Cool toasts for the New Year of the Rooster. Toasts at a corporate party on New Year's Eve. Hello, dear readers! I'm very glad to see you

A cheerful feast is an integral part of the New Year celebration. And what good feast could there be without funny and cool toasts? It is thanks to toasts that holiday gatherings acquire a special atmosphere, are filled with good wishes and bring everyone present closer together. In addition, toasts for the New Year 2017 are an important psychological ritual, a kind of “conspiracy” for a better future. Wishes heard at the table on a subconscious level set one up for good luck, well-being, and prosperity in the new year. Often, table speeches on New Year’s Eve help to open up and become closer to the team, for example, at a corporate party or friendly party. Toasts are also an excellent opportunity to express your feelings to those gathered at the same table, expressing to them not only wishes, but also gratitude, love, and respect. Below you will find a selection of the best short New Year's toasts that will help you celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster, including the Old New Year, cheerfully and positively!

The best thematic toasts in verse for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

According to the eastern calendar, 2017 will pass under the auspices of the Red Fire Rooster. This symbolic bird sympathizes with courageous, proactive and energetic individuals. So why not start being active right at the festive table and say the best thematic toast in verse for the New Year of the Rooster 2017! By thematic, we mean a cool toast in which wishes are played out with the mention of the symbol of the year. For example, it is proposed to raise a glass so that in the coming year the mood of everyone present at the corporate party will be as rosy as the plumage of this bright bird. And if you use a cool themed toast for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in short verses, it will certainly become the best one at the holiday table. Below we have prepared a small selection of just such toasts. We are sure that the Fire Rooster will appreciate your initiative and will definitely bring you good luck and prosperity in 2017!

Our Rooster is a specialist in amorous matters,

He broke a lot of chicken hearts...

And what can I say, this is his role

He's definitely the king of the coop!

And if you are not a sheikh, not an emir, not a sultan,

Then life has given you a simpler destiny -

And next to you should, old man,

Of many women there must be only one!

I want to wish you in the year of the Rooster

Let your plow be far from dry,

Love, unravel the endless password,

May you be a sheikh and a king for your beloved!

Flowers all year round let them show off in vases,

So that the stars are in your hands and the sky is in diamonds,

Let compliments sound in every phrase

And in the year of the Rooster there are only moments of happiness!

I wish you so much money that the chickens don’t peck,

So that a feather bed and a comfortable bed,

So that problems and adversity do not poke their nose into you

And may the Rooster bring you golden eggs all year long!

So that the Rooster does not peck on the forehead,

May the whole year be good,

To love and pamper,

And he gave you whatever you wanted!

Funny New Year's toasts in verses for the feast 2017

Humor is a universal language that will always help to defuse the situation, lift the mood and win people over. It's no wonder that funny toasts in verse are very popular at New Year's parties. As they say, you can never have too much fun! Moreover, the New Year must be celebrated cheerfully and with jokes. That is why a good funny New Year's toast in verse at the 2017 meeting will come in handy. But when choosing wishes in a comic form, you should be careful - the toast should be with good humor, without vulgarity and sarcasm. Otherwise, it is very easy to spoil the mood of someone present at the festive table. And on New Year's Eve this is simply unacceptable! A selection of cool, funny toasts for the New Year with good humor and funny short wishes, you will find further.

I drink to a wonderful New Year,

May it bring us joy

Let him give you magic,

We've been waiting for it for a long time!

I drink to happiness, to prosperity,

For health and goodness,

So that everything is alright

We had enough strength for everything!

New Year is knocking on the door,

What awaits us in it?

Light, love, warmth, dream,

Happiness, peace and beauty.

And luck and success,

And family, and children's laughter.

We raise a glass

To the new year, because it has come.

And we wish everyone now

Always be happy

So that our courage does not fade away.

New Year is the epicenter of fun,

Everyone feels his warming spirit.

We put chairs around

The table was all swollen with treats.

May this year be unique

Let him bring us something new.

One of us may become a genius,

And someone might save us all.

Let's dream and wish,

Today is the most magical night.

Let's send joy around,

Let's be able to help each other.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 (in prose and poetry)

Making a good toast at a New Year's corporate party is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. On the one hand, the informal atmosphere and celebration atmosphere favor freedom of speech and expression of thoughts. But on the other hand, no one has abolished work subordination, and excessive frankness and swagger can play a cruel joke on your authority in the work team. In addition, absolutely every employee, regardless of his position, wants to say a memorable, beautiful toast. At the same time, everyone wants to avoid formality and banality in a short dinner speech. Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster can become the “golden mean” that will help make your New Year’s speech corporate party special. Such toasts also contain good wishes, and appropriate humor, and an unusual presentation. Therefore, if you want to produce good impression on your colleagues, then be sure to take advantage of the selection of cool toasts for corporate parties for the New Year of the Rooster 2017, which we have prepared below.

Dear colleagues, in the new year I wish you the leniency and favor of your superiors, the respect and support of your team, the loyalty and devotion of your friends, the love and care of your loved ones. May only good things surround you, and may your mood always be as light and upbeat as it is now. Happy New Year!

Let's write a letter to Santa Claus:

Let's ask for stability and honor.

Let us have stars for company,

And let it bring us income.

Let's also have a drink

For the health of our colleagues.

So that today at the corporate party

Wishes come true forever!

They say that when emotional impulses begin to fight with logic, the former often win. I want to wish you, dear colleagues, that in the New Year no emotional experiences will force us to commit rash acts. Let iron logic and pragmatism reign in the decisions we make at work. Well, we’ll leave matters of the heart outside of working hours!

For our joy, for our fun,

I'm drinking to the New Year, colleagues,

And so that there is no hangover,

I pray to heaven for this!

Well, if so, no jokes,

I want to drink to the goodness,

So that ladies wear fur coats,

And so that everything will be fine!

Beautiful toasts in verse for the New Year's table 2017

Humor is, of course, good, but sometimes at the New Year’s table it’s nice to hear not a funny, but a very serious and beautiful toast in verse. For example, if a couple in love celebrates the New Year together, then a romantic, beautiful toast will be more than appropriate for them. Beautiful toasts in verses for New Year's table- these are very pleasant, kind and touching speeches that bring a special charm to the festive feast. Such toasts force everyone present to listen carefully to the words of the toaster and to be imbued with the wishes that are sounded. Do you want to add a touching touch to your New Year's celebration? Then be sure to take advantage of our selection of short beautiful toasts in poems for the New Year's table, which can be found below.

Let's drink to the 365 days that await us ahead, to the 365 opportunities, to the 365 new pages of life, to the 365 miracles that will happen to us! Here's to the New Year, which will give us all this! Hooray!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to a home where there is fun and continuous laughter. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish everyone present that there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes in the New Year!

The New Year is about to arrive.

He's probably standing on the threshold.

And the champagne is already playing in the glass,

Nearby, a beautiful Christmas tree is lit.

So let's raise our glasses

For the past year, for past affairs.

Together we will drink to the future,

May everyone's dreams come true!

Short funny toasts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Do you know where the tradition of making toasts at the holiday table came from? According to one version, the ancient Romans, in order not to immediately get drunk during a long feast, put a small piece of rye bread. It was believed that it “pulled out” excess alcohol and helped maintain mental sobriety. But since it took time for the bread to cope with the task, they began to make small table speeches with wishes - toasts. Over time, the tradition with bread passed without a trace, but short, cool toasts took pride of place at the holiday table. Be that as it may, toasts for the New Year 2017 are a wonderful tradition, thanks to which each of us has the opportunity to say a few nice words to others. And since the need for long table speeches disappeared many centuries ago, in modern world Short, funny toasts are always popular, including for the New Year 2017. Thanks to their small size and cheerful content, such short toasts can be used in different companies, including corporate events. And if you add just one word “old” to short funny toasts for the New Year 2017, then they can be used with the same success at the festive table in honor of the Old New Year.

What could be better than the promise of a fairy tale with the scent of pine and tangerines? Just the same, but with a happy plot. Let's drink to feeling like the heroes of a magical and always good fairy tale for the whole next year.

I don't need gifts

I wish for one thing -

So that brother lives for brother,

For which there is no tea.

So that the winter cold brings us

A ton of success, happiness.

And so that there is a whole cart of health,

Even in the sun, even in bad weather.

They say that in order to feel alive you need to be the bearer and giver of laughter and joy. I want to wish that in the New Year, we not only give laughter to those around us, but also receive particles of joy from them in return, and then life will undoubtedly become more joyful and beautiful!

Most Russians associate New Year with champagne. So I want to wish you that the next year will be like this champagne - bubbling, light, sweet and exciting. Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve everyone usually plans to start new life, to do something, to become better somewhere, to change some habits. I want to raise this glass with these words: may this New Year each of those present not start a new life, but change their attitude towards the old one, because in the past year there were excellent happy moments!

May the New Year bring you the happiest surprises. Every day may only wonderful events happen, every night may the guiding stars shine, and every morning may it warm us with a warm sunny smile.
Let's drink to new year wishes, let them come true!

I want to wish that Santa Claus brings you a whole bag of joy and fun, and that the Snow Maiden bestows goodness and happiness. Let the New Year's elves fulfill all your wishes, and even though you and I know that all of them do not exist, let there be people nearby who can easily replace them and fill your life with magic. Happy New Year!

I would like to wish you a life noisy and bright, like colorful firecrackers. Let it be sparkling, beautiful and shiny, like a decorated Christmas tree. And let every day be imbued with the same fabulous and magical mood as today, in New Year's Eve. Happy holiday!

During the magical New Year's festivities, even the most daring requests to the generous Santa Claus can be fulfilled. For example, one young man ordered more “chicks and money” for himself, and to this day he cannot get out of a remote village. Let's drink to the accuracy of the wording in our requests to Santa Claus!

“Happy New Year, happy new happiness” - it is customary to congratulate each other. But let happiness not be new, as long as it is stable with us. Let's drink to the kindness of Fate to all of us in this New Year.

Since childhood, we have been waiting for the New Year holiday as something fabulous and magical. And even though we already know absolutely exactly who the wizard Santa Claus was, the expectation of a miracle remains in our hearts. I drink to the hope that this miracle will certainly happen to us. Happy new year friends!

And on this holiday everyone gathered,
Chimes strike and miracles happen,
Happy New Year to everyone,
And I wish everyone magic!

I'll drink to good luck,
And so that we are lucky in business,
And so that the New Year is a success,
And so that everything will be fine!

The chimes struck
Which means it's time
For the New Year,
Let's have a drink, friends!

May he be good
He will bring it to everyone
And everything is bad
He'll take it from us!

Once upon a time there lived a frog. She lived in a pond. She was happy. Happy that there were no problems, plenty of food, plenty of partners. So she lived a happy life long life. So here it is. What am I talking about? I want to wish you not to be such a frog. I wish you to meet problems along the way and solve them, and you are doing great! I wish you not to sit in one place - but to go wherever you want. I wish a loved one nearby, and not a lot of fakes. Happy New Year!

The noisy, cheerful, beloved New Year holiday is just around the corner. This time, the Red Fire Rooster sits on the throne of the head of the year. What can we expect from this proud bird? Let's start with the fact that the leap year is finally coming to an end and the coming 2017 will no longer be a leap year, that is, it will not consist of 366, it will contain the usual 365 days. This is very important, since people often attribute some failures and even terrible tragedies to the influence of “leap leap”.

So you can breathe easy - 2017 a priori will not bring with it sorrows and sorrows. On the contrary, astrologers and numerologists insist that the coming year will be more stable and happy. And in order to somehow appease and make friends with the owner of 2017, the Red Cockerel, from the very beginning, you need to know some rules for celebrating the New Year.

Since the Rooster is a family sign and a very friendly sign, it is necessary to celebrate the arrival of the New Year in a close family circle, as well as invite friends, comrades and colleagues. Gifts can be given that are useful, but not very expensive, since the thrifty Rooster will not tolerate wasteful spending.

It is better to choose a brighter New Year's outfit, with the obligatory presence of red, yellow and orange flowers, so as to definitely please the spectacular Rooster. This important bird loves everything gold and shiny, so matching decorations are welcome.

The New Year's table should be filled with healthy food - salads without mayonnaise, more fruits and vegetable dishes. You cannot cook chicken for the New Year of the Rooster, so as not to mortally offend the powerful owner of 2017. It is better to put flour products on the table - buns, braids, pies, bagels, buns and bagels. It is good to use bunches of wheat ears as decoration for the holiday table.

Sparkling wines are a mandatory attribute of the 2017 New Year's table. And what feast, especially New Year’s, would be complete without good toasts and? Let this small statement over a glass be given great importance, nevertheless, very often, when speaking good words and wishes, people believe in their implementation. And faith in the power of words, as you know, can work miracles. Therefore, it is important to speak beautiful and correct toasts for New Year 2017. Moreover, toasts can be both meaningful and cause an outburst of laughter. And our website will help you choose truly wonderful words for the New Year of the Fire Rooster.

The best toasts for the New Year 2017

Let New Year will begin with takeoff
To all the planned heights,
To five-zero bank accounts,
Pleasant turns in fate!

In matters - let there be complete agreement.
On the personal front - a bird of happiness!
And let the handsome Cockerel
A bag will bring health!

We all filled our glasses,
So that there will be enough for a whole year!
You can hear the chimes ringing.
Friends for us! Happy New Year everyone!

Let the New Year hurry up
Spin with fun,
Let the glasses be filled,
We will drink for us!

Let the miracle await
Gives birth to dreams again
Let's make wishes
In the middle of winter frost!

Happy New Year,
And today I wish you
So that this year
Tears were not in use

So that friends appreciate
And the family loved
Prizes were awarded more often
So that diseases do not attack

That's the point. And we'll be alive
We'll get the rest
By acquaintance or by connections,
Thank you for the salary.

Don't be sad, keep your nose up!
Well, let's drink to make it come true!

Let the snow fall from the darkening skies...
Champagne is already flowing into the glass.
I want to sit next to you,
So that in New Year's fairy tale will dissolve. The clinking of glasses will fill the silence.

I will see the warmth of your heart in your eyes.
Sparkling wine like cold pearls,
My lips will burn...
And I'll move closer.

You and I have been inseparable for so long,
Our bright firmament blessed the union.
I drink to the bottom so that fate will protect us
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year,
And with all my heart I wish,
So that on our Christmas tree,
Instead of holiday animals,
About half a dozen showed off
Half a liter of bubbles!
So that Santa Claus is happy,
Squinting a drunken eye,
The most delicious, the sweetest,
He treated us to champagne!

He who believes in miracles is happy.
It’s sad to live in the world without embellishment -
May God grant us all to celebrate the New Year
In the company this happens a hundred times more!

New Year's Eve for everyone
I want a fairy tale
And fun, noise,
Bright pandemonium!

Let's get together this very hour
Fill glasses
So that none of us
It didn't seem like enough!

We'll raise this toast
Over the ocean of luck,
To become in the year of the Rooster
Many times richer!

So that in the home of each of us
Peace and happiness reigned
And all our desires
Came true overnight!

Happy New Year! May you have good luck
This year will give you
Complex problems will be solved
And it will bring success.
So that the soul does not know worries.
And at midnight to the hour
There was moisture from the glass
You drank for us,
For love, for happiness to live
And cherish each other!

Let the New Year captivate you
New dreams
Let him call you to a fairy tale
Warm words!

Always entertains you
Joyful fun
Increasing without difficulty
Your mood!

Let me raise a glass
Over the past year, over the past
And drain it to the bottom:
For happiness and good luck
For a new car, and money for a suitcase to boot!

The snowball spins easily and pleasantly.
We hear the holiday with every step!
It's New Year's Eve. Get rid of any doubts!
Heartfelt, generous congratulations for you!

May your happiness come true again
May your loved ones all be healthy!
Let winter's tale, an enchanting miracle
The new year that has come will truly be.

May it bring joy to the soul,
Wonderful events charm.
Get up quickly New Year's toasts
For great happiness - a welcome guest!

Now, summing up the results,
Let's sigh sadly about the past:
Probably the gods helped
We have to cope with the enemy all year!

Today, celebrating the New Year,
Let's have fun!
We wish each other happiness,
If someone doesn't love, he will fall in love.

Who is more happy about money than life?
Let him become rich this year!
Now it’s not a sin for us to drink,
For us, for everyone, and for success!

Let the crystal of the glass ring,
So that the soul does not know troubles.
Fluffy snow for every home
Let him wake up with goodness!

And let, for the New Year,
The cockerel will sing to everyone -
Generous bonuses and salaries,
To relax in Cyprus!

Career growth and comfort
They will not bypass you.
Splashes of sparklers

All colleagues will be filled with happiness!
Wallet full of cash
And health – without “sick leave”.
So that everything comes true in full
Let's drink to the dregs, we friends!

Health, love and happiness,
I wish those gathered here,
For your success and joy,
I'm raising my glass now!

Don’t dream about the past as happiness:
It is gone and will not return again.
And in the future we will be able to create paradise
Skill, desire and will.

Work will be a joy for us,
And it will bring prosperity.
Let there be a New Year in our destinies
Good luck for any endeavor!

I wish you success
In everything you are interested in today.
May your life be awash in luck,
And happy laughter sounds every day.

Even though a blizzard is raging outside the window,
Be optimistic with iron resolve.
Let the New Year's nights be a carousel
Will give us all vigor for the whole year!

Let the vocals sing about love,
And God saves you from adversity.
Please, friends, your glasses
Empty for the New Year!

For the net to have a catch
And the table was full of food.
For everyone to be healthy,
I only support football.

For new paragraphs
We opened in the book of life
And they ran away like hares,
All the sadness in the middle of winter!

To make everyone feel warmer from the word,
To make people more fun
And so that these glasses again
We could raise it in a year!

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and beloved celebrations by many. As a child, New Year's holidays are perceived as a magical event, with gifts under the Christmas tree from Santa Claus and cheerful matinees in kindergarten or school. For adults and the “sophisticated” life experience The end of the year is most likely associated with the completion of work begun and the hope that the coming year will be successful and fruitful. However, despite our age, in the soul of each of us there lives a childish feeling of expectation of a miracle - on New Year’s Eve one so wants to believe in a fairy tale! So, in anticipation New Year's holidays Enterprises and organizations organize fun corporate parties - with songs, dances and competitions. Extremely popular today themed parties in the style of “Masquerade Ball”, “Hollywood” or “Greetings from the 60s”. Be that as it may, any New Year's corporate party involves a feast with many delicious dishes and drinks. And where there are drinks, there is toast! After all, an appropriately pronounced toast gives a festive banquet a unique “zest” of fun and warmth, which contributes to good mood and the spiritual “unity” of all those present. What toasts should you prepare for the New Year 2017? We have made a selection of the coolest toasts for the New Year of the Rooster - such short funny “parables” will fit perfectly into the scenario of a New Year’s corporate party, and are also suitable for a friendly party or a home feast with the family. Of course, the main character of most toasts will be the Red Fire Rooster, the symbol of 2017. With the help of such funny congratulatory “speeches” you can defuse the atmosphere of tension that sometimes arises between unfamiliar people. Having learned a few cool toasts, raise a glass of sparkling champagne to happiness, good luck and health in the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - undoubtedly, the rest of the event participants will support you and, in turn, will “show off” their oratory skills.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

It is known that we spend most of our time at work, and many employees and colleagues have long become friends and even friends. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year 2017, I want to get together, have a lot of fun and take a break from the “endless” workdays. In many companies, management meets the “wishes of the workers” and holds a New Year’s corporate party in the last days of December. As a rule, for this purpose they rent in advance banqueting hall restaurant or cafe, draw up a holiday script and think through entertainment. Having gathered at a generously laid table, funny toasts are used - for the New Year 2017 these could be short congratulations and parting words to colleagues with wishes in a comic form of all the best. What should a good toast be like? Soulful, short, meaningful and not beyond the bounds of decency. For the New Year of the Rooster 2017, we have collected some cool short toasts– all you have to do is learn their words on the eve of the festive corporate party. Each participant in the entertainment event can prepare his own toast for the New Year 2017, and then say it at the common table.

The glasses in which the champagne is splashing are clinking. Is it possible at this wonderful time not to wish everyone a Happy New Year and wish them happiness and goodness? May everything be great in your life. I hope that we will work with such a friendly and cheerful team for a long time.

I wish that with the advent of the new year 2017, the innovations that he is waiting for will appear in the life of every person. For some it’s a car or an apartment, for others it’s new meetings and love. Let only friends and beloved colleagues remain old.

The Year of the Rooster is knocking on our homes. I hope it brings joy and good luck to everyone. At least, I sincerely wish this to everyone. So that there is money through the roof, so that there are no mice in the house, so that health flows over the edge. I only have one planned word left to say: “pour.”

A collection of short funny toasts for the New Year 2017 - sincere funny wishes to family and friends

It is traditional to celebrate the New Year with family and friends, at a generously laid table and to the sounds of festive concert on TV. Indeed, such an idyllic picture of family gatherings at Olivier against the backdrop of the New Year's Blue Light resonates in the hearts of many people. In such a cozy atmosphere, short funny toasts would be appropriate, conveying the unique atmosphere of the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - the best solution will select the original one in advance funny toast and “perform” with him at the festive table. And since the symbol of 2017 is the Red Rooster, this bright, vocal bird can be mentioned in the toast. Let the feathered patron of the coming year bestow his favor on you - raise a glass in his honor, complementing this “popular” gesture with a short funny toast from our collection. Such sincere toasts for the New Year 2017 with wishes of goodness and happiness will definitely be appreciated by your family and friends.

Even as a child, I realized that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are amazing characters who do not get sick, do not age, and do not suffer from depression. And despite all the defaults, inflation and economic crises, they always have money for a bag of gifts. Therefore, instead of a sophisticated New Year's toast, I will say briefly and banally - may we live like this! For health, youth of soul and financial stability.

Year of the Red Rooster
Not a blemish on the table
Olivier and fur coat
It will be a fertile year!
We fill our glasses
To become even richer
So that it rustles in your pockets
The houses were thriving!

New Year is a holiday of contrasts. While it’s cold, frost, snow outside, the house is warm, cozy, a bright Christmas tree, festive table and the love of loved ones. So let’s drink to the fact that the house will always be warm and comfortable, even if there are hurricanes and severe frosts outside.

Funny New Year's toasts 2017 for corporate events and friendly parties - in poetry and prose

The festive event in honor of the New Year is distinguished by a special atmosphere of carefree and fun. After all, at a corporate event or a friendly party in honor of the New Year 2017, all participants are greatly brought together not only by a generously laid table with delicious dishes and drinks, but also by a unique feeling of magic. In the company of colleagues or close friends, you can wonderfully celebrate the imminent arrival of the New Year of the Rooster - it is clear that everyone will celebrate it on December 31 with family and friends. In the meantime, you can enjoy the conversation and raise a glass with wishes of all the best for the New Year 2017. For a corporate event or a party of close friends, funny New Year's toasts in poetry and prose would be appropriate, which would be equally well received by everyone present at the table. With the help of such a cool short toast for the New Year of the Rooster, a cheerful mood is guaranteed - it is only important to “present” the words beautifully, choosing the right intonation and timing. Of course, if you don’t have the skills of a toastmaster, you’ll have to practice a little. However, your efforts will not be in vain - your speech will be greeted with loud applause!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to a home where there is fun and continuous laughter. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish everyone present that there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes in the New Year!

The time has come to let go of the Monkey, who has helped us so much all year, leading us to a bright future... And what do I see? There's a new addition to our farm! It's the Rooster! Well, the fact that he is Fiery is such a breed! Happy New Year 2017! Smile more often, and for a reason, I wish that in the coming year you will always have a reason for this!

I raise a glass to the New Year,
May he bring good luck to the house,
Let him give you joy and kindness.
I want to wish everyone happiness!

Let him give everyone magic,
May everything always be fine
Let there be miracles everywhere.
That's what I'll drink to tonight!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017 - funny table speeches with best wishes

The New Year comes unnoticed, bringing with it bitter frost and snowdrifts, the smell of pine needles and tangerine. It would seem that just recently the wind was driving dry streets through autumn leaves, and winter was so far away... Every day the most beloved and fun party– New Year of the Rooster! In connection with the upcoming corporate events and holiday parties For the New Year 2017, we decided to collect the best short toasts that will lift your spirits and cause cheerful, approving laughter. It’s so nice to listen to well-rehearsed poetic congratulations or a beautiful speech in prose, with Best wishes in the New Year 2017. A cool short toast is perceived much better than a long speech, during which listeners sit with filled glasses and patiently wait for the end of the “monologue.” Therefore, it is better to choose short and understandable phrases for the toast, without unnecessary verbiage - such toasts for the New Year 2017 will be better remembered and will convey the full depth of your feelings and wishes.

A year goes by
Taking away sorrows
Well, let him go
The new year will not let us down!
The main thing is to pour it on time,
Wine for the New Year,
So that he can be happy
And drink it all down!

Be rich!
Live in abundance!
And may your salary
Doesn't play hide and seek with you!
In the new year more money get it!
Spend wherever you want!
We'll drink to you for this -
So that everyone has income!

Happy New Year, happy new happiness” - it is customary to congratulate each other. But let happiness not be new, as long as it is stable with us. Let's drink to the kindness of Fate to all of us in this New Year.

New Year of the Rooster 2017 - cool short toasts for the festive feast

The ability to make toasts beautifully is a real art. Therefore, for the New Year 2017, it is better to prepare a few simple, cool toasts in advance and practice their pronunciation properly. Of course, improvisation at a festive feast is welcome, but not everyone is able to “immediately” come up with and beautifully “serve” a toast for the New Year. So we suggest using our options for cool short toasts - you just need to choose and learn the words for the holidays. After all good toast They give confidence, put you in a positive mood and lift your spirits for a long time. The Year of the Rooster brings us bright positive changes, so along with toasts you “program” your listeners for future happiness and good luck. May your wishes come true in the New Year 2017!

I want to raise a glass
So that no one gets bored on New Year's Day,
So that the holiday reigns everywhere,
Spun with joyful snowflakes!
So that there are happy children on the street,
She was happy about the snow and shouted: “Hurray!”

Let's raise a toast to the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple,
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
Great success in all matters,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Warmth to family life!

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and the cups of our souls with wonderful feelings!

Cool toasts for the New Year 2017 are a great opportunity to truly unite people and create a truly magical festive atmosphere. So, for a New Year's corporate party you will find on our pages a collection of short funny toasts that your colleagues will be delighted with. At a friendly party or family feast, funny toasts with wishes in a humorous form will cheer everyone up - you can prepare for the Year of the Rooster different variants in poetry and prose. So, let's raise our glasses to the New Year 2017!

Despite the fact that I was completely confident in the excellent state of my own health, I became scared. And here Natasha came to the rescue. At the stall with the inscription The Best Food. A couple of meters from us, two thin-necked sergeants were indeed peacefully eating cakes with meat. I started the engine and rushed to the address indicated by Kiryushka. My soul was restless. I turned my head and saw two policemen. Standing a little further away from. Who Alice was remained a mystery, but I wasn’t going to solve it.

We saw a staircase made of steel rods. Without thinking twice, I climbed up, deciding that the panel opened in the same way as the one through which we got into the tunnel. She rested her hands on the wall, pushed it aside, and climbed out. It was Vanya who said the little room. There was a sniffling sound, and later Ivan’s voice sounded in complete darkness. I was confused, but answered optimistically. At that same second, the closet lit up with light, and I closed my eyes. I stood in the middle of the toilet. Two toilets without seats or flush cisterns amused the ears. Peacefully rustling water. There was a strong smell of bleach, the doorway was covered with a mesh, and behind. Belka, Misha and two gloomy men with machine guns stood there. I stared at the guys with the gun and blurted out.

I stretched again. It was behind the mirror, but here a passerby pointed his finger in the direction of my typewriter and continued. I looked around at the offended Zhiguli, picked up the sneakers that had fallen out of the box and muttered. The man pouted, puffed for a couple of minutes and declared. So I dash into the store, clutching in my fist the pennies Raisa gave me for a bottle of beer. Zhigulevsky was in Moscow at that time. As soon as the illuminated boxes arrived in the stores, a horde of men stormed the counters, shouting. Sobbing, I told her the essence of the matter, told her about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewer grid... The woman forcibly shoved a banknote into my fist. The door to Zalygina’s apartment was open and propped up by a stool, and on the stairs, on the windowsill, sat a woman in shorts and a T-shirt smeared with paint. The girl jumped off the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noticed that her voice had changed and repeated. Nika bit her lower lip, then decisively shook her hair and rushed into battle again. I've already listened quietly famous story about cheating with things. I nodded. I know this establishment.

I had to obey. Almira lived in a brand new house, in a multi-room apartment, filled with expensive furniture. I opened. There was a mouth, but then the sharp ringing of the phone made me flinch. Almira grabbed the phone. Then she looked at. Suddenly I felt offended. But Almira is an extremely nasty person. I silently walked to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And before Almira had time to get up from the sofa, she pulled the handle, jumped into the elevator and after a few minutes found herself in the six.

The phone rang in my pocket, I hastily left Krestova to deal with the numb Zhanna. She looked at the handset screen and quickly said. A man's voice came from the mobile phone. The tenacity of Max's hire. The actor was delighted. Anyone else would have realized long ago that he had played his role poorly; they would have found out about him. It's time to stop making faces. But no, the idiot continues to talk about the chest and the chicken. Okay, on this moment he will get it from me... There was silence on the phone. A lady's voice rang out, chattering in English. I turned around, saw an attractive lady in a blue dress and asked. For a few moments the woman chattered at machine-gun speed, then became quiet, paused and looked at her.

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