How to create your own diet - Individual diet selection. The designer will help you create complete recommendations and diet Create a menu for every day for your healthy diet

Why do you need an article on creating the perfect diet plan when looking for the most effective weight loss program?

If your weight loss nutrition program is not what it should be, your workout program is doomed to fail, no matter how perfect it is.

This is not an exaggeration. You could be training with the most well-designed program ever created, but it will do absolutely nothing for you if your nutrition doesn't match your goals.

What I'm trying to say is that your diet plan is just as important as your workout (if not more) in terms of getting the results you want.

So, what you need to do now is to create a diet plan that will best suit your goals.

As you can imagine, fully explaining how to do this would require an insanely comprehensive tutorial.

I'm just getting there, so here's the ultimate mini-guide on how to create the perfect diet plan.

Step 1: Calorie Intake

  • If your main goal is to lose fat, then you need to create a daily calorie deficit of about 20% of your goal.
  • If your primary goal is to build muscle (or bulk), you'll need to create a daily calorie surplus of about 250 calories above your daily value (about half as much for women).

Now let me explain what the hell this actually means.

Daily calorie intake

Every person has a certain number of calories they should eat each day to maintain their current weight. This is called your daily caloric intake.

There are many complicated ways to estimate your daily calorie intake, but the quickest and easiest way is to simply multiply your current body weight (in kilograms) by 31 and 40.

Somewhere between these two numbers will be your daily calorie intake.

If you are more active and/or believe you have a fast metabolism, then you should probably use a higher number in this range. If you are less active and/or think you have a slow metabolism, then you should probably use a lower number in this range.

If you're not sure, just pick the number in the middle. We will make sure you get the exact number. Don't worry.

Then choose your goal...

If your main goal is to reduce fat...

To reduce fat, you must consume LESS calories per day than your daily value. This creates a calorie deficit and forces your body to start burning stored fat for energy.

So, a calorie deficit leads to fat loss.

For example, if you estimate your daily intake to be 2500 calories, you can easily figure out that 20% of 2500 is 500 calories (2500 x 0.20 = 500). Then you subtract that 500 from 2500 to get 2000.

In this example, a person needs to eat 2,000 calories a day to lose fat.

If your main goal is to build muscle...

To build muscle, you must consume MORE calories per day than your daily requirement. This creates a calorie surplus and gives your body the calories it needs to create new muscle tissue.

So, excess calories are needed to build muscle.

As I said earlier, the ideal calorie surplus for most guys is about 250 calories above your daily requirement, and about half that for girls. So let's do some simple math.

For example, a person estimates his daily requirement to be 2,500 calories, adds 250 or so calories to it, and gets about 2,750 calories.

In this example, a person would need to eat about 2,750 calories per day to build muscle at the ideal rate.

Ensuring proper calorie intake

Since our calorie intake is just an estimate, it may be a little inaccurate. Luckily, there's a very easy way to double-check your calculations.

Weigh yourself once a week first thing in the morning, before you eat or drink anything (or weigh yourself daily and calculate the weekly average). Then simply check how your weight changes week after week.

  • If your goal is to reduce fat, you have to lose from 0.25 to 1 kilogram per week(closer to 1 kg if you have a lot of fat, closer to 0.25 kg if you have a little fat, or somewhere in between if you need to lose a medium amount of fat). If you are losing weight more slowly or not at all, reduce your calorie intake by 250 calories. If you're losing weight faster than you should, increase your calorie intake by about 250.
  • If your goal is building muscle (or increasing strength), you should end up gaining about 0.5lb per week (or about 2lbs per month). And again for women, it should be about half that. If you are consistently gaining weight faster than that, reduce your calorie intake by about 250 calories. If you are gaining weight slower than that or not at all, then increase your calorie intake by about 250 calories.
  • If your goal is to build muscle (or gain mass), you should gain about 0.25 kilograms per week (or about 1 kilogram per month). Again, for women, these numbers should be about half as much. If you consistently gain weight faster than you should, reduce your calorie intake by about 250. If you gain weight more slowly or not at all, increase your calorie intake by about 250.

Basically, just consistently weigh yourself every week and make sure your weight is moving in the right direction at the optimal rate I just described.

If so, great! Continue to eat this amount of calories every day.

If it doesn't, then simply adjust your calorie intake in 250 calorie increments until it starts to work. It's simple.

Step 2: Protein Intake

Between 1.6 - 3 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Even 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram is probably the most common recommendation for everyone.

So, for example, if you weigh 80 kilograms, you should eat about 175 grams of protein per day (or a little more if you like).

High protein foods include chicken, fish, turkey, lean meats, eggs/egg whites, milk, protein supplements, and to a lesser extent, nuts and beans.

Step 3: Fat Consumption

Fat should make up 20 to 30% of your total caloric intake, with the most common recommendation being 25%.

For this to make sense, you need to know that 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories.

So, for example, if your ideal calorie intake is 2000 calories per day, you must first figure out that 25% of 2000 is 500 calories. Then you divide 500 by 9 and figure out that you would need to eat 55 grams of fat per day in this example.

Foods high in “healthy fats” that should make up the majority of your fat intake include fish, fish oil supplements, nuts (peanuts, almonds, walnuts, etc.), seeds and olive oil.

Step 4: Carbohydrate Consumption

However, after counting all the protein and fat, there are still a lot of calories left...those calories must come from carbohydrates.

Don't worry, it's not as difficult as it seems.

Basically, figure out how many calories protein and fat take up, then subtract them from your ideal total calorie intake. All the calories that are left to reach this ideal total... will come from carbohydrates.

Confused? It's okay, now I'll show you an example.

Most of your carbohydrates should come from foods such as fruits and vegetables, rice (brown, white and any other), sweet potatoes, white potatoes (these are not bad for you), various beans and whole wheat/whole grain products (unless of course). you have no problems digesting grain).


Diet Plan Example

Now let me show you a step by step example of how to put it all together.

Let's pretend we have a guy who weighs 80 kilograms and whose main goal is to build muscle. Let's also pretend his daily calorie intake level is 2250 (just as an example).

Here's how he created his diet plan...

  1. Since he wants to build muscle, he will need to create a caloric surplus. At 2,250 calories, he will now consume about 2,500 calories per day.
  2. He then decided to consume 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Since he weighs 80 kilograms, this means he will need to eat about 175 grams of protein per day. Since 1 g of protein contains 4 calories, this means that your protein intake would be 700 calories per day (175 x 4 = 700).
  3. From there, he learned that about 25% of his total caloric intake should come from fat. Since in this example the person will be eating 2500 calories per day, he first figured out that 25% of 2500 is 625 calories (2500 x 0.25 = 625). Then, since 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, he figured out that he needed to eat about 69 grams of fat per day (625 ÷ 9 = 69).
  4. At this point, he sees that he has 700 calories of protein and 625 calories, which means a total of 1,325 calories for daily consumption (700 + 625 = 1,325). But since he should be eating 2,500 calories a day, he sees that he has 1,175 calories that have not yet been accounted for (2,500 - 1,325 = 1,175). So…
  5. This means the remaining 1,175 calories will come from carbohydrates. Since 1 gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories, this person would need to eat about 294 grams of carbohydrates per day (1175 ÷ 4 = 294).

That's it. The most important parts of the diet plan are done.

In this example, the person realized that he would eat:

  • 2500 calories per day
  • 175 grams of protein
  • 69 grams fat
  • 294 grams carbohydrates

Once again, this plan is just to show an example of how to customize your diet plan. How will you do it.

And yes, even though the person in the example above had a primary goal of building muscle, the diet was calculated exactly the same if they had a primary goal of losing fat. The only difference is that it would create a calorie deficit instead of a calorie surplus in step 1.

The general calculation process would remain the same.

But what about everything else?

Now you may be wondering about some other aspects of your diet besides your calorie, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake.

The point is... you shouldn't.

Honestly, everything else isn't that important. Everything described above will account for 99% of the effectiveness of your diet. Everything else is just minor details.

All that really matters from a diet perspective is making sure you get the right amount of calories each day along with the optimal amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates that come from high-quality sources.

After that, it's all about what will best allow you to do it. I mean…

  • Eat any time of the day you want.
  • Eat as much food a day as you want.
  • Eat whatever combinations of foods and nutrients you want.
  • Organize your diet in any way that is most convenient and enjoyable for you.

That's all that matters. Everything else is either extremely insignificant or just a stupid myth that is scientifically proven to have no meaning at all (for example, that you should have 6 meals a day... this is nonsense).

Whatever is good for you, your life, your schedule and your preferences... that's what you should do.

But seriously, what about everything else?

In addition to what I just explained, there are really only a few additional tips worth taking care of:

  • Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Combine your workouts with meals (meals BEFORE and POST-workout) that contain plenty of protein and carbohydrates.
  • Get the majority of your calories from higher quality, nutritious sources. You can allow yourself unhealthy things, but let it be just a small part of your overall diet.
  • Feel free to take fish oil supplements and a basic multivitamin, use protein powder for convenience, and maybe consider creatine.

That's it.

This is the perfect mini-guide to creating a diet plan that will best support your workout routine and overall goal.

Ready-made standardized diets are gradually going out of fashion. An effective personalized menu, tailored to personal goals, ensures excellent results. An individual diet helps you lose weight, work out your muscles and emphasize their definition. How to compose it yourself? Accurate and easy formulas for competent calculations will help you understand the system.

Individual approach

The main advantage of an individual diet is the ability to prepare dishes from your favorite foods. Chicken, fish or beef? The choice depends on personal taste preferences.

It’s more difficult to adjust your diet on your own, but while losing weight you can choose your favorite foods. If everything is done correctly, the total calorie content of the menu will not exceed the norm and will help you lose weight without hunger and stress. A personal menu helps you get rid of extra pounds and achieve slimness.


Diet is a strict nutritional system. Most often it is aimed at losing weight or developed for medicinal purposes.

The conditions of different diets are very different. There are also unusual proprietary methods that promote a non-standard menu. In general, most diets limit the consumption of spicy, smoked and overly salty foods. Classic baked goods and sweets are limited.

A simple classification will help you understand the variety of diets:

  1. fast. Designed for 5-7 days. They propose a strict ban on most products. They help you lose 3-4 kg in a short period of time. Suitable if you urgently need to fit into your favorite dress or jeans;
  2. long-term Detailed nutrition systems designed for 1-6 months. They imply slow, safe weight loss for the body. Instill healthy eating habits. The lost kilograms are gone forever.

According to the composition of the diet menu, they are divided as follows:

If a suitable diet is not found, there is only one way out - to create an individual nutrition system.

How to do it

Selecting a personal menu is a creative and interesting process. Difficulties may arise only at the beginning of the journey, but then, when healthy eating becomes the basis of your lifestyle, you will act “by inertia”. It is important to know a few basic rules that will allow you to develop an effective diet for yourself.

Where to start?

First, square your height in meters. For example, if your height is 1.7 m, then the result will be 2.89. Then divide your body weight in kilograms by the resulting value. For example, if your weight is 75 kg, then your BMI will be 26. Check the resulting index with the table:

Important! If you are obese, it is better to start losing weight by going to the doctor. Endocrine diseases can be hidden behind extra pounds.

Determine your ideal weight, write down the initial parameters in a notebook and start creating an individual menu for a beautiful figure.

Calorie calculation

It is from this figure that you need to start from for further calculations. Excess calories are certainly stored in fat reserves. But a strong deficiency can lead to exhaustion and stress.

The most accurate calculation is offered by the Mifflin-San Geor formula. It takes into account not only height and weight indicators, but also the features of the daily life of a modern person - physical activity, food consumed.

For women the formula is: 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 4.92 * age – 161 = X. Since the male body functions somewhat differently, a different version of calorie calculation has been developed for the stronger sex: 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 4.92 * age + 5 = X.

The resulting value (X) must be multiplied by the so-called physical load coefficient. It shows the ratio of energy expenditure during physical activity to energy expenditure at rest. The coefficient takes into account the usual type of human activity. To determine your indicator, you need to determine your physical activity group.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle, office work without the opportunity to warm up = 1.2.
  2. Rare activities with moderate physical activity (exercises, walks around the city) = 1.4.
  3. Intense exercise several times a week (fitness, swimming) = 1.6.
  4. Daily load (gym, jogging) = 1.7.
  5. Hard daily work plus strength training = 1.9.

The resulting number will be the norm for the daily energy value of food. This indicator is valid in cases where there are no problems with excess weight. To lose weight, you should subtract a maximum of 500 kcal from your individual norm. Reducing the recommended caloric intake activates the body's burning of its own fat and promotes safe and gradual weight loss.

Important! Do not reduce your daily caloric intake above the recommended figure. This will lead to breakdown of protein cells and loss of muscle mass.

We consider BZHU

The diet should be balanced in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Those who are losing weight should focus on consuming protein foods prepared in accordance with dietary recommendations. Both animal and plant proteins are allowed. Both types of proteins must be present in the menu, since the amino acids in them are different, and some of them are indispensable for others.

With normal protein intake, the amount of fat should not exceed the norm. That is why it is recommended to give preference to low-fat varieties of meat, cheese, and cottage cheese.

The percentage of BZHU also depends on lifestyle (work intensity). For example, people who are actively involved in sports require more protein to ensure proper muscle development. You can determine the optimal balance of essential nutrients for yourself using ready-made ratios.

To create a diet yourself, you need to use the table of preferred BJU indicators for adult men:

Labor intensity group Age Proteins, total amount, g Fats, g
1 18-29



72 40 81 350 2450



2 18-29



80 44 93 411 2800



3 18-29



94 52 110 484 3300



4 18-29



108 59 128 566 3250



5 18-29



117 64 154 586 4200



BJU norms for women differ due to physiological characteristics, but in order to create a diet yourself, you need to start by studying this data.

Labor intensity group Age Proteins, total amount, g Share of animal proteins (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, seafood), g Fats, g Carbohydrates (preferably slow), g Daily calorie intake, kcal
1 18-29



61 34 67 289 2000



2 18-29



66 36 73 318 2200



3 18-29



76 42 87 378 2600



4 18-29



87 48 102 462 3050



There is another way to calculate BZHU. Each food unit has its own calorie content:

  • 1 g protein = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g carbohydrates = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g fat = 9 kcal.

Knowing your individual daily calorie intake, it is easy to determine the recommended ratio of BZHU. Just keep in mind that the figures presented are calculated for a normal physique. Those losing weight need to increase the amount of protein by about 10% by reducing the number of carbohydrates.

Fluid calculation

A prerequisite for an individual diet is the consumption of a sufficient amount of clean water per day. It is usually recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day. But this indicator is individual for each person.

Exact calculation formula: A * 30 + 300, where A is the person’s weight. The resulting number is the amount of pure water in ml that must be consumed daily. Juices, tea, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account.

Example of a daily menu

When creating an individual menu, the main thing is to choose healthy and natural products. Make a list of allowed and prohibited ingredients and hang it on the refrigerator to always keep in mind. You can prepare your favorite dishes from acceptable ingredients, making them healthier. At first, the taste may be unusual, but gradually you will fall in love with new variations.

Sample menu for meat eaters:

  1. breakfast – omelet with tomatoes, tea;
  2. snack – whole grain bread with cheese;
  3. lunch - chicken soup without bread and potatoes;
  4. afternoon snack – cheesecakes baked in the oven;
  5. dinner – boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad;
  6. snack - a glass of kefir.

For fruit lovers:

  1. breakfast – ripe banana, oatmeal;
  2. snack - apple;
  3. lunch – chicken salad with oranges, wild rice;
  4. snack – grapefruit;
  5. dinner – salmon steak and grilled vegetables;
  6. snack - a glass of kefir.

For fish fans:

  1. breakfast - a sandwich of whole grain bread with cottage cheese and lightly salted salmon, tea;
  2. snack - banana;
  3. lunch - fish soup with millet and broccoli;
  4. snack – low-fat cottage cheese with fresh raspberries;
  5. dinner – steamed cod with wild rice;
  6. snack – Greek yogurt.

For an individual diet to help achieve the desired results, simple calculations are not enough. Follow simple recommendations and lose weight correctly.

When following an individual diet, it is important to carefully monitor your well-being. Analyze your weight loss, combine foods as you wish and replace them with others from time to time. An ideal individual diet can be created solely on the basis of personal experiments.

Universal recognition

A competent individual diet takes into account gender, age parameters and level of physical activity. It allows you not to give up your favorite products and achieve results. You can calculate an individual menu yourself, without turning to professionals for help.

Today, an individual diet is recognized as an effective and most natural method of losing weight. Join her army of fans!

Diets do not always work - they are formulated correctly, but often do not take into account the individual characteristics of a particular person. There is a way out of this situation - you can create a diet for yourself, based on your personal preferences and desires, as well as the characteristics of your body. To do this, you don’t have to contact a nutritionist - you can independently develop a suitable diet for yourself. Such an individual diet will be effective just for you.

To create a diet for yourself, first try to answer a few questions:

  • how often your lifestyle will allow you to eat;
  • Do you have time to cook, and if so, how much?
  • do you easily tolerate food restrictions, or do you need to pamper yourself with delicious food every day;
  • Do you play sports, and if so, how often?
  • how long are you willing to diet;
  • how many kilograms would you like to lose?

By answering these questions, you will get a more or less clear picture that will help you create a diet for yourself.

We create an individual diet

In order to lose extra pounds, you you need to develop a proper diet menu for yourself. When developing an individual diet menu, you need to follow several principles common to all diets:

  • to lose weight, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit - only by consuming less energy than it expends, the body will use fat reserves as fuel;
  • water is necessary for any diet: it fills the volume of the stomach, allowing you not to overeat, removes waste and toxins from the body, cleansing it, and transports nutrients to the cells and improves metabolic processes;
  • there will be no benefit from foods that you eat without pleasure, so you you need to create a diet for yourself based on your favorite foods;
  • Eat 40% of your daily calories before 12:00, 35% from 12:00 to 16:00, and 25% from 16:00 to 19:00 (this includes both main meals and snacks) - with this regimen The calories you consume will be spent in the most efficient way;
  • if the body is severely short of calories, it begins to process its own protein cells, which should not be allowed, so you should not reduce the calorie content of your diet extremely - the menu of a proper diet should be designed in such a way as to create a deficit of 20-30% of the daily calorie intake;
  • It is advisable to eat at the same time, at least 3 times a day; breaks between meals should be 2.5-3.5 hours;
  • Vegetable fiber promotes effective weight loss, therefore include vegetables, fruits and grains in your healthy diet menu;
  • watch how your body reacts to a personal diet - maybe healthy dietary rice and buckwheat will not help you, but you will lose weight, for example, from potatoes or honey, these observations will help you create a diet;
  • limit the portion size, eat no more than 300-350 g of food at one time, if you are full and there is still something left on the plate, don’t finish it just to eat everything, don’t be afraid to leave food on the plate;
  • study all the suitable diets that were developed by nutritionists - in this way you can obtain the necessary information that will help you create a diet for yourself;
  • study the beneficial and harmful properties of foods, their composition, the properties of vitamins and minerals - this will be useful to you when you create a suitable diet for yourself.

By following these principles, you can create a diet that will help you lose weight.

Calculation of calorie intake to create an individual diet

To create a diet, calculate the calorie content of your daily diet using the most accurate formula today the Mifflin-San Geor formula.

The calculation using the formula is as follows:

  • 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 4.92 x age – 161 (for women);
  • 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 4.92 x age – +5 (for men).

Now multiply the resulting number by the coefficient of your physical activity:

  • daily high intensity training – 1.725;
  • hard physical work and intense exercise every day – 1.9.
  • As a result, you will get the amount of calories you need to consume to maintain weight.

    Scheme for creating a personal diet

    So, you got the number of calories - now you need to create a diet taking into account creating a caloric deficit for the body for burning fat.

    For example, your caloric intake is 2000 kcal per day. Without harm to health, it can be reduced by no more than 500 kcal. You want to lose 6 kg. Of these, 1-2 kg can be safely attributed to stagnant fluid and intestinal contents in the body. With limited salt intake (up to 5-7 g per day) and increased fiber intake, you will get rid of these 2 kg in 2 days. If you continue to limit salt in your diet and eat enough fiber, those pounds won't come back. 4 kg left.

    In order to get rid of 1 kg of subcutaneous fat, you will need to burn 7000 kcal. Thus, to burn 6 kg, you need to “undereat” 24,000 kcal. By creating a deficit of 500 kcal per day in your body, you can lose 4 kg in less than 2 months. That is, to lose weight you need to create a diet for 2 months based on consuming 1500 kcal per day from healthy natural products.

    If you want to lose weight faster, get ready for a more severe diet restriction: for example, consuming 1300 kcal per day, you will lose 4 kg in 40 days, but at the same time you will have to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

    There are several ways to speed up the process of losing weight on a personal diet by about a third.:

    • by including natural fat burners in your diet: citrus fruits, ginger, green tea, broccoli, celery and other green and leafy vegetables, eggs, honey and nuts, kefir;
    • by increasing energy loss - for example, by starting to play sports;
    • dividing the daily amount of food into more meals;
    • drinking 1 glass of clean water 30 minutes before meals;
    • completely giving up fried and fatty foods and products such as mayonnaise, alcohol, processed foods, bread and flour products (with the exception of rye bread), foods containing starch, sweets, confectionery, sugar;
    • organizing a fasting day once a week with a diet within 500 kcal (juices, kefir, vegetables or fruits).

    Thus, by consuming 1500 kcal per day, you can achieve your goal on a suitable diet in about 5 weeks. (47 Votes)

    Contents [Show]

    How to create a personal diet for yourself

    Diets do not always work - they are formulated correctly, but often do not take into account the individual characteristics of a particular person. There is a way out of this situation - you can create a diet for yourself, based on your personal preferences and desires, as well as the characteristics of your body. To do this, you don’t have to contact a nutritionist - you can independently develop a suitable diet for yourself. Such an individual diet will be effective just for you.

    To create a diet for yourself, first try to answer a few questions:

    • how often your lifestyle will allow you to eat;
    • Do you have time to cook, and if so, how much?
    • do you easily tolerate food restrictions, or do you need to pamper yourself with delicious food every day;
    • Do you play sports, and if so, how often?
    • how long are you willing to diet;
    • how many kilograms would you like to lose?

    By answering these questions, you will get a more or less clear picture that will help you create a diet for yourself.

    In order to lose extra pounds, you you need to develop a proper diet menu for yourself. When developing an individual diet menu, you need to follow several principles common to all diets:

    • to lose weight, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit - only by consuming less energy than it expends, the body will use fat reserves as fuel;
    • water is necessary for any diet: it fills the volume of the stomach, allowing you not to overeat, removes waste and toxins from the body, cleansing it, and transports nutrients to the cells and improves metabolic processes;
    • there will be no benefit from foods that you eat without pleasure, so you you need to create a diet for yourself based on your favorite foods;
    • Eat 40% of your daily calories before 12:00, 35% from 12:00 to 16:00, and 25% from 16:00 to 19:00 (this includes both main meals and snacks) - with this regimen The calories you consume will be spent in the most efficient way;
    • if the body is severely short of calories, it begins to process its own protein cells, which should not be allowed, so you should not reduce the calorie content of your diet extremely - the menu of a proper diet should be designed in such a way as to create a deficit of 20-30% of the daily calorie intake;
    • It is advisable to eat at the same time, at least 3 times a day; breaks between meals should be 2.5-3.5 hours;
    • Vegetable fiber promotes effective weight loss, therefore include vegetables, fruits and grains in your healthy diet menu;
    • watch how your body reacts to a personal diet - maybe healthy dietary rice and buckwheat will not help you, but you will lose weight, for example, from potatoes or honey, these observations will help you create a diet;
    • limit the portion size, eat no more than 300-350 g of food at one time, if you are full and there is still something left on the plate, don’t finish it just to eat everything, don’t be afraid to leave food on the plate;
    • study all the suitable diets that were developed by nutritionists - in this way you can obtain the necessary information that will help you create a diet for yourself;
    • study the beneficial and harmful properties of foods, their composition, the properties of vitamins and minerals - this will be useful to you when you create a suitable diet for yourself.

    By following these principles, you can create a diet that will help you lose weight.

    To create a diet, calculate the calorie content of your daily diet using the most accurate formula today the Mifflin-San Geor formula.

    The calculation using the formula is as follows:

    • 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 4.92 x age – 161 (for women);
    • 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 4.92 x age – +5 (for men).

    Now multiply the resulting number by the coefficient of your physical activity:

  • daily high intensity training – 1.725;
  • hard physical work and intense exercise every day – 1.9.
  • As a result, you will get the amount of calories you need to consume to maintain weight.

    So, you got the number of calories - now you need to create a diet taking into account creating a caloric deficit for the body for burning fat.

    For example, your caloric intake is 2000 kcal per day. Without harm to health, it can be reduced by no more than 500 kcal. You want to lose 6 kg. Of these, 1-2 kg can be safely attributed to stagnant fluid and intestinal contents in the body. With limited salt intake (up to 5-7 g per day) and increased fiber intake, you will get rid of these 2 kg in 2 days. If you continue to limit salt in your diet and eat enough fiber, those pounds won't come back. 4 kg left.

    In order to get rid of 1 kg of subcutaneous fat, you will need to burn 7000 kcal. Thus, to burn 6 kg, you need to “undereat” 24,000 kcal. By creating a deficit of 500 kcal per day in your body, you can lose 4 kg in less than 2 months. That is, to lose weight you need to create a diet for 2 months based on consuming 1500 kcal per day from healthy natural products.

    If you want to lose weight faster, get ready for a more severe diet restriction: for example, consuming 1300 kcal per day, you will lose 4 kg in 40 days, but at the same time you will have to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

    There are several ways to speed up the process of losing weight on a personal diet by about a third.:

    • by including natural fat burners in your diet: citrus fruits, ginger, green tea, broccoli, celery and other green and leafy vegetables, eggs, honey and nuts, kefir;
    • by increasing energy loss - for example, by starting to play sports;
    • dividing the daily amount of food into more meals;
    • drinking 1 glass of clean water 30 minutes before meals;
    • completely giving up fried and fatty foods and products such as mayonnaise, alcohol, processed foods, bread and flour products (with the exception of rye bread), foods containing starch, sweets, confectionery, sugar;
    • organizing a fasting day once a week with a diet within 500 kcal (juices, kefir, vegetables or fruits).

    Thus, by consuming 1500 kcal per day, you can achieve your goal on a suitable diet in about 5 weeks.

    To create a diet for losing weight by a significant amount of kilograms (more than 10), break this amount into several parts - dieting all the time is not very beneficial for the body, so lose weight in stages: after losing 5-6 kg, take a break for a month - eat the same products as on the diet, but do not reduce the caloric content of the diet. After a month, reduce the amount of calories you consume again (remember to recalculate your calorie intake based on your new weight and create a diet based on your new calorie intake).

    How to create a diet 41 4.8

    To successfully lose weight, you need to create a proper nutrition program.

    I want to say right away that this is one of the most difficult and responsible steps.

    Because nutrition plays a very important role in building a slim and beautiful figure! 80% of success is nutrition and only 20% is training!

    Unexpected, right?

    But this does not mean at all that you can achieve a slim and fit figure only by eating right. Lose weight You will lose weight, but the figure you had before will remain the same, the volume will just go away a little.

    Therefore, in building a beautiful figure, it is necessary to take everything into account and work out each individual step 100%.

    The power supply section is quite extensive and you can write about it endlessly, so for convenience I will divide this step into stages.

    Stage 1.
    Before I tell you how to properly create a diet, I recommend that each of you go to the kitchen and review all the products and get rid of “food waste”.

    What is meant by “food waste”?

    All kinds of sweets: sweets, chocolates, cakes, cookies, jams, preserves, rolls.
    White bread and all baked goods, except black bread.
    Sunflower oil.
    Wheat flour.
    Trans fats: processed meats, chips, all kinds of fast food.

    If you live alone, I advise you to throw it all away and forget it like a bad dream, but if your household is accustomed to such food, then allocate yourself a shelf in the refrigerator. Gradually they will switch to proper nutrition. A good habit is contagious - become an example for your husband, children, parents!

    The kitchen was cleaned - wonderful! Agree, do you already feel light from the fact that there is no junk food in your home?

    Stage 2 “Calculation of daily calorie content.”

    OO = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age - 161

    To obtain the total calorie consumption per day, it is necessary to multiply the basal metabolic rate by the following coefficients:

    Sedentary lifestyle: GS x 1.2
    Light activity (sports 1-3 days a week): OO x 1.375
    Average activity (sports 3-5 days a week): OO x 1.55
    High activity (sport 6-7 days a week): OO x 1.725
    Very high activity (very active sports every day, high physical activity at work, training twice a day): OO x 1.9

    Let's look at the formula using a specific example of an average girl: height 170 cm, weight 61 kg, age 26 years, sedentary lifestyle.

    OO = 9.99*61+6.25*170-4.92*26-161 = 1,383 Kcal

    Calorie consumption: OO*1.2 = 1,383*1.2 = 1,659 Kcal

    1,659 Kcal is the norm of calories, if consumed, this girl will remain at her weight.

    But your goal is to lose weight, so the daily caloric intake must be gradually reduced. The permissible limit is minus 30% of the daily norm.

    Gradually means that the reduction in calorie intake should occur smoothly and almost imperceptibly for the body, for example, you can adhere to the following formula:

    1 week - 5% of daily calories, 2 week - 10%, 3 week - 15% and so on.

    Stage 3 “The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.”

    1 gram of fat is 9 Kcal, 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates is 4 Kcal each.

    Protein should be between 35 and 40% of your daily intake.
    Fats - from 15 to 20%.
    Carbohydrates - from 40 to 45% per day.

    Based on this, we consider:

    Proteins = (1,659 x 0.35): 4 = 145 g
    Fat = (1,659 x 0.2) : 9 = 37 g
    Carbohydrates (1,659 x 0.45): 4 = 187 g

    Here I would like to draw your attention to the fact that proteins can be increased up to 50%, but this should be done gradually and monitor your well-being, since weakness, loss of strength and dizziness are possible on a low-carbohydrate diet.

    Stage 4 “Menu creation”.

    You need to eat in small portions (up to 200-250 grams at a time) every 2.5 - 3 hours:

    Breakfast: complex carbohydrates (cereals, brown bread) + simple carbohydrates (milk, fruits, dried fruits) + protein.
    Second breakfast: complex carbohydrates + protein + fiber (vegetables).
    Lunch: protein + fiber.
    Afternoon snack: protein + fiber.
    Dinner: protein + fiber.
    Second dinner: protein + fiber.

    The very first question that those who want to lose weight have to solve is: how to build your diet? As you know, to lose excess weight, it is not enough to exercise regularly; you must reconsider your eating habits. We offer you proper nutrition menu for weight loss, which will help you navigate when planning your diet.

    Before moving on to a detailed description of the proper nutrition menu for weight loss, let us remind you of the basic rules for losing weight. This is something that is important for everyone losing weight to know!

    1. Lose weight from a calorie deficit, and not proper nutrition as such. When we eat less than the body needs for energy, it begins to use a reserve fund in the form of fat. Thus, the process of losing weight starts. What, when and in what combinations you eat - all this is not decisive. If you eat in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight.

    2. All diets, no matter what they are called, are aimed at making a person eat less and create the necessary calorie deficit. Losing weight with proper nutrition can also be achieved due to food restrictions: you eat less calorie foods and get rid of “food waste”. Typically, this is enough to keep you in a calorie deficit, even if you don't directly count calorie numbers (although with the right foods you can eat in excess and gain weight).

    3. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, there is no need to eat only the right foods: chicken breast, buckwheat porridge, cauliflower dishes, low-fat cottage cheese and fresh vegetable salads. It is not the foods themselves that contribute to weight gain, but the overall excess of calories.

    4. Fatty, floury and sweet foods easily create an excess of calories, so such foods must be limited. But if you manage to fit these foods into your calorie intake, then you can consume them without harm to weight loss.

    5. However, it is better to stick to a proper nutrition menu: not for weight loss in the first place, but for your own health. Remember that fast food and sweets do not provide any nutritional value and, moreover, when consumed in large quantities, they have a negative effect on the body.

    6. For weight loss, the timing of meals does not play a special role, so you do not have to completely change your diet and routine. Just remember that drawing up a competent, correct menu for the day will help you eat balanced, which means minimize the feeling of hunger, develop healthy eating habits, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    7. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates do not have a significant effect on weight loss; for weight loss, the most important thing is the total caloric content of the diet. But these indicators are important to take into account to preserve muscles (proteins), sufficient energy (carbohydrates), and normal functioning of the hormonal system (fats).

    8. Products can be combined on a plate in any form, this also does not affect the weight loss process. If you want to stick to separate meals or combine foods only in the way you are accustomed to, please do so.

    9. The recommendations below are just one of the most common options for a healthy diet menu for every day. You can build a menu to suit your capabilities; it is not necessary to focus on “dietary canons”. If you count calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, then your hands are free: for weight loss It’s enough just to eat within the framework of the KBZHU.

    10. Distribution of proteins and carbohydrates during the day, proper breakfasts and dinners, certain foods before and after training - these are only additional building blocks in building the body, but far from it not key. They are more relevant at the final stage of polishing the body and bringing it to its ideal shape.

    Let's summarize. The issue of losing excess weight always comes down to dietary restrictions, regardless of the diet and menu for every day. That is why counting calories is the best way to lose weight, since you can always plan meals at your own discretion within the framework of your KBZHU norm.

    Counting calories: popular questions and answers

    Proper nutrition is additional tool for weight loss, which will help you change your eating behavior and start eating balanced and healthy.

    What important to remember when creating a healthy nutrition menu for every day:

    • Breakfast should be rich in complex carbohydrates for energy for the whole day.
    • Fast carbohydrates (sweets, desserts, dried fruits) are best consumed in the first half of the day.
    • It is advisable to make dinner predominantly protein.
    • Every meal should include fiber (fresh vegetables, bran, whole grains, fruits).
    • Forget about the “do not eat after 18.00” rule, but it is better to have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
    • Distribute your calories per day in approximately the following proportions: 25-30% breakfast, 30-35% lunch, 20-25% dinner, 15-20% snacks.
    • It is better to eat carbohydrates 1-2 hours before training, and carbohydrates + protein within 30 minutes after training.

    We emphasize once again that the most important thing for losing weight is Maintain a total calorie deficit for the day. But from the point of view of balanced nutrition, maintaining health, energy, normal functioning of the body and reducing the risk of breakdowns, it is better to follow the above rules.

    Here are several options for a proper nutrition menu for weight loss. These are just examples of the most popular and successful options for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which are most often found in those losing weight. You can have your own proper nutrition menu for every day, taking into account individual needs.


    • Porridge with fruits/dried fruits/nuts/honey and milk (the most common option is oatmeal)
    • Scrambled eggs with whole grain bread
    • Sandwiches with whole grain bread or crispbread
    • Oatmeal pancake (mix eggs and oatmeal and fry in a frying pan)
    • Smoothie made from cottage cheese, milk and banana (it is advisable to add complex carbohydrates - bran or oatmeal)
    • Whole grain cereal with milk

    Read more about healthy breakfasts in the article: Breakfast for weight loss: all options for healthy breakfasts.


    • Cereals/pasta/potatoes + meat/fish
    • Stewed vegetables + meat/fish
    • Salad + meat/fish
    • Vegetables/side dish + legumes

    Lunch is the most “democratic” meal, here you can choose almost any combination of products to your taste.


    • Vegetables + lean meat/fish
    • Vegetables + cheese + eggs
    • Cottage cheese
    • Kefir with fruits

    Read more about proper dinner in the article: What can you eat for dinner for weight loss: 7 best options.


    • PP baking
    • Nuts
    • Fruits
    • Dried fruits
    • Cottage cheese or white yogurt
    • Whole grain bread/crisps

    From the proposed options for breakfast, lunch and dinner, create your own your own healthy nutrition menu for every day. Calculate the calorie content of dishes yourself based on your portions and specific products. By the way, with modern gadgets this is quite easy to do: Top best free mobile applications for counting calories.

    The fight against excess weight begins in the kitchen, since proper nutrition for weight loss is much more important than training, on which only 30% of success depends. You can exhaust yourself with running or other aerobics every day, but your weight will remain the same.

    There are four essential steps to eating healthy:

    1. Removing all processed foods and sugar from your diet.
    2. Planning meals and drinks for the day/week in advance.
    3. Move to increase your calorie expenditure.
    4. Drink enough clean water.

    Dependence on harmful products is weakness. Convenience foods contain large amounts of sugar, fructose and fats, which appeal directly to the pleasure centers of the brain and therefore create psychological cravings.

    There is no need to sharply limit the menu in the process of losing weight, switching to salad and chicken breast. You just need to limit your consumption of artificial substances. A smart nutrition program focuses on healthy and unprocessed foods. Shopping list includes:

    • vegetables;
    • fruits;
    • lean proteins;
    • whole grain bread.

    You should not chase “organic”, grown on clean lands, because for another 20 years the black soil will process the fertilizers and chemicals once thrown into it.

    Instead of chocolates - chocolate with 70% or higher cocoa percentage. Instead of cheese products - homemade cheeses, instead of curd masses and desserts with sugar - natural cottage cheese.

    One of the fat burning schemes is the consumption of foods for proper nutrition with a calorie content lower than that of the average food, which allows you to create a daily calorie deficit. Every dish can be made a little healthier using weight loss products:

    • hot pepper;
    • oat bran, whole grain bread;
    • grapefruit, oranges;
    • lean poultry and fish;
    • legumes, chickpeas, lentils;
    • berries (fresh and frozen);
    • apples and pears;
    • boiled eggs or omelettes;
    • Greek yogurt;
    • spinach and broccoli.

    These products have more nutrients, so they speed up metabolism. Start filling out your food diary right now: name, volume and calorie content of the product eaten. Be aware of when you crave sweets and manage those cravings by planning your carb intake.

    Buying new sneakers motivates you to train, and a planned menu motivates you to follow the rules of comprehensive nutrition for weight loss. It is necessary to accept the truth that weight loss occurs when the number of calories consumed is lower than the number of calories burned. Basal metabolism is the first link in the calculations:

    • For women = 9.99 x weight in kg + 6.25 x height in cm – 4.92 x age – 161.
    • For men = 9.99 x weight in kg + 6.25 x height in cm – 4.92 x age + 5.

    When adjusting for lifestyle, we add 20-70% to the resulting base level, taking into account that an active lifestyle means 2-3 hours of walking a day and 5-6 workouts a week, heavy physical labor or professional sports.

    What does proper nutrition mean for weight loss without deficiency? Nothing, it's just marking time. Although, with the exclusion of simple carbohydrates and trans fats from the diet, a person losing weight loses 4-6 kg per month, which depends on the quality of the menu and initial weight. But for further progression, you need to manage your diet: eat a little less than the body needs to cover energy costs.

    The greater the initial body weight, the greater the deficit will be, and vice versa. A girl with a base caloric intake of 1300 should not reduce it below 1000 kcal (no more than 20%), since there will be a lack of proteins, fats or carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, loss of muscle mass and deterioration in well-being.

    Deficit is a manageable number, just like calories. subject to recalculation with each weight loss: once every one or two months.

    To lose weight, you need to take the ratio of BZHU in your diet as 40:20:40 . A similar distribution exists in time throughout the day between the three main meals:

    • protein - 30:30:40 ;
    • carbohydrates - 50:30:20 ;
    • fats – 30:50:20 .

    The distribution is conditional and individual. A training person knows that rapid fatigue indicates a lack of carbohydrates. But there are other principles for losing weight:

    • Constant hunger may indicate a deficiency of protein, which should be included in every meal.
    • Deterioration of hair and skin condition indicates a lack of healthy fats.
    • A slowdown in weight loss indicates too much reduction in the carbohydrate component and the body falling into energy saving mode.

    There are other guidelines for calculating BZHU. For example, those losing weight need to eat 1-2 g of protein per target body weight, twice as much carbohydrates, and the amount of fat should not exceed 1 g per target weight.

    Physical activity is not an indulgence for ice cream and chocolates, but an opportunity to improve health, body composition and create a calorie deficit. For example, it is necessary to reduce daily caloric intake by 20% or 500 kcal. It is easier to reduce your calorie intake by 250 kcal instead of 500 if you enter:

    • walk for two hours;
    • one-hour yoga class;
    • cycling;
    • dancing or an hour of low-level aerobics;
    • intense short workout or strength training three times a week.

    You don’t need to train like you would for a marathon, you need to incorporate physical activity into your daily rhythm. A walk with the dog, a twenty-minute walk to a bus stop or to a store will make a big difference in your total calorie expenditure for the day. For people with a lot of weight or sore joints, many strength training exercises are inaccessible, but walking, including Nordic walking, will be the first step to losing kilograms.

    The speed of weight loss is an individual factor. First, the water leaves, then the muscles begin to fill with blood when adding workouts, and only then the fat melts. The hardest thing is to stick to proper nutrition; even training, as a ritual of self-sacrifice, is easier. How to speed up the process? Use 80/20 principle: Eat healthy foods 80% of the time and treat yourself to less healthy foods 20% of the time.

    20% is not a daily tradition, but perhaps one day of the week. This approach is called a cheat meal or cheat meal among athletes; it is a planned violation of the diet.

    A 2014 study found that cheat meals on weekends offset cravings for unhealthy foods throughout the week. A kind of reward for your efforts, stress relief and motivation to continue.

    However, 80% of the time the diet should consist of the right food for weight loss: fresh foods or dishes with minimal cooking. They contain a lot of water, fiber, low calorie content and a low glycemic index - they are slowly absorbed, prolonging satiety. And the 20 percent treat should be included in the total daily caloric intake.

    A planned disruption is better than any other. Planning is the key word when using the 80/20 rule because it gives you the opportunity to stop the temptation or reconsider the decision in time.

    Minerals are active cellular helpers:

    • Magnesium and potassium are needed for proper muscle function and energy metabolism.
    • Chromium stops cravings for sweets.
    • Manganese is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

    Nuts, vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits are the most valuable sources of vitamins and minerals.

    Healthy eating requires balance, including psycho-emotional balance. Sweet and fatty foods often help a person relax, which is why psychologists call them comfort food. The secret is to eat it occasionally:

    • If you used to eat forbidden foods every day, gradually reduce the amount of time you eat them to once a week or a month. This way the number of calories will be reduced and the addiction will go away.
    • Eat junk food in smaller quantities. Do not eat the entire bar of high-calorie chocolate, but 10-20 g per day, gradually reducing the amount.
    • Reduce the calorie content of forbidden delicacies. For example, make your favorite mac and cheese using low-fat milk, cream cheese and spinach. Make pizza with cauliflower dough. But don’t forget about the portion and include the treat in your daily BZHU balance.

    A sample menu will help you navigate your own diet. It must be remembered that dishes are selected taking into account individual preferences. Below is a meal plan for the week:

    1. Breakfast:
      • oatmeal, egg, berries or apple;
      • cottage cheese with fruits, nuts, honey;
      • pancakes made from oatmeal and cottage cheese, apple;
      • omelette with vegetables and herbs;
      • millet porridge with pumpkin;
      • cottage cheese and fruit casserole;
      • banana pancakes.
    2. Lunches:
      • borscht with chicken breast;
      • vegetables in the oven with cheese;
      • cabbage rolls with rice;
      • lean cutlets with salad;
      • vegetable soup with chicken;
      • casseroles with rice and liver;
      • broccoli puree soups.
    3. Dinners:
      • steamed cutlets with salad;
      • vegetable stew with veal;
      • seafood salad;
      • chicken fillet with vegetables;
      • beet salad with cheese and yogurt;
      • boiled omelette and grilled vegetables;
      • stewed turkey meat with vegetables.

    Timed eating is helpful for developing discipline and managing blood sugar levels. There is a break between main meals

    no more than 3-4 hours. If necessary, snacks with a calorie content of up to 150 kcal are introduced, which become protein in the evening:

    • cottage cheese;
    • yogurt without sugar;
    • nuts;
    • fruits;
    • eggs;
    • smoothie made from low-fat milk.

    Having studied everything about proper nutrition for weight loss, you can understand that the only thing that works more effectively than any program or instruction is a conscious refusal to harm the body with the help of preservatives, excess fat and sugar in food. Food becomes a friend, and diet ceases to be a burden.

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