I'm pregnant from my son-in-law. Stories mother-in-law gave birth to from son-in-law. Elena Malysheva: Medicine has made a phenomenal discovery in the field of infertility treatment! An effective remedy has been found to help a woman become pregnant. “I committed the biggest sin in my life, and I didn’t

The whole court knew about Raisa Adamovna’s strict and categorical character. She was even called “the Fuhrer in a skirt” behind her back: if she had already decided on something, she said “no” - not a single force on earth could convince her otherwise. However, she did not have the tyranny or despotism that often manifests itself in people of strong nature.

Therefore, when her and her husband Nikolai’s only beautiful daughter Nina decided to get married, Raisa Adamovna did not say a word in defiance. At least I immediately understood that the gentleman was clearly “unlucky”...

Nina brought her beloved Vasilko to her parents’ apartment. And there was no question of Raisa Adamovna letting her daughter visit him in a distant village.

- Into this darkness? Never! - she decided immediately and stopped any attempts by Vasily to talk about the beautiful landscapes and nature of his farm.

A wife for a son-in-law - a story from life

It cannot be said that the mother-in-law welcomed her son-in-law with open arms. She was surprised by his habit of eating sweets with pickles, was nervous when he rearranged things, and was already openly angry when he broke her favorite cup and ruined the frying pan.

But time passed, passions subsided, and Raisa Adamovna got used to the new family member. He treated Nina like a precious vase, and especially now that she did not walk, but rolled from the pleasant burden ahead - the family was expecting a new addition!

Nina gave birth to a healthy baby, but she herself began to waste away. She lost a sliver of weight and began to lose strength: before she had time to walk from the kitchen to the room, she was already complaining that she was tired. We visited many doctors and professors until in Kyiv we heard a terrible diagnosis: blood cancer.

They didn’t want to tell Nina about this, but if Raisa Adamovna could restrain herself, then Vasya could not. His face turned black, his face became haggard, his shoulders slumped, and he left the doctor’s office looking like an old grandfather. And Nina guessed...

Two years later she was buried...

The terrible grief affected family members in different ways. Raisa Adamovna and her husband devoted all their efforts to raising three-year-old Sasha. But Vasily did not find anything better than to drown his pain in a bottle.

- Why don’t you kick your son-in-law out, why do you tolerate his drinking? — people asked Raisa Adamovna more than once in surprise.

- Yes, he’s a helpless calf! - she answered, chuckling. “It’s a pity, because if I kick you out, he’ll definitely get drunk.” His parents have no influence on him, but he still seems to listen to me. And Sasha still needs a dad, he loves him very much...

Year after year - look, Sasha, dressed up with a bouquet of flowers, has already gone to first grade. He was accompanied to the festive assembly by his grandparents and father. IN lately Vasily began to be seen rarely, as it turned out, he found a job as a truck driver. And he stopped drinking even earlier - Raisa Adamovna already tried.

After picking up the boy from school, she happily sat down to chat with other women while the children played in the yard. I was happy about my grandson’s success and was even thinking about the university where he would study.

-Are you married? — Raisa Adamovna suddenly asked the girl who was sitting on the bench opposite. She was probably waiting for someone from home.

The stranger's eyes bulged out of surprise and surprise. And she had just begun to babble something in response when a guy jumped out of the entrance and led her along.

- Did you fall from an oak tree? — the women laughed in Raisa Adamovna’s face. “I changed the subject so abruptly and started pestering the girl...

But Raisa Adamovna just sighed. She needed a wife for her son-in-law. She said that Sashka should already have a mother, but Vasily doesn’t seem to look at women. Either he sits on a flight for weeks, or he sits on the couch in front of the TV at home. And he doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t meet anyone.

- Ty, so maybe he’s embarrassed to start “shura-muras” in her apartment with his mother-in-law alive? - the neighbor either asked or noticed.

“And I told him about this, I gave him my blessing,” Raisa Adamovna sighed again. “He’s already become like a son to me after so many years.” I understand that Ninochka cannot be returned, but there is Sasha, and I see that he is drawn to young women, looking for his mother among them.

And although Raisa Adamovna no longer remembered her desire to find a bride for her son-in-law at the gatherings at the entrance, the topic came up more than once. The women were surprised and tried the situation on themselves. They knew in their hearts that, God forbid, the same situation would happen and their son-in-law would be kicked out of the house first. And they are unlikely to be happy if he decides to marry a second time. In this case, everyone would feel almost an outrage against their daughter’s memory.

But several years passed, Sasha was already finishing fourth grade, when simply sensational news spread throughout the yard - Raisa Adamovna’s son-in-law was getting married! And his mother-in-law found him a bride! Almost by force, they said, she brought her together. She insisted that they start living together, and then also ran to make peace when they quarreled.

It seems that Galya was her daughter former colleague at work. The women came together and complained: one that her daughter was vegetating as an old maid, and the second that she wanted to marry her son-in-law. Therefore, without hesitation, we decided to introduce the children. It was difficult for the young people to get used to each other, even though they had separate housing, which they inherited from Galya’s grandmother.

But little by little they got along and soon even Sasha was taken to live with them. Soon their daughter Katya was born together, and life, as they say, returned to a calm direction.

The only thing that differed from most other families was that Katya now had as many as three pairs of grandparents. Vasily’s parents, then Galya’s parents, then the parents of Nina, Vasily’s first wife, came with pleasure and in the established order to babysit the little ones. And although Raisa Adamovna’s wife Katya is essentially a stranger to her son-in-law, this does not stop them from loving her like their own...

A wife for a son-in-law - a story from life

2015, . All rights reserved.

“We are all selfish in love! We don’t care about the feelings of others at this time,” a woman who destroyed a young family is trying to justify herself.

In extreme cases, when a woman cannot give birth on her own, doctors recommend that she find a surrogate mother. It is not necessary to turn to a stranger, because one of your relatives can carry the child - a sister or even, if health and age allow, your own mother.

Marina had just such a case. Since her reproductive organs had a congenital pathology, neither treatment nor even surgery would have given positive results. In desperation, a twenty-year-old woman turned to artificial insemination specialists. They found it possible to help Marina, and as a result, Oksanka was born - a charming child with big blue eyes and white curls. It was a real miracle, because the girl was given birth not by her mother, but by her grandmother.

“Can you imagine what it means for a twenty-year-old woman to look disabled in the eyes of her husband?”

It was not easy to get a conversation with the participants in this everyday drama. In a relatively small city it is difficult to hide anything - rumors and gossip are on everyone's lips. And yet I wanted to hear about everything that happened directly from the people who made the city’s residents, young and old, talk about themselves. To avoid injuring them once again, I do not name the locality where the events took place, or the real names of the heroes. We had to change some details of the story.

First of all, I went to Marina. The door was opened by a thin, black-haired woman, with a child in pajamas huddled at her feet. Having heard who I was and why I came, she immediately locked herself and did not respond to calls anymore. Only the next day I managed to meet Marina when she went for a walk with her daughter. Word for word, and Marina started talking. While Oksanka was playing with the children in the sandbox, the morally broken woman was talking about her misfortune. First sparingly, and then with some details.

Here we had a military unit, and many girls married future officers,” the woman began her story. “I also dreamed of a military husband.” At one of the discos I met Victor. He was a fourth-year cadet, and I had just graduated from school, didn’t get the required points for university, so I didn’t know what to do next. “Marry me,” Victor proposed after a couple of months of our meetings. I thought that military wives, as a rule, do not work, therefore, I don’t have to get a specialty; I can get married. Besides, I loved him, and he loved me. First two years life together flew by as if in a dream. Victor didn’t want to serve after college and got a job as a security guard at a bank, which was, in general, not bad. His parents bought us a separate one-room apartment. “When a grandson or granddaughter appears, we will buy a more spacious home,” they promised at our housewarming party. But month after month passed, and our hopes for having a child gradually faded. And after consulting the gynecologist whom I turned to, it turned out that medicine was powerless to help me. Trips to capital clinics and research began, but everywhere they said the same thing. I noticed that my husband was moving away from me more and more: he was not in a hurry to go home after work, on weekends he ran off to see friends, and lying next to me, he never, as he had before, started lovemaking first. Then he began to avoid being close to me altogether. He saw me as a disabled person! Can you imagine how I, a twenty-year-old woman, felt inferior? Now I think it would have been better if we had broken up even then. But something held us together; we could not cut the ties that bound us in one fell swoop.

Marina wipes away the run-on brown eyes tears and calls her daughter. Sand-stained Oksanka, who does not understand the reason for her mother’s mood, begins to babble about something of her own, childish and cheerful. If it weren’t for daddy’s blue eyes, Oksanka would be a copy of her mom.

Very little time passed, and Oksanka had a brother. Or uncle?! I don’t know what to name the child born by the girl’s grandmother from her own dad. Marina ends the conversation and goes home, making it clear that she has already told too much.

“I have committed the greatest sin in my life, and I will not have peace of mind until the end of my days.”

I go to the other end of the city, to the private sector, to hear the continuation family drama.

Valentina Ivanovna, Marina’s mother and her rival, also cries: “You cannot build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune. I have committed the biggest sin in my life, and I will not have peace of mind until the end of my days!”

Finally, having mastered her excitement, she seems to continue Marina’s story.

The fact that our daughter could not give birth was a bolt from the blue for all of us. One day she came to me and asked if I agreed to carry a biological child with Victor. I didn’t immediately understand what this meant, but Marina explained to me what was what. After thinking about the offer, I agreed. In the end, it was about the continuation of our family. After talking with the doctor and passing the necessary tests, I was convinced that I could help my daughter. However, the first attempt was unsuccessful. I was already forty-three years old - almost the maximum age for pregnancy, and I doubted the successful outcome of the undertaking. But to the joy of everyone, everything worked out…

The pregnancy was surprisingly easy, but the longer the pregnancy, the more often we encountered difficulties,” sighs Valentina Ivanovna. - The most difficult thing was to hide our plan from neighbors and acquaintances, they had to think that Marina gave birth to the child. I had to leave my job and live in the country so that as few people as possible would see me. Marina wore a jumpsuit, under which she periodically put something, simulating pregnancy.

Valentina Ivanovna is sure that it was during this period that her son-in-law saw in her not just a mother-in-law, but a woman in full bloom, the mother of his unborn child. He was worried that she would eat everything that was healthy and not overload herself with chores at the dacha. Even ex-husband Valentina, with whom she broke up a long time ago, did not pay so much attention to her when she was carrying Marina in her heart. It was as if a second youth had returned to the woman who was preparing to become a grandmother.

I don't know which ones intimate relationships Vitya and Marina visited, but I noticed that women were looking at him,” continues Valentina Ivanovna. - My Marina is not so much a beauty, and Victor is a distinguished man - slender, tall, muscular. And he didn’t miss a single one short skirt on the street. Once I started a conversation with him on this topic, and he hugged me, and, either jokingly or seriously, replied: “Is there really another woman in the world like my mother-in-law?” I twisted out of his embrace and even gave him a light slap in the face, but then for a long time I remembered those words and the intonation with which they were spoken. Or maybe I wanted to hear all this? After all, there hasn’t been a man in my life for so many years…

“I believed that I deserved happiness, but I tried not to think about my daughter’s feelings.”

Valentina's birth went well. But legal problems immediately arose. In fact, the girl’s parents were Victor and Marina, but how to document this?

While my daughter and son-in-law were running through the authorities, solving the problem, Valentina Ivanovna was sitting with the newborn. Marina and Victor took her straight from the maternity hospital - the family decided that the child should receive mother's milk at least until three months. Therefore, every three hours, as expected, Valentina applied Oksanochka to her milk-filled breast. The fact that the grandmother constantly looks after her granddaughter and helps her daughter deal with diapers and baby vests did not arouse suspicion among any of the neighbors. Although there have already been different conversations around the city. What should have remained a secret was already being widely discussed in the offices of officials and in their families. As they say, you can’t throw a scarf over someone else’s mouth. But what is this compared to what the family still had to endure?

My granddaughter turned three months old, and we began to gradually switch her to artificial nutrition,” sighs the mother-grandmother. - To stop the milk from flowing, I began to tightly bandage my breasts. One day Vitya caught me doing this. Marina had just taken Oksanka out into the fresh air, and he gave vent to his feelings. Probably, by that time I was ready for such a turn of events. And he later admitted that my pregnancy and breastfeeding excited him like nothing else. He didn’t get to experience this with his wife.…

I ask Valentina Ivanovna if she tried to end an intimate relationship with her daughter’s husband, to which she replies, apparently with a long-prepared phrase: “We are all selfish in love. We don’t care about the feelings of others at this time.” She didn’t feel like a thief of someone else’s happiness, she believed that she deserved at least those few minutes when she was hugged and caressed by strong people. male hands. I tried not to think about the future. He and Victor couldn’t have it. But it still became real.

Marina hates the smell of Charutti

Marina felt Victor’s betrayal very quickly. As a token of gratitude, the young father presented his mother-in-law with fashionable Charutti perfume as a gift. Now Marina hates this smell. On the very first day, when Victor brought him home on his mustache, his wife interrogated him with passion. Denying his “steps to the left,” he honestly admitted that he had been with her mother. Can a daughter think anything bad about her heroic mother? But female logic told Marina where she should expect danger from. To be convinced of her suspicions, she, without delay, long box, asked Valentina Ivanovna to help Victor look after the child while she went to the hairdresser. Naturally, the lovers did not expect her appearance half an hour later. It was unnecessary to explain.

Having collected his things, Victor went to the one who helped him experience the joy of fatherhood. He did not hide the fact that he wanted to have children with her. And a year later Nikita was born to them - an innocent blue-eyed creature. Valentina says that best husband and my father is no longer in the world. She now knows, not from the stories of others, that at 45 years old life is just beginning. Despite gossip and losses.

Marina and the child are going to be taken to myself parents Victor.

Before the final stop of the train, two elderly women remained in the compartment. One is red-haired, snub-nosed, with numerous freckles on her round, snub-nosed face, the other is thin, with big nose, thin lips and watery, bulging eyes on a dark face that gave off a yellowish tint. Zhoskie, dark hair cut short, but the coarse hair did not fit into the desired shape and stuck out like a scraggly covering.
“We’re almost there, Valentina Ivanovna,” the red-haired neighbor sighed with relief, peering at the flashing station buildings,
“Who will meet us?”
“My daughter promised to meet me with her precocious husband!”
“What’s so unflattering about your son-in-law?”
“Out of desperation, my Irma married him. Circumstances forced me, Liya Nikolaevna. I’m bringing food to my daughter, she’s starving, but she needs to eat well. She's pregnant!
“It happens,” Liya Nikolaevna sympathized, “but now, it seems, the food supply is not bad, why is he starving?”
“He’s a bad guy, he doesn’t make much money!”
“It happens,” the red-haired woman drawled again, “a hasty marriage, which means it’s forced, happens!”
“Who’s meeting you?”
“No one, I am alone, like a finger in this world. “Black Widow”, nicknamed. Sign on the forehead, do you see? -
- Liya Nikolaevna brought her sloping forehead closer to the watery eyes of her compartment neighbor,
-From the very top of the middle of the forehead, a sharp wedge of hair begins. A wedge on the forehead is a widow’s sign!”
“I haven’t heard that!”
“There are a lot of signs of fate; you won’t remember them all, you won’t remember them until they come true.”
- the neighbor breathed out heavily, -
“I’ll take my daughter with me, she’ll give birth at home, we’ll raise her!”
“It turns out that your Irmochka is bringing her foundling to her hubby!” Liya Nikolaevna laughed. A flashing blush covered the yellow cheeks of the fellow traveler. Perspiration appeared on his dark face.
“What did you make up? The child turned out right the first time!”
Liya Nikolaevna enthusiastically agreed.
The train stopped.. The noise of the station bustle burst through the doors of the carriage, opened by the conductor.
The smiling face of a man and the elongated, pale face of a young woman looked through the window.
“Mine,” Valentina Ivanovna hummed with satisfaction, “
The daughter is very thin. Exhausted, you bastard!
A stout, good-natured man with a purely Russian, open smile quickly entered the compartment.
Valentina Ivanovna, as if,
Substituted. She kissed her son-in-law on both cheeks, then
With tears in her eyes, she wailed, hugging her daughter:
“Lord, how thin you have become! No wonder I brought food! All those bags of groceries!”
She cast a quick glance at Liya Nikolaevna, emphasizing her daughter’s misfortune.
“Why did you carry so much? We have everything!” -
- The son-in-law waved his hands, raking Mother-in-law’s burden from the shelves.
Egor!”, -
Liya Nikolaevna exclaimed in surprise,
So this is your mother-in-law, neighbor!
Acquaintance on trains, not infrequently, causes a confession of an outpouring of life’s failures to a temporary companion, who will get off at his stop and forget about the revelations laid out to him, because, usually, people no longer meet, but there is relief in the soul. There has been an exception to the rule! Valentina Ivanovna’s confession was listened to by her son-in-law’s neighbor. It happens!
Valentina Ivanovna's jaw dropped. The watery eyes darkened in surprise.
She was counting on spreading rumors about her daughter’s unsuccessful marriage and her bad son-in-law, unsuitable for the family, hoping that in a small town, like in a village, gossip would spread to every house, her daughter’s divorce would be justified, but here was such an unforeseen circumstance! Liya Nikolaevna coughed cheerfully. The episode amused her. Yegor warmly hugged his neighbor.
“Hello, Aunt Leah! I’ll help you unload too!”
Quickly and deftly, the guy carried the luggage of both companions to the platform, loaded them into the car, and offered a seat to his neighbor. On the way, he joked and talked about the news with Liya Nikolaevna. Mother and daughter rode in silence.
Yegor pretended not to attach importance to his mother-in-law’s cold aloofness and stopped the car at the gate of his house. With a wary glance, he demonstratively watched as his mother-in-law came out, helped the neighbor carry her luggage, and only then did he bring in Valentina Ivanovna’s numerous luggage. The mother-in-law snorted like an angry cat:
“It would be better if I brought the things in myself! With such a son-in-law, the food must have gone bad!”
“Why did you bring them, we have everything!”
“Don’t be a fool! You’re starving here!”
“What nonsense? Tell me, Irmushka!”
“Mommy is right! Thanks to her, I’ve missed something delicious!”
Yegor sat down on a nearby chair.
With the arrival of the mother-in-law, the life of the young people went awry.
Everything about the son-in-law was wrong: how he walks, how he speaks, how he sits, how he communicates with his wife and people, how slow he is in household chores, how little he receives, how sluggish, how he eats, how he sleeps. She found fault with words, actions, statements, tone of voice, fleetingly thrown words. It seemed that she was only busy looking for something to complain about.
Irma did not leave her mother’s side, indulged her in everything, discussed her husband’s actions with her, and complained about his low salary. Irma, strained, stuck out her rounded belly in front of her neighbors, trying to evoke pity for herself. When Mukh left for work, he and his mother went to the store. Irma grabbed from her mother’s hands, carried heavy bags from the store that her mother was loading. The neighbors were whispering, either the husband did not feel sorry for his wife, or the wife wanted to lose her pregnancy. Because of this crap, Yegor constantly quarreled with his wife. Valentina Ivanovna deliberately chose the time for shopping when Yegor went to work. She complained to people and neighbors about her cruel son-in-law, saying that a pregnant wife has to carry groceries, and her husband has a car in the garage, but he “doesn’t know what he’s doing!” The unfortunate daughter was so unlucky with her husband.”
Enraged by this behavior of his mother-in-law, Yegor exploded, but did not swear at his mother-in-law, but only tried to convince her and his wife not to do this, not to carry heavy things. Liya Nikolaevna closely watched her neighbors. She felt sorry for Yegor from the bottom of her heart.
“Works two jobs, works for days, around the house, like a family slave, does everything, no matter how much he pleases, everything is not good!,”
She told her friends more than once,
“It’s in vain to criticize the man, it’s clear that the ground is being prepared for divorce!”
With the neighbors down the street, Valentina Ivanovna was very friendly and welcoming. Especially, I often tried to communicate with Liya Nikolaevna.
They talked about the weather, about the church, but every time Valentina Ivanovna translated the conversation into family life unhappy daughter.
“What kind of German name did you come up with for your daughter? You’ll twist your tongue while you’re talking!”
“The name, like a name, is foreign. I don’t like everyday life, Masha, Dasha, Olya, Polya and other old believers, it smells like mothballs!”
The neighbor gave in. They sat down on a bench by the gate. Valentina Ivanovna took out ladies' trousers and a colored blouse. In the watery eyes, the pupils moved like a pendulum.
“Try it on, Leah, it’ll fit, I’ll give it to you!”
"What you,-
The neighbor clasped her hands, -
expensive, I guess!”
“Nothing! Irma is big and pregnant. I think it’s just right for you!”
Liya Nikolaevna stroked the silky, pleasantly velvety fabric. Temptation defeated hostility. She can’t buy such a new thing. And, although she understood why the neighbor was bribing with a gift, she could not resist and took it. The conversation immediately became lively. Liya Nikolaevna listened attentively to Valentina Ivanovna’s sorrowful and bitter complaints about her son-in-law. Good-natured, open-hearted, friendly, naive Yegor, as his neighbors knew him from childhood, turned into a cruel, soulless despot-tyrant, selfish, miser, and Irma into an unhappy, hunted, ruined woman.
“And what a groom Irmushka had!”
The mother-in-law lamented, -
“No match for this poor intellectual!”
“Why didn’t you get married?”
« Best friend beat it off!”
However, the neighbor thought to herself:
“Apparently, the guy realized what kind of birds mother and daughter are!” she stood up out loud for her neighbor:
“Egor does everything around your house, he’s also on duty for days, near Irma, constantly, spinning, with spiritual purity, treats her with reverence, so helpful!”
“We have a matriarchy in our house! I don’t argue, reliable, but not a man, but a weak-willed Loser, henpecked! I don’t like people like that!”
“But your daughter loves him!”
“He doesn’t like it. Out of desperation I married him! They need a divorce"
“They will have a child!”
“That’s why we endure. He himself will never leave her. Whatever Irma decides, so it will be. Yegor promised to transfer the property to Irma and the child. This is a man's act. Let’s see if it’s worth respecting him and living with him!”
“What will he be left with?”
“I have a child, I must provide for it!” The awkward bewilderment of Liya Nikolaevna, Valentina Ivanovna tried to outshine in an effective way, turned her attention to her offering.
Quite an expensive gift, not a cast-off, pleasantly tickled the soul; Liya Nikolaevna herself would not have bought something like this, the funds do not allow it. And, although she understood why they were bribing her, she began to thank her neighbor.
Valentina Ivanovna grinned at the corner of her lips, how effective bribes are! Inner satisfaction was reflected in her unsightly appearance. dark face with a wide, inviting smile. She confidentially placed her palm on Liya Nikolaevna’s hand. The cold, slippery, sticky skin unpleasantly struck the interlocutor.
“Lord, the skin is like a snake! Okay, it happens!”
The gift eclipsed the hostility.
“Let me tell your fortune!”
In Valentina Ivanovna’s hoarse voice there was a full, dominant note. Liya Nikolaevna hesitated. She didn’t want to offend her neighbor, but she had also heard a lot of bad things about the magic of fortune telling.
“Yes, I have nothing to guess about. I live in retirement, as scheduled. Home, household, bed for rest, home again, then household again, sleep. AND
like this every day! No husband, no children!
“An old maid or something?”
“Something like that. She loved, waited, and he was killed. There is officially no war, but guys have been dying in various conflicts abroad for decades. During the Patriotic War, they died for their Motherland, but now, I personally don’t understand why they die on foreign soil. No one can count how many brides are left without husbands, how many mothers are left without sons!”
“It means I fulfilled my combat duty!”
“So then, in my youth, out of grief, shock, and despair, I blurted out to the military commissar. What debt did my fiance have? No work, no housing, no study, no treatment…. The military commissar came up to me like that, saying,
For such words, I know where I’ll throw you?.. Who are you to him? Neither a wife, nor a relative, but a lover, before the army. There are a dime a dozen of you like that! …. I was speechless with fear and speechless. She fell silent and retreated into herself. Since then I have been alone. No one is nice, I can’t forget him!”
Valentina Ivanovna glanced askance at her neighbor. Small sparks flashed and went out in her moving pupils.
“Do you have any old man in mind? Can
make a love spell!”
Liya Nikolaevna recoiled and jumped up.
“Are you a witch, or what?”
The gift fell from her lap to the ground, she picked it up and placed it on Valentina Ivanovna’s lap.
“I thought, I figured, the suit is too small for me, take it back!”
At the last words, the neighbor involuntarily twitched, her watery eyes dimmed. For a moment, both seemed to have staked out their position.
“People misunderstand the unexplored energy of the universe! Man is a unique, cosmic entity, you can understand it through magic!”
At this moment, Yegor approached the bench. There was no trace left of the smiling face.
Tired from sleepless night duty, he looked at the women sad, sad, big, gray eyes. One eyelid often twitched with a nervous tic.
“What a funny, cheerful guy they’ve brought to!”
Liya Nikolaevna was horrified to herself.
The mother-in-law reproachfully began to scold her son-in-law:
“Where do you go? Irma feels bad, the doctor prescribed a bunch of medications! We need to go to the pharmacy!”
“He needs to rest!”
- Liya Nikolaevna could not stand it. To her surprise, in her opinion, driven, hunted, Yegor answered rather sharply:
“Don’t interfere in someone else’s family!”
“If only there was a family...”, the neighbor snapped, but she bit her tongue, turned around and walked away.
“Each family lives by its own laws!”
- came the hoarse, triumphant voice of Valentina Ivanovna after her.
“Not a family, but a terrible caricature!” -
Liya Nikolaevna did not remain in debt.
While weeding the garden bed, Liya Nikolaevna heard short chuckles behind her fence. On the other side of her garden fence, a dense roadside forest belt began. Here, from the once standing bus stop, there remains a wide, long bench, chosen by young couples of the village for dating. The woman had long asked the settlement administration to demolish the “parnography bench,” as Liya Nikolaevna called the bench, but they did not respond to her complaints. You never know where young people meet, the forest belt is a free zone for meetings. They don’t interfere in the garden, they don’t pester an elderly person. There is no prohibition for love. The girl's muffled voice was strikingly similar to Irma's voice...
The woman could not restrain her curiosity and carefully, furtively, approached the fence.
Not from here, apparently a stranger, a black-haired, athletic guy, gently stroked Irma’s round belly.
The regular features of his face did not stand out for their beauty, but were saturated with the male attractiveness of courage and strength; there was a sense of delusion of grandeur and superiority in him, which was reflected not only in facial expressions, but also in the tone of his voice. Outwardly, Yegor was more beautiful, the harmony of his soul shone in him, but he was inferior to the masculine strength of the stranger.
Irma, outwardly cheerful, flirted invitingly, skillfully throwing short laughs and smiles. She shot languid eyes with a sly sparkle, shyly lowered her eyelids, naively, childishly, answered “Aha!” The very embodiment of innocence!
“Well, is it necessary?! No face, no skin, but I grabbed these guys!”
The neighbor was amazed.
The conversation of hidden lovers was like the cooing of doves.
“You know the reason why I can’t leave my wife. She doesn’t have much time left to live, be patient!”
“Don’t worry, Lyosha, our child will be fully provided for, just like we will be in the future. Egor agreed to transfer the property to me"
"What? ,-
- the lover was joyfully amazed, -
- And the house too?
“The house first of all, I didn’t even think about it. He loves me madly! Will do anything if I ask!”
“You don’t have enough intelligence to analyze or think?”
“You offend me, Lyosha, instead of praising me!
I immediately realized that his brains are aimed only at the female front!”
“Well, you’ve always been a bitch since school!”
Both of them laughed playfully.
A branch crunched under Liya Nikolaevna’s feet, losing her balance, she fell. The lovers became wary. Leaning on her elbows and heels, the neighbor crawled back into the garden on her back. The woman barely got to her feet only at an abandoned hoe near the garden bed.
“Well, the trees are green, the embroidery is stitched!” she swore, shaking herself off the ground, small twigs, and grass deposits.
What she heard jarred Liya Nikolaevna’s soul; she wanted to tell everything to her neighbor, over whom she had developed a secret guardianship. Having somehow put herself in order, she began to wait for Yegor on the bench by the gate. Irma walked past with a hasty step, casually greeting with a nod of her head. Time passed slowly. Villagers passed by, preoccupied with business, greeting with a nod of their heads or saying a short “hello.” There was no previous openness, ease of communication and behavior. Alienation, concern, isolation from previous relationships appeared. Only the children, it seemed, as in the old days, were playing carefree, having fun, getting into trouble, not paying attention to the adults. Lia Nikolaevna remembered from childhood, curly-haired Yegor, who often clung to his mother; he did not want to part with her for a long time, as if he felt eternal separation. The woman sighed heavily. Before her death, Yegor’s mother baptized her son in the church and there she took the godmother’s word to take care of her godson, which Liya Nikolaevna did. A deathly pale face, with large, gray eyes like Yegor’s, filled with unbearable, deadly torment, looked at her pleadingly. Liya Nikolaevna's heart bled, suffering for the orphan. The boy in orphanage I didn’t give it up, I took care of her until she came of age. Yegor stuck to his godmother and parted with her before the army as if he were his own. He always shared everything with her, but he didn’t consult her about marriage. However, Irma’s ability to “get into” the soul could also cloud her head. How did it happen that because of housing, people so destroyed the moral foundations that flourished in Rus' for millennia? How and where did this come from? This didn’t happen before, it didn’t happen. How can she, a godmother, give up her word given to the deceased? Yegor grew up, but even now, before God, she is his godmother. They openly and brazenly rob a guy, but he doesn’t see or understand it. No, she can't be silent!
Sultry sun rays dimmed, hiding in the approaching sunset. The dusty air began to freshen. The shadow of the spreading tree above the bench thickened. Liya Nikolaevna began to scold herself for wanting to interfere in other people’s family relationships, was just about to leave when Yegor appeared. The heavy tread of the hunched body caused a surge of pity for Yegor in her. The guy did not feel sorry for himself at all, he worked hard to earn money for his family. Irma was unhappy with everything. She either let me in or pushed her away. Seeing a friendly neighbor, Yegor smiled tiredly and approached:
“Good evening, are we resting?”
"We're waiting!"
“Who or what?”
“And who and what! I want to talk to you. It's true, you decided to have your house on
Should I rewrite Irma?
“And how do you know everything? Yes, it's true. I want to fulfill my duty to the child, to insure for the future. You never know what can happen, my child will be provided for!”
“What are you doing? Shell-shocked?
Liya Nikolaevna, why are you always interfering with my family? I know, you are my godmother, you promised my mother to take care of me. My mother died a long time ago, and I am already a grown man, I have a wife and a child. Your head on your shoulders!”
“Is it yours? Your wife is a worthless woman!”
Frowning his eyebrows, Yegor rudely interrupted his neighbor:
“Trash woman, but my woman. Please understand, I don’t need another one. Others make me sick! Our village women have dirt under their nails, their armpits stink, but Irma is all well-groomed, expensive perfume, fashion clothes, refined manners, beautiful speech.!”
“So you’re ruining your life for this? You're zombied by magic"
“Everyone has their own life pattern! You envy someone else’s happiness, your own didn’t happen!”
“Oh, you! , - Liya Nikolaevna gasped, the freckles on her round, hot face appeared as brownish spots, -
Instead of hunching over his mother-in-law’s shouts, he would have looked after his wife! She’s read books on male psychology, she’s making ropes out of you!”
“What do you know about our relationship? I have put her to the test of decency more than once; she is the very embodiment of innocence!”
The indignant neighbor jumped up and slashed the air with her hand in anger:
“He is her test, and she cuckolds him!”
Yegor's nose fluttered barely noticeably and his cheeks flushed. He didn't have time to ask anything. Disheveled Liya Nikolaevna rushed to her gate, dousing the guy with a light breeze of a swift
Having quarreled with her neighbor, Liya Nikolaevna did not see him for several days; on principle, she did not want to make contact. The meeting occurred by chance under strange circumstances. When going outside, she noticed a stranger behind the gate, who was sitting with Irma on a bench, behind her garden. The tall guy diligently hid, clearly waiting for someone. Soon, on the path to Yegor’s house, she appeared fun company mother-in-law, wife and husband. Irma beamed with happiness, sticking her stomach forward, chirping carefree, leaning on her husband’s hand. Yegor walked with the air of a man who had fulfilled a sacred duty. The mother-in-law hid a smile in her thin lips. Seeing them walking, the stranger deftly turned around the corner and walked towards the joyful family. Liya Nikolaevna followed.
Irma exclaimed in surprise, rushing towards the stranger -
Where did you come from here?
-stopped in bewilderment, she quickly explained, -
This is my school classmate, we haven't seen each other for so long! Come to us, you will be a guest! Today is our holiday! My husband Egor has transferred his property to our child! The child has not been born, but is already the owner!”
Yegor extended his hand to his classmate, confirming his wife’s invitation.
“You really are shell-shocked!”
Liya Nikolaevna gasped, pushing her classmate away with her elbow in hostility.
“You are interfering again!”
Yegor stood up, but the neighbor went on the attack. Burning with indignation, she stepped on Yegor’s pregnant wife with her breasts.
“Why are you lying, I saw you and Lyoshka in the forest planting bushes,” she denounced Irma,
-Your lover Lyoshka and his child. They robbed the guy completely, the fanatics! What did they do to the gullible guy? The personality has been erased to the ground! Mommy beat Yegor’s brains with magic artillery, and you helped with deception!” Irma's face showed genuine fear. The face fell. There was barely contained fear.
The young people were confused, but Valentina Ivanovna was not confused: Coarse, black hair short haircut, stood on end, with a broken voice, defending herself, she chopped with words:
“Who are you listening to? The old woman is touched by insanity! Incapacitated. I've been going crazy for a long time, ever since my fiancé was killed! At the military registration and enlistment office, ask how she performed there!”
“Free money has completely atrophied your conscience!” Liya Nikolaevna raged, “the predatory swindlers have conspired!”
The stranger took Irma aside.
“Irka, you shouldn’t worry, calm down!” The amazed Yegor was silent. His eyelids flapped on his pale face, like those of a mechanical toy. The pregnant wife looked warily at her husband and suddenly let out a long, deafening, piercing squeal. His mother-in-law immediately picked him up. In two thin and deafeningly screeching, rattling voices, mother and daughter united into one piercing, stunning sound, cutting the ears and tearing the eardrums of the ears. A powerful storm of heartbreaking screeching attracted the attention of passers-by. Liya Nikolaevna mockingly explained to the curious: “They brought the pigs to slaughter, and so they squeal! They are using a cruel, psychological trick to influence people!”
Many people in the village knew Liya Nikolaevna; her authority and decency reassured passers-by and caused the villagers to make caustic ridicule at those screaming. Irma's exposed belly didn't help either.
“Calm down, Irka, now we’ll call the police, he won’t do anything to you!”
“Not Irka, but Irma!”
Valentina Ivanovna corrected, instantly interrupting the unsuccessful performance. However, the classmate ignored the remark and repeated again:
“Irka, say that your Sucker attacked you because of this gossip
old woman -
Lyoshka turned his strong body towards Liya Nikolaevna, -
“You will answer for libel in court!”
“We’ll see about that later,” the neighbor put her hands on her hips, “
-DNA examination
will show!”
Lyoshka laughed openly.
“You, grandma, are from the old past. Examination, what the drawbar was, where it turned, that’s where it came out! Don’t drift, Irka, I’m with you!”
“Irma!” Valentina Ivanovna corrected again. A classmate mockingly said to her, without even looking in her direction:
“Irka! How do I
I like it, I’ll call it that!”
“I understand how to deal with mommies”
Liya Nikolaevna turned to Yegor. He stood still pale, but already
came to his senses.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this meeting right away, Liya Nikolaevna!”
“So you kept shouting, don’t interfere, don’t interfere!
He blew the dust off Irma, put on a slave collar, didn’t say a word against his mother-in-law, and so he received a reward! You will now sue them! With a man like Lyoshka, mother and daughter will often look around the house for the fifth corner!” A classmate flashed his eyes at his neighbor, the color of an icy, leaden surface.
Liya Nikolaevna just shook her head, as if shaking off an annoying insect.
“We need to figure everything out, maybe the child is mine after all!” Yegor mumbled hesitantly.
“If you don’t understand well, you’ll get in a bad way. I knew you were a sucker, but not to the same extent!”
- Lyoshka grinned in his face. “Police, police..!”,
- Valentina Ivanovna screamed. The scandal was gaining momentum.
The police arrived to the call quite quickly. Having realized what was going on, the police tried to defuse the situation. Lyoshka showed himself in one more way, he became a buffer between the conflicting parties, practically hushed up the quarrel. Valentina Ivanovna immediately assessed the situation, ingratiatingly and helpfully, trying to please Lyoshka. the police left.
On this day, driven to despair and on the verge of suicide, Yegor cried long and bitterly at his mother’s grave. Whether he regretted the honesty and purity of morality instilled in him from childhood, Liya Nikolaevna never understood. She consoled the guy as best she could:
“Apparently, your deceased mother helped you. This family had a goal to destroy you. Being a widow is better than being divorced. Nowadays, old people are sold their youth for financial well-being. The young wife is sick of her wrinkled face, and she confesses her love to the old man, if only he would marry her. It will take a few years, but he will be rich. And the old man is glad that he at least held on to his young body. The baseness and immorality of actions are no longer discussed, they are accepted by society with hidden emotions. The thirst for money is ineradicable.
Chameleon people seem to have been specially bred for our time. Psychics, magic has multiplied by leaps and bounds. There is no punishment for witchcraft; it is impossible to prove it yet. This phenomenon of impact on humans has not been studied. There is a remedy against magic in nature, but it has not been discovered and no one is doing it. I believe that it is a rare person who has not been subjected to foreign influence, and therefore there are many sufferers on earth. That's what I personally think.
The quiet Egor internally agreed with his godmother and felt her words as the consolation of his own mother. We can indeed, his own mother spoke to him through Liya Nikolaevna, she continued:
-You men are greedy for giggles, hahaha, hahaha, the cat purring of languid caresses. They will lull your attention with tricks, bang the trap, the darling is caught! There are many feminine tricks to hook a man! You cannot trust flattering speeches and a mysterious appearance, -
- the godmother affectionately taught, emphasizing her thought,
- your mother-in-law and wife took advantage of your pathological gullibility. They are true chameleons in human form. Like a chameleon, they track down their prey, splashing deadly, enveloping mucus onto the caught object, from which the prey will not be freed, but will be swallowed! You bought into pleasant laughs, smiles, ostentatious, moral spontaneity. I didn’t understand, I didn’t figure it out, I honestly opened up and let a snake into my soul.
So anything happens in life! It was a hard lesson, but apparently you needed it. Don't be upset! There are still a lot of good people! Anything can happen in life!”
- Yegor lived with Liya Nikolaevna all the time for a long time litigation. Mother-in-law and ex-wife admitted that they intended, after the divorce, to evict Yegor from the house. He still won the process, but thoroughly undermined his health.

Orgies in law

A real culture shock awaits the traveler who finds himself in the north of Pakistan on the day of the winter solstice

Yes, wonderful are your works, Lord...

Orgies in law

Some temples in southern India can give a head start to brothels. For example, in the Sundati Temple, the tradition of sacred prostitution has flourished for hundreds of years. During festivals and large gatherings of pilgrims, "jogamma" and "jogappa" - young women and boys - copulate with worshipers in exchange for their donations to the temple. These acts of love are dedicated to the "mother of the world" goddess Yellama. And it happens something like this. Before entering the temple, everyone recites a mantra, leaves offerings to the gods and hides behind heavy drapery. There, believers and ministers of the Yellama cult fall into a trance and, half-oblivious, perform the ritual of “maituna” - “saving intercourse”. After some time, they, “purified and enlightened,” come out of the door on the opposite side of the hall. Needless to say, there is practically no shortage of parishioners at the temple.

A real culture shock awaits the traveler who finds himself in northern Pakistan on the day of the winter solstice. On the eve of a holiday dedicated to the praise of love and fertility, girls and boys from the Kalas tribe compete in ritual profanity. It is believed that evil spirits, having heard the “truth” about the local residents, will lose interest in them and will not plot intrigues. “Verbal orgies” fuel the desire of all participants in the holiday without exception, but any physical contact during this period is strictly prohibited. Only after the day of sacrifice and general revelry arrives, and a hundred sheep are slaughtered in the temple at once, can young men and women indulge in lovemaking with a clear conscience.

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