Plumper lip gloss reviews. Which brand of lip plumper is best to buy? Tips and reviews. An important difference between cosmetic plumpers

Plump lips are a source of pride for any girl, but the natural characteristics of many leave much to be desired. Lip augmentation surgeries are expensive, and not every girl has the financial opportunity. In such cases, you can resort to a plumper, which can correct any defect painlessly and at minimal cost.

What is a plumper and what is it used for?

A plumper is a vacuum pump, or a suction cup with vacuum suction, which is used to add volume to the lips. Initially, it was created for the purpose of correcting jaw defects, when, due to an incorrect bite, the lips became small size. Previously, the suction cup looked like a small pad made of filler and cotton. It was placed on the defective island on the skin, replenishing the missing volume.

IN modern world There are two types of plumpers:

  1. As cosmetic method- an ordinary gloss, which includes red pepper, as well as various plant extracts that promote a rush of blood flow. The effect of plump lips is achieved, just like in the picture.
  2. As an enlarger tool, it is a suction cup of different sizes, selected to achieve a specific result. Both types are sold in red, imitating not only the color, but also your shape.

What effect can you get from using it?

Plumpers are made of flexible plastic. Vacuum pumps are a substitute for injections, the advantage of which is that they are easy to use at home. After using it, lips become plump, sexy and attractive.

How to use it correctly

The suction cup-plumper works on the principle of a vacuum can. You need to put it on your lips and draw out the air. After these simple manipulations, blood will not be able to flow to the lips for some time, but after removing the suction cup of the device, the blood flow increases.

If everything is very clear with glitter: it should be applied to cleansed skin, then you need to be careful with the suction cups. It is important to install the suction cup level. Otherwise, the shape of your lips will be deformed.

How to use lip plumpers

There are several contraindications:

  1. You should not use an enlarger if you have a lip disease. Their condition may worsen due to impaired blood flow.
  2. Do not use the suction cup if there are cracks or wounds.
  3. The use of suction cups during a cold is contraindicated.
  4. After the procedure, the device must be disinfected with any alcohol-free product.

What types of plumpers are there?

If you want to choose a gloss, it comes in the form of a tube, a pencil, or a bottle with a brush. Pay attention to the fundamental component. Devices can be irritating and moisturizing.

Irritating plumper glosses contain plant extracts, pepper extract, which increase blood flow, but dry skin. Some can be completely uncomfortable because they severely burn the skin.

Moisturizing plumper glosses consist of lactic or hyaluronic acid. With their help, cells are saturated with moisture, increasing their size. As a result of your cells enlarging, your lips become plump and attractive. Thanks to the active components of the oils, the surface of the skin is well moisturized, you will not have an inflammatory reaction to the effects of the moisturizing sealer.

How to choose suction cups by shape and size

When choosing a suction cup, you need to consider your lips. To help understand this, let's look at the three main types of lips based on geometric shapes:

  1. If you have thin lips, pumps in the shape of a narrow oval will suit you. They are universal and very easy to use. They can be used both for each lip individually and for the entire area.
  2. The average volume is increased using a device in the shape of a medium oval. During suction, the skin is stretched and given natural volume. The main advantage of a device of this shape is the fact that the external contours are not clogged.
  3. For round, plump lips, a round suction cup is suitable. They are used extremely rarely, since the specific shape of the plumper interferes with the external contours and spoils the size of the cavity under the nose.

How to enlarge your lips with the fulllips plumper

  • Wipe off lipstick or any lip care product.
  • Clamp the base of the device so that you get a suction cup.
  • Place the plumper near your lips.
  • Fold your lips into a tube and suck the plumper onto them.
  • Hold the suction cup for 15 seconds to 10 minutes.
  • To achieve better results, perform all of the above operations several times.
  • After completing the procedure, you can apply moisturizer or lipstick. There are special creams that can not only moisturize the skin, but also soften and heal cracks. The epidermis will become soft and elastic. The cream can be used at any age if there are no contraindications.

How can you replace a plumper at home?

Lip augmentation with red pepper

If you can't buy it, there are many other products designed to create plump figures. It must be said right away that this kind of cosmetics is strictly prohibited for girls with sensitive skin or having allergies. Otherwise, irreparable damage to your appearance will be caused.

You can replace the sucker by adding some peppermint essential oil to your lipstick. There are various glosses and lipsticks, as well as creams and balms that add volume to the lips. Their principle of action is similar: blood flow is caused. The duration of the resulting effect is usually short-lived, up to two hours.

How long does the effect last after the plumper?

Lip volume will last from 40 minutes to 3 hours. Increase the duration of the resulting volume using Maxfactor gloss or any other one you have.


  1. You can quickly achieve the desired volume. Usually 15 seconds is enough for this. Do not forget that the result will largely depend on your initial form.
  2. Natural result. Your lips will retain their natural appearance, they will just become slightly larger. You can use the device without glitter, since it does not always look appropriate.
  3. Duration of effect. Depending on your body, the duration of the effect of the suction cup can last from 3 hours to 24 hours. Such a simple procedure will not require additional effort. In a short period of time you can become the owner of beautiful sponges.
  4. Painless and safe. Since the device is made of food grade plastic, it is not capable of causing an allergic reaction. It does not break, does not break. There is no pain during use, since the edges of the plumper are soft. This was done intentionally by the manufacturers.
  5. Plumpers are easy to use.
  6. Affordable, nice price. The cost of such a suction cup is low, which means that every girl who loves herself can use this method.
  7. You will not need to carry out any additional corrective procedures. It is enough to hold the device for a few minutes.
  8. Plumpers are made from high-quality materials (if you buy an original and not a fake, of course).
  9. Stylish design device, its compact size allows you to carry it with you in your purse or pocket.


Of course, using a device does not always help achieve desired result. You can look like a character from a comic book if you choose the wrong device or overexpose it.

Remember that the suction cup disrupts the blood flow process. Continuous use can damage your skin.

Current fashion dictates its requirements for the features of women's faces. This is a narrow nose, wide eyes, plump lips. Owners of such traits are considered the standard female beauty. You can look fashionable with makeup, but this is not enough to achieve the desired result.

Using this tool, you will become ideal without expensive operations. Don't hesitate to buy this device. Forget about expensive operations, especially since fashion is a fickle thing. In a few years, your curves may already be out of fashion. Then you will have to pay a round sum of money to return the old ones. To avoid this, use this simple invention.

Nadezhda Suvorov

Plump and sensual female lips are the standard of sexuality. That's why cosmetic procedures to increase are in demand. But not every girl will agree to sit in a cosmetologist’s chair and allow injections of drugs with a needle.

Who wants to have plump lips, but refuses surgical intervention, prefer an alternative - a lip plumper. This tool allows you to achieve the desired result in a short time. By the way, it was invented by plastic surgeons.

How does a lip plumper work?

The word plumper is translated as “plump,” which reflects the meaning of the product. The effect of lip augmentation is achieved by stimulating blood flow to this area. And it is achieved by various methods.

Plumpers are divided into 2 large categories:


It’s easy to guess that the former include glosses, balms and lipsticks, and the latter include suction cups. Girls who want to create an incredible effect use two types at the same time. But it is strictly not recommended to do this, since the delicate skin of the lips will react with bruises and swelling.

The same problems arise if you use the products not according to the instructions. That's why there are a lot of negative reviews about plumpers. But they were written by those girls who neglected safety rules: they used it often, applied a lot, and did not care for their lips after use.

Plumper glitter

It is safer to use plumper gloss or plumper lipstick, as they have less impact on the skin. The action is based on irritating components that cause blood flow to the upper layers of the dermis. The volume lasts 2-8 hours, depending on the manufacturer.

Active components of plumpers:

hot red pepper;

In addition, products are produced that create a visual effect due to reflective particles. Such glosses come with the mark “3D volume”. Another type of plumper is caring balms. Included hyaluronic acid and oligopeptides. They attract moisture to the skin of the lips and make it elastic and elastic.

Glitter plumpers can cause allergies, so they should not be used by girls with sensitive and irritation-prone skin.

But more often there are products that combine caring and volumizing components. They should be given preference when purchasing, since the skin of the lips is sensitive to external influence and needs additional protection.

Plumpers-suction cups

In the vastness of video hosting sites, there are reviews about how girls enlarge their lips using a special device. It is a silicone suction cup that is placed on the lips. Then, using your fingers, air is released from it, and your mouth is drawn into the device.

Due to these manipulations, blood flow increases, lips swell and gain volume. Such devices are produced by manufacturers of cosmetic accessories.

Plumpers-suction cups differ according to certain criteria:

shape (oval, round, elongated);
material (plastic, silicone);

Cap-like devices are more popular. They easily fit in your purse and are carried with you. Other devices are similar to inhalation devices. The air is pumped out of them using a special pump.

The effect after pumping exercises lasts 4-5 hours. With daily use, lips will maintain volume for 3-5 days. But manufacturers do not recommend getting carried away with plumpers, as they disrupt the natural functioning of the vessels through which blood flows, which will lead to increased stress.

How to use lip plumper

If you decide to purchase a volume-increasing gloss, you can apply it as a stand-alone cosmetic product or on top of lipstick. The product stays on the lips for about 5 hours, after which you can reapply it.

You will feel a slight burning or tingling sensation. But if you notice redness, severe itching, or hives, immediately wash off the product and never use it. Allergic reactions lead to serious consequences: angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

Suction cup plumpers are used according to the following instructions:

Cleanse your skin of cosmetics.
Moisten your lips with water and apply the device to them.
Release any air trapped inside and wait 20 seconds.
Carefully peel off the plumper and treat the skin with moisturizer or balm.

Do not hold the suction cup on your lips for longer than the time specified in the instructions. This will cause swelling and bruising.

At correct use Such devices are safe for health. They will give a sexy appearance and help you gain self-confidence. They can be used before leaving home, during breaks at work. Colleagues and friends won't even know you're using it.

Where to buy plumpers

Lip suckers and glosses that increase their volume are sold in every store. But you need to approach your choice wisely. Do not buy from dubious stalls or small retail outlets, where counterfeits are more common.

It is better to order products on the official website or purchase from large retail chains, where they monitor the quality of products and do not allow the sale of defective or counterfeit goods. Don't skimp on purchasing good remedy made from high-quality hypoallergenic material cannot be cheap.

How to make lip plumpers at home

The main active ingredients in glitter lamps are available ingredients. Therefore, it is quite possible to prepare them yourself. But remember that it makes no sense to mix ingredients for more than one serving, since home remedies have a short shelf life and can spoil after a few hours.

How to make lip plumpers at home:

Use baby cream or Vaseline as a base.
Add 1 drop or .
To moisturize, add a little, or.
Mix the ingredients well until smooth.

Homemade plumpers should be applied for 3-5 minutes and then rinsed off with cool water. Otherwise, you will suffer severe irritation or skin burns. Before use, be sure to test for allergies by treating a small area of ​​skin behind the ear. If no negative reaction occurs during the day, then the product can be used.

How to replace lip plumper

Suction pumps were designed taking into account anatomical features, so they come in several shapes and sizes. But not everyone is ready to pay a lot of money for a small and simple-looking device.

That's why creative girls Alternative methods of lip augmentation have been invented:

Using a glass or plastic bottle. An extremely risky method, as many girls have suffered from it.
Adding visual volume with makeup. There are many techniques for applying lipstick and gloss to create the effect of plump lips.
Gymnastics for lips. Exercises help maintain skin elasticity, tighten sagging areas and add a little volume.
Applying ice cubes. This technique will not only make your lips plump, but also give them a scarlet tint.

Massage with a toothbrush is effective and safe method, stimulating blood flow to the lips.

Whatever method you decide to use, remember that the beauty given by nature is the best you can have. Don’t try to change your appearance for the sake of fashion, but remain yourself.

Is lip plumper harmful?

Like any cosmetic products, lip plumpers have contraindications. If you are naturally plump lips, then increasing chi even more does not make sense. Your facial features will lose harmony, and you will look vulgar and unnatural.

It is also not recommended to use glitter and suction cups for girls with sensitive skin, as they will cause irritation. If the area around the mouth has lost its elasticity and has peeling, then using a plumper is not recommended, as cracks and wrinkles will appear.

19 January 2014, 14:31

The Fullips plumper is a compact device that will help you enlarge your lips in just a couple of minutes. No injections, chemicals or unpleasant sensations - lips become plump and take on an attractive shape thanks to the effect of vacuum. The effect lasts from 15 minutes to 4 hours - the more procedures you have already performed, the longer the result will be!

How does a plumper work?

You put the plumper to your lips and begin to gently suck in air (as if you were drinking through a straw!). Thanks to the vacuum that is formed at this moment in the device, blood flows to the lips and they become larger.

The effect of such a massage does not disappear immediately: your lips will remain plump for some time, and then gradually return to their normal size.

Types of Fullips lip plumpers

There are three types of lip plumpers - Large Round, Medium Oval and Small Oval.

  • A large circle is suitable for those with naturally plump lips who want to enhance the effect. This plumper can also be used at the final stage of the procedure (when you have already applied a medium or small oval) to consolidate the result.
  • A medium oval will help enhance medium or narrow lips. This plummer can be applied vertically or horizontally, depending on the area you want to enhance.
  • The small oval is ideal for targeted augmentation of narrow and medium lips and correction of natural asymmetry. With this plumper you can give your lips a look without any problems. perfect shape, which is called "Cupid's Bow".

Please note that plumpers can be used sequentially: for example, enlarge the middle of the lips with a small oval, achieve the desired shape with a medium one, and secure the result with a large circle.

Benefits of a plumper

The original Fullips plumper has many advantages:

  • thanks to its small size, it will easily fit into your purse, and you can adjust the result throughout the day;
  • the procedure does not cause allergies and, if carried out correctly, does not produce side effects;
  • after using the plumper, your lips look natural and neat and do not look at all like silicone;
  • Thanks to the optimal design, the plumper leaves no bruises, scratches or marks on the skin around the lips.

How to use a plumper correctly?

To achieve the desired result, use the plumper correctly.

  1. Remove dead skin cells from the surface of your lips using a toothbrush or a soft scrub. If you skip this step, peeling may occur during the procedure.
  2. Moisten the area around your lips or lubricate it with a rich cream so that the plumper fits as tightly as possible.
  3. Wash the plumper with soap and apply it to your lips and pull the air into yourself until the device is fixed tightly enough (but without causing discomfort!).
  4. After 5-30 seconds, remove the plumper by carefully lifting it with your finger. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  5. Apply a moisturizing balm to your lips, followed by your favorite gloss or lipstick.


Do not apply the plumper for longer than 30 seconds to avoid damaging delicate skin. It is better to enlarge lips in several approaches. Do not “tear off” the device after the procedure, so as not to stretch the skin around the mouth: pry the edge of the plumper with your finger and then it will easily detach.

Do not use non-original plumpers: cheap plastic can cause irritation, and poorly processed edges can leave clearly visible marks, scratch the skin and turn your lips into one continuous bruise.


Plumpers cannot be used by those who have enlarged their lips with injections, have problems with gums and teeth, suffer from poor blood clotting, or have undergone jaw surgery. If you are unsure whether Fullips can be used, consult your doctor!

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Many girls dream of having fuller and more sensual lips than what nature gave them. Special masks and creams, toothbrushes and menthol irritants are used, and now a suction cup has appeared for lip augmentation. This little thing, simple in design and quite affordable, allows you to do without expensive plastic surgery and injections. But cosmetic procedures also need to be repeated from time to time in order to maintain the achieved effect. Finally, not every woman wants to sacrifice her health in the name of beauty, so suction cups are rapidly gaining popularity.

What is a plumper and its advantages

In fact, “scientifically” such a suction cup will be called a “plumper”. It can be used by women of any age, with a variety of background data. The operating principle of the device is very simple. The red structure is applied to the lips, its properties are activated, which in their principle resemble a pump. This creates a vacuum, stimulating blood flow to the tissues. As a result, a visible and completely natural swelling is created.

When used correctly, the lip augmentation pump exhibits the following positive properties:

  • Lip volume can be increased by 50%. Of course, this can only be achieved if the recommendations for the manipulation are followed.
  • If initially the desired effect lasts only a few hours, then over time this duration will gradually increase.
  • To obtain the desired effect, the device only needs to be used for a short time, and the manipulation itself is simple.

Tip: The cost of the suction cup is very low, so you shouldn’t use one product for too long. Even with proper care, scratches may appear on the surface of the pump, which will later lead to damage to the skin. And the sterility of the product is not so easy to maintain.

  • The lip plumper is used at home and does not require intervention from cosmetologists. The procedures involve no injections or incisions and are not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.
  • Once all the rules and nuances of using the plumper have been mastered, it will be possible to control the severity of the result. By setting the optimal number of approaches, duration of exposure and duration of breaks, girls achieve the ideal volume.

Finally, you can stop using the suction cup at any time; this will not cause any negative consequences. In addition, the approach can be combined with other techniques, which gives even more pronounced and lasting results.

Disadvantages of using a suction cup

Before you remember the name of the lip enhancement thing and order it online, there are a few things to consider. This approach also has negative sides. True, they only appear when the rules for using the suction cup are ignored.

  1. Too frequent use of the device, especially in combination with irritants, can lead to an allergic response.
  2. Improper use of suction cups sometimes causes bruising.
  3. Regular manipulation leads to increased sensitivity of the skin of the lips. Their skin begins to react more violently to the use of cosmetics.
  4. The effect is still not as long-lasting as with the introduction of cosmetic preparations. The manipulation has to be carried out with enviable regularity.

To reduce the risk of developing negative consequences, the lip plumper should not be used if the skin has cracks, redness, inflammation, or signs of herpes.

The lip enlargement suction cup is very easy to use. But there are several techniques, the use of which will allow you to count on getting the best effect with minimal risks:

  • In parallel with using the plumper, you should take care of the delicate skin of your lips using nourishing and moisturizing masks. They can be ready-made or homemade, based on natural products.
  • Additionally, you should make lotions from a fat base from time to time ( vegetable oil, Vaseline).
  • Immediately before using the lip plumping pump, you should apply chapstick or moisturizer to your skin.

In addition to the listed points, you need to understand how to choose the right suction cup, because there are several types of devices. Usually they differ only in size, which is selected depending on the type of mouth and the desired effect. The chosen plumper will cover the entire mouth, one lip, or even some part of it. Before purchasing, it is important to objectively evaluate the appearance and features of the lips in order to truly eliminate imperfections, and not emphasize them.

How to use the plumper correctly?

When using the pump for the first time, you should not be too zealous; the result in any case will not last longer than 2-3 hours. The lip augmentation procedure itself will look like this:

  • Apply moisturizer to the work area, including the skin around the mouth.
  • We bring the suction cup to our lips and press it very tightly. Using a nozzle or piston, remove air from the device and hold the element in this position for several seconds.
  • We return everything to its original position, remove the suction cup and evaluate the result.

Experts recommend lip augmentation using a universal scheme. In the first days, we do no more than 3 approaches lasting 3 seconds. From the second week we increase the time to 10 seconds, the number of approaches remains the same. From the third week, 5 seconds of exposure with the same number of approaches will be enough for the lips. And after a month of regular sessions, 1 approach per day for 5 seconds will be enough.

How to improve the efficiency of the suction cup?

If you pamper the skin of your lips while using the plumper useful masks, your mouth will look even more seductive and sensual. You can expect the best effect when using formulations based on honey, glycerin, vegetable oil and petroleum jelly. With ingredients that have an irritating effect (lemon and berry juice, menthol, essential oil mint) you should be careful.

From time to time, the delicate skin of the lips should be refreshed using a soft toothbrush. fruit peelings or sugar scrubs. If signs of herpes or other inflammatory or infectious processes appear on the lips, all manipulations will have to be stopped until complete recovery.

In secret

  • You missed your classmates' reunion because you're afraid to hear that you've grown old...
  • And you catch the admiring glances of men less and less...
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  • You desperately don't want to grow old and are ready to use every opportunity to do so...

Just yesterday no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today he appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and restore youth

For a long time, the Internet has been full of advertisements about a super lip enlarger and promises huge lips without plastic manipulation. I accidentally came across this wonderful thing while shopping together. The manufacturer guarantees safety and immediate effect without pricks, injections or invasive techniques. In addition, it seems to always be at hand and can be carried in a purse, which is very convenient.

The price was symbolic and I also wanted “lush, juicy, seductive lips.”

I decided to buy one first.

I chose one of the fulllips based on the natural shape of my lips:

Round Fullips fits lips of medium and large size and enlarges lips around the entire perimeter.

Medium oval - for medium and small lips. They can even enlarge each lip separately. Or the center of the mouth, if positioned vertically.

Small oval - designed for thin lips or a miniature mouth.

I have normal lips with medium plumpness and chose a medium oval.

Aliexpress is also full of copies, but they promised me an original from the USA for such a low price. Got it. I opened the package and was immediately disappointed.

I thought that the plumper would be rubber or silicone and would work like a vacuum. In fact, I received an ordinary red oval-shaped plastic bag.

How it should make lips bigger remains a mystery!

Instructions go to English, maybe you need to say some magic words))

Found it on the Internet from the manufacturer detailed description and proceeded to action:

1: Wash the Fullips plumper with cold water and soap.

2: They recommend scrubbing the skin around your mouth, which is what I did.
3: Apply lip balm to lips for better absorption.
4: Placed Fullips just above the lip line.
5: The last step is to relax your lips inside the Fullips. And wait)

I didn't have to relax anything. She held it for about a minute. I didn’t feel any suction and I definitely didn’t have to pick out my lips with my finger!!! Just as I put it on, I took it off.

Everyone around says that the more often you use it, the better and longer the effect!
She put it to her lips again, just in case she said “Sim-sa-la-bim”...

Visual effect - zero!!!

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