Catchphrases from the novel. Different ideas of beauty Is it possible to correct visible defects in the nail plate?

Male beauty standards are no less strict than female ones. And if in the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, powdered handsome men in wigs and frills were in fashion, then by the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, the Byronic type came into fashion - a young man with curls and an open shirt collar. Meanwhile, thoughtful eyes went perfectly with smart tailcoats and pomaded sideburns. Ekaterina Astafieva will tell you how men of the early 19th century dressed up and looked after themselves, and which of Pushkin’s friends was considered the ideal of beauty.

We flaunt ourselves like Pushkin

The 19th century brought with it a fashion for two seemingly incompatible styles to Russia. The military campaign of 1805 and the Patriotic War of 1812 made popular the image of the gallant hussar, a sort of reveler and womanizer. An excellent example of a handsome military man is Evgraf Davydov from Kiprensky’s portrait. Curled hair, thick sideburns, a mustache, a gold-embroidered dolman jacket, narrow chikchir leggings - every young lady dreamed of such a fine fellow.

Evgraf Vladimirovich Davydov, portrait by Kiprensky, 1809

In contrast to the “military” style, the “dandy” style came into fashion. Here, of course, we are reminded of Eugene Onegin, who is “dressed like a London dandy.” What did a Russian fashionista with an English cut look like?

At the beginning of the 19th century, the tailcoat was universal clothing

First, he had to put on a snow-white shirt with a starched stand-up collar; on top of it was a tie - a scarf, which was tied with a beautiful knot or bow. The ends of the scarf were hidden under a vest, which could be single-breasted or double-breasted, striped or speckled. According to the principle “I’ll wear all the best at once,” some dandies wore several vests. The legs were dressed in narrow leggings up to the knees. On holidays, men dressed up in stockings and shoes, and high boots were attached to the “bow” for every day. In the 30s, trousers reminiscent of modern ones appeared. The tailcoat assembled the suit into a single whole - it became truly universal clothing, which was worn at a feast, in the world, and with good people. Due to the high cost, tailcoats were often rented for ceremonial receptions. A top hat and a cane completed the outfit.

19th century dandy suit

Wash, get a haircut and party

George Brummel is considered the first European dandy. This sybarite and reveler was nicknamed “handsome Brummel.” In addition to the fashion for shirts and frock coats, he made new elements of personal care popular. Brummel washed himself regularly and scrubbed his body with a rough horsehair brush.

George Brummel is considered the first European dandy

George IV adopted the new style from him, which all the remaining fashionistas in Europe rushed to imitate. Lord Byron, another famous dandy, a truly iconic figure for the Russian aristocrats of Pushkin's times, named only 3 great people among his contemporaries: Napoleon, Brummell and himself.

George Brummel

About the beauty of nails

Nail care was especially popular among men during Pushkin’s time. “Combs, steel files, straight scissors, curved scissors and thirty types of brushes for both nails and teeth,” Eugene Onegin possessed such an impressive arsenal.

Pushkin carefully grew the nail on his little finger

The poet himself had beautiful long nails, which can be seen, for example, in the portrait of Kiprensky. Moreover, one nail on the little finger was longer than the others. Pushkin was so afraid of breaking it that he often put on a special thimble before going to bed. This fashion for a long nail on the little finger was associated with the popularity of Masonic lodges in Russia, one of which Pushkin himself was briefly a member of. There was no special meaning to the long nail - most likely, free masons simply recognized each other by it. And sometimes they opened letters when there was no knife at hand.

Portrait of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin by Kiprensky, 1827

Perfume and lipstick in a man's arsenal

Every self-respecting dandy always had a place for lipstick in his travel bag (or simply cosmetic bag). Of course, her lips weren’t painted at all, but her hair was “pomaded,” arranging it in wild curls and adding shine. At that time, lipsticks were often made from bear fat. The styling product was accompanied by perfume, which at the beginning of the 19th century was not yet divided into men's and women's.

Perfume was not applied to the skin, but to gloves or a scarf.

At the beginning of the century, perhaps the most popular scent was patchouli, which was associated with oriental exoticism. True, perfume was applied not to the skin, but to gloves and scarves. “Cologne water” was also in fashion, which Napoleon especially loved.

Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin, Pushkin's lyceum friend

As you can see, Evgeny Onegin was the standard of a real dandy. Among Pushkin’s lyceum friends, the nickname “dandy” was borne by Alexander Gorchakov, the future “Russian Iron Chancellor.” The poet's close friend Ivan Pushchin was considered a real handsome man. A brilliant cavalryman, a man of exceptional moral qualities, Pushchin was a favorite of women. The poet himself was never considered handsome, but many noted the originality of his facial features and the burning expression of his eyes.

Male beauty standards are no less strict than female ones. And if in the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, powdered handsome men in wigs and frills were in fashion, then by the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, the Byronic type came into fashion - a young man with curls and an open shirt collar. Meanwhile, thoughtful eyes went perfectly with smart tailcoats and pomaded sideburns. Ekaterina Astafieva will tell you how men of the early 19th century dressed up and looked after themselves, and which of Pushkin’s friends was considered the ideal of beauty.

We flaunt ourselves like Pushkin

The 19th century brought with it a fashion for two seemingly incompatible styles to Russia. The military campaign of 1805 and the Patriotic War of 1812 made popular the image of the gallant hussar, a sort of reveler and womanizer. An excellent example of a handsome military man is Evgraf Davydov from Kiprensky’s portrait. Curled hair, thick sideburns, a mustache, a dolman jacket embroidered with gold, narrow leggings - every young lady dreamed of such a fine fellow.

In contrast to the “military” style, the “dandy” style came into fashion. Here, of course, we are reminded of Eugene Onegin, who is “dressed like a London dandy.” What did a Russian fashionista with an English cut look like?

First, he had to put on a snow-white shirt with a starched stand-up collar; on top of it was a tie - a scarf, which was tied with a beautiful knot or bow. The ends of the scarf were hidden under a vest, which could be single-breasted or double-breasted, striped or speckled. According to the principle “I’ll wear all the best at once,” some dandies wore several vests. The legs were dressed in narrow leggings up to the knees. On holidays, men dressed up in stockings and shoes, and high boots were attached to the “bow” for every day. In the 30s, trousers reminiscent of modern ones appeared. The tailcoat assembled the suit into a single whole - it became truly universal clothing, which was worn at a feast, in the world, and with good people. Due to the high cost, tailcoats were often rented for ceremonial receptions. A top hat and a cane completed the outfit.

Wash, get a haircut and party

George Brummel is considered the first European dandy. This sybarite and reveler was nicknamed “handsome Brummel.” In addition to the fashion for shirts and frock coats, he made new elements of personal care popular. Brummel washed himself regularly and scrubbed his body with a rough horsehair brush.

George IV adopted the new style from him, which all the remaining fashionistas in Europe rushed to imitate. Lord Byron, another famous dandy, a truly iconic figure for the Russian aristocrats of Pushkin's times, named only 3 great people among his contemporaries: Napoleon, Brummell and himself.

About the beauty of nails

Nail care was especially popular among men during Pushkin’s time. “Combs, steel files, straight scissors, curved scissors and thirty types of brushes for both nails and teeth,” Eugene Onegin possessed such an impressive arsenal.

The poet himself had beautiful long nails, which can be seen, for example, in the portrait of Kiprensky. Moreover, one nail on the little finger was longer than the others. Pushkin was so afraid of breaking it that he often put on a special thimble before going to bed. This fashion for a long nail on the little finger was associated with the popularity of Masonic lodges in Russia, one of which Pushkin himself was briefly a member of. There was no special meaning to a long nail - most likely, free masons simply recognized each other by it. And sometimes they opened letters when there was no knife at hand.

Perfume and lipstick in a man's arsenal

Every self-respecting dandy always had a place for lipstick in his travel bag (or simply cosmetic bag). Of course, her lips weren’t painted at all, but her hair was “pomaded,” arranging it in wild curls and adding shine. At that time, lipsticks were often made from bear fat. The styling product was accompanied by perfume, which at the beginning of the 19th century was not yet divided into men's and women's.

At the beginning of the century, perhaps the most popular scent was patchouli, which was associated with oriental exoticism. True, perfume was applied not to the skin, but to gloves and scarves. “Cologne water” was also in fashion, which Napoleon especially loved.

As you can see, Evgeny Onegin was the standard of a real dandy. Among Pushkin’s lyceum friends, the nickname “dandy” was borne by Alexander Gorchakov, the future “Russian Iron Chancellor.” The poet's close friend Ivan Pushchin was considered a real handsome man. A brilliant cavalryman, a man of exceptional moral qualities, Pushchin was a favorite of women. The poet himself was never considered handsome, but many noted the originality of his facial features and the burning expression of his eyes.

“You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails.” The Japanese may not be familiar with Pushkin’s work, but they know how to take care of themselves. Although the cosmetic bag of the average man in the Land of the Rising Sun is smaller than that of his neighbor from South Korea, there are plenty of cosmetics for men in Japan.

Inga decided to demonstrate the beauty arsenal that a regular Japanese store offers men. The choice turned out to be quite wide: here you can find BB cream, a sauna mask for the face, and even nipple stickers.

In truth, there are among the Japanese who are courageous in our understanding, and quite a few, especially among high school students, athletes and representatives of working professions. But overall, one gets the impression that they are subtle. Small arms and legs, a thin neck, a quiet voice, fingers, soft toys, cute hobbies... That's all. However, they do not believe that there is any problem with masculinity. Vice versa!

Let's take a walk together through the large men's department in the large Tokyu Hands store, where there are always a lot of tourists and locals and where the newest and most relevant vital items are always sold.

The showcase is called: “Developing masculinity.” Here's what's on display: depilatory wax, deodorizing wipes, a sponge for depilating fine hairs on the arms and body, and some other interesting things. And, of course, very important for a man!

By the way, I even bought a sponge, it was very interesting. It's like soft, thin sandpaper; you move it clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times and the hair actually disappears somewhere - but only thin and soft, like fluff. Doesn't take powerful, manly hair.

A huge showcase of all kinds of ear cleaning devices. And even a device for examining what is happening in the ear. Yes, but how, on the other hand, can you live without it?

A device that, with due diligence, can make your nose thinner.

Stickers to hide visible nipples in sportswear or fashionable clothing, in white shirts.

There are probably men who don’t want to use women’s cosmetics, even if they don’t have a sweet smell and have an action that suits them? The same thing, but in men's packaging, they will be quite satisfied - that's how these lip balms are.

Hand cream.

And this is for advanced beauties. Sauna mask for the oval face. I would give some advice to not take it off!

Roller facial massager. These are even available in women’s magazines as gifts, and in stores like “everything for 100 yen.” I don’t know who can seriously wield these and hope for some effect, but I know for sure that kids and pets love to play with them!

But this is a useful thing - compression for the calf muscles. There are a huge number of lightweight compression stockings and tights for women, but it is impossible to know whether they are suitable for men. Namely, I see men's for the first time.

BB cream for men's skin.

Men's eyebrow pencil.

In general, the possibilities for supporting male status are inexhaustible in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Describing his Onegin, Pushkin also spoke about himself: in the portrait by Kiprensky, the poet not only has an inspired look, but also rather well-groomed nails. Let's follow the example of a genius and also think about the beauty and health of nails and fingers.

Animals need claws for hunting and defense. Why do we need nails? The ancient Egyptians believed that it was for beauty. They were the first to paint their nails a bright scarlet color, symbolizing life. A modern doctor can learn a lot about you by looking at your nails: psoriasis, lung diseases, various infections, anemia, diabetes and even ARVI, all of this can be determined by your nails. One American dermatologist noticed that his patient’s nails had acquired a blue tint, which is a signal of a lack of oxygen in the body. The doctor immediately advised me to get checked, and the test result did not surprise him too much. The patient was diagnosed with pulmonary edema. Fortunately, the disease was overcome. And who knows how this story would have ended if the doctor had not looked at the patient’s nails.

Nails are made of keratin. The claws, horns, and hooves of animals are also made of it. If we look at keratin under a microscope, we will see that this protein has a lamellar structure. During the growth process, the plates fit tightly to each other, making the nail dense. The amount of sulfur, on which the strength of the nail depends, is determined genetically. Therefore, if your nails are naturally brittle, strengthen them - don’t strengthen them, but you won’t have perfect and vibrant nails. Is it just acrylic?

Nails are our armor, but armor is porous. Two important processes are constantly taking place in it: absorption and sweating (in the literal sense of the word). Yes, our nails sweat, just like our skin, and, by the way, produce 12% of all skin effusion per day. Nails actively absorb everything on the skin, including water that the skin “doesn’t drink” during the day. Everything we put on our nails goes straight inside. What do you “feed” your nails? Healthy oils or toxic varnishes?

How to take care of your nails?

1. Nails are afraid of water. Prolonged contact with moisture softens nails and makes them defenseless. Avoid using nail files and scissors immediately after showering. Otherwise, the nails will become brittle, and over time there will simply be nothing to trim.

2. However, you can’t do without hydration. Apply the herbal oil to your cuticles and around your nails every night or right before bed.

3. Wash dishes, do laundry and do wet cleaning only with protective gloves. Chemicals are real poison for nails.

4. Nails must be cut carefully, using scissors to make a strictly horizontal line. Rounding will result in an ingrown toenail, which will require treatment and, in extreme cases, removal.

5. Avoid nail polish remover that contains acetone. It will remove not only the varnish from the nails, but also all the protective fatty elements.

6. Give up the bad habit of biting your nails: your nails will be intact and germs will not enter your body.

7. Do not cut the cuticle - you will earn felon. To soften the cuticle, you can push it back into place with an orange stick or a special manicure spatula. Manicure tools must be strictly individual!

And finally, think more often about the beauty of your nails and pay attention to any changes. If eyes are the mirror of the soul, then nails are a reflection of our health.

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