The newborn has burned face in the sun. How to treat a sunburn in a child. Medicines for sunburn in children

Children have delicate skin, so it is very susceptible to sunlight. Parents should remember this when going to the beach with their kids. Often the child's condition changes quickly: ten minutes ago the child was cheerful and full of energy, and now his body is reddened, his forehead is covered with perspiration, the baby has complaints of nausea and dizziness. This condition requires urgent help, as it can be dangerous to health, especially if it joins burns. In order to avoid such situations, parents should properly dose their babies in the open sun.

Burns in the sun are exactly the same as in contact with a hot iron or boiling water. There is only one difference: sunburns appear from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

What indicates a sunburn?

Sunburn is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • reddened and hot skin of the child;
  • soreness, slight swelling;
  • temperature rise;
  • light

Helping a child with sunburn

What to do first?

Young inexperienced parents often start to panic when they see their baby in this state: the child burned out in the sun - what to do? The main thing is to calmly and quickly provide first aid. To begin with, take it to the shade, moisten a towel with cold water and put it on your forehead, give it cool water to drink. Cold compresses can help burnt skin. But if blisters appear, they can only be sprayed with water, nothing can be applied to them. And most importantly - do not lubricate the affected skin with oil or fat-based products. This is the most common mistake that causes the skin to stop breathing.

If the baby complains of severe pain, you can give a pain reliever, but only one that does not contain aspirin. Often the child's body reacts with an increase in temperature, in which case antipyretic drugs will help.

If the burns are severe, you must urgently call an ambulance. You may need hospitalization.

Very carefully it is necessary to monitor sunburn in the face and neck. They are sometimes accompanied by swelling and difficulty breathing. If this happened to the baby, it is necessary to deliver him to a medical facility as soon as possible.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a lot of recipes and answers the question of confused parents: " Sunburn in a child: how to anoint?"

  • Option one (long-proven and reliable) - curdled milk or kefir with a small percentage of fat content, which will dry out the skin at least a little, but quickly remove inflammation. It is important to know that it is impossible to smear the affected skin with sour cream, because it contains a lot of fat.
  • Option two - vegetable juice. Cucumber juice works well on inflamed skin. You can smear the affected areas with cucumber gruel. An effective remedy is a grated potato compress used for both normal and sunburn. Chopped cabbage leaves will help too.
  • Option three - cereals help. Oat decoction - good remedy with sunburn. To provide assistance, it is necessary to moisten the cloth in the decoction and apply to the inflamed area.
  • The fourth option is tea. It is necessary to brew very cool tea, cool it and make lotions that remove inflammation well and quickly.
  • The fifth option is medicinal herbs. An effective remedy is tincture of calendula, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 to lubricate the skin and compresses. St. John's wort also helps well, for the preparation of which they take one tablespoon of herbs and pour one glass of boiling water, leave to cool, filter and wipe the affected skin areas.
  • Option six - strawberry gruel. If you have strawberries, then you need to choose a few of the most ripe berries, grind them and apply the resulting mass to the skin for about half an hour.

Medicines for sunburn in children

In addition to folk remedies, which are easier to find right away, there are medical options to alleviate the condition of the baby:

  • cream "La Cree" is designed to quickly remove skin irritations, including light burns. The cream contains the following components: licorice extract, violet, string and bisabolol (to combat inflammation), walnut extract (to eliminate the effects of various microbes on the skin), panthenol and avocado oil (to soften the skin and regenerate it). This cream is an excellent remedy for the treatment of minor burns. The cream does not contain dyes and fragrances, and therefore can be used even for babies.
  • Well-proven pharmacy and adults - "Panthenol". It quickly helps the skin get rid of inflammation, effectively relieves soreness, swelling and redness.
  • "Hirudobalm" significantly reduces pain and speeds up the healing process.
  • Pharmacies today offer a variety of cooling, anti-inflammatory, softening and moisturizing creams and sprays, which contain menthol or aloe juice.

How to prevent sunburn?

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. Same with sunburn. You just need to follow some rules - and this condition will not cause trouble for you and your baby:

  • Apply sunscreen 25-35 minutes before you step out of the shade. This time is enough to absorb the cream or spray;
  • you should not be in the sun when it is most active - from 10:00 to 16:00;
  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours and every time you get out of the water.
  • on the head of the child must be a hat with large fields, covering the neck and ears.

Last advice

Parents should remember that a sunburn is just as much a skin injury as a burn with something hot. If burns are accompanied by pain and fever, it is urgent to show the child to the doctor. Even if a mild burn occurs, it will take time to restore body functions and the use of special preparations for treatment.

Why is it necessary to protect children from the sun?

First of all, you must understand that the skin of a child is not your skin, if you can easily burn, then the baby will need much less time to do this. Because his skin is delicate and very sensitive, you can just touch it, and there will already be a red imprint on the body, so imagine what the sun's rays can do to the skin. Moreover, many children are owners of light, almost white skin, so the risk that they can burn increases tenfold. It is especially worth thinking about small children, because their body does not yet produce such a substance as melanin. And melanin is a natural natural protection of babies from sunlight.

What to do if the child is sunburned

Rules for tanning

It is always worth remembering that in no case should you sunbathe at lunchtime, best time for sunbathing from 7 to 10 o'clock in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the evening, because at this time the sun heats not so intensely and it is almost impossible to get sunburned. But this does not mean at all that you will not be able to tan, on the contrary, it is at this time that a beautiful, even, dark bronze shade falls on your skin.

When sunbathing, remember that the baby should not be exposed to direct sunlight, so take care of a beach umbrella or maybe it will be a place in the shade under a tree.

In cloudy weather, the sun also acts dangerously. Many people see that the sky has become cloudy and it has begun to rain, and they do not smear themselves with creams. But it is worth remembering that such weather does not prevent ultraviolet rays, so you can get burned once or twice.

If the baby does not bathe, then be sure to put on a hat and a light long shirt for him, such protection from the sun's rays gives the best result. What's more, the shirt doesn't interfere with beach play in any way, so you and your child can build a sandcastle or walk along the shore, collecting beautiful shells and rocks. And there is nothing terrible if the baby gets carried away and wets the clothes, you will dry it, but you will save the baby from sunburn.

You should not use several sun protection creams at once, let you have one and it is better if it is a sunblock. Experts recommend for children to use sun protection products with a protection factor of at least 35. In addition, now they produce sun protection creams specifically for children, they contain a high degree of protection and are often hypoallergenic. It will even be better if you purchase baby creams with a protection level of 50 or more.

Sunburns are different

A burn is a tissue injury, especially the skin. You should not think that a child can burn out only where the sun is hot, in the south near the sea. You can get burned just on walks and even in autumn and spring, when the days are warm.

When a child gets a sunburn, the skin turns red and itchy, but the pain is small and can be tolerated. In this case, you should not panic, because you can do without special means of treatment, you just need not to appear in the sun for a couple of days or sit in the shade.

The average degree of sunburn is noticeable after half an hour, redness appears, the skin is hot and painful to touch. In this case, you need to put the child to bed, give plenty of water and an anesthetic.

A severe burn is very dangerous, the skin is too red, in some places even bluish and blisters appear. The temperature rises, the baby is weakening, he is shivering and so on. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

What if the baby is burned?

If you still did not adhere to the elementary rules of tanning, then you need to know what to do if your child is burned in the sun. All the danger and problem of sunburn that the baby receives do not appear immediately, they become noticeable only after a few hours, and in most cases this happens in the late afternoon, when it is too late to do something. Therefore, your task is only to alleviate the suffering of the child.

If your child managed to get mild burns, the skin does not blister, then it is worth putting a cold wet towel or sheet on the affected skin. This will relieve the pain, the baby will feel better for a while. You can do this procedure several times, but know the measure, because you can overcool the child.

Run to the store for sour cream or kefir and lubricate the skin that has been affected. Cucumbers and potatoes relieve pain well if they are cut into circles and applied to the skin. Perhaps you have ever heard of, or maybe purchased after-sun lotions. Do not neglect them, thinking that this is an absolutely useless thing. Once you use them, you will be simply delighted and start using them constantly, because they relieve itching of burnt skin areas and provide excellent relief.

The child may have a fever, give him "paracetamol" or better "ibufen", it not only lowers the temperature, but also has an analgesic effect.

While the skin is healing, it is best to dress your child in cotton, loose-fitting clothing that will make them feel more comfortable and comfortable. Burnt skin areas are best lubricated with "panthenol" or another burn remedy. And let the child drink more water, do not forget about it. In addition, it will be much better if you refrain from appearing on the beach for a few days, the baby will now be very painful to be in the sun.

The child burned in the sun: temperature

It is imperative and urgent to call an ambulance if the baby is burned in the sun and the following symptoms appear:

  • you cannot bring down the temperature, and it constantly keeps at 38 degrees;
  • blisters appeared;
  • edema appeared;
  • headache;
  • the child lost consciousness;
  • he is weak, he is sick and he vomits;
  • most of the body in burns;
  • purulent discharge appeared;
  • if the baby is less than a year old.

Take care of your child and watch him! It is better to prevent sunburns than to suffer and treat them later.


  • On the beach, give your child a lot of water without gas so that overheating does not happen, if the air temperature is above 30 degrees, do not allow him to play outdoor games.
  • If you are buying sunglasses for a child, then let them be good quality.
  • If you have stripped your baby down to her panties, then be sure to slather him with sunscreen.
  • If the baby bathes all the time, then apply a protective agent every 2 hours.

Summer. The friendly sun invites you to bask under its gentle rays. It's time to relax with children in nature. But it is in warm summer weather, when going for a walk with a child, do not forget about those troubles and “surprises” that scorching sun rays can bring. The sun at this time is hot - baking. They almost overlooked, and the delicate skin of the child turned red - the child was burned in the sun.

The danger is that sunburn symptoms do not appear until several hours later—usually six to twelve hours after exposure.

When you are going on vacation to the sea or hot countries, be sure to take a burn spray with you, it is advisable to have a cooling medical bag with you. As well as sunscreen.

Signs of sunburn

The skin on the burnt areas turns red. There is a burning sensation and pain. The baby often cries, becomes restless. Or, on the contrary, lethargy and drowsiness appear. Any touch to the skin of a child causes pain in him.

Swelling sometimes appears at the site of the burn. There may be vomiting and headache. With a severe burn, chills may begin. The temperature rises. General malaise. Blisters appear on the body.

How to know the degree of sunburn

What to do if the child is sunburnt?

If the baby received a slight (mild) burn - reddened skin, itching. The child feels well, there is no particular pain. Do not worry too much, treat the skin with Panthenol for quick healing. You will have to avoid the sun for two or three days and walk only in the shade.

With a more serious (moderate) burn, after half an hour, redness of the skin becomes noticeable. After a few hours, it manifests itself to the maximum. The skin is very hot to the touch, each touch to the skin causes pain, the child becomes lethargic. Sometimes the temperature rises.

In no case do not lubricate the skin with sour cream or kefir. Fat clogs the sweat glands, which makes it difficult for already damaged skin to “breathe”.

First of all, ease the child's pain. To do this, moisten reddened areas of the skin with plenty of cool water or put the child under a cool shower - this will cool the skin and reduce the severity of the burn.

You can, for 10 - 15 minutes, put a napkin or towel soaked in cold water. Repeat this procedure several times every half hour, while watching the baby so as not to overcool him.

Green tea helps a lot - strong and freshly brewed, it needs to be cooled and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Apply to the burn site for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Don't forget to wash your skin with water.

To relieve pain, you can put grated or chopped potatoes or fresh cucumber on the burnt places. It is also applied for twenty to thirty minutes, then be sure to wash the skin with cool water. Fresh cabbage leaves will help relieve the burning sensation.

If the child is burned in the sun, treat the burn site with a special medicine. Inflammation is well relieved by "Panthenol 911". Cream or spray containing panthenol. Creams based on calendula, chamomile extract, aloe vera help the skin to retain for a long time and absorb moisture.

put on baby lung cotton clothing so as not to irritate the skin. Give your child Paracetamol as an analgesic and antipyretic. Be sure to give your child plenty of fluids.

Contact your doctor immediately if:

  • a burn was received (even insignificant) by a child of the first year of life;
  • very red skin, in some places as if bluish;
  • numerous blisters appear on the skin;
  • the child has a severe headache;
  • swelling appears on the hands and face;
  • chills and temperature "rolls over";
  • the child has nausea, vomiting;
  • the child lost consciousness.

Do not forget that under the influence of the sun's rays, vitamin D is produced and, thereby, the immune system is strengthened. And children need solar procedures. Therefore, when going for a walk with a child, be prudent and do not bring things to sunburn!

Dr. Komarovsky about sunburn

The summer sun, or rather its rays, is both a kind of medicine for the whole body and soul (it helps to produce happiness hormones, helps to get out of it), and a source of a considerable number of dangers. It should be treated like any other medicine, that is, it should be taken in doses, otherwise summer walks in the fresh air will bring nothing but trouble and health problems. This is especially true for children, who are much more prone to sunburn.

What steps should be taken to provide first aid to a child with sunburn? When to Connect medical care? What preparations and remedies should be present in the home arsenal in order to be ready to help a baby burned in the sun at any moment? Every parent should know the answers to all these questions, as well as the rules for children staying in the open sun. After all, who will take care of your child, if not you yourself?

What is sunburn? Its symptoms

is a phototraumatic skin reaction resulting from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. It leads to the death of epidermal cells and the release of special biologically active substances that cause itching of the skin, hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels located in a certain area of ​​the body) and, often, detachment of the upper layer of the skin with the formation of blisters.


If an adult, being in open sunlight, can burn in 30 minutes, then children, as a rule, have enough for 10 minutes. And if we talk about babies under three years old, then they are generally not recommended to stay in the open sun, because their protective skin reaction is still far from perfect: they can burn in just 3-5 minutes.

Features of getting sunburn in children:


The danger or even "insidiousness" of a sunburn lies in the fact that its presence manifests itself only a few hours after the fact of burning, and it fully makes itself felt in about eight hours. Therefore, on the beach, children very often get quite severe burns, because inexperienced parents are in no hurry to pick them up from the open sun until the skin turns a little red.

All symptoms of sunburn are divided into three groups based on the degree of skin damage:

1st - mild form of burn which is familiar to almost all parents:

  • skin redness;
  • burning.

2nd - moderate burn severity:

  • stronger pain;
  • it is possible to increase the child's body temperature to 38-40 degrees (as a rule, two to three hours after the fact of burning);
  • the appearance of watery blisters on burnt areas skin;
  • the child is restless and whiny.

3rd - severe form of sunburn . In addition to all of the above symptoms, the child also has:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • swollen skin;
  • possible difficulty breathing;
  • sometimes (reanimation situation).

Severe sunburn is, fortunately, quite rare in practice.

The average and severe form of burns is an indication for the immediate hospitalization of the child, since they can only be treated in a hospital.

Do not forget about the eyes, because sunburn is no less dangerous for them. It can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • swollen eyelids;
  • red eyes;
  • intense discharge of tears from the eyes;
  • reduced ability to see.

If your baby has any symptom from the list presented, you should contact a pediatric ophthalmologist.

First aid for sunburn in a child

Each parent should know what actions will be required from him and in what sequence, if his child gets a sunburn. By providing the “right” first aid to your baby, you can really help him by reducing pain and inflammation.

So, to provide first aid to a child burned in the sun, the following necessary steps should be taken:


According to experts, children's burns, including from the sun, are best treated with aerosol products that avoid direct contact with inflamed skin.

  • Step 5 . You can dress a burnt baby only in loose-fitting clothes made from natural soft fabrics, so as not to additionally injure the skin.
  • Step 6 . A prerequisite for sunburn is to drink plenty of water, because in this condition the child loses a lot of water. In the drinking diet during this period may be present: freshly squeezed juices, mineral water without gas.

The child was burned in the sun: how to anoint?

The use of any medication, regardless of the severity of the burn, should be discussed with the pediatrician. An exception are products based on such an active substance as dexpanthenol - provitamin B5 (Bepanten, D-Panthenol, Korneregel, etc.). The drug, the main component of which is dexpanthenol, is an excellent assistant in the treatment of sunburn, since this substance:

  • stimulates the process of tissue regeneration;
  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • makes collagen fibers stronger.

In addition to drugs based on dexpanthenol, other medications are also used in pediatrics to normalize the condition of a sunburned child, including:

Folk remedies for sunburn


Despite the fact that folk remedies are more affordable, proven medicines should still be preferred, especially when it comes to a child. If, for some reason, it is not possible to use pharmaceutical products, then you can use one of the recipes below.

It is also important to understand that alternative methods can only be used for minor first-degree burns. In addition, before using them, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

To the most popular folk remedies, used for sunburn, include:

Unfortunately, among folk methods there are enough of those, the use of which can harm the baby and significantly aggravate the situation. Therefore, every parent should know what kind of “useful” advice from empathetic relatives and friends should be ignored so as not to harm their baby.

So, with sunburn is strictly prohibited:

Prevention of sunburn in children

Naturally, the best help from loving parents for their child, who loves to swim in the sun, is to reduce the risk of burning him. To protect your baby from getting sunburn, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  1. From eleven to seventeen o'clock in the evening, the baby should not be allowed to be in the open sun.
  2. Always in the daytime, exposed areas of the baby's skin should be protected with a special sunscreen.
  3. While on the beach, the child must be dressed in loose-fitting light, natural clothing and have a wide-brimmed panama on his head.

Sunburns in children The summer sun gently warms with its rays, and we joyfully expose our hands, feet and faces to it, but, unfortunately, excessive sunbathing often leads to sad consequences, especially in the case of delicate, unprotected children's skin. Causes of burns
2. What is sunburn
3. What is the danger?
4. How to protect a child
5. First aid and treatment

Causes of burns

It takes very little time to get a sunburn in a child, while treatment, on the contrary, can be quite tiring and lengthy. Even a 5-minute stay in the sun without a special protective cream and panama can lead to sunburn in children. Especially dangerous and insidious is the Celestial luminary near water, since the mirror surface of the water surface enhances the effect of the sun's rays several times. It is also a mistake to assume that being in the water will help to avoid sunburn in children, on the contrary, here you can get them much faster and more quietly, because the cool element lulls our vigilance.

What is sunburn

In order to understand how to avoid sunburn in children and what to do when they occur, let's first understand what a sunburn is.

And it is nothing more than an inflammatory reaction of the skin as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. As with conventional burns, it is customary to distinguish several degrees of skin damage.

Minor burns

So, with minor burns, the skin turns pink or reddens, itching and burning appear in the affected areas, and the general condition of the victim is characterized by fatigue and irritability. When it comes to a child, then, as a rule, having overheated in the Sun, the baby begins to act up and want to sleep.

Severe lesions

With very strong skin lesions, blisters and quite noticeable painful sensations occur. In addition, nausea and vomiting, as well as fever, can join local skin reactions. The symptoms are similar to.

What is the danger?

The danger of sunburn lies in the fact that it is impossible to immediately determine their appearance, therefore it often happens that it would be better to complete the time spent in the Sun, but the baby continues to frolic, since there are no external signs of burns on the body. As a result, the effect intensifies and after a few hours on the naked parts of the body, which we happily exposed to the Sun, there are not at all joyful burns.

Delicate children's body and unprotected skin suffer from exposure to sunlight much more than an adult. This is especially true for children under the age of three, who have an insufficient amount of the corresponding pigment in the skin, which does not allow them to fully acquire a tan, and exposure to the Sun most often results in a burn.

How to save a child

So, as the well-known truth tirelessly says: The best treatment is prevention”, and therefore, when you are going to spend a day in the Sun with a child, take care of his reliable protection, which is especially important to comply with when going on vacation to the sea with a baby.

1. The first thing you should always have in a children's wardrobe is head protection - a light thin panama made of natural fabrics with wide brim for face protection. The option of a cap or bandana is certainly better than an uncovered head, but in this case the face and ears will be left to the Sun, and the delicate skin of these parts of the body, as a rule, burns the fastest.

2. Little children are very fond of walking naked, and in dosed amounts, sunbathing is very useful. However, a T-shirt or thin shirt must be present in the child's beach wardrobe, as well as long shorts or breeches. This form of clothing is necessary to protect the shoulders, neck and legs from possible sunburn.

3. If you are wondering what is for the baby, do not forget to put in a suitcase sunscreen, it is especially important in the list of things needed at sea with a child. Protection should be maximum, since children's skin is very susceptible to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Also, make sure the cream is waterproof. Remember that no sunscreen can protect the baby if he spends a long time in the Sun and without clothes - all protection measures against general recommendation, relevant for both children and adults - do not go out on the Sun during the hours of greatest activity, namely from noon to 3 pm, since the risk of burning out is maximum during these hours.
If you went with your baby to a seaside resort, remember that the first day you should not go all out and spend it on the beach.

In addition to the fact that tender, untanned skin should get used to the active southern Sun, there is a general acclimatization of the body. Neglecting such recommendations, you risk getting not only sunburn in a child, but also.

Sunburn in a child treatment

The Celestial Luminary warms especially strongly in warm countries, where our compatriots go en masse during the holidays.

Do not forget that even if the day is not particularly sunny and clouds gather in the sky every now and then, you can get a sunburn. Cloudy weather is absolutely no reason not to use the means and protection from the Sun.

First aid and treatment

  • If, however, your baby has suffered from sunbathing, and you notice redness or even blisters on the skin, then the first thing to do is to immediately leave the sun in the shade. If the child's general condition worsens: nausea, chills, swelling, fever, or a burn has affected a significant part of the body, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is very important, especially in the case of young children who are most sensitive to overheating.
  • You can independently treat sunburn in children with the help of special anti-burn aerosols and lotions. Aloe vera juice and Panthenol have an excellent healing effect.
  • If the baby is overheated in the Sun, he needs to restore fluid reserves in the body, and therefore give him more to drink - water, natural juices or fruit drinks will perfectly cope with the task and help restore strength.
  • With an increase in body temperature, it is allowed to use antipyretic drugs.
  • Remember that the affected area of ​​​​the skin gives unpleasant pain to the baby, and for the fastest possible healing of the burn, as well as to reduce discomfort, it is important to choose the right clothes: it should be light and spacious and always made from natural fabrics.

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