What to wear on Sunday. How to attract good luck: the correct color of clothing for the days of the week. Saturday is the day of protection

Did you know that for each day of the week not only a certain planet is “responsible”, but also a certain color symbolizing this planet? Let's figure it out and experiment!

  • Monday is the day of the moon.

The most “favorite” colors of the Moon are silver, milky, and white. Colors such as yellow and blue are also suitable. For example, very fashionable combination this season - lemon color with denim. Ideally, this day would be dedicated to yourself, your appearance and your home, but you need to go to work, so we “smoothly” get into the working rhythm. If it works out, of course...

Black and dark colors, such as dark purple or dark red, are best avoided today.

  • Tuesday is Mars day.

Clothing in colors such as red, brown, marsala, terracotta, bright orange, brick will give you energy and strength for exploits and accomplishments at work.

It is better to avoid black again, as well as blue and green.

  • Wednesday is Mercury day.

A great day for new acquaintances, meetings, communication, training and education, and clothes in gray-blue and sky-blue colors will enhance your communication skills. Also suitable for this day are gray (“office”) colors and yellow.

If possible, clothes in colors such as blue, purple and orange are best left for another day.

  • Thursday is Jupiter day.

This day is also good to continue your studies. And if you have planned a visit to “higher” or government authorities or a conversation with your boss, then Thursday is best for this.

And now, finally, we will need it blue, as well as turquoise and purple.

They can be combined with “helper” colors: red, blue, brown, white…

The exception is yellow and golden colors.

  • Friday is Venus day.

A day that is best dedicated to love, your beauty, achieving harmony, as well as creativity: your own, or looking at what others have done - performances, exhibitions, movies.

The colors that will emphasize this mood are white, but not pure white, but, for example, the color of champagne; brown, but again not a classic color, but coffee or ecru; green and its “brother” - light green.

The “helper” colors are blue, pink and red.

But black and purple can “disturb” the romantic mood of this day.

  • Saturday is Saturn day.

I’ll warn you right away, because... many will disagree, but both Vedic (Indian) astrology and Western astrology agree that on Saturday it is better to dress in... dark colors.

Yes, yes, because... the patron of the day is Saturn, who “loves” order and rigor. Therefore, for a long time, the best day to put things in order in the house is Saturday...

Therefore, the favorable colors of the day are black, dark gray, dark purple, dark brown, blue, lead.

And clothes of light colors, and especially white and yellow, are best left for Sunday.

  • Sunday is the day of the sun.

A great day to dedicate to yourself, family, children, creativity, enjoy life and the Sun... Sunday, and there is Sunday, something to add.

The sunniest colors are yellow and golden, and the “helper” colors are white, pink, blue, green.

And we put away all dark and black clothes until next Saturday.

According to Feng Shui, the best the right clothes- one that has smooth lines and looks clean and tidy.

  • Torn or even simply washed clothes can cause serious harm, since such an outfit attracts negative vibrations, failures, poverty and promises difficulties with finances. Yes, yes, even intentionally torn branded jeans are fashionable, but the effect is the same, that is, the attraction of negative energy.
  • Dirty clothes cause apathy, lethargy and generate disrespect for the person who wears them. At a certain stage, the “dirty guy” may actually decline morally.
  • The clothing you wore carries a strong negative charge. negative emotions. As a rule, when put on again, it begins to “harm”, causing Bad mood, depression and even deterioration in well-being. The most correct thing is to get rid of such a harmful outfit, even if it is good and you actually like it.
  • You should also avoid baggy and shapeless clothes, which subtly deprive you of positive energy.

How to determine your element by year of birth

To “interest” your own destiny, you need to choose the right wardrobe. To do this, you need to determine your element. This is the last digit in the year of birth. For example, in 1976 - the number “6”.

So, for the element of Metal the numbers are 0 and 1, for Water - 2 and 3, for Wood - 4 and 5, for the element of Fire - 6 and 7, for Earth - 8 and 9.

  • People belonging to the Wood element are the freest in their choice of clothing. They can choose and combine any trends and styles. It’s great if their clothes are made from natural wool (knitting, cashmere, drape, gabardine, etc.). Faux fur is also recommended for arboreal people.
  • For people of the Water element, the ideal choice would be classics and romance. Water energy harmonizes perfectly with elegant simplicity, ruffles and frills, pastel colors and transparent fabrics. Soft, warm and fluffy fabrics will help harmonize the nervous system. The element of Water is also great for lace and light, flowing natural chiffon, cambric and silk.
  • For "metal" people perfect choice- organza, brocade, synthetic fibers, metallized fabrics, as well as rustling materials, reminiscent of lakes and rivers of molten metal. But soft and fluffy fabrics can cause them to lose strength. To calm the “metalheads”, outfits embroidered with sequins, beads and glass beads are required, whose “chainmail” surface reflects the inner essence of those who are patronized by the element of Metal.
  • For people of the Earth element, the optimal choice is relaxed classics, sporty elements and relaxed style. Natural fabrics should be preferred, especially linen and wool. But from natural leather and it is better to refuse fur.
  • Fire people are energetic and purposeful. Sportswear and those that do not restrict movement are great for them, as well as outfits made of viscose, cotton, natural fabrics, denim and corduroy - for “fiery” ones they can even improve metabolism.

Feng Shui clothing color

Color for clothing is extremely important because each color has a strong impact on a person.

  • Black is the color of power. However, black should not predominate, especially if you are trying to attract love into your life, as it attracts melancholy and loneliness.
  • Gray represents money and also silver.
  • Red symbolizes active vitality and optimism. It is ideal for attracting new love.
  • Yellow color promotes concentration of thoughts and allows you to quickly resolve disputes.
  • Clothes in sand and yellow shades - best choice for everyday wear.
  • Green is a life-giving and calming color. If you want to quickly recover from diseases, then give preference to clothes in green tones. Shades of green, as well as purple tones, are considered “money.”
  • Blue color is ideal for business meetings. At the same time, blue promotes peace and relieves emotional fatigue.
  • White or pink colors suitable for romantic meetings. And for an optimistic mood, orange is needed. Not only is it capable of giving good luck, but it will also help you win over positive and joyful people.

How to choose clothes by day of the week

  • Monday is the day of the moon. Silver, cream, and milky tones are ideal.
  • Tuesday is Mars time. For him, choose pink clothes, bright red, crimson or brown shades.
  • The environment is ruled by Mercury, which suits yellow, gray and all shades of green clothing.
  • Thursday's planet is Jupiter. For a successful day, it is advisable to choose outfits in blue, crimson, and purple shades.
  • Friday is the day of Venus. Pink, turquoise, blue, and white are considered the most acceptable colors to wear on this day.
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Favorable shades in clothing are dark blue, black, and gray.
  • Sunday is literally a sunny day, since it is protected by the Sun. Therefore, opt for bright outfits and things in orange, gold or white tones.
About the days of the week, planets, mantras, colors and clothes :)

I found notes from a seminar lecture on the Vedic way of life and the daily routine of the week.
A certain planet is responsible for each day, which gives a person qualities of character, habits, inclinations, and influences his destiny.
If we want to change our destiny, then we need to change our character.
And by following these simple instructions, reading mantras to harmonize the influence of the planets, and dressing in a certain way, we can achieve excellent results. Personally, I tested it on myself;) I won’t say what exactly I did and for what purpose, but it WORKS great! :)

Planet: Moon
Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!
Repeating the mantra helps to achieve psychological balance,
develops intelligence, memory and imagination, increases sensitivity and
mediumship, contributes to the development of musical abilities.
Colors: Silver, green, milky white.
Metal: bronze.
Cloth: new.

Planet: Mars
Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Narasimhadevaya!
Repeating a mantra strengthens a person’s will, gives courage,
determination, endurance, generates an impulse to take risky actions,
develops leadership and organizational skills, increases speed
reactions, gives good luck in acquiring property.
Colors: Bright red, crimson, scarlet.
Cloth: Motley, bright.
Metal: copper

Planet: Mercury
Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Buddhadevaya!
Repetition of a mantra develops mental abilities, logical and
analytical thinking, communication skills, and also gives good luck in
commercial affairs.
Colors: Green, bluish.
Cloth: Very clean and fresh.
Metal: Brass

Planet: Jupiter
Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Vamanadevaya!
Repeating the mantra increases wealth, brings good luck,
prosperity, develops self-control, self-confidence, promotes
raising the authority of the individual and spiritual advancement.
Colors: Yellow, Indigo, Blue-violet.
Clothes: Regular
Metal: Gold

Planet: Venus
Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Parashuramaya!
Repetition of the mantra promotes the development of musical and artistic
inclinations, as well as vocal abilities, gives happiness in love,
increases charm, personality attractiveness and attracts
material goods.
Colors: Shining white, green, blue.
Cloth: Durable, with patterns.
Metal: Silver.

Planet: Saturn
Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Kurmadevaya!
Repeating the mantra helps improve concentration, develops
loyalty, devotion, will, patience, foresight,
organizational and executive qualities, and also provides more
soft release of negative karma (mitigates misfortunes), provides protection
elderly and influential people.
Colors: Black, dark blue, purple, brown, gray.
This is a day of asceticism.
Cloth: Old, worn.
Metal: Iron.

Planet: Sun
Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Ramachandraya!
Repeating the mantra gives an influx vital energy, improves health,
promotes the development of creativity and personal strength, the achievement of high
social status, develops the ability to independently
make decisions, earns respect from other people,
increases popularity, and also develops leadership and organizational
Colors: Orange, gold, rich dark red.
Cloth: Made of rough, dark material.
Metal: Iron.

There are two planets not tied to the days of the week:
Planets Rahu and Ketu
Om Namo Bhagavate Varahadevaya! - for Rahu
Om Namo Bhagavate Matsyadevaya! - for Ketu:
Repeating the mantra helps burn out negative karma, softens
misfortune, removes the restraining influence of these planets on the affairs of that house,
in which they are located.

Feng Shui teachings determine not only the rules for home improvement, but also other household details. For example, how to wear clothes depending on the day of the week. Experts say that the color of clothing affects a person’s energy. If you know which day of the week a particular shade corresponds to, you can program your day for good luck and success.

Clothes not only shape a person’s image, they also appearance, but is also an expression inner world. The art of Feng Shui identifies 5 main cosmic colors: red, white, black, yellow, green. Black and white symbolize good and evil, the opposition of opposites. Red is a symbol of power and vitality. Yellow represents wisdom and friendliness. Green is the color of peace. Consider the features of each shade when choosing your wardrobe.

What color of clothing is ideal for each day of the week?


The patron of Monday is the Moon. Clothing in cream, milk or silver colors is ideal. To enlist the support of the Moon, choose things of exactly these shades.


Mars is the patron of the second day of the week. Its color is bright red. Clothing in pink and crimson shades will also have a positive impact on the events of your day. But if you're going to important meeting or business negotiations, then give preference to scarlet color. If according to the dress code you cannot wear a red suit or dress, choose a bright red accessory. For example, a scarf or tie.


On this day, Mercury will become your assistant if you prefer clothing in green, yellow or gray colors. Any shade of green, from light green to emerald, will be yours lucky mascot on this day.


Thursday is Jupiter's day. To ensure everything turns out the way you want, choose outfits in blue and purple colors. Luck will be on your side.


Friday is ruled by charming Venus, the planet of love and feminine energy. Perfect colors clothes for the fifth day of the week are white, pink, blue and turquoise.


Saturn is the planet of Saturday. Its colors are dark blue, black and grey. Severity and simplicity in clothing are encouraged.


This is the day of the Sun, so choose the colors in your clothes: golden, orange, and white. Bright shiny accessories are welcome.

Avoid wearing torn, dirty or washed clothes. She has negative energy, attracts poverty and misfortune. Strong negative energy is emitted by those clothes in which you felt unhappy, broken, and lonely. You shouldn't wear it, it's better to sell it or donate it to charity.

Let's start with Sunday, because in Vedic astrology it is considered the beginning of the day of the week. This day is ruled by the Sun. And our sun is bright, radiant, sparkling. Therefore, the colors must be appropriate. You should dress in bright white, gold, orange, yellow. This doesn't mean that you should only wear that color, it does mean that it is advisable to include at least one attribute of that color.

Monday is ruled by the Moon. Imagine her, what do you see? I personally imagine a huge ball of soft cream color. The conclusion is that the colors you need to choose are milky white, light yellow, cream, silver, just the color of our beautiful moon.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars.
I don’t know about you, have you seen our planet? solar system, but I'm still with school years I remember what the planet Mars looks like, it is a rich red color. Very beautiful! Therefore, on this day it is favorable to wear pink and red colors, for example, bright red, scarlet, crimson, and brown.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Responsible for learning and speech. By the way, you can learn about how to convince people from the article “Rhetoric - how to convince a person with the help of words.” All shades of green are suitable, as well as yellow and gray. Apparently it’s not in vain that they say that green promotes learning.

Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It is considered the most favorable planet, and therefore the day is considered successful. Suitable blue, purple, indigo, crimson.

Friday is ruled by the amazing planet Venus. Silver-white, blue, turquoise, pink, red are suitable.

Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn. The heaviest and slowest planet, therefore its colors are not bright. Black, dark blue, light blue with blue elements, and gray are suitable.

Following these principles is a personal matter for everyone, but if you want to become even more successful, healthier, and luckier, then don’t be afraid to experiment with colors. And about how to attract good luck and money, read the article by our Editor-in-Chief and leading author of the Sunny Hands website, Anastasia Gai, “How to attract good luck and money.” After all, it often happens that we dress in the same colors, completely ignoring others. But you can choose different shade clothes, for example, if you feel like they don’t suit you bright colors, then you buy them more muted, as if a little gray color was added to them. Personally, I am guided this way, because... I have cool-toned skin. For example, I used to be afraid of the color red, I thought it didn’t suit me. But then I saw a long red skirt with a small pleat on the counter and tried it on. Imagine my surprise when I saw that this color not only doesn’t suit me, but just really highlights my complexion and makes it look fresher. Now I'm not afraid to try different colors, experimenting with different images.

All the best and be happy! Maria Dukhovitskaya.

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