Theme is shoes for kids. Lexical topic "shoes". Greeting “How are you?”

Exists a large number of a wide variety of fairy tales: both for very young children and older children. Fairy tales written by teachers for their children have special qualities. Stories in which a child recognizes himself allow him to enter another reality.

When they come to kindergarten as small children, they cannot do almost anything on their own, neither put things in lockers neatly, nor dress or undress on their own. Based on this situation, I composed a fairy tale.

Getting ready for a walk with the children, Antoshka could not find his left shoe...

Fairy tale "Antoshka's boots"

Antoshka's left shoe was the most harmful. He constantly disappeared somewhere. Sometimes he was found in the kitchen, sometimes in the bathroom, or even completely under the sofa. The right shoe also did not sit still, but was somehow visible all the time.

One evening Antoshka was so angry that he said:
- All! I am tired of you! You are the naughtiest shoe in the world! I'm not playing with you anymore!

And he put his shoe under the bed. Now Antoshka has one shoe left - his right one. It was very uncomfortable to walk in it, but Antoshka, in spite of his left shoe, still walked back and forth in it. He walked and ran until he tripped and fell.

Ah well! - Antoshka said, turning to his right shoe. - You did this to spite me! And I know why. Because the left shoe is your friend. You agreed. “Okay, now you’ll get it from me,” Antoshka said and threw his shoe under the closet.

Mom got ready to go to the store and said to Antoshka:
- Put on your jacket and boots and let's go to the store.

I quarreled with them forever! - Antoshka answered and sadly sat down in a chair.

Dad, of course, heard and saw all this. He thought and said:

Boots also need to be educated and know their habits, especially since they are siblings. They love to always stand next to the door when you go for a walk, to kindergarten, when you come from the street, and to be together on the rug. That's all.

When the boy Antoshka began to do as his dad advised him, the boots became obedient, and the boy Antoshka was never angry with them again.

We enrich and activate lexicon. Consolidating knowledge nouns: shoes, boots, shoes, boots, slippers, felt boots, sandals, heel, sole, lace, tongue, toe, heel, heel, clasp, strap; adjectives: comfortable, new, old, leather, suede, felt, etc.; verbs: put on shoes, take off, clean, wash.

Games and exercises

"Name your shoes"
winter: boots, ...;
summer: sandals, ...,
autumn boots,...

Ball game "One - many"
shoe - shoes many shoes
sneakers - sneakers a lot of sneakers
boot - boots many boots
boot - boots many boots

“Correct Dunno’s mistakes”
My boots, my hat, my gloves, my scarf.

“Name what these objects are”
leather boots – leather boots
rubber slates -
felt boots -
suede shoes -

"Let's count in pairs"
one pair of boots, two pairs of boots... five pairs...
one pair of shoes, two pairs... five pairs...
one pair of gloves, two pairs... five pairs...

"What's missing"(game with pictures, remember all the items of shoes, then close one picture) - the game develops visual attention and memory.

"Say the opposite"
adult shoes - (children's shoes) big boots -
clean shoes - new sneakers -
wet boots -

Learn the riddle with your child:
Guess the riddle, who are we?
On a clear day we sit at home,
If it rains, we have work -
Stomp, splash through the swamps. (Boots)

Name and show with your child the parts of the shoe:
Heel, toe, insole, sole, tongue, clasp, shaft, heel, heel.

Finger gymnastics

“These are the shoes”

We wear shoes on our feet. for every two lines we do self-massage
We often walk in boots with pads on our toes.
If it's snowy and white,
And everything was flooded with rain.
In the summer we wear sandals
So that your legs don't get tired.
Trying on shoes on holiday
And we go to the matinee.
We wear Czech shoes to dances,
To curtsy.
And we jump deftly in sneakers
And we kick a round ball.
You need different shoes.
All shoes are important.

Let's count for the first time

Let's count for the first time, Alternate clapping of palms
How many shoes do we have? and hitting the table with their fists.
Shoes, slippers, boots For each shoe name
For Natasha and Seryozha, bend one finger each,
Yes, even boots, starting from the big one.
For our Valentine,
And these boots
For baby Galenka.

New sneakers

Like our cat Bends on both arms
Boots on feet. fingers one at a time
Like our pig, starting from the big one.
There are boots on my feet.
And on the dog's paws
Blue slippers.
And the kid is small
Puts on boots.
And son Vovka -
New sneakers.
Like this, they “walk” on the table with their index finger
Like this, with the middle fingers of both hands
New sneakers.


Everywhere, everywhere, the two of us Middle and index fingers
Let's go, inseparable. "walk" on the table.
We walk through the meadows, Children bend one finger at a time,
Along the green banks, starting from the big one.
They ran down the stairs,
They walked along the street,
Then we climb under the bed,
We'll sleep there quietly. Place your palms on the table.

Coordination of speech and movement


These are slippers for Antoshka, stomp rhythmically twice
each foot
So that your feet don't freeze in them. Four jumps in place
Stomp, stomp, stomp, rhythmically stomp twice
each foot
What kind of slippers? Like toys! Left foot on the toe, and then on the heel.
Same with the right foot


Here are the boots for Marinka, stomp rhythmically twice
each foot
Not shoes, but pictures. Four jumps in place
To go for walks in them, They walk in a circle one after another
Run, jump and play pranks. They run in circles after each other,
two jumps, two stomps.

Learn poems about shoes with your child, reinforcing the correct pronunciation of the given sounds.

Boot (sounds s, z, sh)

The mother asked her son:
- Lace up your shoe:
One-two - to the right,
One-two - left!
- He doesn’t want to lace up, -
Mitya thought about making excuses.
And to prove it,
I started knitting knots:
One-two - on the right,
One-two - left.
- Here! Nodules get in the way
I have to pull the strings!
O. Chernoritskaya

Mary (sounds sh, r)

At little Mary's
Big loss:
Her right shoe was missing.
In one she jumps
And cries pitifully
It’s impossible without the other!
But, dear Mary,
Don't cry about the loss.
Right foot boot
We'll sew you a new one
Or we’ll buy a ready-made one,
Just watch - take care!
English song

* * * (sounds s, z, sh, h)

On morocco boots
Gold plated clasps,
And a perky heel
He hits - chok, chok, chok!
Oh, the boots are good
So they ask - dance!
E. Stekvashova

Duel with a cord (sounds z, sh)

My brother is getting attached to me
His lace doesn't tie.
I tie the lace on my shoe,
I tie and show, show and tell.
I'll tell you how I tie it up.
I tie and untie
I untie and tie...
And I didn’t learn right away
Tie and untie...
Sh. Galliev

Boots with character (sounds k, g, s, l)

There were boots in the corner
With a big, big foot.
One lay down on his right side,
The other is on the left side.
One boot slept peacefully,
Another couldn’t sleep:
He purred and moved,
Tossed and turned.
Tired, meowed subtly
And - released the kitten!
V. Azbukin

Strange boots (sounds s, l)

Well, Slava’s boots!
One is left. The other one is right.
But the left is on the right,
And the right one is on the left.
Explain quickly, Slava,
What happened to them?
What's wrong?
- The boots quarreled,
so they look apart.
A. Pysin

Counting book with a shoe (sounds s, z, h)

Once! Two! Three! Four!
I'm jumping along the path.
Once! Two! Three! Four!
I'm teaching the shoe to jump.
Once! Two! Three! Four!
The heel broke off.
Once! Two! Three! Four!
The shoe got lost.
M. Yasnov

* * * (sounds s, ch, рь, р)

At little Marinochka's
Squeaky boots:
The shoes are squeaky,
The best.
The neighbors are all worried.
They are not inclined to tolerate.
However, there is nothing to do
And they listen until the evening:
It's time for Marinochka to sleep,
She took off her shoes -
And the creaking stopped.
A. Brodsky

Laces (sounds s, z, sh, r)

I don't lace my shoes,
And I train the laces,
So that they don’t get out of your hands,
They didn't bully me,
And they tied it up deftly,
As their training tells them,
Would you like to hold the shoe?
Firmly and firmly.
Like this!
M. Plastov

Funny children's poems about boots and shoes:

E. Baeva

The girl Irinka is crying:
-It hurts my heels! Tinder boots!
-We'll take them to the garden,
Let it rain at night!

They will grow in the garden
And they won’t press on their heels!

O. Ukhalina

Boot walked and groaned.
The boot felt bad.
Turned out to be guilty
The apartment is in turmoil.
Because of her I put on my shoes
Not so three-year-old Seva.
Right shoe pair
Now he's walking from the left!

O. Grigorieva

At little Mary's
Big loss:
Her right shoe was missing.
In one she jumps
And cries pitifully
It’s impossible without the other!
But, dear Mary,
Don't cry about the loss.
Right foot boot
We'll sew you a new one
Or we’ll buy a ready-made one,
Just watch - take care!

S. Melnikov

I clean them on the shore,
I run along the path wearing them.
Left, right leg
I'll trample a little.
I will wipe away the specks of dust from them.
Let them shine boots!

N. Borisova

Asks for porridge shoe:
- Caught on a twig
Didn't eat anything
I just drank from a puddle.
From the cold water
I'm so hungry!
We'll regret the shoe
And we'll feed you delicious glue.
His mouth closed...
Wading through puddles!

Mother Kangaroo

We study boots:
Here are the laces in the middle,
There is a heel on the sole,
And here is the tongue!
Be careful like a cat
The son touched his shoe with his palm
And he laughs: “Guard!”
And my shoe licked me!”

O. Chernoritskaya

Grandfather once said to Pasha:
- Look, the shoes are asking for porridge.
Yes, I wore them for three years...
You've lost weight, look.
I'll go to the store
Stay alone, my friend.
“Okay,” Pasha answered.
And so as not to waste time,
Shoes became semolina porridge
Fill from the pan.
- They haven’t fed me for so many years...
Grandfather will be happy!

A. Barto

My brother's shoes fit -
Not small, not big.
They dressed Andryushka in them,
But he hasn’t moved yet!
He took them for a toy
He doesn't take his eyes off the shoe.
A boy with sense, with arrangement
Engaged in new things -
Then he will stroke the shoes,
T will pull the laces.
Andrey sat down and raised his leg,
He licked the shoe with his tongue.
Well, now it's time to hit the road,
You can take the first step.

M. Plastov

Look at the boots:
Real pictures,
And laces, no matter where,
And always cleaned.


Four spiders
They are in a hurry, putting on their shoes
On thin heels.
Four little spiders
Hurrying for spiders
Along thin webs
In boots with heels.

K. Kryukova

Stamped stubbornly
Somehow along the way,
Right on the road
Small feet.
Don't go down into the pits
They didn't kick the lids...
It is very strange,
How did this happen?
And besides
We walked around the puddles.
Did you go around the puddles?!
Strange, why?
Quietly, carefully
We walked in the middle -
Didn't want to get dirty
New boots!


Pair boot stood in the hallway -
The right one is quite similar to the left one,
The left one is, of course, similar to the right one.
True, the right one was a little full of holes.
The left one was terribly jealous of the right one.
Well, I envied the whole one - the holey one!
What is the secret here, I don’t want to hide -
The right one hit the ball harder.
It was not easy in football battles,
Nevertheless, he scored many goals.
Left (but this, of course, is a secret)
Only one... Yes, and by chance, too...
What can you do, this is the case,
It’s just that the boy was born “right-handed.”

B. Timofeev

ONE boot was second
And the other one was RIGHT
Two friends can never be separated
And in the snow, and in the rain, and in the heat!
One shoe was LEFT
And the FIRST was another!
Wherever THIS one goes
The faithful THOT was nearby!
One day they got bored
And it's the other way around
And immediately after him
who was ONE...)))

O. Ukhalina

Brown-white boot Aleshin
Over the summer, alas, it has become hopelessly worn out.
For days of endless football battles,
Trampling, jumping and various movements
The hint of store gloss has also disappeared,
Even the stripe on the heel was cracked.
Scratches everywhere on matte leather,
The laces look like shaggy brushes,
There's a splinter in the sole of a glass shard,
Dirt accidentally got behind the insole.
But appearance is absolutely unimportant,
This is not what the brave shoe is sad about.
What worries him is ultimately
That a boy's legs will grow in a year.
And next summer... It’s terrible to think!
Alyoshka won’t be able to put on his shoes.


Expand children's knowledge and enrich their vocabulary on this topic.

Introduce children to the concept of “pair”, the general concept of “shoes”.
Form stable ideas about color, size, geometric shapes Oh.
Improve skills in painting, gluing, and sculpting.
Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the poem and understand the meaning of what they hear.
Develop thinking fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Bring up careful attitude to shoes.


Chest, doll, doll shoes.
Cardboard trailers cut out in red, green, yellow and blue colors and shoes of the same colors.
Cardboard silhouettes of boots with circles pasted on different color and size, buttons, corresponding color and size.
Silhouette images of shoes made of thick cardboard with holes, multi-colored laces.
Picture and image of three bears of different sizes, ovals-shoes of the corresponding size.
Pictures depicting various shoes and mittens.
Multi-colored clothespins, silhouettes of brushes without bristles made of thick cardboard.
Silhouettes of boots cut out of oilcloth, smeared with crayons; wet sponges.
Cardboard silhouettes of boots with cut out holes in the form of geometric shapes, the same shapes.
Paper clips, color silhouette images of shoes.
Picture “Centipede”, plasticine.
Coloring book “Boot”, brushes, paints.
Boots and pictures cut out of colored paper (flowers, fish, clouds, suns, Christmas trees).
Audio recordings: “Centipede”, “ Big feet are walking along the road."

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting “How are you?”

How are you? - Like this!
(The thumbs of both hands are up, the rest are in a fist)

Are you swimming? - Like this!
(Hands depict the movement of a swimmer)

How are you going? - Like this!
(Walking in place)

How are you running? - Like this!
(Bend your arms at the elbows, move along the body)

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this!
(Alternately place palms to forehead)

Are you waving after me? - Like this!
(Energetic movements of the hands)

How do you take it? - Like this!
(Grasping movements with palm)

How do you give? - Like this!
(Put your open palm forward)

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!
(Palms under your head)

How are you threatening? -Like this!
(Shake your index finger, the rest of your fingers form a fist)

Are you naughty? - Like this!
(Clap the fists of both hands on the puffy cheeks)

Surprise moment "What's in the chest?"

Children are asked to open the chest and see what is in it. (One piece of shoes from a pair according to the number of children).
What is this? How to call it in one word? These are shoes.

Didactic game “Pick a Pair”

Here you have doll shoes in your hands. (One item per pair). Only the confused doll scattered all the shoes, you need to find a pair. Count it. How many legs does the doll have? Two legs. This means there should be two shoes. Here you have it. Like a doll, it also has two legs. How many slippers are on your feet? Two slippers. And you came here wearing two boots. When there are two of something, they say “pair”. Remember this word and repeat it out loud: “couple.”
Now go in search of a pair for the shoes you have in your hands.

Didactic game “The colorful locomotive brought a lot of shoes”

Pick up a pair of each shoe and place them in colored trailers: yellow shoes in a yellow trailer, red shoes in a red trailer, green shoes in a green trailer, and blue shoes in a blue trailer.

Didactic game “Patches for boots”

But this boot has holes. Select suitable patches for each hole.

Game with buttons “Decorate the boot”

But this boot needs to be decorated with multi-colored buttons.

Look carefully. Whatever color and size the circle on the boot is, apply the same button to it. Place a large blue button on the large blue circle. And on the small yellow circle, place a small yellow button on top.

Application “Beautiful boots”

Here are your boots waiting for you to make them beautiful, decorate them with funny pictures. Select a picture. Which you will decorate the boot with. Some will decorate it with flowers, and others with fish.

Dynamic pause “Big feet are walking along the road”

Big feet are walking down the road
Top-top-top, top-top-top.
(Walking with long strides)

Little feet run along the path
(Running in small steps)

Didactic game “Pick shoes for three bears”

And here are our familiar bears. Show the biggest bear, the smallest, the medium bear.

You have already selected barrels of honey for them, and now you need to help the bears choose shoes that fit and put them on their paws. Put the biggest boots on the biggest bear, medium boots on the middle bear, and the smallest boots on the smallest bear.

Didactic game “Find the extra object”

Here are the pictures for you. Name what is drawn on them. What is it that isn’t shoes, that they don’t put on their feet? Mittens.

Exercise “Washing shoes”

To wear shoes for a long time, you need to take care of them and wash them. Now we will take wet sponges and wipe the dirt off our shoes.

Game with paper clips “Hemming slippers”

When shoes are worn for a long time, it happens that the sole of the shoe comes off. Then the sole is hemmed. Now try putting paper clips on the edges of the slipper, as if you were hemming the sole.

Drawing “Paint the shoe”

Children are invited to paint the shoe.

Modeling “Shoes for a centipede”

Roll balls from plasticine, attach them to the centipede's leg and press with your finger - you get shoes for the centipede.

Musical break "Centipede"

Children line up one after another, put their hands on each other's shoulders and move to the music as directed by an adult.

Reading the poem "Boots"

Dimka's mom bought it
Great boots.
Beautiful, shiny!
Leather! Real!

I looked at them for a long time.
He put them on the shelf.
Beautiful, shiny!
The laces are real!

When the baby went to bed,
He put his shoes under the bed.
New, shiny!
Leather! Real!

Lacing game “Lace up your shoes”

Children are asked to insert the laces into the holes and tie them.

Game with clothespins “Shoe brush”

This is a shoe brush for polishing shoes. Try making your own brushes. This is how you need to attach clothespins to make a shoe brush.

Lexical topic “Shoes”

1.Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
2. Learn to correctly name the parts of shoes.
3.Practice in the formation of relative adjectives.
4. Practice using diminutive and affectionate suffixes in nouns.
5. Practice using nouns in the genitive case with a preposition.
6. Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Didactic exercise “Repeat without mistakes, don’t miss anything”

Repeat the words in the same order:
Shoes – slippers – boots – boots
Felt boots – sandals – shoes – boots
Children, what can we call these objects in one word? -SHOES.

2. Children, tell me, why do we need shoes? (To put shoes on your feet)

3. History of shoes (presentation)

4. Which store do we buy shoes from? (in the SHOE store)
In a shoe store there are many different shoes on the shelves.
Exercise “Agree a Word”
If the shoes are for winter, then they are WINTER.
If shoes are for summer, then they are
If shoes are for home, then they are
If the shoes are for sports, then they are
If shoes are for a holiday, then they are
Shoes for women –
Shoes for men –
Children's footwear -

5. Tell me, children, what kind of shoes do you need for winter?(warm, closed, winter, high)
Why should you wear such shoes in winter?
What materials are winter shoes made from?
What shoes do we wear in summer? (light, open, summer) Why?
Exercise “Form a word”
If the shoes are made of leather, then they are LEATHER.
If the shoes are made of fur, then they are FUR.
If the shoes are made of rubber, then they are RUBBER.
If the shoes are made of wool, then they are WOOL
In what weather should you wear felt boots, and why?

6. Finger gymnastics “BOOTS”

Everywhere, everywhere we are togetherThe middle and index fingers “walk” along the table. Let's go, inseparable.
We walk through the meadows
Children bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb.
Along the green shores,
They ran down the stairs,
They walked along the street.
Then we climb under the bed,
We'll sleep there quietly.
Place your palms on the table.

7. Examination and naming of shoe parts.

Children, let's compare winter boots and winter boots.
What is more comfortable for walking through deep snowdrifts, and why?

Comparing shoes and sneakers.
Comparing boots and sandals
The shoe has a clasp and the sandal has a clasp.
A boot has a heel, but a sandal does not have a heel.
A shoe has a heel, but a sandal does not have a heel.
A boot has a shaft, but a sandal does not have a shaft.
Leather boots and leather sandals.
The shoes are closed and the sandals are open.
The boots are warm, winter, and the sandals are light, summer.

8. Exercise “Let’s affectionately name” your favorite shoes.
Boots - boots.
Valenki -
Shoes -
Slippers -
Boots -
Sneakers -

9. Tell me, children, how to take care of your shoes so that they are in order?(children repeat verbs)

Shoes need to be washed, dried, wiped, cleaned, repaired, put away.
Who mends shoes? (shoemaker)
Where do we go if our shoes need to be repaired? (to the shoe shop)

Correct me:
They brought it to the shoemaker for repairs (children repeat the phrase in full)
Shoes WITHOUT (sole)
Boots WITHOUT (zipper)
Slippers WITHOUT (heel)
Sandals WITHOUT (strap)
Boots WITHOUT (tongue)
Sneakers WITHOUT (lace)

10. Conversation about the polysemy of the word LANGUAGE using pictures and objects.
The mischievous boy showed you his TONGUE, and the mischievous boy also stuck out his shoe

11. “Learn to speak correctly”

When we come home, we take off our shoes.
When we go for a walk, we put on our shoes.
IN kindergarten we CHANGE SHOES (meaning we take off dirty shoes and put on clean ones)

12. D.i. “4 extra” (pictures on the board – hat, fur coat,boots , scarf; boots, felt boots, sandals,sweater)

Choose the correct extra picture and explain why it is extra.

13. Result (what was discussed during the lesson, what we liked, assessment of the children’s activities)

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