Star sins - which of the celebrities gave birth to a lover. Kirill Shubsky and Vera Glagoleva. Union of two strong and successful people

Russian artistic gymnast, two-time Olympic champion Svetlana Vasilievna Khorkina was born on January 19, 1979 in Belgorod. She started playing sports in 1983. Boris Pilkin was Khorkina's first artistic gymnastics coach.

Graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of Belgorod University.

In 1992, she became a member of the Russian national gymnastics team.

Svetlana Khorkina achieved her first major success at the 1994 World Championships, winning a silver medal. The following year, at the European Championships, she won one silver and two bronze medals, and then became the champion of the 1995 world championship.

At the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, Khorkina became the first on uneven bars and the second in the all-around. The 2000 Olympics in Sydney again brought the athlete gold on uneven bars, as well as silver in floor exercises.

From 1995 to 2001, she became the first in all competitions held on uneven bars. Many of the elements performed by Khorkina on the uneven bars were complex and invented especially for her because of her high growth, which is not typical for gymnasts.

At the 2004 Athens Olympics, Khorkina won a silver medal in the all-around and became the second gymnast in history to win three Olympic Games.

At the end of August 2004, Khorkina announced the end of her sports career.

December 21, 2004 Khorkina took the post of vice-president of the Russian Artistic Gymnastics Federation (FSGR).

Svetlana Khorkina has been a member of the United Russia party since 2003. From 2007 to 2011 - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation.

In October 2012, Khorkina received the position of assistant in the Control Directorate of the President of Russia.

In 2002, the gymnast became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. She defended her dissertation on the topic "Study of sports and gymnastic exercises using linear didactic programming".

In the same year, Svetlana Khorkina made her debut as an actress in the play "Venus" by the theater company of Sergei Vinogradov. The play is based on the texts of the famous American writer Henry Miller and the book of his love letters "Dear, dear Brenda". Khorkina played the main female role in the play.

After leaving the sport, Khorkina actively participated in various television projects. She appeared in "Circus with the Stars" and "Dancing with the Stars", was the host of the reality show "Dom-1".

On October 7, 2013, Svetlana Khorkina took part in the first stage of the torch relay at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Svetlana Khorkina is a two-time Olympic champion in uneven bars, a three-time absolute world champion and a three-time absolute European champion. Absolute champion of Russia (1993, 1995, 1997). Multiple champion of Russia in vault, uneven bars, balance beam, floor exercises. Winner of the Cup of Russia in 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000 in the all-around. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of Honor and Friendship, the Badge of Honor "Sports Glory of Russia".

In 2007, a monument was erected in Belgorod in honor of Svetlana Khorkina. Svetlana has a son, Svyatoslav (born July 21, 2005). According to media reports, in May 2011 she married FSB General Oleg Kochnov.

The famous Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in uneven bars (1996, 2000), three-time absolute world champion and three-time absolute European champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1995).

Khorkina began playing sports in 1983. Trained under the guidance of Boris Pilkin. Since 1992, Khorkina has been a member of the Russian national gymnastics team.

Repeated champion of Russia, Europe and the world, the Olympic Games. In 2003, at the World Championships in Anaheim (USA), Khorkina became a three-time absolute world champion in artistic gymnastics; before her, not a single athlete could do it. [source not specified 103 days]

She completed her sports career in the fall of 2004. She gave birth to her son Svyatoslav on July 21, 2005 in Los Angeles, thus giving him US citizenship. In 2007, a monument was erected in Belgorod to Khorkina.

Vice President of the Artistic Gymnastics Federation of Russia.

Member of the United Russia party. On December 2, 2007, she was elected to the State Duma of the 5th convocation.


Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (February 18, 2006) - for a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports and high sports achievements

Order of Honor (April 19, 2001) - for his great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sports achievements at the Games of the XXVII Olympiad 2000 in Sydney

Order of Friendship (January 6, 1997) - for services to the state and high sporting achievements at the XXVI Summer Olympics in 1996

Badge of Honor (Order) "Sports Glory of Russia" (the editorial office of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and the collegium of the Russian Olympic Committee, November 2002)

The proximity of Svetlana Khorkina with businessman Kirill Shubsky, husband of artist Vera Glagoleva

Almost two years the artist was suing with our publication, since at first the court denied Glagoleva and Shubsky's claim. Only “on the second run” did they manage to ensure that information about the dissolution of Glagoleva’s marriage with Rodion Nakhapetov, about their joint daughters, and also that Glagoleva is now married to Shubsky and they have a daughter Anastasia, were recognized as “interference in private life." Although only the lazy did not read in the media the revelations of Glagoleva herself about this “private life”.

In the lawsuit, the artist did not dispute the facts stated in the publication - she could not completely deny the fact that Kirill Shubsky knew the gymnast Glagoleva and in an interview with one of the publications she admitted:

My husband at work was connected with the Olympic Committee and knew Khorkina. And I know it. We have been to various sports events together.

Svetlana did not interfere in the lawsuit. And when journalists directly asked if it was true that the father of her child was Kirill Shubsky, she never refuted the assumption, but only said that she had given birth to a son for herself.

generous friend

Stars outwardly resent when journalists write about their personal lives. But for the sake of high fees and attracting the attention of the public to their person, they periodically reveal the whole ins and outs, confessing as if in spirit to a million-strong readership. It seems that Khorkina also paused for the same reasons - let the demand for "secret" ripen. Before the book went on sale, the publishers splashed out intriguing excerpts from its chapters to the press as a starter. In one of them, Svetlana describes in detail her acquaintance with a businessman named Kirill.

Fate brought them together in Swiss Lausanne in the spring of 1997, where they arrived as part of a delegation from the National Olympic Committee. And the host of NTV Yulia Bordovskikh introduced them. The girls were going to have dinner at an expensive restaurant. Julia invited a longtime friend Cyril to keep them company. In the book, Svetlana warmly recalls that memorable evening in detail.

Kirill turned out to be not only a pleasant companion, but also a gallant gentleman: as soon as we were at the lake, he threw his light cashmere coat over my chilled shoulders. In the restaurant, we immediately ordered a warming mulled wine and began to lively discuss the upcoming presentation. After dinner, flushed, full and satisfied, we returned to the hotel ... - the athlete intriguingly breaks off her story at the most interesting moment.

Unfortunately, in Lausanne we had to part with my new acquaintance. He flew away, - he complains about the fate of Light.

How close the first acquaintance turned out to be is still unknown before the publication of the book. But it can be assumed that dinner alone was not enough. According to the gymnast, Kirill then, after only a few hours of communication, gave her mobile phone to be able to hear her voice whenever you want.

So that at any moment when I need his help or just moral participation, I could contact him, - the gymnast clarifies. - A crazy gift for those times!

In the eyes of a girl who is not very spoiled by male attention, probably yes. But for the millionaire Cyril, it was a mere trifle. However, this gift is evidence that this meeting was not a passing one for him either. He tried to impress, and he succeeded.

Until then, there were no such noble courtship in my life, - Svetlana writes enthusiastically.

The acquaintance, which began so romantically in Lausanne, grew into a close relationship that lasted several years. In the above passage, Svetlana writes about this period schematically, but nevertheless emphasizes: Kirill surrounded her with tender attention.

We often called each other, at every opportunity he flew to Moscow to support me at the championships and Cups of Russia, he was in the support group at the European Championships in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then in treacherous Sydney. He was always there, both in the most difficult and in the happiest moments of my sports life, she admits.

From these lines it becomes clear: the businessman and the gymnast were hardly connected only by a common love for sports.

In published excerpts from the book, Svetlana does not name a friend. But both the mysterious Kirill from Khorkina's autobiographical book and Shubsky Kirill Yuryevich were members of the Olympic Committee, both wealthy businessmen, both are familiar with Khorkina. Too many coincidences. Maybe it's one person? And then it turns out that Cyril and Svetlana met not only on. solemn receptions, as Vera Glagoleva assures.

The time has come

The continuation of a beautifully started romance was more like a Brazilian series. As soon as the athlete's tummy was rounded, she began to portray a tender friendship with Levani Uchaneishvili. He played quite professionally. That is why many have suggested that the Georgian actor living in America is the father of the child. In addition, the gymnast went to give birth not just anywhere, but in Los Angeles. With the birth of the son, they congratulated both Levani and Sveta. They responded with restraint and somehow evasively. Everyone noticed this strangeness in their behavior. It soon became clear that the affair with Uchaneishvili was just a staging, and the real father was different. Knowledgeable people told Express Gazeta about the closeness of the gymnast with businessman Kirill Shubsky, husband of artist Vera Glagoleva. Many thought that for the sake of a new love, he would part with his wife. But the businessman did not dare to cross out 15 years of marriage, especially since he and the actress have a daughter, Nastya.

Svyatoslav, the son of Svetlana, will soon be three years old. The boy grows up and probably asks where his dad is. Perhaps Khorkina broke the silence in order to encourage her secret friend to take a decisive step. Answering questions from journalists about the father of the child, Khorkina once said that he good man and takes care of her and the baby, but it's just not time to call his name yet. Of course, this moment has come.

Let's play the game "Find 10 differences"?

Alexander Ovechkin

The cute boy in the photo on the left is distinguished from the charming man in the photo on the right not only by the 30-year age difference. As a child, Alexander Ovechkin dreamed ... no, not about becoming a super hockey player or an astronaut. According to an ironic video in which Ovechkin talked about boyish ambitions, one of the highest paid hockey players wanted to be the best pizza delivery man in the world!

In an ironic video, Alexander Ovechkin said that as a child he wanted to become a pizza delivery man

But I wasn't good. However, it turned out that I was good at other things,” Ovechkin said in the video.

Of course, it is a pity that the food delivery market has lost such a valuable shot. But world hockey won!

Mariya Kozhevnikova

Maria Kozhevnikova has the title of master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, and at one time was the champion of Moscow

Last year, Russian theater and film actress, State Duma deputy and public figure Maria Kozhevnikova took part in the First Channel show “Without Insurance”. Just do not think that the mother of two children took such a risk just out of curiosity. Maria from childhood with sports on you. Although to say just on you is wrong. Kozhevnikova has the title of master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, and at one time was the champion of Moscow!

On the day of her performance on the show on Instagram, she posted a photo of herself with a ribbon and wrote:

Most of my life, 12 years old, 6 days a week, 5-6 hours in the gym. Only in this way results and titles are given. Only in this way does character and determination appear, without which, I would not have achieved anything further.

Have you already enrolled your children in the sports section?

Evgeni Plushenko

Mom Evgeni Plushenko considered the skating rink as "prevention" and effective method improve your son's health

February 25, 1987 is a significant day not only for Evgeni Plushenko himself, but, perhaps, for the whole world. It was then in Volgograd that little Zhenya first started skating. Tatyana Vasilievna Plushenko made this decision not by chance - the fact is that in childhood the future Olympic champion was often on sick leave due to a cold, and the boy's mother considered the skating rink as a preventive measure and an effective method of improving health.

Time has shown that ice has become for Plushenko not only a medicine, but also a platform for both outstanding sports and creative achievements. What is the show-fairy tale on ice "The Nutcracker" worth!

Svetlana Khorkina

For artistic gymnastics, Svetlana Khorkina was very tall and physically weak. But this did not stop her from becoming the "Queen of the uneven bars"

Today's birthday girl is called nothing less than the "Queen of the bars." However, as is often the case with future champions, Svetlana did not fit into the canons of her sport - she was too tall and physically weak for gymnastics. But on the other hand, as her coach Boris Vasilyevich Pilkin likes to say, she is patient, hardworking and with character.

In an interview with journalist Hello Khorkina admitted:

At one of the choreography lessons, my coach was called to a conversation by a specialist in this very choreography and said: Don't waste time, she won't make a gymnast. It's good that my coach was always honest with me and relayed this conversation to me. Of course, I was upset and then I decided that I would become the best gymnast in the world. I became her. Then, by the way, this choreographer apologized.

Still - 2 Olympic gold in uneven bars, 9 medals of the highest standard of the World Championship, 13 victories in the European championship, the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia ... And this is just about sports ...

In addition to gymnastics, there are beloved men in her life - son Svyatoslav and husband, General Oleg Kochnov, - theater (Svetlana played Brenda Venus in the play "Venus"), studies (15 years ago, the gymnast defended her dissertation and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences), writing ( Khorkina wrote the books Somersaults on High Heels, Fitness for Soul and Body), her favorite work (last year Svetlana became the first deputy head of CSKA).

Tatiana Navka

Tatyana Navka belonged to the category of children who did not need to be forced to go to training. She lives for sports!

If we were writing a book about Tatyana Navka, then most likely we would start like this: “Since the girl Tanya saw the performance of Elena Vodorezova on TV, her life has changed.” At first she learned to roller skate, and then she also mastered figure skates. What does it mean? Of course, many hours of daily training.

Do you think it happens that Small child did he agree to this without the help of his parents? It turns out it happens. When asked by a 7 Days magazine correspondent about whether her parents forced her to go to training, Navka replied: “Never in my life, not once. And although I came from there squeezed like a lemon, I couldn’t even think about missing at least one day. I didn't even know there was another life. I remember, as a child, when we celebrated some home holidays, I fell asleep right at the table many times. She simply passed out, sitting on a chair, as she was, in a school uniform ... Relatives were surprised: how can you torture a poor child like that? And I took it all right.”

Although, perhaps, the word “normal” in this case does not quite clearly characterize the attitude of the athlete to the ice. Tatyana did not limit herself to the titles of the multiple champion of Russia, Europe, the world, the Olympic champion in ice dancing (Tatyana Navka paired with Roman Kostomarov), Honored Master of Sports of Russia. She still has not said goodbye to sports life. Successful performances in ice shows hint that it will probably not say goodbye for a very long time.

Yelena Isinbayeva

Elena Isimbayeva began her sports career with gymnastics

Elena Isinbayeva does not hide the fact that since childhood she dreamed of standing on the podium in the status of an Olympic champion. Still, since the age of five, Lena and her younger sister Inna have been doing gymnastics! However, at the age of 15, the future sports star had to forget about gymnastics - her height kept increasing and increasing ...

Fortunately for athletics (pole vault), growth was not a hindrance. Thus began a new stage in the life of Isinbayeva. And besides, a triumphal stage - 3 Olympic medals (2 gold and 1 bronze), 7 gold medals of the World Championship (outdoors and indoors), 2 gold medals of the European Championship, 28 world records in pole vault among women ... The next important stage in The life of the champion began on June 28, 2014 - the athlete gave birth to a daughter.

If you think that in a book called "Sport" Isinbayeva put a bullet point, then you are mistaken. “Initially, I had no intention of returning to big sport. I thought it would be extremely difficult. Moreover, the birth of a child radically changes life, and I was going to devote myself entirely to motherhood. But looking at how I manage to recover quite quickly after the birth of Eva, I, after consulting with my husband, decided to try to prepare for Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. With the general support of my family and coach, I finally concentrated on a new goal - my fifth Olympics ... ”- Elena admitted in an interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

Alexey Nemov

Alexei Nemov was accepted into gymnastics only on the second attempt

Alexei Nemov managed to build relations with gymnastics not immediately. The first time Nadezhda Akimovna brought her son to the gym, she was told that 4 years old was too young to start. Only at the age of 6 Nemov officially began to be called a gymnast. However, not all the boy succeeded. He even had the idea to do something else, such as football.

But the mother of the future Olympian was categorical - you need to finish what you started! Despite the fact that doctors forbade Alexei to do gymnastics (at young man from birth, not everything was safe with his back), he continued to climb the golden sports Olympus. And he submitted to Nemov 4 times!

Maria Sharapova

Former world number one Maria Sharapova is one of the richest athletes in the world

The father of the legendary athlete is a famous tennis coach. Thanks to him and partly to tennis player Martina Navratilova (it was she who saw a gift in 6-year-old Masha and advised her father to take her daughter to the USA for further training), Sharapova professionally picked up a racket.

By the way, as a child, Maria Sharapova had to make a difficult choice. She was equally passionate about gymnastics and tennis. But the girl made a choice in favor of a racket. And, as time has shown, did not lose. At 17, she won Wimbledon, then different years- all other Grand Slam tournaments, and also became the first racket of the world.

Nikolai Valuev

For his impressive height (213 cm) and the force of impact, Nikolai Valuev was called the "Russian Giant" and "The Beast from the East"

Perhaps, if it were not for martial arts, Nikolai Valuev could realize himself in basketball or athletics (discus throwing). But at the age of 20, the young man decided to try his hand at boxing. In training, Valuev worked up a sweat, so a few months later he made his debut in the professional ring.

Impressive growth (213 cm) and impact force did their job - “Russian Giant”, “The Beast from the East” (as Valuev was called by fans) during his career more than once became the world champion in the heavy weight category.

Now Nikolai Valuev runs a boxing school (he opened it in 2009), is a deputy of the State Duma and broadcasts “ Good night, kids! on the TV channel "Russia 1".

Adeline Sotnikova

For the sake of her younger sister, Adeline at one time decided not to quit sports

At the age of 12, Adelina Sotnikova promised Vladimir Putin that she would become a champion in Sochi. And so it happened. However, this might not have happened. And it's not about strong competitors. Adeline had thoughts of leaving the sport. But bad luck with younger sister(Masha has Treacher Collins syndrome) did not allow the girl to take this decisive step.

Not so long ago, the athlete admitted that Masha needed an operation that cost big money. In addition to the parents' salary, the young skater's prizes, as well as her prize money, everything went into the family's piggy bank. With the help of friends and the Chulpan Khamatova Foundation, Masha was successfully operated on.

“My sister began to speak much more clearly, it is better to hear through a special hearing aid. This is a merit not only of doctors, but also of my mother, who from childhood worked a lot with Masha, literally forced her to work. The work is colossal! I can’t imagine how they both endured everything ... ”- the skater told the correspondent of the Caravan of History magazine.

Laysan Utyasheva

Laysan Utyasheva could well have become a ballerina, but a chance meeting with a gymnastics coach decided her fate

If it were not for a chance meeting in a store with a rhythmic gymnastics coach, Laysan Utyasheva would most likely become a ballerina. At least the girl's parents intended to send her to a ballet school. Laysan was so impressed with the training that, while still a little girl, she promised her beloved mother that she would become a champion.

At the age of 14, Utyasheva was awarded the title of master of sports, and after 2 years - the title of master of sports of international class. Even the injury did not break the sports spirit of the gymnast (Laysan underwent a serious operation on her leg). In 2004, she not only returned to sports as part of the national team, but also won many victories in significant competitions.

Julia Efimova

Yulia Efimova learned to swim before she could walk

Yulia Efimova's mother dreamed that her daughter would become an acrobat (the girl even studied at an art school). But on family council won the authoritative father's motto: "Swim before walking." By the way, it was Yulia's father Andrei Mikhailovich who became her first coach.

Efimova began swimming at an early age - in a home bath, and she ended up in the pool at the age of 2, when her family moved from Grozny to Volgodonsk. Very quickly, Yulia grew out of local competitions, and therefore at the age of 13 she left for Taganrog - to train under the strict guidance of the well-known coach Irina Vyatchanina, and a few years later - to California to coach David Salo.

Now, after two silver and one bronze Olympic medals, Efimova is preparing for Rio de Janeiro. When asked what he will do next, either jokingly or seriously, he answers that surfing.

December 08, 2016

As the infamous song goes, "It's just such a strong love." The material of the site contains famous women who not only entered into a relationship with married chosen ones, but also raise children from them.

Svetlana Ivanova and Janik Faiziev

Svetlana began acting in films while still studying at VGIK. Her filmography includes such tapes as "Godson", "9th Company", "Hello, Kinder!", "House of the Sun", "Dark World". Her work in the film “August. Eighth ”about the events in Ossetia: not only the career, but also the personal life of the actress went uphill. The film director Janik Fayziev drew attention to the fragile blonde, and the sympathy was mutual. Only now the girl and the man had to hide: Fayziev at that time was married to actress Lily Espley, raised a son and a daughter. The relationship between Svetlana and Janik, which began in 2011, grew into an ongoing romance. Then the lovers suddenly quit smoking together at the initiative of the man, and colleagues on the set noticed obvious changes in the figure and behavior of the artist. There was no doubt: Ivanova is in position.

In January 2012, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Polina. Svetlana ignored questions about the father of the child, answering only that he was too famous and not free, and also did not publish photos of the baby. In 2015, at one of the parties at the 37th Moscow International Film Festival, Ivanova and Fayziev first appeared as a couple, holding hands sweetly and did not hide their feelings for each other. “I have euphoria because I love and is loved. Because I have a child from a beloved man. Because he is now nearby, ”the artist confessed in a conversation with reporters. “Sveta and I are rather superstitious people, we don’t like to talk about relationships openly. But we are together, ”the director echoed the chosen one. However, the couple still does not comment on or advertise their relationship.

Svetlana Khorkina and Kirill Shubsky

"Don't believe married men!”, calls on young girls and shares personal experience Olympic champion. There was a difficult period in the life of an athlete - an affair with Kirill Shubsky. A well-known businessman in the early 90s married actress Vera Glagoleva, became the father of Nastya's daughter and fell in love with two Glagoleva girls from a previous marriage - Anna and Maria. And in 2005, his son Svyatoslav was born - illegitimate.

Many rumors arose and refuted around the persons of Khorkina and Shubsky. Only from frank interviews with the gymnast did fans learn the truth about her relationship with the businessman. Svetlana trusted her chosen one and sincerely hoped that his promises about life together and family is true. Hopes collapsed as soon as the man found out about Svetlana's pregnancy. To hide the fact of infidelity, Cyril insisted that the woman give birth in Los Angeles, and even under a different name. A few years later, Shubsky recognized his son, giving him his patronymic and surname. This is where the relationship between Khorkina and Shubsky ended: “By and large, this person played too little role in my life. Although very important - I have a son from him. But my life doesn’t intersect with him anymore.”

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze

WITH ex-wife Irina Meladze Jr. has been married for over 20 years, the couple has three daughters - Inga, Sonya and Arina. The couple divorced in 2014, the discord began even earlier. Valery himself admitted to his wife that he has a relationship on the side and even a child. “To the question“ who ”, he did not answer. But it was a matter of 20 minutes to find out who. I understood that Albina was too nervous. She freezes when I approach. When I began to remember in hindsight, everything became clear to me, ”said Irina. The woman even congratulated the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group on the birth of her first child in 2004 (supposedly from a violinist-musician), but she did not suspect that the boy's father, Kostya, was Valery Meladze, and the son was named after the singer's brother, Konstantin Meladze.

The ex-spouses both had a hard time going through a divorce. Irina, during a frank interview on a TV show, took a break several times to collect her thoughts and calm down. Yes, and Valery was worried about his past family: “Unless thanks to Ira, they survived all this more or less normally ... In general, I must thank Irina that she never arranged any showdowns with children. But we really had a very serious discord. But she endured, I am grateful to her for that. Some time after the divorce, Irina, according to her hints, had a new man who was ready to be accepted into her daughter's family. And Valery and Albina had a second child in the summer of 2014 - the son of Luka.

Slava and Anatoly Danilitsky

The singer met the ex-general director of CJSC National Reserve Corporation in 2001 in a restaurant: the businessman treated the girl to wine and asked to leave a phone number. The relationship of the couple continued, despite the fact that the man was officially married. Anatoly financially supported the chosen one and contributed to her career as a singer. In 2011, their common daughter Antonina. During pregnancy, a man beaming with happiness accompanied Slava at events and protected her from stress in every possible way. And the fans and the press discussed the critical moment: Danilitsky still has not broken off relations with his ex-wife.

Apparently, both Anatoly and Slava are indifferent to the stamp in the passport, putting relationships in real life at the forefront. A year ago, in the studio of the show "Lolita", the singer admitted that Danilitsky had not divorced his wife, and they are trying not to raise this issue. “Why get divorced? I'm not getting married, so I don't think about divorce. If I get married, then probably at the age of 50, ”the singer jokes.

Eva Polna and Denis Klyaver

In 2005, the ex-soloist of the group “Guests from the Future” gave birth to a daughter, Evelyn, which provoked a wave of discussions: both about Eve’s unconventional orientation (where did she have a child then?), And that the baby’s father could be Yuri Usachev, a colleague about group, and even talked about a certain transvestite partner. But the artist herself remained silent. Until the father himself confessed: in Andrei Malakhov's studio, singer Denis Klyaver said that he was Evelyn's father. There was a stormy romance between the artists-colleagues, but Klyaver was married at that time. Therefore, only very close friends knew about the illegitimate child - even the parents of Denis himself learned the truth when the baby was three years old.

“The fact that Denis told everything in the program of Andrei Malakhov, I learned from journalists. They started calling me to give my comments, but I could not say anything. Then the act of Denis perceived as a betrayal. We agreed that we would keep silent about what happened between us eight years ago: yes, we met, a child appeared, but we did not get married, but broke up. It is unfortunate that it was presented in such a form. I then asked Denis why he did this. He replied that he did as he saw fit, ”commented the artist. Klyaver maintains a relationship with both Polna and Evelyn, the parents even took their daughter to first grade together in September last year.

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