How to smooth out a mink coat if it is wrinkled. How to fluff up a mink coat after summer How to straighten a fur collar

A frequently asked question is how to fluff up fur that has already lost much of its original appearance - the topic of our article today.

Fur on the hood has always made outerwear (jacket, down jacket, coat) more elegant, beautiful, and respectable. Among other things, such finishing always provides additional warmth in the winter cold: an impressive edge with long pile even allows you not to wear a hat, reliably protecting your ears and head from the wind and sub-zero temperatures. However, some people prefer to buy clothes without trim, thinking that keeping the fur on it in its original form from season to season will be too difficult.

The fur on the hood of a jacket often cakes after winter.

In fact, this is just a myth: fur - both natural and artificial - can be put in order, and without even going to the dry cleaner, but at home. It’s just that in some situations you will need to put in a little more effort and spend a little more time.

So how can you fluff up fur that has found itself in various unpleasant situations, save it from dirt, creases, tangles, bruises, and return it to its original spectacular appearance? Of course, there are many ways.

Important! However, many situations can be prevented if clothing is stored and handled correctly. We'll talk about this too.

It is very important to store clothes correctly and handle them correctly

Wrinkled natural (as well as, in fact, artificial) fur with creases is a fairly common problem. It can get into this state for several reasons:

  • long-term off-season storage;
  • postal forwarding;
  • washing;
  • rain or snowfall.

Wrinkled natural (as well as, in fact, artificial) fur with creases is a fairly common problem

To answer the question of how to fluff up the fur on a hood, approaching the problem in general, you can do this: let it hang or dry naturally, and then gently (!) comb it without any effort. And this should be done with a slicker comb, which can be purchased at pet stores. Some craftsmen who work with this material use a special tool made from long... sewing needles. The effect of its use is truly impressive, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to find something similar on sale.

A slicker comb will effectively comb and fluff up a fur item.

In difficult cases, steam can be used. To do this, just hold the edge over a boiling saucepan, a bath of hot water, or use an iron with a vertical steam function. But under no circumstances get it wet!

When trying to figure out how to fluff the fur of an arctic fox, for example, you should remember: natural fur perfectly withstands critical negative temperatures, but high temperatures - not so much. Therefore, never dry natural edging on a radiator or with a hairdryer, and when using steam, keep the product at a distance of at least fifty centimeters from water.

The Arctic fox, raccoon, and silver fox also do not tolerate salt and other chemicals well. In this situation, when you come from the street, you should not immediately rush to comb your hood. Just let it dry well away from the batteries. In this case, the pile should not come into contact with anything.

If you are interested in how to fluff up arctic fox fur with particles of salt and other dirt at home, do not try to immediately remove them from the wet pile. This can lead to simple ripping out of the lint. Let the dirt and salt dry, then you can easily comb your hood.

The fur on the hood should only be combed after it is completely dry.

Very often, ladies, having already put on a jacket or down jacket, add the final touches to their image, namely, spray varnish, use perfume, and other perfumes. When it gets on the fur, it almost instantly glues the fibers together. Later, serious tangles and lumps form in this place, and the owner urgently “rushes” to the Internet, to forums with a cry for help, asking to be told how to fluff up the fur on her favorite jacket.

Attention! Never wear perfume while getting dressed.

And if the villi are stuck together due to varnish or perfume, try using alcohol: wet the resulting lump, carefully separate the villi with your fingers and comb, but only in the direction of their natural slope. You can also use alcohol to get rid of lumps and tangles formed for other reasons. In this case, you need to act without using force, carefully, without rushing. It is also worth noting that all of the above also applies to caring for faux fur.

You can fluff up and renew the fur using special products, which are often alcohol-based.

Fur after washing

Today, you can often find natural dyed finishes on jackets in almost every color of the rainbow. Outerwear is decorated with blue, pink, yellow, green edges. Over time, they not only shrink and fall into tangles, but darken, turn yellow from dirt, completely losing all fluffiness. In this case, washing and drying helps restore the beauty of fur. Moreover, properly drying the edge can be even more important than washing it. Because, for example, raccoon fur or other fluffy fur after drying looks like a “mutant hedgehog” with too long needles.

Fur products (be it a fur coat, boleros, vests, etc.) cost a considerable amount and are purchased once every year. But in order for these wardrobe items to retain their original presentable appearance, they need to be properly stored and cared for. Otherwise, the consequences may not be the most pleasant. If furs are stored incorrectly, creases and bruises are possible. As a result, the owner of the product gets an absolutely unkempt appearance of his “charm”. A natural question arises: what to do in this case? How to straighten fur that is currently facing in different directions?

Methods for straightening fur

For a person who has wondered “how to straighten fur on a fur coat,” the following methods of dealing with wrinkled fur will be useful:

  • The fur item must be hung over a bathtub with hot water, i.e. let the steam straighten out all the bruises;
  • then it is necessary to dry it out of direct sunlight in the open air (an excellent option is to hang the fur coat on the balcony all night);
  • if the bruises are not too critical and large-scale, the fur coat must be hung on a mannequin or on hangers (the fur will straighten out under the product’s own weight).

In addition to the above methods, there is one, universal one. It says: walk over a fur item with a damp sponge and only then comb it with a metal comb with rare teeth against the grain.

How to prevent creases and bruises on fur products?

In fact, preventing such an unpleasant situation is quite simple. It is necessary to follow basic rules for storing fur products. And the main thesis of these rules says: you need to store a fur coat hanging on hangers in such a way that this item of clothing does not come into contact with other clothes.

It is much easier to prevent such a situation than to later rack your brains over the question of how to smooth out the fur.

Those. A fur coat or bolero made from natural fur should be stored exclusively hanging. Under no circumstances is it recommended to fold or crumple it. If you adhere to these simple rules, a fur product will be able to serve faithfully for many years, will please the eye and warm the body during the cold season.

Any fur product is a thing that requires appropriate handling. If the owner of a fur coat carefully takes care of it and stores it in proper condition, then the unpleasant situation when the fur of the product is wrinkled will never overtake him.

Until recently, for real men there was a modest list of what they should be able to do in their lives: plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. Today, this list has expanded somewhat due to the increased demands of modern women. Any woman, most likely, sooner or later will demand from her lover... of course, a luxurious fur coat!

So, let’s assume that the man turned out to be real and gave his beloved a luxurious fur coat, for example, made of mink, sable or silver fox. But a lady in such a fur coat must “keep her mark.” You won’t be able to show off luxury for one winter and hang it in the closet. It is necessary that the mink coat does not lose its original charm in the second, third, and so on years.

However, what should you do if next winter the fur on your fur coat is wrinkled and does not take the proper shape? Or, already during the first or second exit, the lady fell under wet snow, then leaned against the wall, the fur took on an irregular shape and dried out. Oh, disaster!!! Or maybe not?... How to straighten and smooth the fur on a fur coat?

Is it possible to steam a mink coat? How to steam?

There are three most well-known and applicable methods for smoothing and straightening fur on a fur coat.

  • The path of least resistance is dry cleaning. Today, dry cleaners offer their clients such services as fur straightening and care. But what to do if you don’t want to pay for an unsuccessful promenade in the wet snow?
  • Straightening fur at home using steam. Warm steam has a beneficial effect on any “bent” fur. You can achieve “steaming” of a fur coat by hanging it on a coat hanger in the bathroom above a bathtub filled with hot water. You just don’t need to wet the mink coat itself. If the fur was not very wrinkled, after such steaming it will be enough to shake the fur coat a little and hang it in a cool place to dry. At the same time, the product should not be exposed to sunlight, since dark furs may fade, and light furs may turn yellow. It is best to dry a mink coat in a draft. If simple shaking is not enough, the steamed fur can be lightly straightened with a comb or hand. Afterwards, shake again.
  • If you have any problems with steaming, you can do without it and use a damp or even wet sponge and comb. The fur that needs to be straightened should be rubbed several times with a damp sponge to moisten it. After this, with light movements with a sparse comb you need to “comb” the fur a little, rather not even combing it, but straightening it. Then the mink coat should be shaken and hung to dry.

Whatever method of straightening fur yourself is chosen, you must clearly remember that you should not dry the fur with a hairdryer, as hot air leads to drying out of the fur. The pile loses its shine and becomes brittle. To avoid situations associated with straightening the fur, after each walk, the fur coat should be hung on hangers in the closet separately from the rest of the clothes, and also do not neglect special covers for storing fur products. If after a walk a mink or any other coat becomes damp, the fur is wet, you need to dry it on hangers in complete isolation in the shade with the fur straightened in advance.

In the winter season it is difficult to do without a beautiful fur coat. It will not only turn you into a luxurious queen, but will also protect you from frost. But when the cold weather goes away, we put the fur coat in the closet and forget about it until the next winter. Not everyone knows how to properly store a fur coat, so when you take the item out into the white light after a long break, you may notice that the fur is wrinkled, and the fur coat as a whole does not look as attractive as before. But don’t be upset, there are quite effective ways that will help save the situation. Read on to learn how to straighten the fur on a fur coat.

Effective ways

Which method to choose to straighten the fur primarily depends on how long the fur coat was folded and how tightly the fur was compacted. If the degree of deformation of the fur pile is very low, then it may be sufficient to simply hang the fur coat in a straightened state on hangers and wait five to seven days. The impact of your own weight will help the canvas straighten. If this measure does not affect the condition of the fur coat, it is necessary to add an element such as the effect of humidity on the fur. A steam effect can be created in the bathroom by running the hottest water possible. Leave the fur coat there for about forty minutes and the creases should straighten out.

If you have a steamer, you can use it, targeting the steam to those areas where wrinkled fur is noticeable. It is important to maintain the required distance, since strong and sudden exposure to hot steam is harmful to fur hairs. If you don't have a steamer, you can use an iron. Lay the fur coat on the ironing board, cover it with a thick cloth and move a heated iron over it, alternately releasing steam from it. After these steps, the fur must be combed with a wide-toothed comb. Apply a certain force, but do not overdo it, so as not to pull out the hairs. If after these steps you need to dry your fur coat, do not use a hair dryer or heater for this. Leave the product in a dry place to allow drying to occur naturally.

Prevent fur caking

Now that you know how to smooth out fur and give your fur coat its original appearance, you need to consider what you need to do to prevent your fur coat from caking. First of all, never crease or fold the product. The longer a fur coat sits rolled up, the more difficult it is to eventually return the fur to its normal appearance. The fur coat should hang on hangers in the closet, and it should have enough free space on all sides. For example, so that the sleeves do not wrinkle or the fur is not affected by hanging items nearby.

If you follow the basic rules for storing fur products and properly care for your fur coat after a period of non-use, your favorite item of clothing will serve you for as long as possible!

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