What to do if love is not mutual: advice from psychologists. Why can’t you formulate your desire to “meet and find mutual love” as a goal? How to get mutual love

A series of failures in your personal life can drive even the most depressed person into depression. strong man. Alas, no one is safe from them.

When you see that everyone around you is walking in pairs, creating families, and you are all alone, then it’s time to look for any means to attract love.

It’s not necessary to run to magicians and fortune tellers, but it won’t hurt to change yourself. Everyone deserves personal happiness and you are no exception. You just need to work on yourself a little.

Why can’t you figure out on your own how to attract love into your life?

Love is a very paradoxical thing. It comes to some in quantities even greater than required, while it bypasses others.

Sometimes you look at a girl - she’s quite ordinary, and there are more than enough gentlemen, while a smart girl, a beauty, and a successful business woman just can’t attract personal happiness into her life.

The same situation is observed with men. The young ladies hang themselves around the neck of some tyrant-loser, but really good guys unable to find love?

Why is this so? Why do some manage to attract mutual love while others are forced to suffer?

Psychologists say that everything has its reasons.

Those who:

  • does not believe in himself and has low self-esteem;
  • frightened by the unsuccessful experience of relationships, be it his own or his parents’, and therefore subconsciously avoids any chance of becoming happy;
  • too selfish to let anyone into his life;
  • not ready to work on relationships, so he loses them at the initial stage;
  • suffers from unhealthy pickiness when you are waiting for an unknown prince or an exclusively overseas princess;
  • has old resentments and dissatisfaction with your life, which hang on you like a dead weight and do not allow you to spread your wings towards love;
  • constantly remains in the role of a victim, therefore it attracts not mutual love, but one-sided love, which makes one suffer, etc.

There may be other reasons. But the main thing you should understand is that you can attract mutual love only by changing yourself.

No need to nod evil fate, the unlucky star under which you were born, the crown of celibacy, from which a gypsy friend can free you for some 10,000 rubles, goat men who themselves do not know what they need, selfish bitches who are only interested in money, and so on.

You, your behavior and life attitudes are what prevent you from finding happiness in your personal life. Change all this for the better - it will not be difficult to attract mutual love.

How to attract love? Change!

It is very important to learn to take responsibility for failures in your life. Remember, only losers nod at the evil fate and dislike of fortune. Successful people They build their own lives, not giving in to failures and solving problems.

If you can’t attract your soulmate, then you need to change your appearance and behavior.

1. How should you change your appearance to attract love?

There is no need to run to a plastic surgeon to eliminate imaginary defects in appearance. Our goal is not to turn you into an Instagram girl, where they are all “the same from the face,” or into a stupid jock.

You just need to become an attractive, well-groomed person whose appearance immediately attracts others.

So, to attract mutual love, you need:

And one more thing: always try to look in the best possible way, it doesn’t matter where you go - to a ball or to the store for bread. Who knows, perhaps it is in the supermarket that you are destined to meet the love of your life, and here you are with an unwashed hair and in stretched sweatpants.

2. We change our behavior and then you won’t have to think long about how to attract mutual love.

Of course, appearance is not all that is needed in order to attract mutual love. Your behavior plays an important role in this matter. After all, there are often cases when men and women, led by a beautiful wrapper, ran away from an ill-mannered fool or a boorish dummy.

Here are a few general advice that will help you attract love:

  1. become a good conversationalist with whom you always have something to talk about;
  2. familiarize yourself with the basic rules of etiquette so as not to get into trouble in polite society;
  3. adhere to a sense of tact when communicating with people, do not put them in an awkward position;
  4. watch how you speak: too loud screams, overly active gestures and grimacing repel the interlocutor;
  5. do not demonstrate too obvious interest in your counterpart, so as not to pass for a sexual maniac.

Men and women who want to attract love need to behave differently with members of the opposite sex. This will make a good impression.

As you can see, nothing supernatural. If you slightly adjust your own behavior, you will be able to attract mutual love into your life without any problems.

Advice from psychologists and magicians on how to attract mutual love into your life

We sorted out the appearance and behavior, but this is not enough.

In such a matter as mutual love, the advice of either professional psychologists or magicians will definitely not be superfluous.

Some people have such a damaged psyche (and without even realizing it) that the problem can only be corrected through individual psychotherapy sessions.

But first, you can try to attract mutual love without a psychologist and cope with your psychological problems on one's own.

    No comparisons.

    Don’t constantly compare yourself to others, because the only thing you will achieve is that your complexes will bloom in full bloom. Do not compare this partner with the previous ones.

    Love yourself.

    First you need to learn to treat yourself with love, and only then you can easily attract this feeling from others.

    Say goodbye to the past.

    Yes, you had previous unsuccessful relationships, yes, your parents were not happy in their marriage, but the unsuccessful experience must be forgotten, otherwise you will never be able to build happy love.

    Believe in your happy ending.

    Even if the divorce statistics do not add optimism and it seems that all the smart men and worthwhile women were taken away by more successful competitors, but without faith in a happy ending to your story, nothing will come of it.

    Radiate sexual energy.

    If you want sex, men feel it, so they will surround you with their attention. However, it is not necessary to give in on the first date. Stick to your principles while still wanting a gentleman.

    He will go crazy from such a “cocktail”. But men should not demonstrate their lust so clearly.

    Don't put pressure on your partner.

    Stop viewing every man as a potential husband. Representatives of the stronger sex are afraid of women with hypertrophied nesting syndrome like fire.

    But gentlemen who want to attract mutual love, on the contrary, should demonstrate a readiness for a serious relationship and a desire to settle down.

    Less drama.

    No need from everyone bad date to make a tragedy on a universal scale with lamentations: “Oh, I will never know what mutual love is.”

    More lightness and light in the perception of this world. This makes it easier to attract something truly good into your life.

    Don't rush things.

    What a difference it makes that all my friends got married a long time ago, and my friends even managed to have children. Love is not a competition to see who can reach the registry office the fastest.

    Everyone finds happiness in their personal life at their own time, so taking whatever you can just to avoid being lonely is a losing strategy.

    Don't be afraid.

    It’s scary to open up to new relationships, to give yourself to another person. It is difficult to get rid of the fear of a new portion of pain, but until you cope with your fears, finding mutual love will not be easy. We'll have to take risks.

    Everything that is not done is for the better.

    Make it a rule to think this way every time your relationship with your next partner does not develop according to your scenario. This love is not mutual, but soon you will be able to attract what you need.

Trust Cupid. Let him lead you along a more winding path than others, but the main thing is that at the right moment his arrow hits the target and causes a happy love that will end: “And they lived happily ever after.”

Attracting love into your life in just 10 days.

How to change your personal world? Consults
psychologist Yulia Pryakhina:

2) Some tips on how to attract love for those who believe in magic.

To find happy mutual love, you need to send the right signals to the Universe. Think daily about the kind of man/woman you want to meet. Ask higher powers for this and you will definitely find a response.

It wouldn’t hurt to visualize your desire for love. Remember when we created a wish map? So, create a love card in her likeness, visualizing what you want to receive in your personal life.

If you are a believer, then it would be more reasonable to ask to attract the love of not magicians and fortune-tellers into your life, but of Saints.

Visit a church, light a candle and pray at one of the icons that give happiness in your personal life. Icons help to attract mutual love:


Peter and Fevronia


Nicholas the Wonderworker


Joachim and Anna


Ksenia of Petersburg


Adriana and Natalia



Mother of God "Unfading Color"


Paraskeva Fridays


Motrony Moscow


Mother of God “The Unbrided Bride” (“Tenderness”)

If you trust magical rituals, then there are several conspiracies for you, which, according to participants in the “Battle of Psychics,” help in building strong love relationships.

It would also be a good idea to work on controlling your energy with the help of yoga, meditation, and some spiritual practices. This will help you become calmer and more resilient in accepting situational failures in your personal life.

You will have to try to understand how to attract love. But isn't the happiness of spending the rest of your life with your soulmate worth some effort?

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Love is beautiful. And mutual love is doubly beautiful! Do you want him to fall head over heels in love with you? WomanJournal.ru has collected the most reliable ways to capture his heart.

Love is the most beautiful of feelings. And it is doubly beautiful when it is mutual. Are you in love, but only dream of a reciprocal feeling on his part? Do you want him to fall head over heels in love with you?

WomanJournal.ru has collected for you the most reliable ways to capture the heart of any man without resorting to black magic.

Method No. 1. Materialization of thoughts

This method is suitable for girls who have not yet met the man of their dreams, but are quite ripe to fall in love. Using this method, you can easily fall in love with the right man for you, who will reciprocate and become the love of your life.

All you need to do is formulate a mental order. For example: “I easily start a relationship with a man who loves me and loves me.” In order for your mental “order” to be fulfilled exactly, formulate it as simply and specifically as possible. And to make what you want happen faster, constantly remember your goal.

You can repeat your order silently or out loud while you drive to work. You can fantasize, imagining a happy life in all its colors. life together with the man of your dreams. The main thing is that when dreaming, imagine the end result (that is, you and he are happy together), and not the ways to achieve the result (where you will meet him, how you will meet, what you will wear, etc.). It is the regular visualization of the final result that materializes your request.

The main thing is that every time a thought flashes through your head negative thoughts(“There are only bastards around”, “There are not enough normal men for everyone”, “I am not worthy of love. Who will love someone like me?”, etc.), immediately replace them with positive ones (“I am surrounded by wonderful men” , “My man is looking for me and will find me soon”, “I am worthy of love”, etc.)!

Method number 2. Give to receive

This technique is suitable for those girls who have already fallen in love, but have not yet had time to wait for reciprocity. To attract the attention of the man you like, you first need to show sincere interest in him.

If you manage to fall head over heels in love, use one little trick: don’t demand reciprocity! Moreover, try not to even expect any reciprocity from the object of your passion. This may seem strange, but it is quite effective!

What to do? Just enjoy your love to the fullest. After all, the state of falling in love in itself is extremely pleasant. Revel in it. You are in love, which means you look great, receive a lot of compliments, are filled with inspiration and are ready for new exploits and achievements. Tell yourself: it doesn’t matter whether he reciprocates my feelings or not, I still prefer to rejoice in my love and enjoy it, instead of pointlessly worrying.

The trick is that as soon as you give up the intention to receive something (for example, love, attention, etc.), replacing it with the intention to give something away, you will most likely receive what you gave up. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

Method number 3. NLP comes to the rescue

Psychologists often argue whether one person can control another? Is it possible to force someone to fall in love with you? Opinions differ on this matter. And yet, there are powerful psychotechnics that allow you, if not to fall in love, then, in any case, to greatly captivate another person.

The first thing that will be required of you is to take the position of a player. That is, treat the process of conquest as a gambling and exciting game (and not as a matter of life and death). It turns out great, if it doesn’t work out, well, it was just the first round, you always have time to win back. This position will save you from unnecessary worries and give ease to your actions.

To win over a man, adapt to him. Speak the same language with him (try to adopt his vocabulary, voice, manner of communication). Find out and share his interests with him. Try to find as much in common between you as possible. In NLP this is called mirroring and joining. Try to understand what kind of relationship this man wants, what kind of woman he needs. And then think about how you can fit into this scheme. How can you give him what he wants?

NLP will also help when you are in love with a man who loves another and your feelings are not mutual. Try the anchoring technique. Let him tell you about the one he loves madly. When he speaks, carefully watch his facial expression, tone of voice, posture, and gestures. When he is at the peak of euphoric emotions (the main thing is that his state is extremely positive), touch his forearm (or some other part of the body) with your hand. So from now on he will associate your touch with crazy love.

The main thing in this technique: accuracy. Make sure that his state during the conversation is euphoric, full of love, even if this love is not yet directed at you. And subsequently, every time you want to awaken a feeling of love in him, just touch him the same way as you did the first time. And you will see how his condition changes. This way you will gradually be able to intercept the love that was originally addressed to another.

Love is the most important and valuable feeling in the life of every person. It is possible to meet your soul mate and live next to each other all your life by using one of three effective rituals that attract love.

Even unrequited love contains many strong emotions: some of them contribute to creation, others to destruction, but in any case they make life brighter. However, a preponderance towards the negative and prolonged suffering can lead to almost complete depletion of vitality. If you feel that you are literally obsessed with some person and cannot imagine life without him, then it is likely that you have become a victim of a love spell.

You can get rid of an imposed feeling and find inner harmony by performing a cold spell - a special ritual that helps you fall out of love and forget any person.

If you don’t have a loved one in your life and you want to experience a feeling of mutual love, unity and harmony, then three powerful rituals, tested by generations of people who have found their true destiny, can help you.

Call your loved one to the wind

This method is suitable for those who are not in love with a specific man or woman, but want to attract into their life a partner who meets all your expectations. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • piece of paper;
  • red handle;
  • dried mint leaves;
  • dry rose petals;
  • fireproof cookware;
  • matches.

To begin with, stay alone and focus on the image of the person you want to see next to you. Take your time and write down all the characteristics on paper. After the image is described, read the result out loud, visualizing how the described person comes into your life. Place the description sheet in a fireproof container and burn it. After this, add mint and rose petals to the ashes, open the window and scatter the contents of the container into the wind with the words:

“I call on the four winds as witnesses and messengers: Mighty winds, carry my word around the Earth, to the four corners of the world, bring it to my destiny, call my destiny, whisper my name, bring it to me! Truly!

The night after the ceremony, do not close the window and try to remember your dreams: it is likely that it is in them that you will find the answer to how soon your fate will change.

Attract love with water

This method is suitable for those who have experienced the pain of parting with a past love and want to forget all the bad things about new ones. happy relationship. To carry it out you will need an open flowing source and solitude.

Come to the source in the morning, put your palms in the water and imagine all the bad things you experienced in your past relationship. If these memories bring tears to your eyes, don't hold them back. Water will take away all the bad things, and after a while you will feel inner emptiness. At this moment, raise your hands out of the water and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Sister water, take the pain and turn it into happiness!”

Mentally imagine the image of the person you want to meet, and again lower your hands into the water for a few moments. After that, go home without talking to anyone.

Find your happiness with fire

The third ritual was used by our great-grandparents. To realize what you want, you will need any source of fire: from a small candle to a fire. The location of the ceremony also depends on your capabilities. In addition to the fire, you will need small scissors.

When left alone, give yourself time to think carefully about your desire. Make sure that you are definitely ready not only to receive, but also to give warmth and care to your future partner. The “fire” ritual is the most powerful, but fire is also a very dangerous and demanding element.

Having reached the desired state, light a fire and, looking into the flame, tell it about the person you would like to be with. Put the maximum amount of emotion and effort into your story. When the story is finished, take the scissors and cut off a small section of your hair as a sign of your seriousness and burn it in a lit flame.

Wait until the fire source goes out and save what's left of it. If you were sitting by the fire, take a coal from it with you, and if you worked with a candle, save the cinder until the person you called appears in your life.

It can be extremely difficult to achieve a reciprocal feeling from a loved one. If you are desperate to attract the attention of your lover, then five effective love spells on a man can help you. We wish you mutual love and joy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.08.2017 03:03

Sometimes people are overtaken by problems and troubles. But you shouldn’t drag them with you to a new one...

This question plagues many men and women. Moreover, sometimes it becomes pressing problem, which people think about day and night. The thought that time is running out and you still haven’t found your other half is familiar not only to people in adulthood, but even to teenagers.

Particular pressure can be exerted by family and friends who seem to wish you well, but their constant questions about whether you have a second half sometimes make you suffer the most. This is familiar to girls who did not get married by a certain age; those who managed to get divorced and live without a life partner also know about this. It is believed that a person can only be happy if he lives with someone.

This idea permeates the entire society, creates stereotypes, which do not allow you to feel truly happy if there is no person of the opposite sex nearby.

The most surprising thing is that lonely people are sincerely pitied by those who themselves live in pairs with less than ideal partners. An example is Evgenia’s family, which lives with a man who does not work anywhere and is often absent at night. Evgenia is torn between work and childcare. Constant quarrels with her husband, his inattention, lack of any help, lack of money are not considered special problems. But the man is nearby! At the same time, compassionate Evgenia feels sorry for her friends who are raising children on their own, earning decent money, and vacationing abroad. “How can they be without their other half!” - Zhenya laments.

And this example is not isolated. Our society considers only those people who have a partner to be successful.

Happiness is within us

Of course, mutual love can add happiness to our lives, make it brighter, more joyful, and fuller. But it is not a mandatory and the only condition for happiness. Life consists of many components, for example, your own health and the health of your loved ones, financial well-being, living conditions, the opportunity to get an education and do what you love, the ability to enjoy little and big things and much more.

You should understand that not a single person in the world can make you happy or unhappy. It all depends on your attitude to different events. From what you choose at the moment.

If you decide for yourself that in the absence of a partner you are unhappy, then so be it. You will grasp like a straw for every fleeting glance thrown in your direction, and regard every passerby as a potential life partner. Behind this desire to be with someone at any cost hide all the unhappy families who got married only because society demanded it, age was pressing, and there was nothing to fill the inner emptiness.

Experienced psychologists say: happiness is within us, you just need to be able to see it. Everything you need to feel happy is already inherent in you by nature.

Search for the other half

This definition is wrong in itself. A beautiful legend that people were divided in half and now wander in eternal searching for the other half, is perceived by many as truth. But this is absolutely not true. Every person is perfect and can do without the supposedly missing parts. Wise nature thought out everything to the smallest detail and created man as independent and self-sufficient.

Another thing is that many people feel bored and empty when alone with themselves. There is nothing to occupy your everyday life, there are no interests and hobbies, so the thought comes that someone should appear who will entertain, amuse, and fill your life with meaning. And when this someone appears in your life, who fills your life with scandals, showdowns, showdowns, reproaches, when tears and worries appear, it seems to you that it has become much more interesting. Moreover, as soon as this person leaves for a while, you begin to get bored and nervous. This will happen as long as you believe that you need the missing half.

The most correct answer to this question is that love does not need to be sought at all. Everything real and truly valuable will come into your life on its own. Without difficulties and stress, without struggle and sacrifice. Love is already within you. It is everywhere, it surrounds everyone, you just need to be able to see it and perceive it. Love is peace and tranquility in your soul. If this peace does not exist, then no one will bring it to you. What you really need to strive for is to learn to be happy regardless of the other person.

First of all, you need to learn to love yourself, please yourself, create harmony in the soul, carefully, step by step, move towards understanding your inner world. Only then will it appear in your life true mutual love. Now you can already distinguish it from the appearance of love and understand that true love must be mutual. A person who loves himself, who has known the charm of experienced harmony and peace, the feeling of the beauty of the world and self-sufficiency, will never allow a person who can destroy this feeling to be near him.

Someone worthy of sharing this love with you will appear exactly at the moment when you are ready for it. Because like attracts like, because everything in this world gravitates towards balance. Next to you will appear not your “half”, as inferior as any incomplete part, but a strong and self-sufficient person, able to share with you his own happiness and his peace in his soul.

Watch this video on how to attract the perfect partner into your life. Unique techniques:

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