Rules of conduct in the hairdressing salon for clients. Business culture “Ethics of behavior in the salon. Professional ethics of a hairdresser

Visitors to any beauty industry enterprise come not only to receive a list of services, but also positive emotions, and also to relax. That is why their overall impression depends not on the professionalism of the specialist, but on his politeness and adherence to communication ethics. Although, by and large, a specialist who is not familiar with the ethical principles of his work cannot be called a professional. A code of ethics exists for every profession, and all employees are required to know it.

Professional ethics consists of many factors, such as: appearance, manner of communication, rules of behavior. In addition, you also need to follow the rules adopted in the salon where you work, if there are any. After all, each salon has its own policy of interaction with clients. And if this is a good salon, the adopted rules will coincide with the ethical standards of the profession or be a little broader, but in no way contradict them.

Rules of communication with the client

Any master knows that a visitor will return again if he liked the attitude of the salon workers towards the client. Starting from the receptionist at the reception and ending directly with the hairdresser, cosmetologist or massage therapist - their behavior should leave only a pleasant aftertaste.

From the first minute the client appears in the salon, he should be greeted, told where to hang his outerwear or helped to do this. If you need to wait, then clarify the waiting time and offer tea\coffee\magazines for a more comfortable pastime. It’s very good when a master can personally go to the client and tell him how long to wait. And if he is already free, immediately meet the client and take him to the procedure.

At this point, the greeting stage is completed and the time for direct interaction begins. The key to getting a satisfied client is to know exactly what he wants. You definitely need to find out in great detail what the client expects from you, what result he wants to get. It is better to clarify everything down to the smallest detail than to receive a series of complaints because you did not understand the client.

It is very welcome when the master, during the procedure, tells what he is doing and why, and names the means he uses. Firstly, this way the client is less worried, because he understands what will happen and why. And secondly, the client may have an allergy or other negative reaction to some products and, if this was not announced earlier, he will have time to warn you about it.

When interacting with a client, it is undesirable to:

  • tell a lot about your life, turning the client into a psychologist;
  • asking too personal questions;
  • criticize the client’s choice (except for advice on how to do better, but not in the form of criticism);
  • criticize other masters;
  • talk badly about your place of work;
  • impose paid services.

Beauty industry professionals have absolutely no idea what their clients think of them. And here's what clients write about cosmetologists (and not only about them): . Here we examine in great detail the following questions: what you don’t like when visiting a cosmetologist’s office, what little things clients pay attention to, and what little things can ruin your mood so that you never return to that office again.

After the procedure is completed, it will be useful to give advice on home care for the affected area (hair, nails, skin). It will be useful to talk about what products you used during the procedure. If the client is interested, provide information on where these products can be purchased, if possible.

Before the client leaves the salon, make sure he is satisfied. After all, if this does not happen, he will not come to you anymore, and even his stories will damage the image of the establishment. He has the right to do so if you did not try hard enough to satisfy his request. Remember that .

Based on the results of the first visit, offer the client a salon business card or other information materials. Make sure the front desk can book him in for his next appointment if he wants one. Make sure that the client has someone to accept payment so that he does not have to wait. And most importantly: never rush the client to leave.

How to behave in conflict situations

Unfortunately, no matter how good the specialist and the salon are, sooner or later you have to deal with scandalous clients. You really could have made a mistake, or you just got a not-so-successful client, but it is still necessary to resolve such situations. The first thing every beauty specialist should remember is to never enter into conflict with a client.

If you are faced with an openly scandalous and provocative person, her goal is to provoke you into an open conflict. The moment you succumbed to this provocation, you lost and you no longer have a chance to finish this matter without consequences. If a master or salon has a conflict with a client, he will remain guilty in any case and ruin his image. Therefore, the tone of the conversation on the part of professionals should remain diplomatic. The losses in a conflict with one person, in order to compensate for his dissatisfaction, are incomparably small than those that the image of the establishment may suffer if the client leaves dissatisfied.

In the event of an unpleasant situation, even if personal insults are thrown in your direction, you cannot switch to the same methods. Sarcastic remarks, barbs and, especially, threats against the client will only worsen your situation. Most likely, after one such offense on the part of the master, the number of his clients will be halved.

In addition, if you receive a complaint, you need to consider it immediately and in detail. If necessary, it is worth involving the salon manager. The main thing is, do not make excuses under any circumstances and concentrate not on the situation that occurred, but on ways to solve it. If an incident has already occurred, regardless of whether it has been resolved or not, you cannot discuss it with other clients, even after some time.

Elements of professional ethics that are observed by default

There are some basic rules of ethics that are so obvious that they are not even worth mentioning. However, many clients change specialists precisely because these basic rules are not followed.

  1. Punctuality. No one wants to waste extra time waiting for a specialist, especially if they made an appointment in advance and were sure that they would be seen on time. Systematic lateness will save you from more of your clients.
  2. Neat appearance and cleanliness. It’s even embarrassing to talk about, but many clients indicated the unpleasant smell or unkempt appearance of the master as the reason for leaving him.

Ethics of behavior of a hairdresser (beauty salon) employee

The hairdresser is one of the few people we allow to invade our personal space. That is why his work requires special delicacy and professionalism.

What are the rules for communication between a hairdresser and a client? There are quite a few such rules, and they are mainly related to the psychology of communication. Ideally, every master should take psychological training courses. After all, establishing contact is the key to its success. Before starting work, you need to talk with the client for a few minutes to win him over. If this is successful, the guest will trust the master, listen to his advice and, perhaps, come to your salon again. And even if the client doesn’t like something, a regular visitor will not cause a scandal.

How to achieve such customer loyalty? After all, communication should be very intense, but unobtrusive? If we talk about the components of effective communication for a successful hairdresser, then first of all it is a smile, which must be sincere. In addition, you cannot answer the client in monosyllables. If he asks: “Do I have dry hair?”, then simply answering “yes” or “no” is not enough. It is necessary to tell in detail about the type of hair, about improving its appearance, about the need for treatment, etc. A competent hairdresser knows that you should not wave a protective cape in front of the client’s face. You need to throw it on the visitor very delicately. Moreover, many hairdressers even ask the client for permission to touch his hair - not everyone likes this either. It is also important how the hairdresser stands while serving the client. Under no circumstances should you hunch over, bend low over the client, or wave your arms. Ideally, when cutting a haircut, a hairdresser should resemble an artist drawing, and during the process of creating a hairstyle, he should resemble a sculptor at work. It turns out that the list of rules mainly consists of prohibitions. And you can’t talk about religion, politics and your personal problems, discuss the work of another master, or talk on the phone. And still carry on a conversation? Just support. Try to monitor your interlocutor’s reaction to a particular topic. If you see that he reacts negatively, change the subject of conversation! Although it is best to listen carefully and interestedly, and not speak yourself. And be polite. This is the most reliable means of communicating with people of any age, character and temperament.

“Guest”, “client”... How should a hairdresser correctly call his counterpart? To begin with - just on “you”, of course. If a person wants, he will introduce himself, and then you can call him by his first name or first name and patronymic. The initiative is also on his side here. Does this also apply to hairstyle choices? What does a hairdresser do if he sees that the hairstyle that the client asks for, to put it mildly, does not quite suit him? If a person is ready for dialogue, then you can advise, offer options, show photos and thus try to convince him. But “never argue if you feel that you won’t be able to convince him” - this classic advice from a psychologist also applies to our profession. After all, the client, as we know, is always right, but what if this client, who is always right, still ends up being dissatisfied? If we are talking about a mistake by a hairdresser, then he must, while maintaining his dignity, apologize. There is no need to be ashamed of this. And admitting one’s guilt works almost flawlessly. In this case, of course, we are not talking about tips. In general, is it customary to thank hairdressers in this way? And if so, in what sizes? Just like in a restaurant, the standard tip is ten percent of the cost. Although many leave more. It happens that as a thank you they leave the same amount as they paid for the service itself. Who, from a psychological point of view, is more difficult to cut hair - men or women? Men are more conservative and scrupulous. In my practice, there was a case when a client thought that the left temple was cut three millimeters shorter than the right one. They react to the appearance and age of the master, communicate more easily with women than with men, make decisions more easily, but are more often impatient. Women always trust their wife and often express complaints. But representatives of the fairer sex probably pay attention to the hairstyle and clothes of the master himself. What should they be? Hairstyle - neat and styled. And clothes - covering the body, clean and not too provocative, bright. The prestige of a salon depends on the skill and professional image of the hairdressers. For the client, the image of the hairdresser is associated with the quality of services. A professional image is made up of many factors. It includes the master’s appearance, demeanor, and communication skills. Correctness and accuracy. Be punctual. Do not smoke, eat or chew in front of the client. Keep your work area tidy so that brushes and combs are cleared of hair, cut hair is removed from the floor, there are no stains or dust on the mirrors, and there is no debris around the chair and table.

Do not keep personal items in your work area. Leave personal problems at home. When talking with a client, avoid sensitive topics. Do not gossip or discuss other clients, colleagues or competitors. Take your time, try to always remain calm.

The prestige of beauty salons largely depends on the professional skills and image of the hairdressers and makeup artists working there. For the client, the image of the master is associated with the quality of services.

What does a professional image consist of?!
There are such important factors as: the master’s appearance, demeanor, communication skills, and craftsmanship.

Correctness and accuracy.
What this includes: punctuality; do not smoke, eat or chew in front of customers; keep the tools clean, the work table tidy (cut hair is removed from the floor, mirrors are clean, there is no debris around the chair and table).
Remove personal items from the table and leave personal problems at home. When communicating with a client, you should avoid sensitive topics and do not discuss competitors, clients and colleagues. Try to remain calm in all situations. And remember: “The customer is always right”

Appearance of the master.
As for clothing, it should be clean, neat, and suit your figure in color and cut.
Avoid provocative or provocative clothing or accessories. Avoid extremes: your clothes should be neither too extravagant nor homey.
Shoes should be clean and comfortable.
Don't wear too much jewelry, rings, bracelets...
Makeup should be modest and tasteful. Hairstyle (styling) should be modern and neat. Hands are clean, with a neat manicure. For clients, your haircut or hairstyle (makeup) is an example of what you can do with their own hair or face. Don't wear heavy or strong scents.

Master's hygiene.
Take a shower every day and keep your hair clean and well-groomed. Use antiperspirants or deodorants. You should always look fresh and cheerful. Make sure your hands are clean and your nails are well-groomed and trimmed. Remember to brush your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth after eating.

Communication with the client.
Communication is the main and important means for establishing a trusting relationship between a master and a client. By developing this skill, the hairdresser (makeup artist) begins to better understand the client's wishes and how to satisfy them.

- negative or critical remarks towards the client. They will limit the conversation and cause dissatisfaction and discomfort.
- force a conversation, as this may confuse the client.
- interrupting the client - this will lead to his irritation and the end of the conversation.
- to rush - this will cause anxiety and alienation in the client.
- persistently examine the client’s appearance - this can cause aggression or depression.

Description of the presentation PROFESSIONAL ETHICS OF A HAIRDRESSER. Prepared by Marina Evdokimova, slide group

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS OF A HAIRDRESSER. Prepared by Marina Evdokimova, DDL-group

The profession of a hairdresser requires adherence to certain ethical standards when communicating with clients during the performance of professional duties and compliance with the rules of a service culture. Ethics and etiquette in hairdressing oblige workers to be polite and attentive to any client, ready to provide services, making the most of professional knowledge, skills and habits.

A real hairdresser is a person endowed with special moral qualities. For him, the quality of service is important, so the main content of the work cannot be reduced only to earnings. A real hairdresser is characterized by aesthetics, politeness, respect, patience, the ability to compromise, a positive attitude towards the client and his responsibilities, self-control, discipline, and neatness.

Hairdressing is a business where there is a rule: “The image of the institution will depend on how each employee treats the people with whom he deals. When starting to communicate with new people, an observant hairdresser with well-developed intuition can guess what impression he has on the client. The vast majority of people, after their first acquaintance, form an image based on its appearance.

The hairdresser's beautiful and neat clothes emphasize respect for the client. The hairdresser's idea of ​​the client and the client's idea of ​​the hairdresser are formed not only by appearance.

An important feature of a psychological portrait is body language, facial expression (facial expressions), expressiveness of movements (pantomime), dynamism and expressiveness of language (intonation, rhythm, voice vibrations), which can be decisive regarding ideas about a person. The first minute of a meeting between a client and a hairdresser and a hairdresser with a client is decisive in creating a social and psychological portrait; it determines the nature of their further relationships. It is difficult to change such a thought later. Therefore, once a visitor arrives, it is important to make a correct assessment of his personality and intentions regarding the service.

The decision on a service is influenced by the following factors: the client’s mood; character traits of the client; the cost of the service and its relevance to fashion; range of services and materials offered. When helping a client make a decision about services, you can use the concentration method (focus the client’s attention on the positive aspects of the model), the compensation method (prove the advantages of the model) and the demonstration method (use albums or visually display a similar model on another person). The salon employee must specify the recommendations and justify the cost of the service, the model’s compliance with fashion, its practicality in accordance with the age and character traits of the client. If it is impossible to provide the service at the moment, you can offer another time.

When scheduling a new meeting, you need to clearly agree on the date and time and, when the client arrives, begin work exactly at the appointed time. A client’s refusal of a service may depend on many reasons, for example, inattentive attitude towards him, which causes disappointment and even irritation. If a visitor refuses services, you should not reveal your dissatisfaction so as not to spoil the impressions. The client should be given a chance to come back to you again. After the service process, when saying goodbye to visitors, it is important to emphasize that the salon will be happy to see him again.

A hairdresser must comply with certain ethical rules: Correctness and accuracy. What this includes: - punctuality; do not smoke, eat or chew in front of clients; -keep the tools clean, the work table tidy (cut hair is removed from the floor, mirrors are clean, there is no debris around the chair and table). -Remove personal items from the table, and leave personal problems at home. -Try to remain calm in all situations

2) Appearance of the master. As for clothing, it should be clean, tidy, suitable for the figure in color and cut. It is necessary to avoid provocative and provocative clothing or accessories. Extremes should be avoided: clothing should be neither too extravagant nor homely. Shoes should be clean and comfortable. Don't wear too much jewelry, rings, bracelets... Makeup should be modest and tasteful. Hairstyle (styling) should be modern and neat. Hands are clean, with a neat manicure. For clients, a haircut or hairstyle (makeup) is an example of what you can do with their own hair or face. Avoid wearing heavy or strong scents. You are the business card of your own work

3) Hygiene of the master. Take a shower every day and keep your hair clean and well-groomed. Use antiperspirants or deodorants. You should always look fresh and cheerful. Make sure your hands are clean and your nails are well-groomed and trimmed. After all, long extended nails, even the most well done ones, can cause the client to worry about their eyes, for example.

4) Communication with the client. Communication is the main and important means for establishing a trusting relationship between a master and a client. By developing this skill, the hairdresser begins to better understand the client's wishes and how to satisfy them.

What they don’t talk about with the client 1. About religion; 2. About the personal life of the master; 3. About the salary - both the client and the master; 4. About horoscopes (if there is a negative attitude towards them); 5. About relationships in the salon team; 6. About the work of another master, even a stranger. There is no need to speak negatively about other clients or work colleagues.

Thus, ethics in the hairdresser’s profession is very important, since the client’s attitude towards the hairdresser depends on communication and behavior, and whether it will be good or bad depends only on the employee himself.

The profession of a hairdresser requires adherence to certain ethical standards when communicating with clients during the performance of professional duties and compliance with the rules of a service culture.

Ethics and etiquette in hairdressing oblige workers to be polite and attentive to any client, ready to provide services, making the most of professional knowledge, skills and habits.

A real hairdresser is a person endowed with special moral qualities. For him, the quality of service is important, so the main content of the work cannot be reduced only to earnings. A real hairdresser is characterized by aesthetics, politeness, respect, patience, the ability to compromise, a positive attitude towards the client and his responsibilities, self-control, discipline, and neatness.

Hairdressing is a business where there is a rule: “The image of the institution will depend on how each employee treats the people with whom he deals. When starting to communicate with new people, an observant hairdresser with well-developed intuition can guess what impression he has on the client.

The vast majority of people, after their first acquaintance, form an image based on its appearance. The hairdresser's beautiful and neat clothes emphasize respect for the client. The idea of ​​a hairdresser about a client and a client about a hairdresser are formed not only by appearance. An important feature of a psychological portrait is body language, facial expression (facial expressions), expressiveness of movements (pantomime), dynamism and expressiveness of language (intonation, rhythm, voice vibrations), which can be decisive regarding ideas about a person.

The first minute of a meeting between a client and a hairdresser and a hairdresser with a client is decisive in creating a social and psychological portrait; it determines the nature of their further relationships. It is difficult to change such a thought later. Therefore, once a visitor arrives, it is important to make a correct assessment of his personality and intentions regarding the service.

The following factors influence the decision to use a service:

client's mood;

character traits of the client;

the cost of the service and its relevance to fashion;

range of services and materials offered. When helping a client make a decision about services, you can use the concentration method (focus the client’s attention on the positive aspects of the model), the compensation method (prove the advantages of the model) and the demonstration method (use albums or visually display a similar model on another person).

The salon employee must specify the recommendations and justify the cost of the service, the correspondence of the model to fashion, its practicality in accordance with the age and character traits of the client. If it is impossible to provide the service at the moment, you can offer another time. When scheduling a new meeting, you need to clearly agree on the date and time and, when the client arrives, begin work exactly at the appointed time.

A client’s refusal of a service may depend on many reasons, for example, inattentive treatment of him, which causes disappointment and even irritation. If a visitor refuses services, you should not reveal your dissatisfaction so as not to spoil the impressions. The client should be given a chance to come back to you again.

After the service process, when saying goodbye to visitors, it is important to emphasize that the salon will be happy to see him again.

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