a bottle of water, plasticine, a work board, paints, brushes and a sippy cup should fit there, on those days when According to the schedule, the child will have labor or fine arts.

    In addition to the backpack, you will need a bag for replacement shoes and sports uniform.



Of course, you want to immediately run with your child to the store and buy all these bright stationery: cool pens, pencil cases, sharpeners and notebooks. But take your time, perhaps all these purchases will be in vain.

On the first parent meeting, which is held for fathers and mothers of first-graders in schools approximately at the end of May, the class teacher will tell you what to buy.

In some schools, parent committees centrally purchase identical stationery and notebooks with printed assignments for children. Find out in advance how this issue is handled at your school.

An indicative list of stationery supplies needed for a first-grader looks like this:

  • spacious pencil case;
  • 10 lined notebooks with an auxiliary line of 12 sheets;
  • 10 squared notebooks with 12 sheets;
  • covers for notebooks;
  • book covers;
  • soft blue handles;
  • soft colored pencils;
  • markers;
  • scissors;
  • eraser;
  • plasticine;
  • colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue stick;
  • gouache paints;
  • tassels;
  • sippy cup;
  • sketchbook with 12 sheets.

Now first-graders don't need a diary.

In February, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved new educational standards for primary school- first-graders are not given homework, grades are not given, and comments are not written in diaries.

The teacher keeps in touch with parents through closed groups on social networks. There are discussions important questions, situations, and all organizational information on the study is reset.

Sports uniform

If the school doesn't have general requirements, then usually the child is bought as a sports uniform:

  • tracksuit (pants + jacket with zipper)
  • a couple of T-shirts (short and long sleeve)
  • ​from shoes it can be sneakers or sneakers
  • special bags for sportswear. It is also convenient to carry replacement shoes and clothes in such bags, so you can safely purchase a couple of pieces.


In preparation for the first of September, dear parents, remember - a small schoolchild needs to organize a workplace: a table and chair at which he will study, as well as bedside tables and shelves where he can put school supplies.

Availability of separate - necessary condition, because now the child will spend enough time doing lessons.

It is important to do this in conditions that are comfortable for your back and eyes, which will already experience serious strain during school lessons.

A pretty girl can bring a little creativity and joy to desk lamp, after all, a first-grader is still a child who really wants to play more and not do homework.

School bazaars, which open in many stores in mid-July, offering customers a good selection and discounts, can help parents get their first-graders ready for school.

Now you have lists of things for school for a first-grader and you know how to get your child ready for September 1st. We wish your first-graders to have positive impressions of their studies in elementary school.

On the eve of Knowledge Day, for many readers of the women's website “Beautiful and Successful,” the question of how to dress a child for school is very relevant. After all, every mother wants her schoolchild to look not only neat, but also stylish.

In addition, clothes for school should be comfortable and warm.

Since in our country there is no single model of school uniform, the decision about what a child will wear within the walls of an educational institution is usually made by parents and school administration.

How to dress children for school

In general, depending on the requirements for the appearance of students, all schools can be divided into several main groups.

  1. Schools that require all students to wear a uniform that meets the same standard. Typically, students in such schools wear a uniform of a certain color - brown, gray, green, blue or black and white. A uniform color scheme for schoolchildren’s clothing helps employees of educational institutions better monitor the location and behavior of their students.
  2. General education institutions that have a dress code that allows students to choose the outfit they like best. The main requirement for students’ clothing in such institutions is business style.
  3. Schools that sew custom uniforms for all students. It is easiest to dress a child for such a school. Parents only need to submit to the class teacher information about children's sizes. The advantages of such a system are the absence of the need to look for a form in the store and the lower price of the kit.
  4. Institutions that do not require students to wear uniforms only. Students are allowed to wear any form of business casual clothing.

It must be said that there are not many schools in the country that sew custom-made uniforms for students. Perhaps because many modern parents simply don’t like it when their children’s freedom is constrained by strict rules that leave no room for choice.

In most cases, moms and dads have to choose and buy clothes for their children for school.

If the school does not impose strict requirements for uniforms, but you want to dress your child beautifully and stylishly, perhaps the advice from “Beautiful and Successful” on how to choose will be useful.

What clothes to choose for school: list of necessary things

Each student should have several sets of clothes.

  • Dress uniform. Many parents save on this set of clothes, since the need for it arises only a few times a year. Considering that children grow very quickly, an outfit purchased for September 1 may become too small for the child by the New Year. Buying such a suit makes sense only if family budget allows you to do this several times a year.
  • Demi-season set. For a boy, such a suit should consist of trousers, a shirt and a jacket. In the off-season, a schoolgirl can be dressed in a suit with a skirt, blouse and jacket, or in a sundress with a blouse.
  • Winter suit. A school set of clothes for the cold season should consist of warm trousers with fleece and a woolen jacket. Instead of a shirt in winter, you can wear a warm sweater or a strict turtleneck. For the cold season, a woolen suit with a warm vest is also good. A winter school uniform for girls should include a warm jacket. It is better to replace a sundress or skirt with woolen trousers in winter.
  • Sports suit.
  • Additional replacement items. Boys need to buy at least 2 trousers and 2 shirts. It is advisable for girls to buy a set that will include trousers and a skirt, and also stock up on additional blouses, the number of which will depend only on the thickness of the parent’s wallet.

How to choose suitable clothes for a schoolchild

Some tips will help parents decide how best to dress their child for school.

  • Clothes for schoolchildren should be made from natural materials with a small addition of synthetics. These fabrics are characterized by wear resistance, practicality and hygiene.
  • When choosing sets for school, you need to try to find models that can then be combined with each other. The website recommends that its readers buy kits for their children different styles
  • , but similar colors. This will allow you to combine things from different costumes with each other and diversify the student’s clothes.
  • For a boy, a vest option would be a very practical suit. It can be worn with light shirts and warm sweaters. Such a piece of clothing will allow the student to always look serious and respectable.
  • You must choose clothes for school together with your child. Let the schoolgirl choose the style of skirt or sundress that she likes. A schoolboy should also be given the right to choose, even if, in his mother’s opinion, he is still very young.

Schoolchildren's clothes must be tried on. At the same time, it is undesirable to buy a set that will fit the child: by the end of the year, the sleeves of the jacket and shirt may become short for an older schoolchild. It is better to buy things with a small margin. When trying on things, the child should be asked to bend over and sit down several times to make sure that the clothes do not interfere with his normal movement.

Of course, each parent will choose clothes for school for their child based on their financial capabilities. Families who want to emphasize the special status of their baby will most likely look at elite suits and formal uniforms made in Italy.

But most mothers and fathers with an average level of income will purchase kits of domestic origin for their schoolchildren. An ordinary suit of three pieces of clothing (trousers, jacket and shirt) in a store will cost about 3 thousand rubles. You will have to pay the same amount for a set for a girl, consisting of a jacket, skirt and blouse.

A tracksuit will cost less - about 1,200 rubles.

Our site wishes all those who are going to choose clothes for schoolchildren successful shopping and recommends not to put off shopping for too long, so that later you don’t have to rush to choose and be upset because the most interesting and beautiful costumes have already been sold.

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As September approaches, parents of schoolchildren are asking the same question: how to dress a child for school? How to choose a beautiful, practical, comfortable outfit for him that will suit both the child himself and the school administration? The Land of Soviets will tell you how to choose school clothes for your child.

Of course, if the school where your child studies has school uniform approved colors and styles, you don’t need to think about how to dress your child for school: you just order a set of uniforms. Typically, the uniforms in such schools are sewn centrally, and you will need to hand over money, perhaps take your child for a fitting, and then pick up the finished uniform before the first of September.

But not all schools have their own school uniform. In this case, you will have to decide for yourself how to dress your child for school. First of all, find out what requirements for the appearance of students presented at the school to which you send your child. Some schools adopt a business style, but otherwise they do not limit the choice of styles and colors. Some schools have requirements regarding the color of the uniform (for example, only black, green, blue or burgundy). Somewhere they require that all schoolchildren wear jackets. And in some places even classic jeans are allowed, as long as the top is decent.

In addition to the school requirements, it is necessary to take into account the child's own opinion- within the framework of these requirements, of course. Clothing largely determines our self-confidence. Even adults are in a better mood if they are dressed beautifully and comfortably. It’s the same with children; clothes that they like evoke positive emotions in them. This is especially important for first-graders: for them the first time at school is stressful, and beautiful, elegant clothes will somehow help smooth it out.

The child's school uniform must be quality- this is one of the main criteria. It is better to choose clothes made from natural materials (wool for winter, linen and cotton for spring and summer) with the addition of synthetic fibers or viscose. Thanks to the addition of synthetics, fabric made from natural fibers will wrinkle less. The lining should not be synthetic, but natural, otherwise the clothes will be electrified.

When deciding how to dress your child for school, try to go beyond the standard set of “pants/skirt, shirt/blouse, vest, jacket.” Classic style could be much more varied. The shirt can be replaced with a knitted turtleneck, the jacket with a sweater or pullover for boys or a bolero for girls, and the skirt with a sundress. You can “play around” with the styles of trousers for girls, choosing skinny ones instead of straight ones or, on the contrary, flared ones.

It's better to buy several sets of clothes for different seasons. It is better if each set contains several interchangeable items of clothing (for example, blouses or turtlenecks). Firstly, the child gets tired of wearing the same clothes every day. Secondly, things get dirty, so it should be possible to replace a soiled wardrobe item at any time.

If the school does not limit your choice color range, you should, of course, choose soft colors, but at the same time move away from the classic “black + white” combination. Bright colors are unacceptable for school, they will distract children, but black and white combination Everyone has become so bored that it makes sense to choose something more cheerful. A good choice - green, gray, blue, terracotta, chocolate colors, light pastel shades.

Even the school has strict requirements for clothing, you can choose for your child accessories, which will slightly dilute the faceless school outfit and give it individuality. A tie, a scarf, a belt, a belt, a hair clip, colored tights - it seems like little things, but the little things are nice. But it is better not to overuse elaborate decorative elements (intricate bows, buckles, flounces, etc.). They get in the way (especially for mobile younger students) and can come off or become untied.

Another important criterion for choosing clothes for school is convenience, after all, the child will spend most of his day in it. You can dress your child beautifully for school, but if the child is uncomfortable in these clothes, then such beauty is worthless. When trying on a school uniform with your child, do not rush him. Let him walk around the store in the chosen clothes, sit, even jump and make sure that he is comfortable in them.

How do you choose clothes for your child’s school? What criteria are you guided by first? We invite parents to share their experiences in the comments to this article.

It is very important to instill a taste and sense of beauty from childhood - everyone knows this. However, not everyone knows and understands that it all starts with the wardrobe. Today Daria Sudyeva will tell you how to instill taste in children and where to start.

Out with the old, in with everything clean and new!

When a little lady starts wearing her older brother’s plaid shirts, when a boy goes out to play in the yard wearing anything, justifying it by saying that he’ll get dirty anyway. That's when you end up with women stuck in jeans for decades and men's cut shirts, and men who don't care at all the soup has dried up on their sleeve and whether the pants are the right size. And the worst thing is that this is where their problems begin in their personal lives, and in your career. They greet you, whatever one may say, based on their clothes.

So today I would like to say... no, shout, how important it is what we dress our children in. Psychologists say that the environment shapes a person. And just wardrobe occupies in this environment not the last place.

From September to May, that is, most of the year, every morning the child gets dressed for school. Let's think about it, because school is that formal, serious environment. This is some many years of rehearsal before adulthood and the ability to dress appropriately for the occasion.

Now, of course, I would like to talk about women in tight, low-cut leopard print dresses, which they wear early in the morning to the office, or about programmers who consider it quite normal to come to work in rubber pantos and shorts... but I won’t.

I’d rather tell you about clothes for school so that 20 years later they will never say about your daughter or son “oh, that vulgarly dressed woman from the third floor” or “oh, this is our sloppy employee, his shorts are funny, sure!”

11 school wardrobe rules

So let me begin:

Rule 1. Whether your school has a strict dress code or simply requires neatness, it is important that the child was dressed well and stylishly. After all, then the attitude towards him will be appropriate, and he will make the right impression. Especially this relevant for first-graders, those who move from junior to senior school and, of course, for high school students.

Rule 2.Children's clothing (school uniform)should be comfortable and fit. Can't argue with that! The child should feel comfortable in it. There should be no embarrassment or shame about your suit or dress.

I understand that there are different situations in life, and different financial situations - but still, if possible,You shouldn’t buy blazers, cardigans, or suits for your child to grow into..

In Soviet times, everyone was bought for this growth. And what have we got now? Men, with rare exceptions, fundamentally incorrectly determine their size and buy trousers and jackets that they just hang out on them, "hanging". And women who always look in the mirror and doubt whether the new blouse is the right size for them. And I don’t want to write about the feeling of inconvenience and awkwardness that a teenager experiences when clothes don’t fit him...

Rule 3. Clothes should be predominantly from natural materials. As for blouses and shirts, the best entirely made of cotton or viscose. The fabric for children's suits and school uniforms should contain natural materials at least 55%. It's better if it's of good quality fine wool.

Rule 4.Buy clothestaking into account the child's opinion. Respect his preferences, because a little person already gravitates towards a certain style. Explain from childhood why in this or that case you advise wearing different clothes.

Rule 5.Clothing, hairstyle and accessoriesmust be age appropriate. A rare exception may be themed holidays. However, there can be no exceptions for going to school.

Rule 6. For school clothes it is best to choose muted dark colors . I would recommend do not use black color. Especially for young gentlemen.

It will be too solemn (especially in combination with a white shirt), elegant. And school everyday life is a daily work option. It's better to prefer various shades of gray or blue. If you want to add a "zest", pay attention on a business check or non-contrast stripe.

These designs on fabric are appropriate and look interesting. Save bright, rich colors for after-school and holiday wardrobes.

And one more small color detail: pink color Barbie or piggy pink by school should have already tired of your young charmer. And if not - try offering her ash pink. For shirts, in addition to classic white, you can use others bleached muted shades: creamy, icy blue, mint, etc.

Rule 7. Boys - trousers, girls - skirts and dresses! I would recommend it this way. Down with jeans- these are clothes more likely for relaxation, walking, but not for studying. Doesn't your school know about this? What difference does it make what others do? let your son and daughter look right.

Choose stylish, contemporary cut trousers, a shirt and a cardigan for your son, and for your daughter a perfectly fitting dress or skirt in combination with a youth-cut jacket. This will be the golden mean if it is not customary at your school to look appropriate. Maybe, this will serve as an example to others, and everything will fall into place.

Rule 8.Shouldn't be worn to schooltoo short skirts(even for very young students) and even more so complement them with fishnet tights. Can be selectedtights in color to match the skirt or dress.

Since childhood a lady should distinguish between vulgarity and elegance, know the difference between business and holiday settings. After all, for an anniversary with your beloved grandfather and for a math test, they wear completely different skirts and even more so different tights.

Pay attentionto choosing your first tieand bow ties for the boys, because this tie, and how mom and dad helped pick it out, will be remembered for a long time.

Rule 9. Give preference shoes and boots made of smooth leather, patent black shoes look out of place even on an eight-year-old girl.

Rule 10.Don't let me wearsneakers for school. Don’t make the excuse that physical education is on the schedule today. From childhood, a boy (and even more so a girl!) must understand thatsneakers belong only in the gym. Such shoes are intended only for sports.

Don't let wearing inappropriate shoes with dress pants, don’t think that now they are small, they don’t understand, but for the prom we will buy the “right” shoes. Alreadytaste is forming now, already now they absorb and understand everything.

Rule 11. Do not use for hairstyles hairpins studded with rhinestones and overly shiny. And, of course, this kind of decor is even more should not be on clothing. Save these accessories for the holidays, or at least don't wear them to school. Girls grow up - but hairpins with rhinestones, unfortunately, remain... A good option There may be hairpins to match the hair, ribbons and bows, colors that echo the clothes.

All in our hands. Every day of life is unique and inimitable, let's be proud of our children, their appearance and success!

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