Aesthetic education of children. Aesthetic education of preschool children Education of the foundations of aesthetic culture in preschool childhood

Albina Sagdieva
Aesthetic education of children preschool age

Aesthetic education of preschool children.

Tasks, means and form of work on aesthetic education.

Aesthetic education Is a purposeful systematic process of influencing the personality of a child in order to develop his abilities to see the beauty of the world around him, art and create it.

Aesthetic education closely related to other parties education: with mental and moral.

Tasks aesthetic education.

1. Systematic develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings and representations children.

2. Development of artistic and creative abilities in children(ability to sing, dance, compose, different games).

3. Formation of the foundations aesthetic taste(training plays a big role).

The most important condition for full aesthetic education is:

1. The environment that surrounds the child in kindergarten and at home.

2. Saturation of everyday life with works of art (paintings, prints, musical works).

3. Active activities themselves children(the children themselves glue, mold).

4. Individual approach.

Means are everything that the teacher consciously selects from the environment for a purposeful impact on aesthetic development of children.

1. Life aesthetics, that is, where the children are during the day;

2. Nature;

3. Art (literary, musical works);

4. Artistic activities themselves children;

5. Special training;

6. Behavior of adults themselves (educators, parents).

In order to aesthetic education the following forms of organization of educational and independent activity children:

1. Classes (musical, art);

2. Artistic didactic games(for review children with color"Rainbow");

3. Matinees and entertainment;

4. Excursions and walks;

5. Theatrical performances; TV shows, films CD, DVD

Principles aesthetic education:

1. Aesthetic education should be carried out in conjunction with all educationally-educational work in educational institution.

2. Children's creativity should be connected with life.

3. Variability of content, forms and methods of artistic activity.

4. Individual approach to children.

5. Children's works should be used in group life or in kindergarten life.

Feature of artistic creativity children.

Creativity is an activity aimed at creating a socially significant product that has an impact on the transformation of the environment.

Creation children meaningful primarily for the child himself or for the group children, for close adults.

But the significance of children's creativity lies in the fact that it influences the formation of the child's personality, which means that society is interested in the creative development of everyone.

Creativity can be taught, but this teaching is special. It is not like how knowledge and skills are taught, at the same time creativity is impossible without assimilating certain knowledge and mastering skills and abilities.

Under artistic creation preschool children means the creation of an objectively meaningful (for the child first of all) new product (drawing, dance, poem, story, song, etc.); coming up with and famous for early unused parts; play activities (creative games - creating a play environment, selection, toys, substitute items, etc.).

Aesthetic education in kindergarten- creation necessary conditions for the manifestation of aesthetic qualities, abilities of the child, the formation of the worldview. The process, the result of which is the development of pupils' abilities to notice and appreciate the beauty of the entire surrounding world. Teaching to appreciate the beautiful, to understand it, to be personally involved in it, to create according to the laws of the “beautiful” are important parts of raising a child from a young age.

Fostering the right attitude to beauty is not limited to artistic or musical perception. This is a complex system: attitude to work, life, everyday life, nature. Cognition of art is a valuable, effective part of this system, capable of fostering moral qualities, aesthetic feelings, and imagination.

Theoretical foundations: principles in aesthetic education

The organization of aesthetic education in kindergarten is carried out taking into account several principles:

Targets and goals

The goal is to form an adequate aesthetic attitude towards the environment, teach a little person to see, understand beauty. Education forms perception, imagination, develops memory, feelings, interests, inclinations, abilities. Helps to form an active positive attitude towards everyday life.

  • to form an idea of ​​the values ​​of the beautiful, beautiful, graceful, harmonious;
  • to form the perception of beauty in art, everyday life;
  • influence emotional responsiveness, empathy skills, sense of "taste";
  • lay the foundations for creativity, art education.

The result of upbringing is:

  • general understanding of the good, the beautiful, the right;
  • perception of form, content;
  • complicity, empathy;
  • the brightness of the expression of emotions, impressions, imagination.

Fostering an attitude towards beauty. When to start?

Already with early years the lives of young children are attracted by interesting bright toys and objects. They evoke a feeling of joy, pronounced pleasure. The concept of “beautiful” is beginning to form. Playing, listening to fairy tales, looking at pictures of animals, children get a lot of positive emotions. These emotions are the foundation for the formation of more complex qualities that are responsible for understanding the "beautiful". The unconscious perception of beauty gradually passes to a conscious harmonious taste, the development of creative abilities. The task of adults at this moment of development is to help the child, to direct him in the right direction.

Any educational process is a joint activity of several people (educator-child) aimed at creating conditions for the development of the necessary personality traits, therefore the teacher's personality plays one of the key roles.

Each preschool institution has the potential to develop all the most important personality traits. A properly structured upbringing scheme with the assistance of the family guarantees the formation of a child as an aesthetically developed citizen of society.

Instilling taste in preschoolers

The sense of taste is a complex personality trait manifested in receiving spiritual pleasure from “communication” with the real beauty of art. This is an understanding, enjoyment of works of art, an understanding of the beauty of nature, the peculiarities of everyday life, clothes.

In the formation of taste, education and upbringing with the constant support of the family play a decisive role. Acquaintance with the cultural values ​​of literature, music helps to find out what is available in childhood works of art, to see or learn to see their beauty. Children begin to recognize works, favorite fairy tales and musical works appear, which for this period become aesthetic ideals for them. With the help of adults, they see the beauty and richness of words and music. This is the basis of artistic taste, which further influences the formation of everyday life.

The sense of taste determines the ability to feel the beauty of the surrounding world, to protect and preserve it. A child should understand that a flower in a flowerbed is more beautiful than in a vase; that cleanliness is a guarantee of comfort and beauty, many other primitive rules.

Educational tools

Means - objects specially used by teachers, environmental phenomena that can influence the formation of personality traits that are significant for society.

Basic tools to create a sense of "beautiful":

  • works of art;
  • cultural events;
  • various organized activities (artistic, labor), independent activity of preschoolers;
  • environment, nature;
  • aesthetics of everyday life.

Aesthetics of everyday life - the first means of education

Cleanliness, order in a preschool institution is not only the maintenance of sanitary and hygienic standards. This is an important part of upbringing, helping to ensure that the child himself begins to realize the beauty of the world around him from an early age. There is a desire to preserve everything beautiful that he sees around him. Therefore, it is better to design all premises of the institution in a stylistically consistent line. In the groups of any kindergarten and other rooms, there must be drawings of other children, crafts, works folk art.

When decorating premises, it is advisable to remember the following principles:

  • Practical justification of the situation;
  • Compliance with cleanliness;
  • Colorfulness;
  • Contrast in design, necessary for the child to quickly find the element he likes;
  • Combining all elements as a single ensemble.

Works of art are the most important means of education

Art is an inexhaustible tool for the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers. It teaches us to appreciate beauty, to be kind and responsive. The result of communication with the masterpieces of world and national art is the spiritual enrichment of the child. Many forms of art are already available to children: literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, cinema and theater. It is imperative to use them in the educational process.

Works of art can be used both when conducting classes, independent activities, and when decorating premises in a preschool institution. For different children, works are selected that correspond to their age. Illustrations from fairy tales, still lifes and landscapes, small works of sculpture (figurines made of wood, plaster), various forms of decorative art are suitable. All events are accompanied by music.

Nature in aesthetic education

Nature is the most accessible means of forming a culture of understanding beauty at an early age. It allows you to teach to see the harmony, beauty of the surrounding world, the richness of its colors. Through nature, the child learns to reproduce his impressions of what he saw in the form of drawings, oral stories. Excursions, walks can leave their impression for a long time.

Just contemplation of nature, works of painting depicting nature is not enough. The use of excursions and observations must be accompanied by a teacher's story. The task of the educator is not just to show the beauty in a drop of dew on a leaf, an interweaving of stems. It is important which words are pronounced by teaching staff during such events. Help will be provided by works of art depicting the beauty of nature, understandable for preschoolers.

Labor as a means of education

With difficulty in public life, the child periodically encounters. Labor is one of the. The foundations of labor are formed in the game. The preschooler tries to create a beautiful building from cubes, arrange toys, Description of the work of different professions not only acquaints with their features, but also makes you want to imitate them. Children try on different roles (doctor, teacher, policeman).

Development of creativity

Artistic activity (drawing, design, making applications, modeling and other activities) lays the foundations for the formation of the ability to self-expression, the disclosure of their creative abilities. Music, songs, dances contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, visual, auditory perception, encourage to master new actions, movements. They make you fantasize, be attentive and diligent. Such activity distracts from sad events, helps relieve nervous tension, and cheer up.

Artistic skills help to form artistic appreciation, experiences and tastes, a general idea of ​​beauty.

Independent artistic activity allows preschoolers to realize their ideas, intentions in artistic creation. This is facilitated by:

Holidays and cultural events

Holidays and other cultural events in kindergarten contribute to the formation of aesthetic experiences, the desire to test oneself in various genres of art. Waiting for the holiday, preparing and holding it creates a general pre-holiday mood. Parental involvement lends a special warmth to such events.

Methods of education in preschool educational institutions

There are a huge number of methods for forming the right attitude towards beauty in children:

  • General: persuasion, exercise, problem situations, use of emotional response;
  • Depends on the direction of education - methods of familiarizing with a specific type of art;
  • Methods of teaching artistic activities: familiarization with techniques, sample, instructions, advice, self-assessment.
  • Methods for the development of creative abilities - problem-search methods.

Play in aesthetic education

Play is the main form of a child's activity. This is imitation, the use of various roles on oneself, a child's perception of the life of adults. Play forms all the basic qualities of a child's personality. It is she who most of all influences the formation of aesthetic culture in the early stages. In games, the development of figurative thinking, memory, imagination, aesthetic and moral qualities takes place.

The use of playful techniques in the formation of a culture of beauty justifies itself. Game situations develop creative skills and abilities, contribute to the development of interest in creativity.

  • situations of the game aimed at the development of creative activity;
  • songs, fairy tales, musical compositions;
  • demonstration of episodes of performances, works of art;
  • application of stories-drawings, search situations.

Aesthetic education of younger preschoolers

Aesthetic education in the younger group has its own characteristics. Younger preschool age is a favorable period for the development of a child's imagination. In this regard, it is important to create an environment that would facilitate the conduct of search activities, help in its own way to solve children's issues. Don't give all the answers at once. Special games, assignments, developmental activities help create conditions for the optimal development of creative abilities in the future.

The teacher when working with preschoolers junior group it is necessary to make the process of finding them in the institution as creative as possible. Creativity should imperceptibly, but organically enter the child's life. It is important to organize an interesting and maximally rich life for children while in kindergarten: enriching it with vivid impressions, emotional focus, and various forms of work. This is a material for the development of a child's imagination, memory, aesthetic feelings. During this period, communication with art is important.

The child is just beginning to understand beauty, and expressive means of display can play a role in their development.

A common position of teachers and parents on understanding the development prospects of children of this age is becoming important.

Features of aesthetic education of older preschoolers

At an older age, acquaintance with literature and art, including cartoons and films, becomes the main form of aesthetic education. Book heroes, cartoon characters become ideals, bearers of good or evil, beautiful or disgusting.

For aesthetic education in preparatory group the change in the motivational sphere affects. The attitude towards art becomes conscious, it becomes differentiated. Children begin to take art really seriously: they actually perceive it aesthetically, enjoy reading, looking at pictures, drawing, listening to music. Gradually, such a craving for some forms of beauty becomes a need. The main task is to form a creative attitude to reality.

This age is a special period of aesthetic education, in which the educator plays a very important role. Skillful teachers are able to not only strengthen the foundation for the formation of a sense of beauty. They can lay the real aesthetic worldview of a little person, who is developing a relationship to the world,.

The development of a sense of understanding of the beautiful is inextricably linked with the formation of all the most important facets of the personality. Preschool age gives rise to love for art, creative abilities and inclinations that every child is endowed with begin to declare themselves. To implement them, you need organized education and training, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Aesthetic education of preschoolers is a process as a result of which a child develops the ability to notice the beauty of the environment, love art and be involved in it. The impact on the personality of the child begins from the first year of his life, it should be purposeful and systematic.

The purpose of aesthetic education is to teach a child to see and understand the beautiful around

Aesthetic education - definition

The upbringing of a sense of beauty is not limited only to artistic and musical perception. This is a whole system that includes the child's attitude to social work and life, to everyday life and nature.

But the knowledge of art is the most valuable component of this multifaceted system, which helps to educate a child in morality, to develop musical and aesthetic feelings, imagination and fantasy.

The role of aesthetic education in child development

From the first days of life, a child is attracted by bright shiny toys and objects, colorful colors and attractive elements. Satisfied interest gives them a sense of joy and pleasure. The concept of "beautiful" is recognized by a child very early. Listening to fairy tales or songs, looking at pictures, toys, they get a lot of positive emotions and experiences. These unconscious impulses in the process of aesthetic education and development of preschool children gradually pass into the conscious perception of beauty. The task of adults is to form the foundations of a harmonious taste, to develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers, their aesthetic feelings and ideas.

Cognition of the art world occurs through color, form and sound. However, there are some features that determine the aesthetic education of preschoolers. It requires a highly developed sensory culture.

The introduction to the beautiful must be started from the earliest years.

The child's perception of beauty is inextricably linked with the ability to admire the form and content of an object. Form is a collection of colors, sounds and shapes. However, we have to talk about aesthetic education only when the perception of beauty is associated with the emotional component, with personal attitude and empathy. Feelings are the basis of the aesthetic education of preschool children. It is important to develop in a child the ability to selflessly rejoice, to feel a slight bright excitement from a meeting with the beauty and charm of the art world. It will take a lot of patience and strength from the teacher to unobtrusively instill in the child a love for the beautiful, permeating his entire existence with noble motives and aspirations.

Emotional response and sensual aesthetic perception of beauty gradually moves to another level. This is the formation of their own judgments, ideas about the world of beauty.

Any kind of creativity is one of the methods of aesthetic education

Preschool education consists of many artistic and aesthetic techniques. This includes inventing stories and stories, composing poems and songs, drawing and making decorative crafts. A naive and incredibly sincere reflection of real reality, the absence of selfish motives, spontaneity and faith in everything that has been said - this is what characterizes the artistic activity of preschool children. Already at this stage, the development of creative abilities is observed, expressed in an extraordinary fantasy, a desire to translate a conceived idea into reality, a skillful combination of their knowledge, skills and impressions received. The expressed feelings, emotions and thoughts are sincere and pure.

The game

Imitation is one of the ways of expressing children's creativity.

This striking feature, which characterizes preschool children, finds application in play activities. Play is a child's perception of adult life, the realization of their impressions received from the world around them. It is she who, at the initial stage of life, influences the creative and aesthetic development of preschoolers. A game that arises on the personal initiative of preschoolers is characterized by the presence of a plan. At first it is unstable, and one idea is replaced by another. Growing up, children fill the game with meaning, it becomes more purposeful and more realistic. In the role-playing game, the development of creative imagination takes place. Many remember how in childhood they built huts, trains from chairs and from improvised means made all household items, imagining adult life.

Role-playing games are a very effective method of aesthetic education

The process of playing is an important part of the life of preschoolers, which teaches them to overcome difficulties, learn about the outside world and look for a way out of a difficult situation.

Creative imagination is also expressed in the deliberate combination of various subjects. Seen on TV or heard from stories, they complement theatrical performances or knowledge obtained from other sources. We can say that they combine their knowledge and skills with impressions from real events or invented stories. The imagination of kids is limitless and they very often supplement the storyline with heroes or incidents that do not exist in reality. For example, they travel to unknown galaxies or mysterious kingdoms with mysterious animals. The whole game is filled with sincerity and faith in the veracity of the stories invented. KS Stanislavsky himself is a great director, urging actors to learn sincerity from children.

Drawing activity can be turned into an exciting journey into space


Kids do more than play for their creative needs. Expression of emotions and impressions also takes place in such activities as drawing, modeling, singing and storytelling.

Just like play, these activities are based on intention, then the means for implementation and implementation are found. The impressions received from viewing works of art resonate in the soul of a little man, he no longer just copies everything he saw, but also has the skills to express his own attitude to the perceived information.

The preschool period is the beginning of the development of the child's creative abilities.

Being engaged in creativity is at the same time acquaintance with folk culture

They are manifested in the ability to create an idea, develop a plot and find means to achieve a goal, implement a plan, combine the knowledge gained and one's own idea. This period is marked by incredible sincerity in the transmission of thoughts and emotions. Further development of artistic and aesthetic abilities will require special training. This is the musical and creative development of the child, education and training in the ways and techniques of expressing the idea in drawing, music and word. Such development causes in the child a conscious craving for everything beautiful, endows with positive qualities, but also guarantees the disclosure of his potential. Quality education is not only about developing a child's skills in the field of music and performing, visual arts or other artistic and creative activities. It promotes independent work and the desire to improve oneself, heats up interest in the chosen art form and arouses the desire to learn.

Sand animation is a fascinating kind of creativity

Writing small poems for mom, girlfriend or grandmother, devoting short stories to family and friends, the child feels fulfilled. Decorating the space of the house, kindergarten with his works of art, he contributes to daily life the people around him, he makes her better and more beautiful.

A huge role in the development of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children is played by the personality of the teacher, his passion and knowledge.

The personality of the teacher plays an important role in the process of aesthetic development

Even in the most ordinary school, talented teachers can work, whose students take prizes in international competitions of children's creativity. The reason for success lies in a passionate desire to develop the potential abilities of babies and successful artistic and creative education.

Education of taste

The aesthetic development of taste in preschool children is based not only on the spiritual enjoyment of works of art, the pleasure of meeting all that is beautiful. It also lies in the understanding of natural natural beauty, deep awareness of the need for work, harmonious design of life and the ability to dress beautifully. Education helps to form the correct trends in the development of aesthetic taste in children.

Reading books is an important means of aesthetic education

Music and art classes introduce them to the world's masterpieces of painting, music and classical literature. It is extremely important to select works that are accessible to preschool age. Of these, it can be noted folk tales, poems by K. I. Chukovsky and S. Ya. Marshak. The musical world of the kid will be enriched if you give him to listen to the pieces by P.I.Tchaikovsky and D.B. Kabalevsky.

Music lessons - introduction to wonderful world sounds

By joining the eternal beauty of the musical and artistic world, preschool children form the correct perception of the beautiful, the foundations of a harmonious taste are laid, and the development of abilities is carried out. In the future, they will feel true aesthetic pleasure when meeting with everything beautiful. Children learn to appreciate and preserve this beauty. It is important to subtly remind them of this. Passing flower beds, you can tell your kid that the flowers grow in the flowerbed in order to bloom and decorate the surrounding space, to bring aesthetic pleasure to passers-by, so you don't need to pick them. For a flower to bloom, it needs to be cared for and watered, not destroyed. In kindergarten, you need to keep it clean, remove toys and scattered things, and not litter, so everyone will be cozy and comfortable. Books should be protected, not dirty and always put in a specially designated place. Thus, they will last a long time and will be useful for younger children.

Theatrical performances with the participation of children are an excellent method of aesthetic education

Education and training is the right way through which you can lay in the child the correct ideas about the world, improve the aesthetic perception, on which his spiritual wealth will subsequently be formed.

What means of education and development of musical and aesthetic values ​​exist?

Education and the ability to teach to feel beauty is a difficult task that will require incredible effort, patience and work. Already from the first years of life, we unconsciously form the aesthetic perception of the baby. Equally important is a harmonious environment in the room, comfort and coziness in the baby's room, the style of decorating the space, and the presence of art objects. First impressions and visual images perceived by sight or touch are stored in the baby's memory.

The decoration of the kindergarten premises should also be of aesthetic value. This is not only pleasant, light colors of the walls, but also a thoughtful selection of household items, ergonomics of space, artistic simplicity, the presence of only necessary things and their competent arrangement in space.

Kindergarten environment influences children's perception

It is necessary to remember about the protection of the life and health of children when decorating the premises of the kindergarten. In this regard, attention should be paid to:

  1. Feasibility, practical justification of the situation;
  2. Cleanliness, hygiene, simplicity and beauty;
  3. Contrasting combinations of nearby objects so that the child can visually quickly find necessary thing and to provide a colorful atmosphere. For example, near the aquarium, it is better to place flowers in bright yellow shades, rather than pale blue;
  4. Combining all elements of everyday life and decor into a single ensemble.

The role of the environment

The presence in the interior of rooms of such decorative elements as paintings, prints and objects of applied art is encouraged and encouraged. This not only gives artistic and aesthetic pleasure, but also motivates preschoolers to work independently, make handicrafts, paint pictures.

The painting for the children's room must be age appropriate

It is better to choose pictures that are accessible to the understanding of the guys. It can be colorful still lifes, images of animals and birds, fairytale characters or stories from people's lives, their work.

Children of the middle and senior groups show a great interest in landscapes. There are wonderful reproductions of famous artists - Levitan, Shishkin, Vasnetsov, Serov, Savrasov and Konchalovsky. It is also not recommended to unnecessarily load the space with paintings, so as not to diminish interest in them. It is better to have no more than three paintings in each room. They should be changed periodically, depending on the time of year, the topic of the upcoming lesson or conversation, before reading the story. Folk arts and crafts should play an important role in interior design. It is complemented by Khokhloma, ceramics and other items.

It is important not only to decorate the room, but also to teach children to value comfort and maintain cleanliness.

The aesthetics of the home are expressed in beauty and cleanliness

A clean, well-tidied room becomes beautiful, it is pleasant to be here - this should be understood by children of preschool age. Over time, they get used to dealing with these difficulties on their own. First, they need the help of their elders, then their reminder, well, and soon they will clean up after themselves without external calls and remarks. It is great if the teacher encourages any initiative of preschoolers to decorate the room, bring coziness and comfort into it. Also of great importance is the example of the behavior of the educator and the parents.

Nature in aesthetic education

Another assistant in the upbringing of the artistic and aesthetic taste of preschoolers is their native nature. The teacher's task is to see and show children dew drops on grass leaves or on a cobweb, an interesting weaving of herbs or bright colors of a sunset ... Artistic works about nature will be invaluable in describing the beauty and charm of nature. It is important to be able to use all the materials available for the understanding of preschoolers to the teacher.

The child must understand the beauty of the surrounding nature

Purposeful excursions, acquainting preschoolers with the work of builders, sailors, doctors and other workers, teach them to respect other people's work, be attentive to a colleague, act boldly and amicably. The accumulated experience is reflected in games, broadens their horizons, makes them think, notice details and generalize.

Architecture and art

Architectural structures, streets, buildings are also an object of moral and artistic and aesthetic education of children. The first acquaintance with the beauty of houses and buildings takes place directly in the building of the kindergarten. During the walks, the attention of the little ones is given to the street with all its attractions. It is important to note some details and features of buildings, to pay attention to individual forms and lines, to emphasize their appropriateness and harmonious combination with other objects of the landscape.

The environment also shapes the child's taste.

Art is an inexhaustible tool that contributes to the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. It teaches to value and love the native land, to be honest, kind, sympathetic and courageous.

Literature, music, theater

The works of art reflect the heroic deeds of people, their experiences and excitements.

Spiritual enrichment of children occurs as a result of acquaintance with the masterpieces of famous masters. They have access to music and literature, sculpture and painting, cinema and theater.

Today children have many opportunities to develop ethically.

Each of the species has a unique effect on the child's sensory perception and worldview. Children's literature is unthinkable without the magnificent fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, which are a full-fledged children's poem. Much attention is paid to the musical and aesthetic education of preschool children. PI Tchaikovsky made a great contribution to the replenishment of the musically invaluable collection of children's music. Different shades of feelings expressed in sounds cannot always be expressed in words. Musical and artistic education teaches preschoolers to be more receptive and responsive.

Kindergarten celebrations make a lasting impression on preschoolers. They remain in their memory for a long time and are an important means of education. One of the most important conditions is the correct selection of works, which should be not only understandable, but also highly artistic. Musical and literary material becomes more complicated depending on the age group, this determines the development of preschoolers.

Such a holiday in kindergarten will never be forgotten.

The upbringing of musical and artistic preschool creative perception of the child is the task of the kindergarten, but the role of the family is also important.

The interaction between the educator and the parents guarantees the full development of the child's abilities and the solution of the problems of aesthetic education. Not every child will become a musician, writer or artist, but the knowledge gained will create the conditions for raising a full-fledged citizen of his country, an exemplary family man and a morally formed person.

Surkova I.A.
Visual activity as a leading discipline of aesthetic education and artistic development of children

"Visual activity as a leading discipline of aesthetic education and artistic development of preschool children"

Abstract - the article is devoted to "Visual activity - as the leading discipline of aesthetic education and artistic development of preschool children." Topical in the article is solving problems child development of different age categories in an educational institution through an organization visual activity, which is currently considered as significant from the point of view personality development, her creative abilities, initiative, independence, the formation of attitudes and aesthetic education.

Education today refers to culture, spirituality, art as the dominant of a harmonious human development... Culture perceived as the most important factor in the spiritual renewal of society as a whole and a separate personality. In our DSHI, Stroitel, in 2009, a department of early aesthetic development for children, parents who wish to introduce their child to the world of beauty from an early age. The curriculum of the department of early aesthetic development of children aim to form artistic ability of children, where the irreplaceable foundation of a preschooler is development of its potential, both in the field of music, dance, singing, and in the field visual arts... For development skills in arts early age is decisive. The preparation received by the child during the preschool period helps to successfully develop and be more responsive and spiritually developed. Art education of children preschool age should be aimed at forming aesthetic relationship to reality, on artistic development- creativity, for familiarization children with the universal language of art - means artistic expression... When forming the figurative thinking of a preschool child, it is important to reveal his creative potential, which will later become the basis for development creative giftedness. A stimulant of this development advocates arts education... V art education for children the central place is given to the ability to perception of artistic works and the independent creation of a new image (in drawing, modeling, applique, which is distinguished by originality, variability and flexibility. In different types visual activity the teacher solves specific problems due to age characteristics. This is determined by the growth of the child's physical capabilities, especially active development small muscles of the hands, a change in the psychological position and the feeling of older preschoolers of adulthood, the desire to show their individuality.

Visual activity is very important for children, not even so much for mastering the ability to draw as for development of general abilities that will appear in the future in any form activities... Across visual activity there is an intensive development of aesthetic perception of the world, development of intelligence, morality, creativity. All children who are engaged artistic activities, they relate to the world around them differently. Children are more emotionally able to feel the beauty of nature, they are more sensitive in human relationships. Try to spend more time with your baby. Draw more, sculpt with your child!

It is necessary to support your child in drawing, even elementary ones in your opinion. "astrakhan" on a piece of paper. Can be seen in these "Doodles" the sun or some chicken. I advise parents to support any initiative. But the child took a piece of plasticine and blinded something that looked like a ball.

Play this moment with your child. Surprise and rejoice with him! Encourage the desire to mold something yourself from plasticine or draw on a piece of paper, because this develops imagination, reinforces the child's interest in activities.

Visual activity is associated with aesthetic activity.

Aesthetic activities- this is a spiritual-practical, emotionally rational activity of a person, the content of which is the construction of an individual picture of the world through the creation of expressive artistic images, and the goal is to harmonize your relationship with the world, to model the image "I AM" forming the self concept of the creator.

Aesthetic development- process and result development the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world.

Emotional stages development:

A child 3-4 years old is emotionally happy depicting familiar objects, which he recognized in the picture, but not yet in the image. The motive for the assessment is substantive or everyday in nature (for example, chose "Such a postcard, because there is no such one yet", because "Delicious apple")

By the age of 5, a child begins not only to see, but also to be aware of those elementary aesthetic qualities in the work that make the picture attractive to him. Children can receive elementary aesthetic enjoyment evaluating in the picture as a beautiful color, color combination depicted objects and phenomena, less often form and compositional techniques.

Children 6 years of age rise to ability perceive more than inherent in external signs depicted subject... The child captures an intrinsic characteristic artistic image.

A modern look at aesthetic education child presupposes the unity of the formation aesthetic attitude to the world and artistic development means of different types fine and arts and crafts in aesthetic activities... V aesthetic education, the leading activity of children is an artistic. The developing nature of aesthetic education will take place on condition that children master generalized (typical) and in independent ways artistic activities, necessary and sufficient in all types visual activity.

Artistic activity Is an activity specific in its content and forms of expression, aimed at aesthetic exploration of the world and development creative giftedness of the child through art. During visual activity conditions are created for development of aesthetic and emotional perception of art that contribute to the formation aesthetic relationship to reality.

To form ways of visual and tactile examination of various objects for enrichment and clarification perception features of their shape, proportions, color, texture.

Tasks artistic and creative development of children 4 years old

Learn children find a connection between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and their images in figure, modeling, applications. Learn "Enter the image".

Meet children with a folk toy (Filimonovskaya, Dymkovskaya, Semenovskaya, Bogorodskaya) to enrich visual impressions and show a conventionally generalized interpretation artistic images.

Conduct lessons in a playful way with the participation of folk toys to create children festive mood.

Learn children to see an integral artistic image in the unity of the pictorial- expressive means of coloristic, compositional and semantic interpretation.

Create conditions for independent development by children of methods and techniques Images familiar objects based on available means artistically-shaped expressiveness (color, spot, line, shape, rhythm, dynamics) in their unity;

Encourage children independently choose ways Images when creating expressive images, using mastered techniques for this; develop children's perception, to form an idea of ​​objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to create conditions for their active cognition and, on this basis, to teach children:

Display your ideas and impressions about the world around you using available graphic and pictorial means.

Continue to teach to draw with pencils and felt-tip pens - draw lines (vertical, horizontal, wavy, curves) and close them into shapes (rounded and rectangular, thereby creating expressive images;

Continue to acquaint children with paints and form the skills of drawing with a brush (gently moisten and rinse, draw paint on the pile, run the brush along the pile, draw lines, draw and paint closed forms); learn to create one-, two- and multi-color expressive images;

Transfer children from drawing-imitation to independent creativity.

Tasks artistic and creative development of children 5 years old... The features of this age also necessitate the reinforcement of any productive species. action by word, plastic movement, playing. Without this, it is difficult for a child to reveal the conceived image, to explain the desired action.

Maintain interest children to folk - decorative arts (Dymkovskaya, Filimonovskaya, Bogorodskaya toys, Semyonovskaya or Polkhov-Maidan nesting dolls);

Expand the topic of children's work in accordance with the content of the section "Cognitive development» ; keep the desire to portray familiar household and natural objects (dishes, furniture, vehicles, vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, animals, as well as natural phenomena (rain, snow) and bright events public life (holidays); teach yourself to find simple plots in the surrounding life, fiction; help to choose the plot of teamwork;

Pay attention children on the figurative expressiveness of various objects in art (things created by the hands of folk craftsmen, furniture, dishes, clothes, toys, etc.); learn to notice general outlines and individual details, contour, color, pattern; to show, from what parts multi-figure compositions are composed, how differently the same object looks from different sides;


Learn to convey characteristics depicted objects(a city house is high, multi-storey, stone, and a village low, one-storey, wooden);

Introduce with colors, with composition options and different arrangements pictures on a sheet of paper:

- develop in children the ability to convey the same form or image in different techniques (depict the sun, flower, bird in the picture);

Combine various techniques visual activity(drawing, applique, (for example, plots "Our Garden", "Our aquarium").

Maintain interest in new content words: « painter» , "Museum", "Exhibition", "painting", "sculpture";

Conduct collective work (« Golden autumn» , "Colored umbrellas"), learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other older ones children(under the guidance of an adult);

Advise parents on how to organize at home visual activity of the child.

Show respect for artistic interests and work of the child, take care of the results of his creative activities.

Create conditions for self-reliance artistic creation.

Tasks artistic and creative development of children 6 years old

Preschooler in his aesthetic development goes from an elementary visual-sensory impression to the creation of a more complex original image (compositions) simple figuratively- expressive means. Moving from a simple image-representation to aesthetic generalization, from perception an integral image as a single to the realization of its inner meaning and understanding of the typical is carried out under the influence of adults who pass on to children the basics of culture. Based on this, the teacher sets himself and creatively implements a whole range of interrelated tasks.

Meet children with works of different types of art (painting, graphics, folk and decorative-applied art, sculpture) to enrich visual impressions, form aesthetic feelings and assessments;

Pay attention children on the figurative expressiveness of various objects in art, natural and everyday environment. These are things created by the hands of folk craftsmen, architectural structures, natural landscapes, specially designed rooms, furniture, dishes, clothes, toys, books, etc., to learn to notice general outlines and individual details, contour, color, pattern; to show, from what parts multi-figure compositions are composed, how differently the same object looks from different sides;

Encourage to embody children in artistic form their ideas, experiences, feelings, thoughts; support personal creativity;

Enrich content visual activity in accordance with

tasks of cognitive and social child development senior preschool age; initiate the choice of stories about the family, social and natural phenomena (Sunday in the family, favorite holidays, means of communication in their attribute embodiment, a farm, a zoo, a forest, a meadow, an aquarium, heroes and episodes from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons);

Learn children correctly select the content of the picture. For example, to inhabit the forest with animals, birds and a body of water; the desert by the corresponding inhabitants, and in the meadow portray daisies, cornflowers, bells;

Maintain a desire to convey the characteristics of objects and phenomena based on ideas and observations. As a result of examining reproductions, photographs, illustrations in children's books and encyclopedias (the golden cockerel has a multi-colored tail, bright red comb and beard) reflect in their works generalized ideas about the cyclical nature of changes in nature (landscapes at different times of the year);

To improve pictorial skills in all kinds artistic activities... Continue learning to submit the form depicted objects, their characteristic features, proportions and mutual arrangement of parts; convey simple movements (the bird flies, the doll dances, the cat sneaks up on the mouse); when creating a plot, convey simple semantic connections between objects, try to show the spatial relationships between them (near, sideways, above, below, using the horizon line as a guide;

Support the desire to independently combine familiar techniques, help master new ones, unite on their own initiative different ways Images;

Improve the technique with gouache paints (mix paints to get new colors and shades, use a brush with confidence;

Skillfully draw lines in different directions, in decorative drawing, create pattern elements with the entire nap of the brush or the end); teach to paint with watercolors; to show the possibility of color solution of one image using several colors or their shades.

In drawing, modeling, application at children develop an interest in artistic and creative activities, the desire to create a beautiful image, it is more interesting to come up with it and do it as best as possible. Thus, the basis aesthetic attitude and artistic development preschooler make up "three whales"- emotionality, interest and activity in work.

The main thing in visual activity to develop students have creativity, thinking outside the box, individuality. Taking into account age characteristics in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Formation of the ability to experiment with different materials and tools

Learn to plan your activity: to conceive an image, to select materials and tools, to achieve the set goal;

Promote development pictorial handicraft technician;

-develop compositional skills, curiosity;

-foster independence, initiative, creativity, aesthetic taste... When completing tasks, we will see the expected results:

Increased interest children to visual activities when organizing a work circle;

Transfer of acquired knowledge and skills to independent activities of children;

Ability to use non-traditional drawing techniques.

To increase interest children in fine arts lessons art we used integration areas: musical upbringing, artistic creation , communication, cognition, etc. Samples are offered finished works, hint schemes, creative albums with assignments, didactic games, electronic manuals. Little child it is easier to express your impressions with visual activity... To improve pictorial I teach skills in my work children shape perception, colors, rhythm aesthetic presentation, through game forms. For development children's creativity and mastery visual activities take into account the interests of children... Of particular interest to children the ability to combine different methods, techniques and materials in works. For example, an applique can be supplemented with drawing and vice versa; different ways of obtaining an image in an applique - they can create a certain shape by cutting them off with their fingers; different ways of obtaining an image in sculpting, modeling the shape by hand, cutting with a mold; use of additional materials in sculpting - buttons, seeds, grains, etc.

To achieve the expected results, I carry out the following work with parents:

I design exhibitions

I provide consultations, for example, “How to organize visual activity with a child at home»

Output: preschool age is a special age for aesthetic education... It is at this age that the child's attitude to the world is formed and development of essential aesthetic qualities of the future personality. Comprehensively development and upbringing of children in the process of visual activity does not happen by itself, but only if the teacher solves all problems not dryly, not formally, but in accordance with the requirements of the visual activity... Using methods and techniques that cause a positive emotional response children the richer the experience children, the more meaningful and interesting their life will be, the more develop their imagination and more interest in everything beautiful. After graduation « General developmental aesthetic department» students can continue their studies by choosing departments according to their ability. It can be music, folklore, dance or art... After all, children are the flowers of life. And them development is in our hands.

Surkova I. A

art teacher

Belgorod region

Yakovlevsky district

MBU DO DSHI, Builder

"Aesthetic education of preschool children in a kindergarten"

Aesthetic education is an extremely important position in general education child. Interest in this problem has increased recently. The theory and practice of aesthetic education is one of the most important sources moral education a comprehensively developed, spiritually rich personality. The importance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that for the maturation of the future worldview, it is necessary to form aesthetic views, without which it will not become complete, capable of fully embracing reality. Many teachers, cultural figures believe that it is necessary to form a personality and aesthetic culture at preschool age, since it is most favorable.

An attempt was made to solve the following problems:

study the literature on this topic and introduce the teaching staff of the garden.

to reveal the concept of aesthetic education;

to characterize the forms and methods of aesthetic education of children;

study programs for preschool aesthetic education.

The subject of the research is the process of applying aesthetic education of preschoolers in preschool conditions.



An article about sharing experiences with preschool teachers ..

Compiled by: kindergarten teacher

Zoya Dmitrievna Lovnuzhenkova.


An article of exchange of experience with the teachers of the garden.

"Aesthetic education of preschool children in a kindergarten"

Aesthetic education is an extremely important position in the general education of a child. Interest in this problem has increased recently. The theory and practice of aesthetic education is one of the most important sources of moral education for a comprehensively developed, spiritually rich personality. The importance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that for the maturation of the future worldview, it is necessary to form aesthetic views, without which it will not become complete, capable of fully embracing reality. Many teachers, cultural figures believe that it is necessary to form a personality and aesthetic culture at preschool age, since it is most favorable.

An attempt was made to solve the following problems:

study the literature on this topic and introduce the teaching staff of the garden.

to reveal the concept of aesthetic education;

to characterize the forms and methods of aesthetic education of children;

study programs for preschool aesthetic education.

The subject of the research is the process of applying aesthetic education of preschoolers in preschool conditions.

1. The concept of aesthetic education

Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of forming a person's aesthetic attitude to reality. With the emergence of human society, this attitude developed along with it, being embodied in the sphere of material and spiritual activities of people. It is associated with their perception and understanding of beauty in reality, enjoyment of it, the aesthetic creativity of man.

Aesthetic education includes aesthetic development as a process of activating perception, creative imagination, figurative thinking, emotional feeling; the formation of spiritual needs. The essence of the system of aesthetic education is the influence on pupils by means of art. According to B.T.Likhachev, there are several starting points in the theory of aesthetic education:

in order to develop natural forces in children, to create conditions for a deep awareness of aesthetic phenomena, it is necessary to deliberately engage in various types of creative activity;

the theory of aesthetic education consists in the realization of the enormous significance and spiritual value for an exalted, beautiful, graceful person;

a complex solution of problems is necessary in the process of teaching art to children:

ideological - moral and artistic education,

teaching skills and abilities that can ensure the involvement of children in proactive creative activities,

development of spiritual and physical essential forces and creative abilities.

Let's consider several concepts about the goals of aesthetic education, which, in essence, mean the same thing. B.T. Likhachev sees the goal as the formation of a moral and aesthetic humanistic ideal in a child, a multifaceted development of personality, the ability to feel, understand, see and create beauty.

The goal of aesthetic education, according to V.N. Shatskoy: "Aesthetic education serves to form ... the ability of an active aesthetic attitude of students to works of art, and also stimulates feasible participation in the creation of beauty in art, work, in creativity according to the laws of beauty." Those. art is given an important place in aesthetic education - it is a part of aesthetic culture, as artistic education is a part of the aesthetic, an important part, significant, but covering only one sphere of human activity.

For the aesthetic education of children, it is necessary to resolve a number of objective contradictions and subjective discrepancies: by nature, a child has certain inclinations and capabilities that can be fully realized only with purposeful and organized artistic and aesthetic education and upbringing. When neglected, the child remains "deaf to genuine spiritual, artistic and aesthetic values."

One of the laws of upbringing is the upbringing of a child in activity. As an educational influence, the means of art are used that develop the special abilities and talents of some of its forms: fine art, decorative and applied art, music and others. The artistic activity of a preschooler is a means and condition of aesthetic education, work directly related to such types of arts as: verbal and artistic creativity, design, theatrical games, decorative - applied and visual arts, playing music.

The implementation of the tasks of aesthetic education occurs subject to the following conditions:

implementation of an individual approach to children;

favorable environment (room, clothing, toys);

personal initiative and desire of children.

Broad interests in art, the need for contact with the aesthetic manifestations of art in life are related to the social criteria of aesthetic upbringing. In the social sense, aesthetic upbringing is manifested in the totality of the child's attitude and behavior. Evidence of the degree of aesthetic education of a child is his relationship to people in personal and public life, actions, labor activity, his attitude to his appearance.

The responsibility for the emergence of aesthetic ideas and feelings of the child is the greatest and lies with the circle of his primary contacts - parents and close relatives. This is the basis of his aesthetic culture and it should be laid by pedagogically competent parents, the nature of their aesthetic requirements, the cultural conditions of the family are important.

Aesthetic upbringing is formed on the integrity of developed natural forces, emotional feeling, abilities of perception, imagination, artistic and aesthetic education - the creative individuality, aesthetic attitude to art, one's behavior and to oneself, to the environment depends on it. The ability to admire beauty, any phenomena in life and art is an important sign of aesthetic upbringing. Sometimes, watching a child in art galleries or exhibitions, you can see how children just skim through the paintings, without stopping for a long time, without stopping to admire. This indicates a lack of aesthetic upbringing, since the most important element of the aesthetic attitude is missing - admiration. Aesthetic upbringing is characterized by the ability to deeply experience feelings - spiritual pleasure, a sense of disgust, a sense of humor, irony, a sense of anger, fear, compassion. Pedagogical - artistic taste is manifested in the value of the selected works of art for their own pleasure, in evaluating the phenomena of life and art, in the products of their creative activity. Based on pedagogical criteria, you can find out the level of artistic and figurative thinking. Original craftsmanship combined with improvisation testifies to high level aesthetic education;

social - manifested in a complex of relationships and behavior of children. If the child has a broad interest in different types art, a great need for contact with the aesthetic phenomena of life, then we can talk about a high degree of aesthetic upbringing.

3. Methods, forms and tasks of aesthetic education of childrenpreschool age

The success of aesthetic education is due to the joint activities of the educator and the child. In the process of this activity, there is a development of his creative abilities, awareness of the relationship to the objective, natural, social environment... Also, for the result, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs, characteristics and interests of the child, the degree of his general development. For the choice of methods of aesthetic education, it is required to be based on personal experience child, his aspirations, motives, experiences. There are many different parenting methods.

Methods of aesthetic education can be divided into classifications:

by forms of organization;

by type of activity;

by the ages of the children;

by the number of children;

and etc.

The holistic perception method is very important for the targeted acquisition of aesthetic information. This method is suitable for the perception of the plot of a fairy tale, picture, figurative construction of a piece of music. The teacher draws the attention of children to a more specific, detailed perception, targeted observation.

According to what methods and techniques of upbringing the child receives aesthetic information can be divided into visual and verbal.

The following requirement is imposed on these methods: the reproduction of musical and literary compositions must be emotional, artistically expressive, and have aesthetic value for children; so that they understand the content of the poem, paintings, songs and the essence of the assignment, the mood of the characters was experienced, again it is necessary to achieve vivid imagery, otherwise the meeting with art will be insignificant and will not benefit the child.

Aesthetic education of preschoolers in kindergarten can be organized according to different forms and classifications:

according to the principle of activity management - under the direct and indirect guidance of the educator;

by the number of children - frontal, subgroups, individual;

by type of activity - classes, theatrical games, excursions, celebrations.

Methods change depending on the form of organization of activity. For example, in fine arts classes, the teacher can give precise instructions, show or invite the children to look for ways to do it themselves. Or, when learning poems and songs after their performance by adults, you can have a conversation about artistic qualities, content, use visual aids, ask children to repeat the text for memorization. During modeling lessons, the teacher teaches techniques that will help children to fold the figure themselves. Those. an adult contributes to the independent activity of children, he pushes to action and corrects mistakes. Also, the methods depend on the age of the children.

Introducing young children to the beautiful, the teacher shows, pays attention to objects, discusses them with children. An adult encourages older children to "transform" the world around him as much as possible under his guidance. This is how the methods of planning activities, observation, and independent actions are applied.

It is rather difficult to define precisely the methods of aesthetic education. But a number of highly effective methods can be classified:

the method of persuasion, aimed at the formation of aesthetic perception, assessment, initial manifestations of taste;

the method of training, exercises - to acquire the skills of a culture of behavior;

a method of encouraging empathy, emotional responsiveness to the beautiful and ugly in the world around them;

method of problem situations - pushes to creative and practical action.

For the formation of the artistic abilities of preschoolers, there is a single pedagogical condition- transferring to all children equal factual data and conditions for the development of data in various fields of art. The development of artistic skills and abilities is based on the creation of the highest spiritual need. Without efforts on the part of the child, an integral creative personality and high aesthetic principles cannot be formed.

The tasks of aesthetic education are divided into several groups. Each group has its own methods. The first group is aimed at acquainting children with art, at the formation of aesthetic taste, the perception of beauty. To solve these problems, methods such as pedagogical demonstration, description, explanation, example are used.

The show is used in the initial stage of training. It is important that the attention of children is focused on the displayed object; for this, the educator must responsibly approach the choice of this object. The teacher must own the methods of transmitting feelings, be able to show their attitude when using these methods.

The method of example is based on the desire of children to imitate. The example of the educator is of particular importance for the child - looking at the teacher, the child realizes the meaning of the social and moral attitude.

The second group of tasks is aimed at developing skills in creative activity. Practical methods are applied: exercise, search situation method. The exercise is used to develop practical skills. To find an independent conclusion by children and explain the aesthetic object, the method of search situations is used.

The general rule for choosing methods is to maintain the desire in children to create an object of art with their own hands, for this the teacher

"The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva is a developed and supplemented version of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" published in 1985. It is designed for educators, methodologists, heads of kindergartens.

The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle will ensure that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education, and will make up for the shortcomings of the spiritual, moral and emotional upbringing of a child. Education is viewed as the process of acquiring a child to the main components of human culture (representation, knowledge, morality, art, labor).

The goal of the program is to create favorable conditions for a full-fledged living of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the all-round development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics preparing a child for life in modern society.

Objectives of the program: caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely all-round development of each child;

creating in groups an atmosphere of humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which will allow them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

maximum use of various types of children's activities; their integration in order to improve the efficiency of the educational process;

creativity (creative organization) of the process of education and training;

the variability of the use of educational material, which allows the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity;

ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;

coordination of approaches to raising children in preschool and family settings. Ensuring family participation in the life of kindergarten groups and preschool institutions as a whole;

maintaining continuity in the work of the kindergarten and primary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of a child of preschool age.

The program is organized by age group. It covers four age periods of physical and mental development children:

early age - from birth to 2 years (first and second groups of early age);

junior preschool age - from 2 to 4 years (first and second junior groups);

average age - from 4 to 5 years (middle group);

senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory groups for school).

In each section of the programthe characteristics of the age characteristics of the mental and physical development children, the general and special tasks of upbringing and education, the peculiarities of organizing the life of children are defined, the formation of the necessary ideas, vital skills and abilities in the learning process and their development in everyday life are provided.

The program has developed the content of children's parties, entertainment and leisure activities. The approximate levels of development have been determined, inwhich reflects the achievements acquired by the child by the end of each year of preschool education.

The program is accompanied by lists of literary and musical works, didactic and outdoor games, recommended for use in the pedagogical process.

4. Analysis of the program of aesthetic education in kindergarten

"Program" ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. This program is designed for physical and speech development, labor, social, environmental education, which, in fact, is also used to educate aesthetic taste, consciousness and morality. This program offers approximate goals and objectives for activities such as life safety, basics of hygiene, speech development, the world, play activities, the basics of mathematics, and, in particular, classes in fiction, music and visual arts.

"Program" M.A. Vasilyeva for each age group is given a detailed description. Childhood also summarizes what a child should be able to do by the end of each period.

The "program" contains such a chapter in each section as "Organization of children's lives", which includes such important points as an exemplary daily routine and upbringing during regime processes. These aspects are valuable in that with their help you can form an idea of ​​how to guide the process of upbringing during the hours outside of class.


To carry out a detailed analysis of pedagogical literature and draw conclusions, the topic of aesthetic education, which is quite widely considered in domestic literature, allowed us to draw conclusions.

Aesthetic development is at an important place in the upbringing process, on it the aesthetic qualities of a person are brought up, and of the individual as a whole - spiritual needs, moral ideals, world outlook. These aspects of a person are formed under the influence of various reasons. Nature, work, environment: family, relationships between people - everything has an educational value, all this can be wonderful. Art is also a means of aesthetic education as a leading exponent of "beauty".

The influence of beauty on a person can occur spontaneously and purposefully. Kindergarten plays an important role in this. Analyzing the program, I concluded that the main means of aesthetic education is the art that is available in curricula kindergarten in the form of fine arts and music. A literary, artistic or musical work has great strength emotional influence, which is a means of developing the aesthetic qualities of a child, a method of penetrating the mind of a preschooler.

So, the “most versatile and useful” program is, in my opinion, the “Program for education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva. This program does not lose its relevance and is shown in conjunction with the entire educational process.


aesthetic education preschooler program

1.Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy. Course of lectures: Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions and listeners IPK and FPK - M .: Prometey, Yurayt, 1998. - 464 p.

2. Collection of articles "Aesthetic education in kindergarten", ed. ON. Vetlugina, M., 1978.

Aesthetic education and development of preschool children. Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / E.A. Dubrovskaya, T.A. Kazakova, N.N. Yurina et al. Ed. E.A. Dubrovskaya, S.A. Kozlova. M., publishing center"Academy". 2002 - 256 p.

(theory) Pedagogy

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