Microemulsion nano botox posting php mode quote. We're following from Facebook to Nano Botox. What is it

Nano Botox is the name of a cosmetic product whose manufacturer promises a colossal effect. He claims that after using such a serum, facial muscles relax and age-related changes are eliminated.

But will it really be possible to achieve positive effects by using the product, or is this just another deception? What is it? What is his secret?

What is Nano Botox?

Surely, every girl and woman always wants to look perfect, regardless of age. Women's dreams of eternal youth force specialists to invent new methods in the fight against age-related changes.

And here in lately Nano Botox facial serum is attracting excessive attention, reviews of which are extremely mixed. What is this?

Initially, you should understand that Nano Botox serum has nothing in common with the drug produced by the Allergan company.

The second agent is used for injection. It contains botulinum toxin, which causes temporary paralysis of the muscles into which it is injected. As a result, a person stops, for example, wrinkling his forehead, and wrinkles in the injection area begin to smooth out.

Nano Botox serum cannot boast of the same effect. The manufacturer simply used a well-known word in the name of its drug.

This is simple marketing, since Botox in its active form can retain its properties for no more than 12 hours, provided the storage temperature is 4-8C.

Most doctors believe that the serum provides a common cosmetic effect, and the word “Botox” is used as a marketing ploy.

Nano Botox is a spray of creamy consistency that is not injected under the skin, but is used externally.

But the manufacturer promises an amazing effect after using the miraculous serum. But is this true? Or maybe a useless product is hidden behind a fashionable name? It is worth understanding these issues.

What do the manufacturers promise?

As indicated in the instructions for use, the product contains exclusively natural ingredients, and just two weeks of use will lead to noticeable rejuvenation.

The manufacturer notes that even the first use will provoke positive changes. The product also gets rid of bags under the eyes, provides excellent nutrition, penetrating deep into the dermis.

After use, a person can be sure that he will not encounter side effects. This is true, because the composition of the product is natural. The only thing to be wary of is individual intolerance.

The product is easy to apply at home. The instructions also indicate that the drug eliminates peeling. The serum itself emits a pleasant aroma, is well absorbed, and has a light consistency.

So, after a course of using Nano Botox, according to the manufacturer’s promise, the following changes will occur:

  • There is a tightening of the skin, smoothing of wrinkles, slowing down the appearance of new folds;
  • the face becomes firm, elastic, refreshed, its color improves;
  • lightening occurs, inflammation and irritation are eliminated;
  • the skin is moisturized and receives the necessary nutrition;
  • protection from external influence is created.


Any cosmetic product must have a certain list of contraindications. This also applies to the serum in question.

Initially, it is worth doing a test that will show sensitivity to the product. To do this, it is applied to any small place on the body. If the incident does not show any peeling or acne, then you can safely use the emulsion.

The instructions indicate that people under 21 years of age should not use the product.

If a person uses the drug incorrectly, then he may encounter side effects:

  • the skin turns red, itches, and dries out;
  • pustules appear, which often occurs with an overdose;
  • allergic symptoms occur.

Composition of the product

For people who do not have special knowledge in the field of cosmetology, the natural composition of the drug may seem tempting.

The fact is that today many people think that natural ingredients do not harm, so they are looking for “chemical-free” products. But this does not mean that a person will receive the promised result.

In addition, many cosmetologists are suspicious of the composition of the serum. It contains a number of rare amino acids, which the manufacturer does not specifically indicate, Nanobotuline peptides and other components.

All of them, as indicated in the instructions, have a certain effect on skin:

  1. Amino acids. They have a positive effect on metabolism, provide nutrition and hydration to the skin, make it elastic, as they stimulate collagen production.
  2. Silver. The manufacturer claims that this component is included in the composition in order to disinfect the face.
  3. Peptides. They also stimulate the production of collagen fibers.
  4. Nanobotulin. Provides muscle relaxation and fights expression lines. The wheat extract contained in the composition also has this effect.
  5. Chicory. It is able to retain moisture, makes the skin elastic, and provokes an improvement in metabolism.

Many people, having studied such a composition, do not think twice and buy the product. But does the drug really provide such tremendous rejuvenation as the manufacturer claims?

To do this, it is worth studying reviews from real customers, as well as the opinions of cosmetologists regarding the serum.

Doctors' opinion

Of course, they do not deny that the emulsion really helps, provides hydration, nourishes the skin, but it is not able to reduce wrinkles or provide a strong lifting effect.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists consider the product useful, but it will not restore youth to a person. Many doctors advise using serum, as it really improves the condition of the skin.

Even if a remedy in most cases does not lead to the promised effect, this does not mean that it is better to avoid it.

Many cosmetologists note positive dynamics after a course of using the emulsion. Therefore, they advise using it to moisturize and nourish the face.

How to use the serum?

The instructions are quite simple, so the emulsion is easy to use at home. The product is intended for external use.

It is applied to the face and neck. Movements should be gentle, do not press on the skin. You need to rub the product in until it is absorbed.

There is no need to squeeze out a lot of the drug at one time. This will not enhance the effect.

Before applying, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face. To do this, you can wash your face and use your usual cosmetic products.

The instructions indicate that the emulsion must be used for 2 weeks to obtain the promised effect. Application should occur in the morning and evening.

Nano Botox for hair

You can also find Nano Botox for hair on sale. This product eliminates fragility and fights split ends.

After use, the volume becomes slightly smaller, but at the same time, a therapeutic effect occurs. Many women in the reviews note that just 4-5 shampoos improve the condition of their hair.

Nano Botox will not be able to completely restore the condition of your hair. It has a therapeutic effect, so before starting to use the product, you should shorten hair that is severely damaged and trim the ends.

After use, each hair will be saturated with collagen, keratin, and amino acids. These components provide healing and strengthening of hair.

Nano Botox also fights hair tangles, improves their structure, and eliminates split ends. By the way, the ““ remedy is also very popular, but it differs from the drug in question.

Question - answer

It is safe to say that it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the promised results from Nano Botox. In principle, colossal rejuvenation is impossible after any cream, since such products act only superficially, without penetrating deep into the skin. You can get a little more benefit from serums.

If a person absolutely does not want (or does not have the opportunity) to go for injection or hardware procedures, then it is recommended not to forget to regularly cleanse the face, do peeling, use moisturizing and nourishing creams from trusted manufacturers, and also use serums. But such care will not last for a long time; it is better to pay attention to more serious procedures.

The fact is that it is impossible to find on the official website detailed information about the manufacturer. It is also difficult to find data on the Internet. Some sources claim that the drug is produced by a Russian company that purchased the original formula from some other laboratory. But there is no exact information, which should alert buyers.

Where is the product sold (its price)

The question arises, where to buy this emulsion. Nano Botox is not distributed in pharmacies. To purchase it, you should go to the manufacturer’s official website.

Therefore, it is worth checking the seller carefully. For this you need to read real reviews or go to the forums.

How much does the miracle remedy cost? Today its price is about 1600 rubles. But often the manufacturer makes promotions and sells the serum at a discount. In this case, it will cost somewhere up to a thousand rubles.

Claimed advantages of the emulsion

The official website emphasizes the following advantages of this product:

  1. Price. The cost of the bottle is not exorbitant, so many will be able to afford the purchase. Often the manufacturer compares the price of the emulsion with the cost of the Botox injection procedure. Of course, prices vary greatly. In the second case, you will have to spend a lot more. But do not forget that these are completely different drugs, the effect is different from them.
  2. Ease of use. To start using the serum, no special knowledge is required. It is easy to apply yourself. This is true and perhaps this is the only advantage.
  3. Safety. Penetration of the active ingredients occurs through the pores without damaging the skin. But the composition has not been fully studied, so it is difficult to talk about the safety of the product.
  4. Painless. The procedure for applying the emulsion does not cause pain.
  5. There are no side effects. The main thing is to initially conduct a sensitivity test to the drug.

Of course, if you compare Nano Botox with injections of botulinum toxin, then you can highlight a lot of advantages, but we must not forget that the effect of such drugs is different.

Nano Botox is not a panacea. The drug can, perhaps, moisturize the skin and, perhaps, help a little with the initial manifestations of age-related changes, but this has not been proven.

For older women, the emulsion is completely useless. She doesn't have magical properties rejuvenate, remove wrinkles.

The price of this product is almost the same as other similar moisturizers. Therefore, Nano Botox can be an excellent alternative.

#5 clear facts against Nano Botox

You should not blindly trust the manufacturer and purchase a highly praised product. All the facts indicate that they are trying to skillfully sell this drug to gullible people:

  1. The composition of the emulsion is still not completely known, since it is carefully hidden by the manufacturer.
  2. The serum has a fairly low price, but promises to rejuvenate by 10-15 years. This is impossible even with proven creams, since they only provide hydration, nutrition, add elasticity and freshness to the skin, but with their help it is impossible to radically rejuvenate the face.
  3. The Internet is filled with positive testimonials from people who have been miraculously healed and freed from the signs of aging. But even with the help of expensive cosmetic procedures, it is often impossible to completely get rid of deep folds, sagging skin, etc. Sometimes only plastic surgery will help.
  4. The site almost always offers huge discounts, but, as you know, various promotions are held to attract buyers. But is such a marketing ploy necessary for truly effective products?
  5. The drug cannot be purchased in pharmacies or specialized stores; it is distributed exclusively on the website.

Every woman has the right to decide for herself whether to use such a product or not, but many facts indicate the dubious production of Nano Botox and minimal effect.

Recently, the drug Nano-Botox has been widely advertised on the Internet.

Nano-Botox – a new “miracle” of the 21st century

The price of Nano-Botox serum is quite ridiculous, 10-12 dollars, and the effect, according to the sellers, is absolutely amazing and is not inferior to Instantly Ageless.

Nano-Botox also has a twin brother - BotoMax spray, which costs the same and works the same miracles for a small penny.

Unfortunately, Nano-Botox is a complete and shameless deception. Same as BotoMax.

There are many sites on the Internet that are proudly called Official and look alike like two peas in a pod.
For example,
and other shushara, which, by the time you read this article, may no longer exist.

Look at these two pictures. One of them is from a site about the magnificent Nano Botox, and the other is from a site about the fantastic BotoMax.
Aren't they similar?

As you can see, the cheerful doctor likes both drugs, which he happily talks about in the same words.

It is curious that the Moscow clinic “Olympus” indicated in the picture really exists (link>>>), but it is called medical diagnostic center. Unfortunately, Tkachenko A.S. There is no way he can manage her cosmetology department. Firstly, because the department is called “Therapeutic Cosmetology”, and secondly, there is no Tkachenko A.S. doesn't work there. Which is easy to see by following the link to the page with the list of employees>>>

In general, an unpleasant situation.

Here are the happy clients to whom Nano-Botox restored beauty and youth:

Unfortunately, both people and their reviews are not real. More precisely, they are real people, but they are unlikely to have heard about the advertised drugs at least once in their lives.
Thus, the photograph “Marina, 49 years old” was originally shown on the Dutch website Kapsels.net, dedicated to hairstyles (link>>>)

A photo of the charming “Irina, 44 years old” used to appear on a website with an advertisement for BotoMax, already familiar to us... Oh!!! Irina?!
She is Irina on the website nanobotox.su

And on the website c.nano-botox.com it is already called.... Inessa, and the beautiful Elena is named Nadezhda! Once again oh!

But a real shock awaits us on the BotoMax website.
The girls have the same names, but the photographs are strangely completely different!

So I decided to add to the CPA affiliate program of the CTR ru network. I wrote to the manager to let me into this magical affiliate program, sent my homeless person a screenshot from elonleads, where he applied to Energy Diet with an approval of 20% with a click price of 6 rubles + and even a plus))

I found out from the manager what they are pouring on now, what converts better, etc. The choice fell on the Nano Botox offer. Geo: KZ.

At first I didn’t even create creatives, I just downloaded it from the publisher and launched it with standard settings. When I saw that I had posted it as a plus, I decided to make a couple of my own creatives in FS.

In practice, the videos did not receive a normal response

By the way, I downloaded several from the publisher good videos, but they didn’t get a normal response at all, although they say that it’s best to make videos on Facebook, but most likely the downloaded videos were already pressed and people were tired of looking at the granny whose bags under her eyes disappeared after 60 seconds. Therefore, it’s better not to download creos from a publisher, half of the creos there are already hackneyed, make them yourself.

I linked my insta account, but not right away. The good thing about Instagram accounts is that leads reach you even after the traffic has stopped.

I won’t highlight all the creatives, but here are a couple for your reference:

The majority of clicks were made by the audience aged 18-24

At first I set the age from 18 to 65, the cost per click was 3-4 rubles. and the bulk of the clicks were made by the 18-24 audience, but there was no envelope. Then I decided to remove the young ones and leave 30-65, the cost per click increased to 5-7 rubles, but the envelope immediately increased.

Screenshot of statistics for one of the days. FB office:

How much money was spent (there was another account, I drained about 2k from it):

Statistics from the affiliate program

Screenshot of the statistics summary table from the cpa affiliate program (CTR.RU):

Nano Botox for the face is an innovative cosmetic product that fights age-related changes and relaxes facial muscles. From the article you will find out whether this is a scam or true, whether you can buy it at a pharmacy, how much it costs, what contraindications exist for the magic serum. Reviews from real customers will help you make your choice.

Every representative of the fair sex tries by any means to preserve youth and beauty for many years. Some women resort to cosmetic procedures, while others rub various serums into their skin with a rejuvenating effect. Botox is considered one of the most modern procedures, but injecting snake venom into the facial muscles is fraught with consequences. Today we will talk about a new drug that allows you to rejuvenate without injections.

The new formula of the Nano Botox cosmetic product, according to the manufacturer’s promises, contains natural ingredients and gives the first result in just 2 weeks. We invite you to find out the whole truth about the effect of Nano Botox on the skin. Is it really possible to turn back time with it? What is the opinion of cosmetologists and consumers about the microemulsion of the domestic manufacturer Belvi-Rus? How to use the new product for maximum effect?

What does the manufacturer promise?

  • The newest microemulsion Nano Botox, which helps against wrinkles, has an instant effect. After the first use, you will notice an increase in dermal turgor and the disappearance of fine lines on the face.
  • This is completely natural remedy, which moisturizes the skin, gets rid of bags under the eyes, and gives the epidermis a refreshed look.
  • Penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis.
  • Doesn't have side effects. Unlike the cosmetic procedure of the same name, the Nano Botox corrector does not cause allergies and does not require time for healing at the injection sites of the drug.
  • Rejuvenates the skin in 14 days of use at home.
  • The benefit of Nano Botox for the face also lies in the fact that the serum “retouches” the skin and eliminates redness and flaking.
  • The manufacturer assures that you will like absolutely everything about Nano Botox: light consistency, pleasant aroma, quick absorption and, of course, the result.
  • Suitable for any type of dermis.


Absolutely any skin care products can cause allergies. Therefore, before using Nanobotox serum, the manufacturer recommends conducting a sensitivity test. Apply small quantity emulsion onto a small area of ​​the dermis. If after 12 hours no pimples or peeling have appeared, and the skin has not turned red, then you can safely use it.

The manufacturer also warns that the product is not recommended for use under 21 years of age.

Serum composition

What ingredients are present in the product?

  • The main active components of the emulsion are nanobotulin and wheat protein hydrolysate. The first component removes facial tension, relaxing the facial muscles. And the second ensures the production of elastin and collagen fibers. This relaxes the muscles naturally, which allows you to independently control your facial expressions and avoid the “mask effect” that often occurs after snake venom is injected into the skin.
  • Rejuvenating peptide octamioxyl It also has the effect of Botox. Penetrating into the skin, it prevents the deepening of existing facial wrinkles.
  • Silver . Thanks to the use of this component in the composition, toxins and waste are removed from the deep layers of the dermis. After all, silver has disinfecting properties.
  • Chicory root extract increases blood microcirculation, which increases the penetration ability of other ingredients of the “cocktail” of youth.

Which wrinkles are affected by the “cocktail” of youth?

  • The miraculous Nano Botox got its name thanks to the procedure of the same name. The results of the survey showed that most often women place Botox in the area of ​​the pride muscle. It is in the area between the eyebrows that unsightly creases often appear. It is believed that these lines appear on the faces of those people who often frown. Their formation can also be affected by vision problems (especially if you do not wear glasses or contact lenses).
  • By using real Nano Botox cream, and not a fake product, negative reviews about which can be found on the Internet, you will get rid of horizontal lines in the forehead area. Please note: exactly lines and facial creases.
  • Facial serum makes it less noticeable puppet wrinkles(they are located in the area of ​​the corners of the lips and often give faces a sad look).
  • The cream will remove crow's feet from the corners of the eyes. This problem can occur even among young girls. It is associated with excessive muscle tension when smiling, and also occurs in those who are used to constantly squinting.
  • You will be able to correct wrinkles on the neck that occur with weak muscles and excessive dry skin. After all, many women forget that it is necessary to moisturize not only the face with creams and homemade masks, but also the neck area. IN early age the so-called rings of Venus can form due to the habit of reading and working on a laptop while lying down.
  • Also, Nano Botox serum has a positive effect on the facial contour, relieving its owner of a swollen oval. This way you can maintain the so-called “angle of youth” for a long time.
  • Microemulsion against expression wrinkles is also effective for pronounced nasolabial folds.

Instructions for use

  • Before using the “elixir of youth”, you need to cleanse your face of dirt and makeup.
  • Then apply a small amount of emulsion on your fingers and massage into the skin.
  • The product does not need to be washed off.
  • You can apply decorative cosmetics on top.
  • The drug does not cause allergies when combined with other cosmetics.
  • Nano Botox must be applied morning and evening.
  • The manufacturer also recommends using the emulsion for at least a month to consolidate the effect.

The manufacturer assures that the serum is suitable for any type of dermis. However, those who have used the serum believe that Nano Botox is more suitable for people with dry and normal skin types. For oily skin, it is better to use lighter formulations. How to use this miracle product for oily skin types, if you don’t want to turn your face into an “oily pancake”? We recommend applying the cosmetic product to moisturized skin. You can spray your face mineral water without gas or wipe it with an ice cube based on hydrosol.

The new generation serum cannot be purchased in stores or pharmacies. The only place where you can buy it is the Internet. It is recommended to buy the emulsion only on the official website. This way, the risk of receiving a defective or counterfeit product is reduced to zero.

Reviews from doctors and buyers

I received Nanobotox for free testing, so I can draw some conclusions. It is not known whether the innovative formula contains parabens, mineral oil and other components that can be found in any other moisturizer, or whether the full composition is indicated on the packaging. The manufacturer recommends the product for use after 21 years of age. In fact, if the formula of the product is really so active, then the emulsion should not be applied to the skin of persons under 25 years of age. Remember that quality cosmetics can only increase the level of moisture in the epidermis, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, but not rejuvenate you by decades in 2 weeks.

Irina Nikolaevna, cosmetologist

You need to understand that Nano Botox is not a panacea. It helps only with the first age-related changes. In later life cosmetic product only moisturizes the skin and improves blood circulation in the cells. But there can be no talk of any of his miraculous abilities. The cost of the product is equal to the price of my favorite cream, and their effectiveness is almost the same. But I chose Nanobotox because the bottle is much more convenient.

Diana, 28 years old

My daughter gave me this cream. She said that real customer reviews on the Internet are very good. After several uses, I noticed that my skin became moisturized and pleasant to the touch. But the wrinkles are all there. You know, I still haven’t decided whether Nano Botox is a scam or true. I think I'll order another bottle and then give my verdict.

Alexandra Sergeevna, 56 years old

I looked for a product at the pharmacy for a long time, because I didn’t know where I could buy Nano Botox. I found the serum on the Internet. Of course, shopping online is always a risk. But still I decided. I received the product by mail and started testing. I rarely applied it, but 2 weeks before the wedding I started using the serum every day. By the end of the “treatment” I noticed that the peeling had disappeared, the skin had become more elastic and soft. Ever since I was 17 years old, I developed a facial wrinkle on my forehead, which I always hid with bangs. Thanks to Nanobotox, I completely got rid of this problem. I was pleased with the result.

Yana, 26 years old

All my life I have tried to take care of my face and neck, but death is very loved one aged me 5 years. I decided to order the product to try. I used Nanobotox (serum) for 14 days (as indicated on the website). The result is practically invisible. The consistency is sticky and more like oil. At my age, it’s probably difficult to fix something even with high-quality care products, only injections will help. I don’t know, maybe I got a fake (since I didn’t buy it on the official website, but from a girl representative on a social network).

Victoria, 45 years old

I bought Nano Botox from the manufacturer through intermediaries. I would like to immediately note the extremely inconvenient dispenser. When spraying, the serum ends up not only on the palm, but also on the hair and even on the neck. With such consumption it turns out to be not at all economical. As for the effect, which still lasts, I am satisfied with it: the skin is moisturized and wrinkles are much less noticeable.

Yulia, 33 years old

Apparently, my husband was so tired of me talking about the Botox procedure that he decided to give me a gift and buy this miracle product. Having examined the bottle, I doubted for a long time how much I could trust reviews from the World Wide Web. However, curiosity got the better of me. After 14 days, I noticed that the oval of my face was tightened, my skin became smooth and nourished. My wrinkles did not disappear, but thanks to good hydration they became less pronounced. The price is not the lowest, but you must agree that injections from a professional specialist would cost several times more. Plus, it's safe. I was very pleased with the purchase! I now recommend this miracle serum to all my friends.

Lina, 38 years old

Video review

Now you know that Nano Botox, about which you can find quite a lot of reviews, is a good moisturizer that can smooth out wrinkles in women after 25 years. However, do not forget that the effectiveness of the drug decreases over the years. After all, muscle creases turn into deep folds, getting rid of which becomes difficult. Microemulsion Nano Botox will be more useful during the first age-related changes. Many women note that the effectiveness of the serum increases when performing gymnastics for the facial muscles.

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